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ROYAL NATluiSAL LIFE-BOAT bS1I'1 u nor-; PATRONESS Hf-r, Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. feUrrORTVD BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS. ST. D A V, I D I S [BRANCH. PATROt The Ri >,ht; Rer.^the Lord Bishop of St. David's. PRESIDENT The Rev. Canon Richardson. LOCAL COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT. J Williams, £ -q Chairman W. P. Propert, Esq Rev. Dr. J n.s E- Reps. Esq W. Will «n>r, Esq D. P. Williams., jun, Esq ('apt J R. T. Mortimer, Esq Capt. J. n iv^es I Mr D. Perkins G. 0« en Williams, Esq Mr H. Bowen; jun Rev C. J "Miss Capt. Oakley Rev, G. Williams Capt. Jenkins Dr. Howell | Mr T. M. Rees W. Ha-, ries, E-q | Mr Henry Rees Banker of Rnyal National Life Boat Institute— Messrs "Willis, Percival & Co., 76, Lombard Stn-st, I L ndon E.C. Bankers of the Branch.-MeMra Walters & Co, Haver- ford west. Treasurer—W. Watts Williams, Esq. Honorary Secretaries. Henrv Hicks, Esq, Charles Br )wne, Esq. Collector. —Mr W. Simons. ,wains of the Life B^at.—Copt. D. Hicks, Mr W. Simons. APPEAL. As the frightful and heartrending circnrasKnces attending Shipwreck are so well known to all, and are so calculated to excite the sympathy of everv humane nerson hut r«peciallv of those who reside on the wast, the Local Committee feel that they might only weaken their apreal by adding any reasonings of their own on Thev^ are, however, happy to be in a position to state rhat thioiigh the Rpyal National Life Boat Institution, the cort, sinnunting to JE420. of the St Divid's new Life Boat and transporting carnage will be presented to the loc ality by Lord Dartmouth and his tenantry, on crnditi' V. th«t some assistance towards the expense, say f200 of a substantia a^d commodious boat bouse, and fubscrirtions of from £ 15 to £ 20 a year to help to meet the purely cal expense of the wigwams* salaries, and of the crew for practising in the life boat every quarter he collected in our town and its vicinity. The Parent Institution in London will pay all expenses of rewards to the crew of our life boats for saving or attempting to line life also the cost of repairs, painting, replacement of gear. &c, on the life boat ealablishment. The Loral Committee, having received the promise of euch valuable assistance from the Parent Institution in London in aid of their own exertions, are anxious that the inhabitants of St David's and its neighbourbood should so far as possible, have the satisfaction and the credit of helping to maintain, by their own exertions and from their own resources, a life boat for affording succour to those unfortunate persons who may be cast ,wsy on our shores. Without, however, the pecuniary assistance and the hearty general co-operation of the people of St David's and its neighbourhood, and Pembrokeshire at large, their objects and th-se of the Society cannot be carried out in this place. The Local Committee, therefore, earnestly appeal to the benevolent people of St David's, and its neighbourhood generally, to aid them in this necessary and philanthropic undertaking. Contributions in aid of the first cost of this Life Boat Establishment, and of its future permanent main- t(T\anoe arc earnestly solicited, and will be thankfully reived nt the Bankers of the Branch Institution, and by all the members of the Local Committee, from whom every information can be obtained. N.P.-Thf Bishop of St David s, and J. H. Scourfield, Efq, M.P. have each given a donation of £10. DINNEFORD'S FLUID MAGNESIA. For Thirty years the Medical Profession have approved of this pure solution as the best remedy for ACIBTTY OF THE STOMACH. HEARTBURN. HEADACHE, GOUT, AND INDIGESTION, A,h' a mi' Anerient for delicate constitutions, espt ,;q;lv Wanted for Ladies, Children., and Infants. W II. n con bined with the ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. It forms a mngf agreeable effervescing draught, in which Its aperient and cooling qualities are much increased In warm>e»-or>s and warm climates, this simple prf paration, when taken REGULARLY, has been foun. highly beneficial. '1 D I N N E F 0 R D & CO., Chemists, &c, I 172, New Bond Street, London; !zoid by all respectable Chemists throughout he World. CAUTION. See that 41 Dinneford k Co," is on each hottleand red label over each cork. T^IECTRICITY IS LIKE. Thi- heading, formerly it used tir MR PULVERM ACHER, is adopted by thers for deceptive purposes, as shown beneath. Eler- tririty certainly produces an extraordinary vitalizing Influence ard regenerative action on the debilitated organs, hut this can alone be effected by genninp stppli- unces Mich as pulvermaeher's Patent Improved VOLTA- ELECTRIC CHAIN-BANDS. BELTS. &c. which are the only really electric self-applicable flexible Batteries. Their extiaordinary efficacy gave them a wide reputation, of which quack doctors take advantage by means Of advertisemeots, teeming with falsehood. In support of their so cnlled electric articles and other pretended specific remedies, and calculated to entrap unsuspecting patients, and then to victimise them by deleterious medicines, intimidation, and gross extortion. The truly marvellous < fflcacy of the above in a great variety of dis- eases, as set forth In numerous authenticated Reports and Testimonials of Cures from most eminent prac- titioners and patients (see pamphlet, sent post-free) is further guaranteed by A TEST SENT ON LOAN, if required, to distinguish the genuine from the spurious electric contrivances advertised by these impostors, styling themselves electricians, doctors to hospitals! &e &c, and yet disguising themselves under ever. changing aliases. Single Chain-Bands from 59 to 22s; set esneoiallv combined for restoring impaired vital -enfrev trnm 30" to 60s. J. L. PULYERMACHER, Galvanic Establishment, 200, Regent Street, W, London. GA LVANI8M.—RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC and Gouty Pains. Nervous Debility, Fqnctiona Disorders, Paralysis, Chronic Rheumatism, Indigestion Liver Complaints, Nervousness, Want of Power and Vitality, Sluggish Circulation, Sleeplessness, Epilepsy, Nervou3 Deafness, and many other inverterate ailments sre most successfully treated (without shock or pain) by PULVERMACHER'S IMPROVED PATENT VOLTA ELECTRIC FLEXIBLE BANDS, BELTS, AND CHAIN BATTERIES, which by their wonderful efficacy and simplicity have rendered Calvinism a self- applicable, speedy, and safe remedy, defying comparison. They are the only kind the efficiency of which is RC- knowledged in the scientific press, and certified by the most eminent members of the faculty in England and ahroad-viz Sir C. I,ocock, Bart., M.D.; Sir William Ferguson, Bart.s Sir J R. Martio.M.D.; Dr Sieveking, MD. ■ Dr Handfield Jones, Physician to St Mary's1 Hospi'tal; Dr A. Clarke, Physician to the London Hos- pital &c. Their astonishing curative power* confirmed br twenty years' successful experience, are testified by a ho*t of authentic reports of remarkable cures, com- piled in a pamphlet, sent post free. Real Electric Belts and Chain Bands, 5s to 22s, according to electric power. Combined Voltaic Bands, for restoring impaired vitalirv, 30s to 40s. New Patent docket Batteries from zC3 to £4 (complete). Apply to J. L. PULVERMACHER, Pa- tentee, Galvanic Establishment, 200, Regent-street, London, W., where the original documents can be if- spected. and the effects of the apparatus tried before purchase. o I V E N A W A V. ril O the DEBILITATED.—DR. SMITH, tbeCEI/E- I BRATED PHYSICIAN lor the cure of NERVOUS DEBILITY, continues to send by post, free of charge, a copy of bis valuable work, THE WARNIOTPVoICK Cr.0 aces) a Medical Work on the Cure by MEDICINE NLY of Nervous Debility Painful Dreams, Mein.w and Physical Depression, Palpitations of the 11 p.nt. Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision; Impaired ,I.:¡gh Bud Memory. Indigestion, Loos of Energy and Appet ■ < Pains in the Back and Timidity, Self-Distrust, DIUSIU' Love cf Soli, ude, Groundh S8 Fear", &c. This import book contains the PRESCRIPTION*1* and INSTR TIONS by which MANY THOUSANDS of Dr. bos patients have been restored to health and vigour, 8! Electricity and all other FALSKLT-CALLKD remedies had failed. Sent free, under seal, to any address, on receipt ct two postage stamps. CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER WITHOUT FEE. DR. SvllTH will, on rec«ivirg i, wr ttet. statement of the pattern's case, be most happy to «end er.ituitous y lor tbe beneth. (f Iho, suffering from Nervous Debiliiy, Exhaustion, and all diseases treated 0' in his work, etter of tdtice, giving plain dJlectlonl jor the m-ars of cure, £ dress, Dr SUIIBL, 8, Butiop Cresceot, LaodoT), W, p24 THOMAS JONES, MARBLE AND STONE MASON, MEI:LIN'S. HILL, HAVERFOHLWEST. ISOM' sIK VTS, TOMBS, AND lIE ADS TONES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS READY FOR INSPECTION. WINDOWS OF BATH AND OUHER STONE, AND ALLj KINDS OF CHURCH WORK. MARBLE AND STjONE CHIMNEY PIECES-, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ANTIQUE AND MODERN. DRESSED MASONRY IN ALL iT-<? HRANCHES, EXECUTED OF THE MOST REASONABLE M/S. Estimates Given for all Descriptions of Marble and Stone Work. 190 ESTABLISHED 1812. H. AND T. PROCTOR Invite the attention of Agriculturist to their SPECIAL BONE MANURES. Which are of a superior quality, and the most economical that can be osed. PROCTOR'S TURNIP MANURE I PROCTOR'S WHEAT MANURE, PROCTOR'S MANGOLD MANURE, I PROCTOR'S BARLEY MANURE, PROCTOR'S POTATOE MANURE, | PROCTOR'S GRASS MANURES. BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME Full particulars sent free by post on application to Messrs Proctor, or their Agents. A DR E S S.-H. AND T. TROCTOR, AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTS, „ C A T H A Y, BRISTOL. WORKS,—BRISTOL, BIRMINGHAM, CHESTF* AND WARWICK. AGENTS:— Mr Henry Stratton, Milton. Pembroke ( | MCSRJS tfavles Brothers, Drefacb, Llanybyther Mr T Parker, Cardigan I Mr John N. Evans, Aherayron Mr W. Vaughan, Fishguard j Mr John Davies, Aberystwith it 4HBT0 1 J ft ■ I■ r n Wn g* »TaTTB mA 111 3AFETY THE PUBLIC ARE CAUTIONED AGAINST DANGER tJ ON 0 ""S I s CARSONS aMp A I NT, PATKONISKD BT HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN, THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT, I THB COLONIAL GOVERNMENTS, J RAILWAY and CA*al COKPAHIM, THU INDIAN GOVKENMBNT, | THE RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT, | COLLIEBHS, IRON MASTERS, SC., 7,000 OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, For all kinds oI OUT-DOOR WORK, And is proved, a test of upwards of 70 yeara, to surpass any-other Paint. It is especially applicable to Iron Roofing, I—~ Fencing, Farm and other Buildings, Bridges, Hurdling, Farm Implements, CarU and Wagons, Gates, &c. &c., and all exposed work, effecting a Saving of more than 50 per cent., aa it is cheaper, and lasts twice as long as Genuine White Lead or any other paint, and CAN BE LAID ON BY UNSKILLED LABOUR. It is sold in a fine powder. Will keep any length of time. No grinding, tinting, straining, or dryera ar« necessary. It requires simply to be mixed with Oil Mixture," according to "Directions for Use, and »« some time avoiding the objection# to ail paints sold m xed ready for use.' Per Cwt. COLOURS. PerCwt. "WHITE BRIGHT RED LIGHT STONE ) DARK RED BATH STONE CHOCOLATE CREAM COLOUR 80A. «>ITICORROSIOLAR\ PURPLE BROWN .« 1 L GHT PORTLAND STONEL F PAIMT ITTZIA BLACK 1 PORTLND STONE BROIWE GREEN •« BUFF (FOR STABLES). \WALTTR*EARSONFE^R BRIGHT GREEN J OAK COLOUR ) MEDIUM GREEN T EAD COLOUR ( 28S- DEEP GREEN ( L,EAA COLOUR J NMA»O«R »WIOH«II« MAU. J LIGHT LEAD OR SLATE 28S. — — BLUE J Prepared Oil Mixture for the Anti-Corrosion. Oils, Turpentine, Varnishes, Brushes, &o. CARSONS' PAINT, For PUBLIO EDIFICES, MANSIONS, VILLAS, and every kind of Brick, Stone, Compo, &o., is unrivalled, and in the only Paint that will effectually resist the rays of the sun upon Conservatories, Greenhouses, Frames, &c. 8 Cwt. delivered CARRIAGE FREE to all RAILWAY STATIONS in the United Kingdom. Patterns and Testimonials sent Post Free on application. No AgenU. WALTER CARSON & SONS, LA BELLE SAUVAGE YARD, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, E.O.; And 21, BACHELOR'S WALK, DUBLIN. ONS" P A I NT. 'I -f S i This wonderful Ointment acts like magic in the cure of old wounds, sores, and t I ulcers however inveterate. It's effect is marvellous in cases of paralysis, contracte H I or stiff joints, and in stoppage of the water or disorders of the kidneys it is unequalled g 8 ASTHMA J^ISTJD BEONCHITIS- H I THIS CLASS OF CASES, INCLUDING SORE THROATS, BAD COUGHS, AND COLAS MAJ BE JNFAUL- H r' I bly CUI-ED by w ell rubbing this remedy twice a DAY on the breast, throat, and CNEST. B I BAD IIIEJCTS BAD 3BBASTS, ETC. 1 I IN MANY HOSPITALS IN EUROPE THIS CELEBRATED REMEDY IS NOW IN GENERAL USE. | I IN SPAIN, PORTUGAL, AND IN ITALY, THE PHYSICIANS REGULARIY PRESCRIBE ITS VISE (OR | E SORES AND ULCERS. SAILORS, SOLDIERS, EMIGRANTS, AND MINERS FIND IT MOST NN ALUABLO. G TT~MT JL.T XSIMI _A-3RND S"WIE3LEJXJIIIT\RC3^S- S To sufferers from racking pains this Ointment is priceless. It reduces inflam- S v mations and swellings, removes all pain, and restores natural circulation. H IMPBITDEIRCBS OF YOTTTHL. Certain old sores and swellings can be effectually cured by the joint agency N | j of Hollo way's Ointment and Pills, if used according to the printed directions. 1 The Ointment and PiTls should be used conjointly in most of the following cases: 1 Asthma. Eruptions PHes Sore Heads. B I Bad Legs. Glauds, Enlargement of Rheumatism Tic Doloureux Bad BrLts Gout Scrofula Wheezing, with difficulty | SRONCHITIS LUMBAGO SORE THROATS BREATHING N I KIR CA UTION:—KONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS'THE WORDS HNLLOWAY, LONDON," ARE | DISCERNIBLE AS A 'WATER-MARIE IN.EVERY LEAF OF THE BOOK OF DIRECTIONS W IC WAY 1 BE PLAINLY SEEN BY HOLD NR? IT TO THE LIGHT.—*#* SOLD AT THE MANUFACTCIY O RO ES. TAJ I SOR HOLLO WAY, 244, STRAND, LONDON, AND BY ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINE, M PO S A L, IS. 1 HD., 2S. 9D., 4S. 6D., LIS., 22S,. AND 33S.—THERE IS A CONSIDERABLE SAVING BY M | TAKING THE LARGER SIZES.—VERY CCPIOUJ DIRECTIONS FOR USE ARE AFFIXED TO EACN POT. |L nw -1 n." { .> PATENT ^^CALVAillC^ CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, AND POCKET BATTERIES. rrHEBE HIGHLY IMPROVED INVFNTIONS JL render Electricity ptrfectly self-applicable, in a mild continuous form, and extremely efficacious, no shock or unpleasant sensation twmg experienced, whereby it becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing AGONISING pains, reanimating torpid limbs, reviving the tdnggish functions of life, and im- parting renewed energy rind vitality to constitutions enfeebled hy various influences. The daily increasing number of cnr-4 effected bv PULVER'fACHER'S MEDICO-GALVAN IC SYSTEM i.; so extensive and varied, Hint it forcibly points to this invention &» the embryo of AUNIVERSIUL remedy. HE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY signed by THE L elite of the English medical faculty has been re- ceived We, the ONDERS'GNEI^ mucK pleasure in T est lying that M r J. L. PUL V R R VIACH E R'S-* rt-cent improvemeivi in his Voltaic Batteries" "and Galvanic Appliances for Medical Pur-" 4L POIES are at PRTMT importance to ScienttSo" It Medicine, And thllt he is entit'ED to the con-" "slderation and ^APP^RT of everyone disposed" ''to tuiber the advancement of real and useful It progress. D»>ed this 9:h day of Marcb, 1866." "SIR CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., MD., F.R C.P." "SIR HKNRY HOLLAR U. B«T, M.D.F.RS," "SIR WM. FEROUSSON, Bar?., F.RS." "EOWD H. S1EVEKISG, M.D F.RC.P." "Sift J. RANALD MARTIN, F.R.C.8." PUL VERM AC HE R'S SYSTEM is also approved of p tiy an official report 0: the Acadeniie de Medicine, Paris; Royal Society of London; Royal College oi Physicians, L.ondon* and the Imperial Faculty of Vienna; and its curarive virtues are confirmed by thou- sands of private testimonials ot cures effected.—(See Pamphlet gratis.) These facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail bimsell of this scientific and curative PROGRESS, to which the inventor has devoted a lifetime of study and labour, as an ardent disciple of that great benefactor of mankind, the late illustrious electrician, MICHAEL FARADAY, FULVERMACHER'S MEDICO GALVANIC 1) CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine. restriction of dirt, or the lea,'t derangement of the patient's habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rheumatism TictJoloreux Sluggish Circulation Gout Indigestion Urinary Disorders Sciatica Deafness Paralysis Lumbaito Spasms Epilepsy Neuralgi,t Female Complaints Nervous Debility Hn d & Toothache Constipution I uttetional Disorders Liver Complaints Cramp &c., &c. The effects of the application of PULVERM ACH ER'S CHAINS in any of the above disorders it immediately perceptible-the relief of pain instantaneous, PRICE LIST of PULVERM ACH ER'S GALVANIC CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS,and BATTERIES. B. CHAIN-BAND for Nervous Deafness, Head, Tooth, and Face Ache, and Noises in the Head.21s to 30s. B. CHAIN-BANDS for Loss of Voice and other tffee- tions of the Throat IDS 611 to 21s N. CHAIN-BANDS for Sciatica, Rheumatic, Neuralgic, and Gouty Pains, Local Paralysis, Cramp, &c. 18* to 22S, and 40s B. CHAIN-BANDS for Lumbago, IndigestIOn, Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, Nervous Debility, &c, worn as a Belt 22S to 40S AND 558 B. CHAIN-BANDS for Writer's Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c 22s to 30S, and 40s B. COMBINED CHAIN-BAND for Central Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility, Functional Disorders, &c 30S to 60s A complete Set of COMBINED CHAIN-BANDS, BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vital Energy to £6 No Galvanic Bands or Belts are genuine but those bearing thejnctimile of J L. P UL VER,VA CLIER'S signwupe on thetfabel CAUTION -A PERPETUAL INJUNCTION in CHANCERY, dated 18th August, 1869, was granted to J. L. PDLVBRMACHKR against ALFRED BARROWS, alias C. D. HAMMOND, alias H&NRY JAMES, alias C. T. RAFHEY, their assistants, agents, and servants, restraining the said person or persons, under a penalty ofjEMOO, from deceitfully advertising Belts, &c, delusively representing them as electric. This decree is printed in extr.nso in PIJLVFRMACHER'S PAMPHLET of Testimonials qod Reports of cures containing other valuable information, sent post free on application to the Sole Inventor and Patentee J. L. PULVERMACHER, GAL VANIO ESTABLISHMENT, 192 200, REGENT STREE r, LONDON, W. AMENDMENT OF THE SALMON FISHERIES IN THE COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. Present Subscribers to the Amendment of the Salmon (Fisheries in the County ot Pembroke. £ a. d. W. Walters, Esq 5 0 0 J. H Scourfield, Esq 5 0 0 W Fortune, Esq 2 10 0 John Stokes, Esq 5 0 0 Kev C. H Barham. 1 0 G. R. G. Rees, Esq. t 0 J. L. G P.Lewis, Esq 11 Rev, Mr Jones 0 10 1 CoionelPeet. 10 0 M. A. Saurin, Esq 1 0 0 Mr John Brown 110 C. E. Bowen, Esq 1 T) 0 E. T. Massy, Esq 11 « H. Leach, Eaq ;& R. P. Davies, Esq i- Q 0 CaptChambers. 1 10 Major Willan 1 1 C S Harford, Esq 1 1 0 Rev. R. Lewis. 0 10 0 Capt Worthington 100 J. O. T Edwardes, Esq 100 Capt 0. Edwardes. 110 W. Davies, Esq 1 1 0 Georee Le F^INTE. Esq 100 Rev J. H. A.THILIPP8 110 Archdeacon CLARKE 100 Rev. J. Tombs 100 T. T. Edwardes. Esq 100 Mrs Edwardes. 220 Baron de Kutzen 200 Capt Gower 330 John Harvey, EEQ 110 R. Llewellin, single donation. 500 Rev. Mr Chandler 110 Alfred Starbuck, Esq 0 10 0 M Owen, Esq. 5 0 0 Colonel Edwardes, M. P. 500 Thomas Meyrick, Esq 100 W. M. PHILLfPS Cler,, Board. Ik TRADE MARK. PURE AND UNADULTERATED. IMPORTANT TO DAIRYMEN AND CHEESEFACTORS, B. J. F U L L WOO f) & Co's (Late R. J. Fullwood & Bland's) HIGHLY CELEBRATED FLUID EXTRACT OF ANNATTO, FOR COLOURING CHEESE AND BUTTER. RPHIS valuable article is prepared from the finest L quality of the true Vegetable Annatto only, war- ranted pprfectly pure, innocuous, and FREE FROM ANY ADULTERATION WHATEVER; it will he found the most convenient and certain preparation for the purposes of colouring Cheese and Butter; prorluces a rich golden tint, so much esteemed in the London and other great markets, WITHOUT injury to their natural flavour, or discolouring the Whey Butter, with half the usual trouble to use, and the certainty of colouring the whole Dairy of Cheese or Butter alike; is free from sedi- ment, will immediately incorporate or mix with the Milk or Cream. It has now been4 Introduced upwards of thirty years, and has obtained a considerable repute in the North and West of England, where it is used by the laree*t and most experienced Fanners, and Is also in general demand in the Dairies of Scotland, Ireland. Holland, and Ger- many. IN COLOURING BUTTER it will be found by far superior and much cheaper than any other article n use for that purpose. FKEPARED ONLY BY R. J. FULLWOOD & Co., ANNATTO WORKS, SOMERSET PLACE, HOXTON, LONDON, Importers, Successors, ana Sole Manufacturers of the Original Fullwood's Annatto. Established 1785. To prevent Fraud, our Annattos are stamped as above, an e. bear odt Trade Mark-a Stag with Olive. bran( h. Sold by all respectable Druggists, Grocers, and Cheese- factors throughout the kingdom in Battles of fall ir ea.mre Quarts 5s: Two Quarts, 10s; f in's. 2< 9d f ilalf Pints, Is 9d £ Quarter4Pints, kl6; £ &nc|itlaU-qumu;rP>ntN fid ach. M anci ox a term security. It, 5 per cent. A mortgage of fr hold or leasehold prope. cent. No commission charged.—Apply Russell, E-q. late W. Wood, Ellq. Solicitor, J, place, London. S.E. Established 1839. 223 BILIOUS and Liver Complaints, Indigestion, Sick Headache, Loss of Appetite, Drowsiness, Giddi- non, Spasms, and all Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, are quickly removed by that well known remedy FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. They unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the most sue- oepstij I effect and where an aperient is required nothing ean be better adapted. SfJld by all Medicine Venders, price 18 lid aod s2 9d per box BENSON'S WATCHES CLOCKS GOLD JEWELLERY Of all kinds. qf all kinds. Of the Newest Designa. Lever Drawing-Room Bracelets Horizontal Eining-Room Brooches Chronometer Carriage Ear-rings Keyless Church Lockets Keyless Church Lockets Chronograph I Hall and Shop Necklaces Mr BENSON, who holds the appointment to H.R H. the Prince of Wale«, has just published two Pamphlets, enriched and emhelli hea with Itiustra ions—one upon Watch and Clock Making, and the other upon ArtUtic Gold Jewellery. These are sent post free for 2d each. Persons living. in the country or abroad ean seleot the article required, and have it forwarded with perfect safety. 25, Old Bond Sfteet; and the City Steam Works, 58 & 60, » Lndgate Hill, London. 117 CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S PREPARED SOUPS, IN PINT AND QUART TINS, READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE. Mock Turtle, Ox Tail, Jxxlllenne, Real Turtle, Mulligatawny, Hare, &o, &c. Retail of all Grocers and Italian Warehousemen Whole- sale of the Manufacturers, CROSS AND BL4CKWELL, PURVEYORS TO HER MAJESTY, SO HO SQUARE, LONDON. 276 276 FOR SAFETY IN DIPPING, OR POURING SHEEP, USE ] HARDWICCE, GUERXN Co's GLYCERINE DIP. A CERTAIN Cure and Preventive of" Scab." Deadly A to all Insect and Parasitic Life.. Enables Sheep to rest, well and thrive. Free from all Poisons detrimental to Man and Livestock. It improves the growth and quality of the wool. adding weight and lustre. Price 6d per Ib, 1 lb for 6 sheep or 6 lambs. Pamphlet, with particulars and testimonials of leading analysts and farmers, post free, on application to Hardwicke, Guerin & Co, Sole Manufacturers and Exporters, 60, Mark Lane. E.C Works, Doll Street, Limehouse, E. Sample Keg of 201b for 100 sheep sent (paid) to all Railway Stations for 10s 64. 295 AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. /^°^\ 1 KIN LOCH's CATALAN. II Crown Red Catalan 20s per doz1 'Crown" White „ 20s j Diamond" Red „ 17s „ > • i I j Diamond • White 17s f *noluded. Star" ( Red & While) 15s „ j The Red Wine, fnll-bodied, delicious, fruity Port flavour. The 41 White" exquisitely delicate, rich and nutty, equal to Madeira These Wines are recommended by medical men as the most strengthening ever known. Agent for HaverfordwestE. H. ELLIS, 94, Dew- street. O'LUNYKB'S Claret, 12s 6d per dozen, bottles included- our label. T. HINE & Co's old Cognac Brandy, at 4t per bottle, bottled in France, is the finest at the price-our label. C. Kinloch & Co, Bucklesbary London. KINLOCH'S CATALAN First introduced and so named by as in 1862. We are the Sole Proprietore and Importers of KINLOCH'S genuine CATALAN. The word Catalan is our Registered Trade Mark. tIThe enormous demand for this iuvaluable Wine has induced some Wine Merchants to offer for sale under the name of Catalan, Wine not resembling Kinloch's Cata- lan in quality. Note that Kinloch's genuine Catalan is sold in bottles with Belts' Capsule and our Trade Mark. 0. KINLOCH and Co., 14, Barge Yard Chambers Bucklersbury, London. DEPILATORY. WELLS' DEPILATORY is the only effectual remedy for tbe immediate and permanent re- moval of superfluous bair from the face, arms, neck, &c. This preparation effects its puurpase almost instanta. neously, without pain or injury to the most sensitive skin. Full particular on receipt of a stamped directed en- velope. JOHN WELLS, 113, Euston-street, near Hampstead-road, London. N.B.—Hundreds of Testimonials have been received fro" thenoMlity and ladies of rank who have tried the marvellous remedy. 60 HEALTH AND HAPPINESS FOR THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. A SINGLE copy of a new medical work, written by one of the most eminent medical men ot tbe present (iliy. solely for the guidance and bene6t of that ciaas of sufferers whose affections are often self-inflicted, and who desire a speedy and private cure. For such sufferers this work Is intended, showing a certain means of cure in all cases of nervous debility, relaxation, organic or local weakness, langnnr, biashintf, debiiity, and various other nervo is symptoms; also showing how all the so calied impediments to marriage may be effectually removed; with numerous illustrative cases of parties who have been restored to the blessings of health by following the advice laid down in this work. Sent free to any address, on receipt of stamps to pre-pay postage. Address to the Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham* CAUTION.—Parts of the above bo-k have been copied by several quacks. Per"ons should be careful in whose hands they intrust their health, and read this work before applying to any one. 107 Just Published, free by Pott 4 Stamps, TEETH,»AND PAINLESS DENTISTRY, BT EEpCABR/ £ ^TREOLD ESTABL^^D^J LONDON, 66, HARLEY STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE. MESSRS. GABRIEL arc particularly successful in T iVi their system of ARTIFICIAL TERTH, which they tis firmly in the mouth by means of an ELASTIC GUM, without springs, painlessly, and without any operation.'— Herald, We have much pleasure in recommending the work to our readers.'—Bucks Chronicle. 1 Invaluable to Clergymen, Public Orator, and Invalidss. Court Journal. LIVERPOOL. 13 4, DUKE STREET LONDON PARLEY STREET. W. I.U«L>un,J64> lu1>GATE HILL, EC. ERIGHTON, 38, NORTH STREET. Attendance Daily. *„* One visitjonly required from connfry patients ijgT GABRIEL'S GU rTA PERCHA ENAMEL Yoor"ipgl)etoyedteetb, free by pett 20 stamps. AGKMT. —ZL— = T R E E T, P T IIT STJSAJU E ■^S WRMREA TIC Via New'MIm^UTh OF Daily re, lmilik The Milford H -6er pany's Royal Mail mitting— J n0* At 1.40 a.m, on arrival of enable passengers to proce Limerick, Cork, &c. FROM WATEritpE D. At 4 p.m. on arrival of the train from Cork, Limerick, so as to enable passengers to proceed by the 2.0 a. reaching London at 11.15 a.m. For further particulars apply to any of the Railway Stations, or to Messrs Jackson & Co, New Milford, South Wales. «* STEAM COMMUNICATION I' BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, & BRISTOL For the Month of OCTOBER, ;86S. The Liverpool and Bristol Channel Steani if arigation Company* Steam Ships SAVSREIOK, Capt, Gibbs WiNDUvsas, Capt. J. Barrett MONTAGU, Ca/»t Speakman AXNIKVKRNOV,CAPT Campbett JAKE BACON, ^APT. Work J. KKKNEDT, Capt. Alien ARTIZAN, Capt. Capt Rouiston AONBS JACK, Capt. Styles Li.KWXLI.YK, Capt. Tallan Plamtaqk¥kt, Capt Old MILVOBD (Building) The above, or eome other suitable vessel, is intended toea. with Goods and Passengers, (unlessprerentedby any unforeseen tocurrenct) as follows, with or without pilots, and libertyto tow Teased :— From Liverpool to Milford and Bristoi. Saturday Oct 2 7 EVEN I Saturday 16 7 even Saturday 9 12 noon • Saturday 23 11 mom Saturday, October SO, 51 even. From Milford tor Bristol. Sunday, Oct 8 1 ijfter Sunday 17 1 after Sunday. 10 6 morn I Sunday 24 5 morn Sunday, October 31, 12 noon. From Milford for Liverpool. Wednesday Oct 6. 10 night | Wednesday 20 11 night Wednesday 13 4 after | Wednesday— 27 2 after The Steam Barge GIPSEY is intended to ply on the Milfor d Haven, in connection with the above Steamers, carrying goods to and from Pembroke Dock, Haverfordwest, and the adjacent towns. I-ARKS:— Cabin. Deck. letvrn "lltc.rd to ortrom LiTerpool.JSs Od lis Od 18s Milflrrd to or FW M Bristol |G 6d 6s Od ISs Sfllfcrrt to or ft >tn Swansea (Mumbles) St Od 3S Od — NOTIOK.—TH. landing and tmbarcation of Goods or Passen- gers at Milford, by whatever conveyance, whether at the es- sence of the Steamer, or otherwise, is at the risk of the Passec- gers Lad the Owners of the Goods respectively. For further particulars see small bill, or apply to John Bacrn and Co., Managing Owners, 14, Water-street, Liverpool; G. H Evans, Bristol; Charles Lamb, Swansea; John Kenworthy and go., Manchester. D. HORE Aoiejrr PEMBROKESHIRE AND HAVERFORDWEST INFIRMARY. ONTRIBUTIONS, 1 8 6 9. THE Secretaries of tbe above Institution beg most J. gratefully to acknowledge, the receipt of the tol- lowing sums, and would at the same time respectfully urge upon the attention of those Clergymen, Dit-senting Ministers, and others In the Connty, who have not yet made collections on bebali of this Institution for the Eresent year, tbe pressing and many claims which it as on their sympathy and support. £ s. d. Collection In Jeffreyston Charcb, per Rev J. D. Palmour 119 Ditto after Lecture In Milford National School Room. ] 10 8 Donation'by Mrs Philipps, of Picton Castle. 500 Collection in Tabernacle Chapel, Milford, per Mr WM Garrett 1 13 6 Ditto in Baptist Chapel, Broad Haven, per Mr J. Cook 0 9 2 Ditto IN St Ilbmael's and Dale Churches, per RERS. W. SANDERS 5 0 0 Ditto In Middle Mitt Baptist Chapel, per Mr Henry JENKINS 2 2 81 Cattle Show Premiame. 3 0 0 Donation trom Mr W. J. Roberts, CREAMSTON 050 Ditto ditto 0 0 2 Collection In PENALLY Church, per Rev Pre- bendary Hughes, vicar. 5 5 3 Donation (4tb) trom Richard LLEWELLIN, Ebq, Tregwynt 25 0 0 COLLECTION in Tabernacle Chapel, Haverford- WEST, per Rev H. C. Long. 5 0 0 Collection in Llawhaden Churob. per Her Danie) JONES 240 Do in Bletheriton do, per Rev David Thomas 15 3; Do in Hubberston do, per Rev J B. Rowlands 500 Do in Prendergast do. per Rev F. Foster. 200 Do In Moravian Chapel, Haverfordwest, per Rev J. Eberle 1 10 6 Donation from a Poor Man 0 10 Do a fine 0 1 0 Collect on in Freystrop Church, or RevJack- son Taylor I 17 81 Do in Egremont Church, pet Rev James Phillips 0 10 0 Collection in Saint Florence Church, per Rev G. W BIRKETU 249 Donation from Mr CHARLES Payne, BILLIARD RoolU. HAVERFORDWEST 0 10 6 Collection In Prendergast Church, per Rev Francis Footer 200 Do In St Catherine's CHAPEL, Milford, per Rev Thomas BRIGSTOOKE 4 0 0 Do in St Martin's Church, per Rev John MEARES.. 8 3 0 Do in USMASTON Church, per HITTO 0 6 6 Do in Rudbaxton Church, per Rev W. Adley 1 18 6 Do In Carew Church, per Rev John Phelps. 400 Do at opening of St Bride's Church, per Rev W. B. Harries 4 4 7* Collection In Rhoscrowther Church, per Rev H. G. Scott. 0 15 0 Do in Roch Church, per Rev W. M. D. Ber- rington I 10 4 Do in Noltoa Church, per Rev W. M. D. BERRINGTON 1 0 0 Do in BETBCSDA Baptist Cbapei, Haverford- west, per Rev Tbomas DAVIES, D.D. 500 Do in Lampeter VELTREY Church, per Rev Richard Lewis (moiety). 208 Collection in WISTON Church, per Rev Jamea PHILIPPS 166 Do in Mathry Chnroh, per Rev D. O. Jones 1 5 13 Do at Merlin's Bridge, per Rev J.W. Marsden 060 Do from the Bonville's Court Collieries of Messrs Myers& Co, Saunderoloot 7 0 2 Do fror" the Grove Collieries of Messrs Vickerman & Co Kilgetty 4 8 6 COMPENSATION IN CASE OF INJURY AND A FIXED SUM IN CASE OF DEATH CAUSED BT ACCIDENT OF ANY KIND, MAT BE 8BCTJRPD BY A POLICY" OF THB RAILWAY PASSENGERS ASSURANCE COMPANY An Annual Payment of X3 to X6 51 insures j61,000 at Death, And an Allowance at the rate of AC6 per week for Injury RAILWAY A CCIDENTS ALONE MAY BB FKUVIDED AGAINST BY INSURANCE TICKETS FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE JOURNEYS. For particulars apply to the Clerks at any of the Railway Stations, the Local Agents, or at the Offices, 64, CORN.«S>> & 10, REGENT STREET, LONDON t:J;l WILLIAM J. VIAN, Secretary. Agent m. Haverford west- MR J. BARHAM. 1 A ISH^SSJ TABLE DELICACIES, Of the Highest duality, L Manufactured by I&. ;CR0SSE*BLACKWELL If PURVEYORS TO THE QUEEN. ^1 1 RAOHUXTOHS OF j CAPTAIN WHITE'S ORIENTAL PICKLE ¡ AND CURRY PASTE. Sold retail in all parts of the World, and Wholesale at the Manufactory, J 1^. SOHO SQUARE, LONDON. P|j^3 P8IZE MEDALS, PABIS OHIBITIOH, 1867. j

[No title]