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THE CHURCH ASSOCIATION. On Tuesday the third annual meeting of this association, of which the specific object is4 to prevent, the Romanising of the Church of Erurlnnd,' was held at St. James's Hall. Mr J. Campbell Colquboun occupied the chair, nnd was supported byMrT. B. Horsfall, M.P. Canon M'Nelle, of Liverpool, Dr. Cowan, of Reading, Rev C. Ryle, and a large number of clergymen and laymen interested in the promotion of the society. The chairman, in opening the proceedings said that the Church Association had been lately accused of being too fond of criminal prosecution, but he thougbt they would find an apolopy for their mode of action in the columns of a journal which was neither Low Church nor Evangelical-he meant the Examiner An article in that paper had warned them that England was now drifting towards an issue from which there was no escape. Were the principles, it asked, of the Reforma- tion to be no longer open ? and were they now to believe in the miraculous power of the priesthood, and their power to hind or loose in the world to come? It was against this, it continued, that England revolted 300 years ago, and there was now an active conspiracy in operntion to upset the principles of the Reformation. If the Establishment, it added, was to be maintained, the mind of the nation must decide what the character of that Establishment would be. The prosecutions entered upon by the Churoh Association against prominent Ritualists had been undertaken with a view to ascertain what the law of England really was. They would go to Parliament shortly, and a^k it to make law more definite and certain. To carry out the objøcts of the association they required a guarantee fund of £ 50,000. It had been said that was a large sum, hut they did not remember what their fore- fathers had sacrificed for the faith at Smithfield and at Oxford. There was an institution called the English Church Union, for whioh a more appropriate name would be the Romish Church Union, for that association was now disseminating, he asserted, doctrines of the most flagrant Romanism. One of the most astute prelates in England, the Bishop of St. David's, had declared that everyone who did not wish for the absorption of the Protestant Churoh into that of Rome must condemn the association to which hcy(tbe speaker) was referring. The Bishop of Oxford had presented a petition from a notorious Ritualist in the face of Convocation, praying that the • reserved' Host mightbe carried from the churches to the houses of sick people. Such a document ought to have been flung to tbe wind by the Bishops of England. The same Bishop had. by evasion after evasion, delayed the proceedings of the Commission on Ritualism, but the truth would ultimately prevail. The Commission had recommended a nniform mode of vesture in churches, and he had reason to believe that it would condemn the use of incense and lights. The Ritualists put every possible difficulty in tho way of a speedy settle- ment of the questions in debate between themselves and the Evangelical party. In the prosecution of the Rev Mr Mackonochie, the Ritualists had maintained that the articles of the case were not at first definite enough. By the time, however, they were amended a new judge had been appointed in the place of Dr. Lush- ington, and then the Ritualists had refused to accept the altered articles. The speaker then discussed at some length the authority on which the Ritualists rest their case, and added that the Protestants of England would never sanction the idolatry of the mass, and if they wanted to find tbe truth they should go back to the. Bible and the teachings of the great fathers of the English Church. Mr T. B. Horsfall, M.P., proposed the adop. tion of the report of the association for the past year. In doing so the hon. gentleman said that there should be no mistake regarding the objects of tho meeting he had the honour to address. They were not there to discuss the prinoiples of the Church of England and Ireland, which were founded on the word of God. They were not there to discuss the propriety of the use of ex- travagant vestments, but they were there to contend for the faith. Were they content that the principles of that faith should be reversed ? The Ritualists had made steady progress during the last two or three years, and it behoved them to arrest their further advance. There had been lately an inclination among many good men to disparage the Prayer-book, and to make more lax the subscription to the 39 Articles. Some anti-Ritualists were assieting their enemies by demanding a revision of the Prayer-book. But the weighty question amse, who was to revise it ? As a friend of his had stated, when ho knew who were to amend the Prayer-book he would then give his opinion regarding the advisability of alter- ing it. Let them beware of small changes, for there were some who might be marching with them, and, perhaps, carrying their colours, but who were in reality traitors to the Church. Mr W. Morley seconded the motion, which was unanimously adopted. Canon M'Neile proposed the second resolution, which was to the effect that whatever effectual measures were reqaired for restraining clergymen from departing from the order and Articles of the Established Church, and it was essen- tial that the Ecclesiastical Courts of England should be reformed in order that aggrieved parishioners might find redress of their grievances without extravagant cost or delay, the council of the association be requested to use its exertions to attain those objects. The rev. speaker said that controversy was indispensable for the preser- vation of truth. Agricultural labour, medical science, and education were all great controversies, & Christianity was a controversy against the corruption of truth. As regarded their future happiness, God had spoken clearly. The climax of infidelity was the rejection of all religion, and non-intervention in religion was now becoming as fashionable as non-interventian in the affairs of other States and nations. 300 years ago the corruption which had been made in the Word of God, and enforced and tied on the neck of Christendom by a sensuous priest- hood. had been rejected in England, and now an attempt was being made to bring the people of this country back to the medieeval corruptions from which our fore-fathers bad been emancipated. He had last year recommended that a case should be stated to the Ecclesiastical "Courts with a view to ascertain what the law of England really was. That had been done, and no one could call it per- secution. Ritualists and anti. Ritualists respectively had claimed that thelaw was on their own side. If their boasts were sincere, there could be no objection to the case being stated es he had suggested; but if the boast was insincere on either side, then the sooner a disengenuous bravado wereput to silence the better. Thev owed a deep debt of gratitude to their council in the Ecclesiastical Courts, not only for the light they had thrown on the Church, not only as an ordinance of God, but also in a relative position as the ally of a Christian State. More should be done than what bad been undertaken, for they still require a case in which doctrine would be discussed. But it was said if tbe association promoted such a case the Broad Churchmen would be against them. He answered that they must have some certainty about the law. But it was urged that the Ritualists would continue their high ceremonial even if the law were decided to be against them. He said however he was afraid of ambiguity, we had nothing to fear from the open violation of the law. Archdeacon Denison had lately, in Convocation, depre- cated the differences amongst various seotions of Protes. tants, because, he said, all their efforts were required to keep the oountry from infidelity. If Christianity were inseparable from ritualistic practices, he (the speaker) believed that both would fall before the intelligence of the age. Regarding the improvement of the Ecclesiasti- cal Courts, they might, he said, take an example from Ireland, where in 1864 the Ecclesiastical Courts hsd been reformed. They had been assimilated to the Courts of Common Law, and now presented a ready approach to justice without any dilatory process. The people of Eng- land should also look alter the Churoh Discipline Act, which gave Bishops the right to stop certain practices in churches. Some more ready mode of proceeding should be supplied to aggrieved parishioners than that which would be now aff^^ea by references to their respective prelates. He would recommend the clergy to be active and vigilant, so that their enemi"s might not be able to allege anything against them. Dr Cowan seconded the resolution, which was adopted. A proposal to raise £50,000 as a guartntee fund was then carried, after which the proceedings terminated.

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