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THE FACULTY AND THE VVKLSH FASTI\O Gna.ifee British Medical Journal, in a note on the Welsh fasting girl, «avsr—' It ougllt injustice t.0 he made known that the medical gentlemen in London, who w re en rapport With the committee in Wales, kept writing cla;ly to the focal wrrgeorns to guard ae-aipst any symptoms of ex. haustfoYi ifl tir.'? g»rl, and to administer nourish- ment. nolens iMfrii*. *ff<M)d 1 there be any appearance of a serious change in her c'dTldhi(JIi" ALARMING .ACCIDENT is' Ttf* JJt'ntIjh* Lor/i Portman ViieJ; With an alarming '"accident wly.lst huntin'su on Tlinrt«ay., 'The meet was Inear the ^o^n tyouse,) B!*ndfqra St-Mary .The Western G*z».ttean<t airing* Fost sa^s that after tl'r>'»wing off, he.hunting party were crossing sOlDe tiel ts I\hUII t .1 nn'e fro-o th5 town, and in crossing the lane joining the Blandford and Dprches'er Hod B'andford an 1 Pooln turn oik e*, his lordship's horse, In approaching a descent in the tiank by the :side of the road, ma ie a sudden xpritur, striking his lordship's faeo with its head, and throwing hioi violently on the pomin; J of the saddle His lordship wa, at once conv yed to his home, and the family surgeon, Mr Bracot, sent tor, who nt once toun 1 it uece sary to perform an operation. Dr Paget, of London, was also telegraphed for, who on arriving, considered the operation a most suecesstul one. For some time his lordship's life was deapa rbd of; but he is now progressing favourably. A Hambupgh letter, in the Unite sal of Brussels publishes an extraordinary lale 01 a lynx. One of those ani ■ als, roT9 the forests of Lithuania, escaped at the end of last summer from Andrea's menagerie, which whs being exhibited in the above-named city A reward of fifty thaiers wa* offered to any one that should bring back the fugitive alive or dead, but no person ever claimed the promised recompense. A few nights ba"k a sentinel on one of the b.stions of the port of Kiel observed some strange-looking creature twinj issue from the mouth Of a large piece of cannon, and then return. He informed his officer of the fact, and at daybreak the latter looked into .he gun, and cou d see two Aiming eyes glaring at him from the interior. Some difficulty was experienced in drivins: the animal from its ret.rear, hut on aiinstoch dipped in suiphur being introduced in the touch-hole, it sprang out, and was at once despatched with satires. It proved to be the mis«ing wild beast from Hamburg. The most curious part of the story, however, remains to be to'd. This lynx was not the only occupant or thc piece of cannon, but was imme- (finitely followed by a cat and a litter of three, the produce of tfliri eXlraordinary crossing of species. The cubs, with their mother, have been sent to the Zoological Garden ot the town to be re £ rrct. A FATHRR ROBBED oj £500' pr R19 DAUGHTER'S SWBKTHBART,—At the Sheffield 'Fotfn'-h^flf Friday, a young man named Edwar f Stansflola, eaVifyrty^ oft business as a fish-monger in Sheffield, was charged having received, well knowing them to hft*e been stolen, certain- sums of money belonging to Mr W. Shaper, tobacconist and eating-hou-e keeper The facts of the case wete of a very eatraordinary nature. In 1365 the daughter of Mr Shaper became acquainted with the prisoner, and in a sllcfrt time they became engaged. The lather of the vo mg lady & as very much opoosed to the match, and, in order that he might remove his daughter out of her lover'- way, he sent her to1 schcrol in Cjermany, There She remained for two years, photographs being exchanged and a correspondency being kept up between her and S'ansfieid. On her return inlS67 she at once rtnewed her acquaintance with the prisoner. The father, howevtr. maintained his opposition, arid the courtship had to be carried on clandestinely. The prisoner, on the pietence that he was anxious to be settled in business and to be married, prevailed on the young lady to rob her father's nil. This svstem of robberv continlied for six months, the prisoner being supplied every week with sums ranging from £6 to £ 10. Even these arge sums, however, were not su ficient to Supply his warfts, and he Inauced Miss Shaper to obtain tor him the key Of her father's catht»oJ{, that he m'gb.t obtain a duplicate of it. THe rahe key he supplied her with enabled her to obtalifl free access to the cashbox whenever she pleased. Mr Shaper roisSed rtfoney from time to time from his cashbox, but Wax Unable to detect the thipt, until his daughter, in a fit of jealousy, disclosed tbe system of robbery w!)icli hud been goi.ig on for so many months. Mr Shaper, on examining his hooks, found ihat the deficit w!<9(uUy.e501 The prisoner was at once arrested, und the above fact* having been sworn to by Miss Shap-r, the bench refused to allow bail. THE BHBAOJLBANE PKEKAOB.—DKATH OF LIEUT. DOKVLD CAVX'BKI.l —A iligiiiaoder worthy of his clan was. on Thursday, gathered to his lathers. Lieutenant Donald Campbfellj who hail raised himself by several acts of iii.iv|iidity from the ranks of the 5ith K. g rnent of Foot, into which, while quite a youth( he had entered as a volunteer, died on Menday at the bouse of hi. son- ill-Ia" tne Rev Alexander Brunton, of Blackfriars U. P Church. On the Conclusion of the Peninsular war, the battalion to winch Lieutenant Campbell was attached was disbanded, otherwise the probability is that he would have risen to much h gher rank. AN it was, he contrived to live respectably on a moderate pension, his society oeitig relished on account o! his geniality and general information by all who came in contact with hitlJ in the various localities in the west of Scot land, where from time to time the veteran pitched his tent. In history, particularly in that of the Highlands of Sooila' d. he was thoroughly posted up; and in toe language, literate, and music of the G-\i 1, Laving been an enthusiastic stulent, bl8 accjuirem .iits, were extensive. The result of bis labours in ti.at his fauourite fleid of research he gave to the public, a few vears ago, iri a remarkable volume, which tirougnt him the reputation o a Cfaefic sci.olar and critic; b it wbich, as has often happened w.th even more distinguished author*, bad added litila to h;s inoome. Bv the general public the name of L eutenant Campb II was chiefly known as that of a claimant of the Breadalbine estates and peerage, in virtue of his alleged tinjatdesceni from the eldest son of the first earl. The coronet which he coveted, and to which he h ti ved he had a Valied cla m, however difficult (on account ol tbe lapse of tune) "o prove, he was not deBunedtCi Wear; but the claim, we understand, is likely still to ')e p'roeeuted by a respectable legal rfrm in London; 011 heliltll. ot the lieutenant's brother, Mr John Cainpbdlty of Fort Will'am. GtasgoaJ Citizen. The very extensive disti'levy now being erected af Beitast, with all recent improvements, for the manu- acture of Irish Whiskey, by Me»rs DUNVILLE & Co, who have ga <ied a world-wide celebrity for thei' floe oid In-b Whisky, is to be caned the Royal Irish Distillery; Perhaps sonie lady may, who has never used the GLRNFIELD STABCH, do us the hotioor to read this notice. To such lady we would say, dreimn tof at taining excellence in your laundry without it. Yoti cannot make one trial without being convinced that it is unsurpassed for every purpose for Which Starch is used and to those who are particular in getting up fine Laces, Linen, &o,,it is indispensable—mothingean equal it. In dressing gentlemen's Shirts and Collars it adds a rich deep and clear glaze, resisting the humidity of the atmosphere, and impar; ing an Elasticity comfortable to the wearer, and peculiar to this Starch. We strongly commend it to our lady readers who have not yet used it, and can assure them they will have no cause to regret acting on our council. LUXUKIANT AND BEAUTIFUE HAIR.—Mis S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer or Dressing" never fails to quickly restore Gray or Faded Hair to its youth- ful colour and beauty, and with the tirst application a beautiful gloss and delightful fragrance is given to the Hair, it stops Hair frem falling off It presents baldness. It promotes luxuriant growth. It contains neither oil nor dye. In large bottles—Price Sit Shillings. S"ld by all Chemists and Perfumers. For Children's Hair, Mrs Allen's Zylobalsamum far exceeds any nomade or hair oil, and is a delightful Hair Dressing it is a distinct and separate preparat'on from the Restorer, and its use not required without it. De^ot, High Holborp London. 191 THE WONDKRFUL 1NPI.UP.NCB OP MODERN SCIENCE AND ITS RKSULTS IN THE JMPROVlfMENT AND ECONOMY OF DOMESTIC COOKERY.—There is happily no longer any excuse lor cooks sending to taole weak and flavourless SOUP8 or IDRdc dishes without the desired piquancy, find h is to be hoped that those uiipala aVe aam.es the chief ingredients of which were hot water and cayenne pepper (the latler to the ulterdlscallltiture of throat and stoma- L) w lf henceforth be things of the pasi. Liehiit Company's Extract of meat manure, ured under the control o: Baron Liebig the inventor, and warranted perfect and genuioe by him, as perj his certificate and signature on everv package (or joH) is now selling retail at lis l'b. pot; (h Jib 3s 2d £ lb Is 9d 2 oz. One pound of this Extract Otma the meat inaedlent sufficient to produce about 70 pints ot the best beef tea, its present moderate price fully recommends its iriaf to all householders, no. only on iccount of its relaiive cheapness to butcher's meat ('t requires 34 lb of lean fresh beef or at 9<1 oer Ib, 2S8 6d expense, besides great trouble ana bkiII, to make one oound of Liebig Company's Extract), but tor its great convenience and usefulness in possessing that inestimable quality of immutability—keeprig unimpaired as to "renjlth of thvonr for any lengtu time, even after the jar has been opened. The saving, au £ rcat conveuience a must be otto cooks, cannot be overrated. A small idoiiion 01 it to any soup, meat, or game pie, made dish ir fauee, imparls ihe tine^ meat flavour, and tmpioves (lilten ntly cooked dishes, so as to render them quite palatable. The origi nal imenunn of Baron Liebig to 'ing this Exiract ot meat wi oi l the reach of the t'on, hat uow becu completely te.nised.J 72


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