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THE BRITISH MINER & GENERAL NEWSMAN A PUBLICATION devoted to the interests of th< Working Miners of the United Kingdom, Pub- lished every Friday afternoon, in time for the evening post. Price 2d. Stamped 3d. To he had at the Office, 7, Burleigb-street, Strand, London, and throughout the Mining Districts of England, Scotland, and Wales. EXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS OF THE NEW MODE OF TREATMENT. Pottfreefor Six Stamps, open ends, or Fourteen in a Sealed Envelope. THE LAST NEW B< ,OK, on PREMATURE DECLINE and its ready removal; the modern treatment of certain disquali- fications; with rules and numerous prescriptions for the speedy cure by very simple mt .mg of nervousness, debility, and all the more common and supposed incurable maladies of the texuat system. Invalid. wHl be astonished at its contents. Bv Dr. W. DE Roos, M.I)., M.R.C. -i., L.A.C., &c., of the EcoU de Medecine, Parts; (Jraaua*e t/l Medicine, Surgery, and Mid- wifery. By the present law, none out the real Physician r Surgreon dare attach M.D. or M to his name and openly advertise his fees, as heavy pPnalties would be incurred. The public should therefore g»'ard against impostors who impudently style themselves' Dr' Professor,' M.R.A.S. M.A. &c, in order to mislead the unwary as to their true character. None of these wen really know more of the diseases they profess to treat than any person may by reading the above work. Foro long practical observation in the most famous Institutions of this country and continent, the Author has had somewhat unusual facilities for acquiring that uniform success, which h;ts hitherto characterized his treatment, and hp refers with pride to the numbers he has oeen instrumental in restoring to health and happ.ness whiist to all who need such aid he offers every assu- rance of speedy restoration. Persons at a distance should for- ward a detail of their case by letter, enclosing Li Is for advice and medicines, which will be sent by return. Patients corres- ponded with till cured. Post-oftice orders to be made payable at the General Post Office, to Dr. WALTEK DE Hoos, M.D., 25, Bedford Bloomsbury Square, London. Hours for con- sultation, I2, till 2, Sundays excepted. It is; important to recol- lect the address, as to meet the wish of patients, THE ENTRANCE IS STBJGTLY PRIVATE. THE MOST WONDERFUL MEDICINE IN THE WORLD CURE IN FOTTR WEEKS.-TUE GUTTÆ VITÆ, or VEGE- V TABLE LIn: DROPS, Protected by Royal Letters Patent Sanctioned by the Faculte dr France < £ c., have in numberless "stances proved their superiority over every other advertised Remedy for laTigour, lassitude, depression of spirits, irritability, eXcitement, fear, distune and incapacity for society, study or business, indigestion, T, -ins and palpitations in the side, giddi- ness. noise in the l.' ad, &c. This medicine strengthens the "Itality of the whole system, gives energy to the muscles, speedily Grooves nervousness, renovates the impaired powers of life, and Invigorates the rn-jst shattered constitution. For skin eruptions, sore throat, pairs in the bones, and those diseases in which mer- cury, sarsaparilla, &c, are too often employed to the utter ruin its su: pricing efficacacy has only to be tested. Before wasting valuable time in seeking aid from instruments, electricity, galvanism, with similar absurdities, professing to let aside medicines, by American impostors and others, whose Coasted c distinguished qualifications' consist solely of their con- "irnmate impudence, sufferers will do well to make fair trial of a Remedy which, concocted on scientific principles, cannot fail. Jjrtce is 6d and lis., or four times the latter at 33s per bottle, through all chemists, or direct from 25, Bedford Place, WHEUE *HOCBANDS OF TESTIMONIALS MAY BE SEEN. *HOCBANDS OF TESTIMONIALS MAY BE IEEN. THE THREE DAYS' CURE.—NEW FRENCH REMEDY THERAPION, as uniformly adopted in the French hospitals by the notabilities of the French faculty in a remarkably •hort time, often two or three days only, without the slightest Jhscomfort, inconvenience, or risk, removes all discharges from '"E mucous membrane, whether of the urinary or other organs. « combines all the desiderata to be sought in a medicine ofthe *'LD, and surpasses everything hitherto employed. Devoid of all pleasant taste and smell. In packets2s 9d, 4S 6d, lis, and 33s, "TROUGH all respectable medicine vendors, or sent direct from the establishment on receipt of stamps or post office order. The lis size contains three at 4S 6d, and those at 33s four of the lis. T The stamp, to imitate which is felony, bears the word Therapion,' in white letters, by order of HER MAJESTY'S HON. COMMISSIONERS, who thereby secure the proprietor against in- "■^GEMENT throughout the United Kingdom and the colonies. PAINS IN THE BACK, GRAVFL, LUMBAGO, GOUT JL RHEUMATISM, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, BLAD- DER, &c. THE COMPOUND RENAL PILLS correct acidity of the and indigestion, promote the functions of the liver and idileyg, therebv preventing ST^NE in the bladder and kidneys, "TTH many other serious disorders to which these important £ AHS are subject. Listlessness, weakness, peevishness, and long supposed to be nervous, often arise solely from Trination of the blood with certain impurities which should £ AVE been carried off by the kidneys severa' unsightly ERUP- TS OF THE skin and face also arise from the same cause, and AY be as readily removed by these Pills, which in nineteen out of twenty cure with a rapidity almost marvellous# LJD, 2S 9d, 4s 6d, lis, and 33s per box, through all chen ists, THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS MAY BE SEEN BT ANT ONE. FTSOLD BY James, JOV, and Evans, Cardiff; Roberts, chemist- Hughes, chemist, Bangor; Griffith, chemist, High; Carnarvon; Edwards, chemist, Denbigh; Hughps- ST^GIST, Holyhead; Price Brothers, Post-office, Bridgend, *TT >MAS, chemist, (opposite Angel), Merthyr; Watkins, High- RJ °ET, Abergavenny Ward, chemist, Brecon White, chemist- ifAIldhail-square, Carmarthen Williams, chemist, High-street; JLV'digan; vleyler, druggist, Haverfordwest; Treweeks, che SIS Pembroke Evans, chemist, High-street, Swansea; Hil'. 2: h, chemist, Rhyl Moore, chemist, Broad-street, Newtown ^EPhens, chemist, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil; Grin die y' mist, Chester; Ryder, druggist, Mill-street, Macclesfield; J» 0*ton, chemist, Shrewsbury Pearce, King-street, Ludlo'v bookseller, Wellington Leake and Smith, cheimsts IT ,,FEN°rth; Mander, Weaver, and Co., Wolverhampton oilier, chemist, Dudley; and at least one agent in almost eyery 0A> N» but should difficulty occur, enclose the amount by Post- order otherwise, to 25, Bedford Place, Bloomsbury Squp'e, and they will be sent securely packed per return. *^?TICE CAUTION.—Dr. De Roos is the only le<Uy thi« medical mm who thus advertises his medicines; AND as *NJ injurious imitations of the above by self-sty.ed Doctors fa* *rofessorH, who copv his books, advertisements, &c, ana testimonials to puff of their useless trash, sufferers should bv THE recommendation of the same, or other articles, WEST vendors, VHA thereby obtain a larger profit. 1 he {n have the words 'WALTER DK Roos, LONDON, printed If .7 letters on the Government Stamp, BY ORDER OV HER TI-A ^'S HON. COMMISSIONERS to imitate which is felony and Asportation. 'lIE PLEASURE-SEEKER'S GUIDE, HOTEL DIRECTORY, Excursionist's Handv-Kook. This work, containing' (in CHO to much interesting information) a Tariff of Hotel GORGES, -WIN BE FOUND VERY serviceable to all who patronize LO A LON Trains. Post free for seven stamps by Johnson & Co, • "rooke-street, Holborn. A N ACT OF GRATITUDE.—A gentleman who had been long UNO^RING from a very deplorable state of nervousness, »R'. ^SITUDE, low spirits, almost constant headache, dim- 3J> OR sight, threatened deafness, loss of memory and strength, JU ALL zest for enjoyment and everything that renders lite ANRT RANT, ^AS been marvellously restored by very simple means, inf. J*? A public duty feels it incumbent on him to impart the EN»I?LATION to others similarly affected, on receipt of a directed bearing two stamps addressed B. B. Laurie, Esq, Chambers, Montague-street, London. JTNOW THYSELF! THE URIQINAL GRAPHIOLOOIST MARIE OF „V ^OUPELLE, continues her vivid, and useful delineations W from the handwriting of individuals, in a style pecu- ER own. Persons desirous of knowing their own charac- >RI« 8* OR those of any friend, should send a specimen of J>en» BATING sex, age, or supposed age, &c., with 14 uncut FIERIF? /TAMPS, and addressed envelope, to MARIE COUPELLE, *ECIRF»House, Russell-square, London, W.C., when they will lengthened detail of the talents, tastes, virtues, failings, LJEP'LJ TLLE writer, with many other things previously IUISUS- TH-AND calculated to guide in the every day affairs of LIFE. C'S -I. ND* who acknowledge the value and accuracy of Miss establish the great utility of the science. «The 4th RG you sent were wonderfully truthful.'—Mis* Hall, LA Co- Oalway. «I was much surprised a tthe clever way DOVJR Y°U described my character.'—Jane Bray, 105, Letns- Place, Brighton. It is pronounced quite extraordinary, that'T le* Hamilton. You described my character so truly, I could not have done it better.'—Louis Eivior. T)° YOU WANT LUXURIANT HAIR, WHISKERS, MOUS- K? STACHIOS and EYEBROWS !-Of the numerous prepara- Cei»?.MTended for the HAIR, none have maintained such TEE* J11? 88 EMILIE DEAN'S CRINILENE, which is guaran- ■TO-P?, t° Produce Whiskers, Moustachios, and Eyebrows in a few tnHi8' an^ vill be found eminently successful in nourishing, an<i beautifying the Hair, checking greyness^ in all its IN 8> strengthening weak Hair, and preventing its falling off. *nrt 7S "PRODUCTION of Hair in baldness, from whatever cause 'EM whatever age, ONE TRIAL will prove its astonishing ,IN the nursery it is indispensable, forming the basis of a TAININ EAD °F hair. Price 2s per bottle; larjfe bottles, con- AIL RE* MORE than four times the small ones, 5s each..SOLD by PENNRT1818 the world, or sent post free, on receipt of 24 &E L8^MPS- BY Misses DEAN and COUPELLE. Hair Restorers, •» BEDFORD House, Russell Square, London. W.C. H ^*TEACTS FROM LETTEIU,—* My hair was rapidly coming off, FCL.VN A week after using yenr Crinilene it ceased.'—< I. Hickson, street, Sheffield. In tbe short time of one fornight I **ow &0T A beautiful moustache.'—H. Adams, Wilsdea. I can baM ^A8T of a head of hair, which many cannit; I was quite «>»ON the crown of my head when I began u'ing it.W. B. customer spes>>S highly of your Crinilene.'—F. P. Jones, € 5, Paradise-street, Liverpool. WHINTS ON THE MANAGEMENT OF THE HAIR,' REEF 8' &C-> WITH Testimonials, List of Agents, &c., sent post four penny stamps. EVER-J MAN HIS OWN DOCTOR. OenZJ.™? 'temp* sufferers may a*oid the sham Captnxnii tcAo caution the public against ptll», t}h £ °thZe:id?>- gentlemen of fortune rupture-curmg quacK* and tnoS*ndlers, who send their books for nothing, publtsh tMtt- <W £ i4, Which theV write themselves, fictxtioM which do not exist, vrofess to ctire diseases by galva- th^j '? eJctricity, instruments, S-c., instead of medicines, which Ot thl? -American treatment, and other aosurdlties as cruet A Kffare deceptive, Ot 8'c_ari many years extensively engaged in the treatment Blltin an<* the various mental and nervous affections re- to nr* therefrom, will send free on receipt of two penny stamps arid onia^ P°staSei a pamphlet containing his highly successful direct? sa^e treatment, with all the necessary prescriptions and Cost i ,8,by which sufferers may cure themselves at trifling Holhor ess Mr Lawes, Medical Publisher, 14, Hand Court, London. vlriTFRR OF TIIE URETHRA its nature, consequences, aB*ratin S' and speedy cure, without the pain and risk of euttiirg or other irrational measures. By Drs. Barker ?t>tmnR v, TSOn' M>R-C.S.E., &C. Price Is., or post free for H born j^jbiison and Co., Publishers 1°, Brooke-"treot Hol- ndoc and through all Book*' .crs. *NUI,RHBUMAT1SM' LUMBAG0' SCIATICA, NEURALGIA I.8' °LANI)TTLAHSWELLIVOS, CONSUMPHON, ASTHMA, &C. •if «nanvCttK°f heat' fumifration, &c., in curing the above and J-^RKIshrat" c^ronic diseases are almost incredible. THE tho Hi 20' Baker-street, Portman-square, London. Pamphlet MCi 0n of two Physicians. Consultations 11 till 3. » U10 pages,) post free for 14 stamps. rTHElR)1SEA8ES' G0UT> RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO, &C of which^T1^11 an^ cure beat and fumigation, the effect, ^'Passes evpi-mtv.- a^ove and many other chronic maladies, M??' Under ,20> Baker-street, Portman-square, Lon- three dailv ~^fctionof two Physicians. Consultations 11 A Pamphlet (13i pages), sent post free for 14 f ———————— ———————-—————-———————— ( v. R. EUROPEAN AND COLONIAL WINE COMPANY, 122, iPALL MALL, LONDON, S.W. ESTABUSHED 1858, FOR the purpose of supplying the Nobility, Gentry, and Private Families 'with PUBJ3 WINES of the highest character, at a saving of at least 30 per cent. Royal Victoria Sherry 27s. per dozen. (The Standard of Excellence.) Splendid Old Port 37s. per dozen. (Eleven Teart in the Wood.) SHEBRIES. J CHAMPAGNE. Per doz. Per do«. ROYAL VICTORIA SHERRY. 27s Creaming Epemay 34s (The Standard of Excellence.) Sparkling Verzenay 368 Excellent Dinner Sherry 20s to 24s Ay Mousseux 428 Superior Selected Ditto 30s to 36s Chansarel and CQ'S Gold Foil 48a Fine Golden 42s to 48s Moet and Chandon's (1st quality) 60s East India Sherry 42s to 60s Madame Yeuve Clicquot's 72s Manzanilla 42a Iloederer's Carte Blanche 80s In Pints, 4s per 2 doz. Pints extra. SPLENDID OLD PORT 37s GERMAN WINES. (11 years in the Wood.) Sparkling Hock 42a to Port from the Wood 24s to 80s Sparkling Moselle 42s to 66s Old Crusted 42s to 48s Still Hock 368 to 84a High-flavoured Old 54s to 60s Cabinet Do 78s to 100s 'Very Dry Old 72s to 120s CLARETS. SICILIAN WINES. ST. JULIEN CLARET 24s Pronte Marsala 201 Medoc 14s to 18s Virgin „ 24B Bordeaux 18s to 20s Old Brown Syracuse 26a St. Estephe 30s to 36s Rauzan and Mouton 42s to 48s Leoville and Larose 48s to 54s SPANISH PORT 15s Sauterne and Chablis 36s to 60s PRUSSIAN SHERRY. 161 Beaujolais 20s. per dozen. (The Finest Imported.) SPIRITS (Of the Finest Quality only and at Wholesale Prices. Book Price-Lists forwarded on application to the AGENT FOR HAVERFORDWEST, THOMAS D. MEFLER, FAMILY AND DISPENSING CHEMIST AND WINE MERCHANT, 11, HIGH STREET, T. D. M. begil to state that he has made arrangements with the above Company for a regular snpply of tbelr Choice Wines which are offered to the Gentry and Inhabitants of this neighbourhood on precisely the same terms as those of the Company, and he trusts by strictly adhering to their system to secure a share of public patronage. The Wines will ail bear the Seal of the 'European and Colonial Wine Company.' Single Bottles are supplied. RESTORATION OF ST. DAVID'S CATHEDRAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ALREADY PROMISED. Rev. J. M. Traherne (a bequest) £ 2000 0 The Dean and Chapter of St. David's. WOO 0 The Bishop of St. David's (in two instalments) 1000 0 The Lord Dynevor (in two payments) 500 0 The Earl of Cawiior (a first donation). 100 0 Rev. Sir Erasmus Henry Griffles Williams Bart. 300 0 Sir ames Hamilton, Bart., and Lady Hamilton 100 0 G. ort Phillips., Esq., 100 0 J. H. Scourfield, Esq., 100 0 D. Pugh, Esq. 100 0 Rev. J. H. A. Philipps, (in four instalments) 100 0 C. Allen, Esq., (in two years) 100 0 John L. G. P. Lewis, Esq., (in five years) 50 0 R. Goring Thomas, Esq., (in five years). 10 John and R. H. Harvey, Esqs >1 0 Rev. R. Lewis, (in five instalments) as0 R. P. Davies, Esq., (in five years) 50 0 Rev. Owen Jones (in five years). M « Frederick Lloyd Philipps, Esq., (in four years) 39 U Rev. D. A. Williams, Chancellor of St. David's (in five years) .0.0. 0. 0. 9* Rev. J. Grifflfhfi, Vicar of Llandilo, (in 4 years) SO 0 The Archdeacon of Carmarthen 26 0 The Archdeacon of Cardigan o. 26 0 Rev. J. Allen, Vicar of Castlemartin (in 3 years) 100 0 Rev.J Grifflth.Vicarof Llangunnor, (in 5years) 10 0 Rev. E. James. Vicar of Abergwili (in 5 years) ]5 0 Rev.J.Sinnett, Rector of Bangor Teifi(in 2 years) 10 0 George Gilbert Scott, Esq 50 0 H. P. Goode, Esq., (in three years) 15 0 C. W. Bowen, Esq 10 0 Mrs Howell, of Camrose. a 0 The Principal & Fellows of Jesus College,Oxford 100 0 The Principal of Jesus College, Oxford. 25 0 The Dean of Llandaff, 1864 and 1865 20 0 Mrs B>iyn6 60 0 The Archdeacon of Brecon (m four instalments) 100 0 Mrs Pinchin. 10 0 Mrs Waldron )? Rev. T. Richardson (in instalments) JJ Rev. Professor Williams (in instalments) io 0 Rev. F. Martin, Rector of South Somercotes (in instalments) .o. o. 10 0 Rev. John Lucy, Rector of Hampton Lucy, Warwickshire. 1»0 0 Joseph Grimshire, Esq., Albion Road, London 15 0 Archdeacon Allmi Miss Pitman, Steynton Vicarage » The Honourable Misses Rice Valentine Davis, Esq., Regis trar of the Diocese of St. David's o .o. 100 0 General Morgan, C.B. 5 0 Howel Gwyn, Esq 2.5 0 I Rev. E. O. Phillips, Vicar of Aberystwith -t o Archdeacon Clark 25 0 J. Jobnes, Esq., (in four instalments) 60 O. Rev. E. L. Barnwell (in two years) 10 « Rev. W. Basil Jones (in five years) w u G. T. Clark, Esq J*5' The Bishop of Llandaff (in three years) 70 « Mrs Traherne (in two instalments) 100 0 The Earl of Lisburne The Lady Catherine Allen ioo G. W. Parry, Esq o 0 James B. Bowen, Esq., Llwyngwair, (a first donation) 20 0 Rev. D. Jones, Vicar, Llandewi Velfry (in two Messrs. PowfeVr,*MathVas& Evans (in fiveyears) 50 0 Rev. G. Willams, Vicar of Brecon (in five years) 100 0 Edward Jones, Esq., Velindre (in two years). 10 0 W. T. Bayne, Esq, Lincoln's Inn. 25 0 Mrs George Holgate Foster (a first donation). 60 0 Mr R. Mason, Tenby and Pembroke-dock Observer 3 0 Rev. G. W. Birkett, St. Florence. 5 0 Joshua Jullian Allen, Esq 52 10 The Countess Dowager of Cawdor. JJ The Cambrian Newspaper » « Rev. G. Wade Green, Court Henry. 10 0 Mr Anthony, Proprietor of the Hereford Times l Miss Robson, Penally Rev. J. H. Vincent, Vicar of St. Dogmell s o Rev. John Phelps, Vicar of Carew Rev. Samuel Davies, Oystermouth *> Captain Lloyd Philipps, Pentypark 1- Henry G. Allen, Esq., Lincoln's Inn W. O. Brigstocke, Eaq., Gelli Dywyll 10 0 Thomas Allen, Esq., (a first donation) o w Mrs Thomas kilen (a first donation) » « George Baugh Allen, Esq., Temple 10 0 Rev. T. Williams, Llowes, Radnorshire » Nicholas Roch, Esq., Paskeston Mrs Roch, Paskeston ]« N. Adamson Roch, Esq., Paskeston J. S. Harford, Esq., Blaise Castle 50 0 The Lord Kensington (a first donation) 100 0 Captain the Hon. William Edwardes 60 0 Rev. John Hnghes, Penally. o Rev.J.R.H. Thomas, Hodgeston (first donation) 3 3 Rev. Griffith Thomas, Cardigan. 5 0 Thomas Meyrick, Esq ]0 0 Rev. Win. Allen, Bosherston (in two years) 10 Q H. Huzzy Vivian, Esq. M.P. (in fiveyears) 50 o Rev. Thomas Horn, Haverfordwest. 2 0 Rev. Thoma Stacey, Precentor, Llandaff. 5 0 Rev. D. 0. James, Llanllawer 10 0 F. L'Estrange C!ark, Esq, (a first dunation). 5 0 Rev. L. Clint, Presteign (in two years). 10 10 Mrs Lewis, Llanayron. 10 0 Rev. H. P. Thomas, Nash (in five years) » « ALadyatTenby » 0 Rev. Samuel W. Saunders, St Ishmaels 20 0 H. Maybery, Esq, Brecon ° 0 Mrs John Tuder J Mrs Hereford 4 J) Rev. L. Evans, Ystrad Meurig JJJ JJ Mrs. Brigstocke, Blaenpant 10 0 Rev. Evan Morgan, Llandyssil 10 0 Rev. David Griffith, R. Trevilan. 20 0 Miss Jane Ackland, Bath 5 6 Rev Thotnas Evans, Rector of Llanvalteg. 10 0 The Earl of Ilohester 10 0 Rev. William Meyler, Rector of St. Lawrence. 5 0 K. U.».rford.»t 10 0 The Hereford Journal o v Rev. William Bowling, C"«heston 10 U Rev. J. Hughes, Vicar of Penbryn. 5 » Rev W. H. Powell, L'anpumpsaint. a Mrs Lort Mansel. 1 0 Rev. Thomas Davies, Llanythaeron 7 Rev. Charles T. Frampton, Chichester <> Octavius Morgan, Esq., M.P Rev. T. D. Paimour, Cresselly. 5 0 Rev. James Thomas, Prebendary of St David ijj o Henry A. Wedgwood, Esq, Woodfield *0 0 The Bishop of St Asaph JJ Rev P. D. Richardson, St A Lady—a trifle towards the Restoration Fund 5 0 John Evan Thomas, Esq, London.. & 0 G. White, Rsq, Tenby 5 0 John Perkins, Esq, Hobart's Town 10 0 The Earl of Powis 50 0 Rev Griiffth Evans, Vicar of Llandyfriog 5 0 Rev T. B. Levy, Rector of Knight's Enbam 1 1 W. Gilbertson, Esq, Pontardawe. 10 0 B. D. C., per C. Allen, Esq 3 3 Dr Dyster, Tenby 50 0 Rev John Connop, Bradfield Hall 26 0 J. B. Harries, Trevacoon 20 0 Rev Arthur B. Richardson, Llanwnda 10 0 Rev Jas. P. Williams, Sub-Dean St David's. 20 0 Rev. O. Lang, Rector, Pwllcrochan 5 5 The Bishop of Ely 100 0 Rev. H. Prichard, Dinam 1 1 Rev. Charles P. Jones, Minor Canon, St David's 20 0 Dr Jones, Lancych 10 0 Mrs Lloyd Davies, Abercerry. 5 0 F. Wehnert, Esq Milford 3 3 Mr Richard Potter. 10 0 J as. Roberts, Esq, Vicar Choral, St David's. 20 0 Arthur James, Esq, C.E., Paddington 5 0 Mrs Morgan and the Misses James, St David's 5 0 E. Rees, Esq, Tremanny. 5 o Miss Howell, Cwmwdig 1 0 James Morgan, Esq, Trenewydd, (1st donation) l o P. M. G. Williams, Esq, Treyarchid. 1 0 A Friend at St David's 10 Capt. Hewitt, Velindre (lst donation). 1 o D. Perkins, Esq, Pwllcairog l o L. C. Babington, Esq 6 0 Rev. W. Hughes, Llandewi Aberartb 2 2 John Colby, Esq, Fynnone. 50 0 Maurice Rees, Bsq, Llythir 1 0 Mr John Tudor, Belle Vue, St David's. 5 0 Mr John Owen, St David's. 2 0 Mr George Owen, St David's (1st donation). 1 0 Mr Williams, Commercial Hotel, St David's, (1st donation) 2 0 Miss Propert, Croftufty 1 0 Mr Williams, Postmaster, St David's i 0 Miss Harries, The Cross, St David's. 6 0 Miss Webb, St David's. 1 0 T. Rees, Esq, Carnwchwn. 1 0 Mr J. Davies, draper, St David's l 0 Mr Davies, Prospect House, St David's. 0 10 Rev. G. Williams, St David's. 1 0 Samuel Williams, Esq, Cross House, St David's 5 0 H. Williams, Esq, Penllan, St David's.. 5 0 Mr Phillips. Carfae 2 10 W. Rees, Esq, Carswdig 5 0 Mr Grinnis, Porthmawr 2 0 Mr Williams, Penarthur. 0 10 Mr Rees, Emlych 2 0 H. Hickes, Esq, St David's. 2 0 Rev. T. Jones, St David's 0 10 Mrs Hicks, St David's 1 0 Mr P. Brown, St David's. 0 10 Owen, Esq, LSanviron 2 2 D. Griffiths, Esq, Trelewydd. 1 0 T. Jenkyns, Esq, Caervarchell 1 0 Mr Mortimer, Trewellwell. 1 0 Edward Robinson, Esq, Solva 1 0 Mr John, Solva — 0 10 Mr Rees, Llandrudion 0 10 T Brown, Esq, Hard wick House, Chepstow. 1 2 J. A. G. WUliams, Esq, Ffynona 1 0 Moses Griffiths, Esq, Manorowen. 5 0 Mr J. Davies. Rosson. 1 0 Mr J. Rees, Rosson 0 10 Mr Walters, Trevythau 1 0 Mr Mortimer, Treginnis 1 () T. Llewellin, Esq, Treginnis 60 0 Mr John, Rhoscribel 0 10 Mr Hicks, Porthllestry. 5 0 Capt. Rees, Mynydd-du 1 0 Mrs C. A. Winsor, Brixton 1 1 P. Winsor, Esq, Brixton 1 1 Rev. Enoch Pugh. Vicar of Lidniair-caer-einion s2 2 Rev. W. S. Thomason, Burgh 1 0 Mrs Owen, Hendie. 2 0 D. Williams, Esq., Penberry 1 0 C. E. Guillemard, Esq, Eltham 0 10 Mrs Mayo, Bath 1 0 C. R. Aston, Esq, Edgbaston 1 0 Miss Starbuck, Bath 0 10 Mr Jones, Milford.. 010 Colonel Saunders Davies, Pentre. 60 0 George G. T. Thomas, Esq 1 0 Mrs Hardman Philipps 5 0 Mrs Goldwyer 1 0 Lady Mary Windsor Clive, Oakley Park 10 0 Capt. Francis Davies, Pershore. 5 0 Rev. John Jones, Llanfihangel-genaur-glyn. 5 0 Charles R. Harries, Esq, of Goodwick. 10 10 Mrs Herbert, Glan Hatren (a first donation) 26 0 Miss A. M. Smedley 1 0 Charles Richard Harries, Esq., Duffrin, Good- wick 10 10 Mrs Colby, Rhos-y-Gllwen 20 0 The Lord Boston 10 0 Mrs X. Peel, Denant 1 0 Rev. Owen Jones. 60 Rev. Rowland Smith, Rector of Ilston. 1 0 Mr John Lloyd, Merlin Park, Haverfordwest. 1 1 The Countess of Ellesmere. 5 0 The Rev. H. De Winton, Boughrood, Hereford, 40 0 The Rev. A. Clough, Rector of Braundton 1 x John Maurice, Herbert, Esq, Rocklands, Ross, 5 0 Rev. Joshua Hnghes, Llandovery 50 Mrs Laws, Wytham Hall, Lincolnshire 2 0 Rev. D. Evans, Kilgerran 2 0 D Thomas, Esq, Solva 1 0 Mr Davies, Hendre Eynon. 0 lo Rev. M. Jenkins, Mindovin 5 0 Rev. D. Jones, Llandewi Velfry 5 0 Mr J.T.Jones. 1 0 Miss Connop, Brighton. 25 0 R. Connop, Esq. 25 0 Mr. Thomas Price, Newton. 0 10 Mr. Stephen Green, Havertordwest 2 2 Rev. H. Wilcox, Carmarthen (Ist donation). 0 10 An Oxford Clergyman 5 0 James Higgon, Esq., Scolton 10 0 Rev. Thomas Brigstocke, Milford. 5 0 Miss M. Smedley, Tenby Jo 0 E. P. Richards, Esq, Cardiff. 10 0 Rev. John Daniel Williams, Brecon 10 0 Mr Philip Ellis, Haverfordwest. 2 2 Rev G. H. Scott, Rhoscrowther. 1 1 Rev J. C. Pocock, Angle 2 0 Rev Professor Mathews, Preb. of St David's. 10 0 Mrs Tyerman, Tintern l n C W. Hinton, Esq, Jesus College, Oxford. 6 0 Mrs Goodenough, Bath. 1 0 Miss Wilcox, Tenby 1 Q Sir Benj:llmen Brodie, Bart. 2 0 Rev W. Meyler, St. Lawrence, (2nd donation) 500 The Hon. Miss Murray 10 0 A Well Wisher 10 0 Rev B. Belcher, Pimlioo 10 0 Subscriptions and Donations will be thankfully received by the Rev. Canon THOMAS, Steynton, Milford Haven; and CHARLES ALLEN, Esq., Tenby, Honorary Secre- taries by Messrs. MOBKIS and SON, Bankers, Carmar- then; and Messrs. WILKINS and Co., Bankers, Brecon* THORLEY'S SPICY CONDIMENT, FOR HORSES, COWS, SHEEP, PIGS, &c., SOLD BY T. D, MEYLER, CHEMIST, 11, HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. NERVOUSNESS NO FANCY. THOUSANDS of poor sufferers can truly testify that nervous- T ness is indeed no fancy, but a terrible reality that has baffled the skill of the wisest of our physicians to cure. Nervous invalids suffering from low spirits and debility, noises in the head, melancholy, fear, blushing, dislike to society, sleeplessness, headache, indigestion, dimness of sight, loss of memory, giddi- nees, palpitation of the heart, neuralgia, fits, epilepsy, or any other of the thousand forms of this raging malady, will find Dr Thomson's Neuiotone a most certain remedy. It has effected thousands of cures of all affections of the nervous system since its introduction to the public, and it is so safe that it can be used by young and old, however weak and ill they may be, and is so cheap that even the poorest have no longer a necessity to suffer. Price Is. qd., and 2s. 9d. per box, with dietary rules, &c. Sold by all Chemists, or will be sent free by post on receiptof 14 or 33 penny stamps, by Dr Thomson, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. I My fearful headaches were completely cured by a few doses.' A.R. My stomach is in a healthy state, and I can enjoy my meals now.' J. W I was so nervous before taking your medicine, that I was unable to write.' J. T. 'The trembling of the hands and knees is gone.' T. L. 4lhavehad no palpitation of the heart or hesitation since I took it.' Mrs G. L. I The pains in the back are cured, and I can stoop with easenow.' M.W. 'My wife suffered for years from nervousness, giddiness in the lieM, pain across the forehead, and loss of ap* petite; I am thankful to say your Neurotone cured her.' G.G. RUPTURES CURED WITHOUT TRUSSES. ALL sufferers from these distressing complaints are earnestl* invited to communicate with Dr Thomson, as he cae guarantee them 1 elief in every case. His celebrated remedy ha been successful in curing thousands of cases; and is applicablr to every variety of single or double rupture, however bad 0- longstanding, in male or female of any age, effecting a per- fect cure in a short time, without causing confinement or incon venience, and thus doing away with any further necessity for wearing trusses, &c. The remedy, with full directions for use, is sent anywhere free by post, on receipt of 10s., in postage stamps, or a post-office order, by Dr Ralph Thomson, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. A work on the nature, causes, symptoms, and varieties of Rupture, with extracts from letters received from patients who have been cured, will be sent free by post to any one on receipt of 13 penny postage stamps. Consulta- tions (Fee, One Guinea,) daily, except Sunday, from II till 12 in thentoriing. Extracts from Testimonials: 'I suffered so much previous to using your remedy, that I shall ever be thankful for the benefit I have received.'—Henry Curtis. « Tour remedy has been a blessing to me, for I was obliged to wear a galling truss or some other support for all the 23 years I had the rupture.'— Rev II. Martin. «I find myself completely cured, and have tried every means to prove the cure, by lifting and running, which, I 8*1 happy to sav, I can do without pain or using any truss.'— F.W. I Many thanks for your remedy; I have thrown my truss away, glad enough to get rid of the torture of it.G.H. DR. THOMSON ON NERVOUS DEBILITY. The hundred and fifth Thousand, 200 pages. THE FRIEND IN NEED. A MEDICAL work on Marriage, its duties and hindrances, spermatorrhea, syphilis, stricture. &c., with prescriptions, diet rules, and all necessary information for the speedy cure of all the diseases of Youth and Maturity; illustrated with upwards of fifty cases. Sent post free in an envelope, on receipt of two penny postage stamps by Dr Thomson. Contents of the Work :—Insti- tutions of Marriage—Obligations of Wedlock-Causes of interrup- til n to Conjugal Happiness—Domestic Bliss—Healthy Offspring- Impregnation and Pregnancy—Description of the Organs of Generation in both Sexes—Masturbation its consequences- Sensuality and Remorse-Barrennegs, its causes and Removal- Domestic Happiness—Parental Bliss-Turn of Life-Hope and Comfort—Secret Diseases, their varieties and Symptoms; their Remedy. Matrimony, its trials, joys, and responsibilities- Deficiency of Natural Strength-How to Strengthen the System- Instructions to Sufferers-Suggestions of value to every person. DO YOU WANT BEAUTIFUL HAIR, WHISKERS, &c I"VR. RUSSELL'S LIXIVENE, an elegantly perfumed toilet I J compound, for nourishing, preserving and restoring the hiir, is guaranteed to produce moustachios, whiskers, eyebrows, &c., in two or three weeks, strengthen weak hair, prevent its falling off, :.heck greyness in all its stages, restore the original eolour, dispel RCllrf and dandriff, and make it clean, soft, curly and glossy. For the reproduction of hair in baldness, from whatever cause and at any age, its effects are certain; in thou- sands of cases it has been successful when all other preparations had failed. In the nursery it is unequalled, as it keeps the head clean, and forms the basis of a beautiful head of hair. Price 2s, sufficient for three months' use, sent anywhere free by post on receipt of 21 penny stamps by Dr Russell, 22, Hawlty Crescent, nampsted Road, London. Sold by—and all other Chemists. Extracts from Testimonials: It has darkened my hair, and I can keep it in curl now.—Miss Curtiss. «I had lost my hair in patches, your Lixivene has quite restored it.—Dr James.' It has produced aB excellent moustache.—J. Berry, Esq. Your Lixivene restored my hair after 3 years' baldness,- G. Morris. I It has thickened my whiskers considerably.—R. Serle.' My hair has not fallen off since I commenced using it.-W. Smith.' DR THOMSON'S INVIGORATING PILLS Are a certain remedy for lumbago, gravel, pains in the back an loins, rheumatism, gout, discharges of all kinds, and all affec tions of the kidneys and bladder. In every case, however virulent and long standing, they afford instant reliefand a speedy cure eradicating every trace of disease, purifying the blood and invigorating the system. The enormous sale these Pills have attained for many years past, and the daily receipt of testi- mrnials of cure, of nearly all the diseases the human frame is liable to, warrants the proprietor in asserting that they are th .nost efficacious medicine ever issued. Price Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., and is. fid., per box. Sold by — and every other chemist in the world or will be sent post-free, packed so as not to rattle, on receipt of 14,33, or 54 penny postage stamps by Dr Thomson. DR. THOMSON'S TONIC ELIXIR an unfailing specific, requiringno change of diet, &c., for relax ition, exhaustion, spermatorrhsea, secondary symptoms, impuri tics of the blood, skin eruptions, epilepsy, erysipelas, weak eyes lowness of spirits, loss of power, and every form of general and nervous debility, and has restored bodily vigour to thousands of persons who now enjoy perfect health. In all cases, even where svery other treatment has failed, it eradicates the virus of iisease, clears the complexion, quickens the blood, and performs cure in an incredibly sbort time. Price lis., and four times the quantity at 33s., per bottle. Sold by — and all other Chemists; )r will be sent direct from the Establishment, on receipt of the imount. Address-Dr Ralph Thomson, 28 Clarence Road, Kentish Town, London. Post Office Orders to be made payable it the General Post Office. HELP FOR ALL. A PHYSICIAN, upwards of 40 years in practice, having been A successful in curing thousands of sufferers from nervous tnd general debility, loss of memory, indigestion, pains in the back, consumption, rheumatism, gravel, gout, and ms.ny painful symptoms too numerous to mention, resulting from imprudence lid other causes, is desirons of imparting (gratis) to those who rie^d it, the means by which their restoration to health was effected, and will send his book (loo pages) containing prescrip- tions in English, diet rules and all the necessary information for the self-treatment, &c., of nearly all the 'ills that flesh is heir ,r),t on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope. Address,— Dr. Russell, 22, Hawley Crescent, Hampsted Road, London. rhis book is offered with unaffected sincerity to all who need relief, and especially to those who have been deceived with quack books and medicines. 'Your book is worth anything to those who need a doctor.' J. Short, Luton. I adopted your pres- Bription and advice, and my giddiness is all gone.' H. Merry, Longthorpe. I value your book, and wish you to send me three sc{ ies to give away.' Rev W. Leigh. ust Published, Price Is. post free for 14 stamps, or in a sealed envelope for 20 stamps, PREMATURE DEBILITY, a popular Medical Work, illus- I trated with numerous Engravings, treating on Sperma- torrhoea, its causes, and cure, giving full instructions for the perfect restoration of those who are prevented by impediments from entering into the Married State, also showing the dreadful results from early abuse, Gonorrhoea, and Syphillis. Address: James Allen, bookseller, 20, Warwick-lane, Pater- nester row, London. TRIESEMAR No. I. Is a certain remedy for relaxation, Spermatorrhtea, and all the distressing consequences arising from early abuse, indiscriminate excesses, or too long residence in hot climates. TRIESEMAR No. II. Effectually eradicates all traces of Gonnorrhcea, both in its mild and aggravated forms, Gleets, Strictures, Irritation of the Bladder, Pains of the Loins and Kidneys, and all urino-genital diseases. TRIESEMVR No. III. Is the great Continental Remedy for Syphilis and Secondary Symptoms. TRIESEMAR, No. 1, 2, and 3, prepared in the form of a lozenge, devoid of taste or smell, and can be carried in the waistcaat pocket. Price 1 Is, or four cases in one for 83s, which saves lis; and i E5 cases, whereby there is a saving of JEt 1.11. AOENTS :-Newberry & Sons, 45, St. Paul's Churchyard W Sutton & Co, 10, Bow Churchyard; W. Edwards, 67, St. Paul\ Churchyard; J. Sanger. 150 Oxford-street; E. Cleaver, 63, Oxford-street; Butler, 4 Che'apside; Prout and Harsant, 229, Strand; Robert Howden 78, Gracechurch-street; Bartlett Hooper, 45, King William-street, E.C. A Lecture, by post, two stamps; scaled 12. Address, Secretary, London Anatomical Museum, 44a, Maddox-street, Regent Street, W. ON MARRIAGE; its Physical Duties and Obligations, with Essay on Sterilily in Man and Woman its Cause and Cure. By a Physician. To which is appended a catalogue of the con- tents of the Museum which is open, for Gentlemen only, from t In till ten. Admission Is. MASCULINE VIGOUR GUARANTEED IN FOURTEEN DAYS, without the possibility of failure, by the use of DR BRIGHT'S REMEDY prepared .in the form of a Lozenge, to injure secrecy, invaluable in all cases of Generative and Physical Debility Spermatorrhaaa, &c. Sent carefully packed, on receipt of I i s. free by post, 12s, for stamps or post office order, or on application. Address, Dr Bright, 29, George-street, Hanover-square, London, W. BUCHAN'S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. TT is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SARSAPARILLA is the 1 greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURE I The Bowels regular I And DEFY the DOC- TOR ? These Pills "trike at the root of each disease, they are particularly beneficial where mercury has been employed, and are for the cure of every ailment Incidental to man, wornan, and hild, such as all erupti°ns of the Skin, Indigestion, Bilious Liver, a id Stomach Complaints, General Weakness. Gout' Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches. Sore lhroats, and every complaint caused by lrregulariH^s of thn bowels, obstructed perspiration and deteriorated and unhealthy blood. Patent Medicine Warehouse, 19, Berners-street street, London. WHOLESALE AGKNTS :-Barclay & c^' -'r £ nngdon-street; and from all Chemists. Sold in Bottle's' 1 = ,IJ" 2s 9d, 4s 6d, and lis. • is 1M, rpHE SILENT FRIEND on MARRIAGE, a Medical W I L Guide to those who have imperilled the power of nvu.h 5 by youthful indiscretions; treating on Syphillis, SeconH^ Symptoms, Gonorrhoea, &c, containing a Prescription known the preventive Lotion, to avoid contamination iau nairos „ 50 engravings free by post 12 stamps, sealed 20. Addi ess Woi h PERRY & CO, Surgeons, 19, Berners-strect, Oxford strt ? London, W. Consultations daily, u till 2, and from s Hif P Sunday till 1 o'clock. 8- nERRY'S CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM.-For „n „„ L resulting irom the errors or excesses of vouth i„ natural power and vigour. Price lis, or four tanes the quan- tity, 33s. nERRY'S COPAIBA AND CUBEB GLOBULES, the original r preparation composed of the yery essence of the BaS Copaiba and Cubebs, perfectly tasteless, in consequenc^ Vt their being encased in sugar. in all cases of Gonorrhea Gleet, Strict ure, &c., a single trial will prove the efficacy of S& wonder working remedy. Price 4s. 6d. and lis per bottle. Sent anywhere, OH receipt of ^j|U)fflce order. Address Messrs PKBRV & Co., as above; or had from Prout & Har^t! a 8tmdi^ao«er 150, Oxford street, Leaden* W, Hamnt» i LIBRARY, 8 & 9 HIGH STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. E. J POTTER Begs to inform the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and the Public generally, of Pembrokeshire, that he has just received his annual supply ot POCKET BOOKS, DIARIES. c&C. THE WHOLE OF WHICH ARE NOW READY FOR INSPECTION. OHOIOE NEW FRTJIT, IN GREAT VAKIETY, A T MOD ERA T E P R ICE S. AT P. P. ELLIS'S GEOGEEY ESTABLISHMENT. HIGH-STREET, HA. VERFORDWEST. T. WHIOHEE DAVIES, WHOLESALE CORN, FLOUR, CHEESE, PORTER, & SEED MERCHANT, REp«ranTW Sried ™* .apply Hi. customers with Good, of the »o.t GeDoine Quali.™' Just imported, a Cargo or A .L L SOP P' SPA LEA L E, WANDER'S CELEBRATED DUBLIN STOUT, Also, a Cargo of Burnard, Lack, & Co's., of Plymouth, CONCENTRATED SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME. This Mannve has stood the practical test of Field Trials for many years with pre-eminent success. "PURITY & EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY* 1 IC AYMT "ME-MARK 8 U-LL'S H FLAD Ar TOSH. GEftDJNEutb DOUBLE SUPERFlNEAKTHEtjuAunt# pAimearmrrwlfM—rawiw n» RETAILED W EVERY,TDWK THRMIOROOT TBettMrrffrXIRfiDOl^ — —— I THOMAS TAMLYN, LAND AGENT, SURVEYOR. VALUER, AND AUCTIONEER, OFFICES-4, CASTLE TERRACE, HAVERFORDWEST. JOSEPH POWELL, GROCER, AUCTIONEER, APPRAISER, AND COMMISSION AGENT, MAIN STREET, PEMBROKE. T. D. MEYLER, CHEMIST, HAVERFORDWEST, Supplies BROWN AND POLSON'S GEWOTNB PATENT CORN FLOUR, AND CELEBATKD PATENT POWDER STARCH. GENUINE. BROWN & POLSON'S PATENT CORN FLOUR, AND BROWN 8S POLSON'S PATENT POWDER STARCH, First Introduced in 1842. SOLD BY GREEK AND JOHN, HAVERFORDWEST. CELEBRATED PATENT CORN FLOUR. GENUINE QUALITY. John Brown." "John Poison." Signed npon each Packet. Sold by A. E. Thomas, Haverfordwest. Also BROWN AND POLSON'S PATENT POWDER STARCH. NERVOUS DEBILITY; ITS CAUSE AND CURY.Dr SMITH, who has had TWENTY years' practical I in 'he Treatment and Cure of NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEB|LITY» LOSS of APPETITE, PAINS in the BACK, and INDIGESTION, which, if neglected, result in Consumption. &0, has just published a New EDITION of 10,000 copies of the WARNING VOICE Or Private Medical Friend (138 pages), This Work contains his highly successful and only safe treatment, and is illustrated with hundreds of cases and testimonials from patients, with plain directions for per. feet restoration to health. Sent post free to any address secure from observation, on receipt of two postage stamps! Letters of enquiry or details of case promptly answered. 6^" Address, Dr SMITH, 8, Burton Cresoent, London, w .0. DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. The best remedy for Bile, Wind, Indigestion, Costiveness, Piles, Headache, Sickness, Giddiness, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, Flatulence, Heart- burn, 8fc. rI^HEltt INGREDIENTS are really excellent, and X are sworn on oath not to contain the smallest par- ticle of any preparation of ANTIMONY or MERCURY; they act very gently on the bowels, and do not require any change of diet on the part of the patient, or produce the slightest risk of taking cold. If the public only knew how Meroury destroys the delicate coats of the Stomach, weakens Digestion, affects the Nerves, and positively shortens life, they would take no other Ape- rient than DR. KING'S DANDELION AND QUININE LIVER PILLS. Which liberate Bile, disperse Wind, and strengthen the whole frame. They purify the Blood, restore the tone tf the Stomach, destroy Worms, and remove all Complaints brought on by Irregularity ofthe bowels, thus bemito both sexes a restorative and preservative nf « u cleansing the Blood and Fluids from eVerv imn IJealtb> Prepared only by JAMES RORKE S^Moni^1'^ Cavendish-square, London, W in Wr>^L ."street' 2s 9d, 4s 6d,and lis each, Jree bv Pn.^ at 18 1id- from the following Agents\ for "tamps, and J.tte, ^Pembroke-C(lock^ p''am8' B'"<*ett, Milford; Llanelly; Thomas OnJl Evans» Swansea; Brojra, Merthyr Tydvil »n7i *e' Kenrick» Cardiff; Smyth, 1 atlt' most respectable chemists. KAYE'S WORSDELL'S pILLS. The experience of more than a quarter of a centory has proved the wonderful properties of this VALUABLE MEDICINE. During that period thousands of persons who were HASTENING TO THE GRAVE, from one or other of the many forms of Disease to which the human frame is liable, have, by the use of KAYE'S WORSDELL'S PILLS been restored to HEALTH AND HAPPINESS; and the proprietor has received many thousands of spon- taneous testimonials to their virtues, a selection from which is enclosed in each box. The use of these Pills can be confidently recommended in YOUTH OR AGE; as, being pure!y vegetable in their composition, they may be taken with perfect safety by the youngest infant and the oldest person. FEMALES will find them most useful at every period of their live The unanimous opinion of all who have tried t ?¡¡.. Pills is, that they are I THE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. Sold by all Chemists, and other Dealers j, Patent Medicines, at Is 1 Jd, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d. Whole', a Depot, 22, Eread-gtreet, London j PHILPOTT & MORGAN, LAND SURVEYORS. LANDVALUERS ACCOUNTANTS 4 AUCTIONEERS. OFFICIO-HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. Agents to the Lancashire Insurance Company. STEAM COMMUNICATION WITH THE SOUTH OF IRELAND. Vie Nate Milford (Milford Httvsn) 4 WmUrftrd DAILY axsvicx SUVDATS XXCIFTED. fHB Milford Havea and Waterford Steam Ship Oomnaav'B Royal Mail Steamers will tail (wind and weather per. mitungrj. MILFORD HAVEN & WATERFORD. Prom New Milford, T.5 p.m.,on I Prom Waterford, S.15 p.m.on rrJ™of 9-15 a.m. express | arrival of the train from Cork, nd 6.0 a.m. third class trains, I Limerick, ftc, so as to enable o as to enable paseengers to I passenger* to proceed by; tit proceed by the 6 a.m. train to t 9.0 a,m. txprean train, reacfainc Limsriek, Cork, &e. | London about 6 p.m. o For :furtber particulars apply at any of the Kailway Statist. I or of M eaars Jackson & Co, New Milford, Seuth Wales. See B adshawle Railway Guide and Time Table HAVERFORDWEST GRAMMAR SCHOOL. LET OF CONTRIBUTIOSa TO TH8 LIBRARY PUIID. T „ zg s. d. J. H. Scourfield, Esq., M.P.10 0 0 Rev J. H. A. Philipps, M.A.. 5 0 0 Hon. Capt. W. Edwardes 500 J D. Brown, Esq 2 2 0 John Lloyd, Esq 2 2 0 W. Davies, Esq I a 0 T. Rowlands, Esq 1 1 0 Rev. W. B. Rowlands, M.A. 1 1 0 Mrs W. B. Rowlands 10 0 Rev. J. B. Rowlands, B.A. 10 0 J. Marychurch, Esq 110 Henry Davies, Esq 1 0 0 G. L. Owen, Esq 10 0 H. P. Goode, Esq. 110 R. Williams, Esq. 1 0 0 R. Harvey, Esq 1 1 0 J. Harvey, Esq 1 1 0 Mr P. P. Ellis 1 1 0 J. W. Phillips, Esq 1 1 o Mr E. J. Potter. 1 0 0 Mr T. Whicher Davies 1 1 0 T. R. Owen, Esq 110 Mr W. Lloyd 10 0 Mr J. Warr. 110 Mr G. Palmer 10 0 Mr W. Williams. 10 0 W. John, Esq 110 Rev T. Horn, M.A. 010 0 Mr W.Hood 0 10 n Mr W. H. Rees 9 Jo n Mr Bletbyn 0 JJ J Mr T.J. White J JJ Mr C. Saies J J Mr J. Phillips U 6 Mr S. Green 0 10 6 Mr T. Williams.. 0 10 0 Mr James ^hillipg^ 5 ?Jr ^!h" phillip8 06O 05 0 Mr W. Phillips.. 0 » 0 Messrs Greenish and Dawki»>« • ? ? Messrs R. Jaaie8 50* T. H. Wilson, Esq 2 !J J Mr John Brown 0 10 0 Right Hon. Earl of Cawdor 6 0 0 J. L. G. P. I*™' £ :••• 1 0 0 A Friend, per Rer. 8.0. Mearea 1 6 0 T. Skone, Esq 1 1 0 T. Randle, Esq I 1 0 W. Randle, Esq 1 1 0 Rev. James Thomas, M. 1 1 0 A Lady, per Rev.W.B.Rowlands 1 0 0 W. Williams, Esq j 0 Henry Phillips, Esq. 0 10 0 Mr G. N. Hassell 0 10 0 Mr Nicholas 0 10 0 Mr W. Llewellin [ 0 6 0 James Higgon, Esq 2 0 0 Mr. Thomas Baker 0 10 6 W. Rees, Esq 1 1 0 T. Edwardes, Esq 1 1 0 "Anon." per Rev. W. B. Row- I lands 1 0 0 T- Watts, Esq 1 0 0 E. T. Massy, Esq 2 2 G. Lort Phillips, Esq., M.P ..600 E. P. Phillips, Esq 1 1 0 A. Beynjn, Esq 0 10 0 Mrs H. Ackland 0 5 0 James Summers, Esq 1 1 0 W. TVaiters, Esq 1 1 0 R. Pavin Davies, Esq 1 1 0 Riv. F. Foster 010 0 Z. E. Evans, Esq., a present of books. T..ev. (;. H. Barham, a present of books. M r Saunders 010 6 W. Williams, Esq 10 0 Mr Gibbon 060 Key C. H. Barham 110 Rev Canon Thomas 1 0 0 I Ezra Roberts, Esq 1 1 0 David Davies, Esq 1 I 0 Nett proceeds of first Reading.. 3 16 0 Miss Harries 1 0 0 Contributions will be received by the Honorary Secre- tary, Rev W. Powen Rowlands, M.A., Head Matfer of the Grammar School, and by the Hon. Treuarer, Mr John James, High-street, H«x«rfgrdwaO* DENTAL SURGERY W. J. EVAN8, TREVANE HOUSE, NEAR TENBT (Brother to the late T. EMU,) "DEGS most respectfully to inform the Patients ofthe deceased and the Inhabitants of Pembrokeshire generally that ha may be consulted relative to the above Profession at his resi dence, or at Tenbv by appointment i also at the Dragon Hotel. Pembroke, the last Saturday, and at the Mariner's Hotel Haver- fordwpst, the first Saturdar in every month. Trevane House, December 28th, 1858. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. T. WHICHER DA vms, Haverfordwest, offm to Farmerll and otber. STRONG CRYSTALIZED SALT At Ten Sbillings per Ton, for caab, at Milrord StoreI, in quantities of Ten Tons. and upwards. The above is an excellent top-dressing to tram lands, and is nluable for other agricaJtural purposes. Apply to T. Whicher Davies, Haverfordwast. February 25th, DINNEFORD'S FLUID NAGNESIA. For Thirty years the Medical Profession have approved this pure solution as a remedy for ACIDITY OF STOMACH, HEADACHE, GOUT AND INDIGESTION, WUi| The most delicate Ladies and Children use it as a eentle and pleasant aperient when combined with their ACIDULATED LEMON SYRUP. In hot seasons and hot climates, the regular nse of this simple remedy has been found highly beneficial It is prepared (in a state of perfect purity and of uniform strength) by DINNEFORD & CO., Chemists, &c, 172, New Bond Street, London; Sold by all respectable Chemists throughout the World. CA UTION.-See that. Dinneford & Co,' is on ofr bottle and red label over the cork. COMMERCIAL OFFICES, PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE, next the Times, E.C,. P London. Messrs. P. B. HALL and Co., Adverti- sing, House, Estate, and General Business Agents, have digp°sa' Hotels, Public Houses, Beer Houses, Tobacconists, Grooery, Drapery, Millinery, T "°"Cr'U J? short' business of every description in £ 20 upwards, many of which hl» of J0.- ?r ur £ ent private reasons, and capa- tjm_ lyings to those desirous of employing time and capital. Parties iotending to take a Business fit the Metropolis, Neighboorhood, or elsewhere, should at desired, amount of CapTtai &c °-T of Addresa P^B PH ALSr S p P' Pontine House'Square, LlJndo;,AE.aODeer'' MESSRS. P. B. HALL, & Co OF PRINTING HOUSE SQUARE next -re- London, E.C., House, Estate, and Employment Agents, negociate Partnerships of every descnDti^Ttor those requiring skill or capital, or both RHONSEJTSHOS and Apartments, fnrmshed or unfurnished to be let in every locality in London and neighbourhood, and also throughout the kingdom. Parties comirg from th! country or abroad can have arrangements made for their t0^n according to instructions. Money ad- vanced on Goods, Leases, and other tangible securitiM Manufacturers, Tradesmen, and others Svi^ an o?e"' stoc- of goods on hand, and wishing them turned into cash, can have them sold on commission Ind th* 5» S35? •04 • value. Bankruptcy arrangements with creditor* effected domesticSituations of every kind Registered and iriw. tised tor in London and the provinces. Employers suited free; Accounts collected Letters—ono stamp for reply. P H (E N I X FIRE OFFICE, REDUCTION or DUTY. THE REDUCED DUTY of Is 6d per cent per an- num is now CHARGED on all Insurances effected. Whether on buildings, furniture, or stock. GEO. W. LOVELL, Secretary, Lombard-street and Charing Cross, 27th July, 1865. ACCIDENTS TO LIFE OR LIMB, In the FIELD, the STREETS, or at HOME, Provided for by a Policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY. 64, CORHHILL, LONDON, E.C. COMPENSATION HAS BEEN PAID FOR lOOOH CLAIMS, 'W £1,000 IN CASE OF DEATH Or £ 6 per Week while laid-up by Injury, secured'bv an Annual Payment of from £ 3 to £ 5 5h. For Particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the Offices, 64 Corn- hill, and 10, Regent-Street. W, J. VIAN, Secretary. ESTATES.-LAND and HOUSES to be SOLD br Public Anction and Private Contract • H0TTVIP« JL* FARMS to Let throughout the Kingdom See the Estates Gazette, published on the 1st, 8th, 15th and o*rd of the month. Annual subscription. £ 1 • «inwiA 6d. (stamped.) Officefor Advertisements, 200, Fleet-street. London. THE MOST RELIABLE FRIEND. HOLLOWAY'S OINTME Its Searching and Healing Properties are kr. recognised throughout the World THLrr s w, known the better appreciated) is a testimonv itffi# more convincing than anything that could be written^M praise of its truly wonderful healing prowrtLr in cure of bad legs, bad breasts, sores? wou^nd ute £ its effect is marvellous. For ringworm, scald-heU sorofula, and diseases of the skin generally, there is M remedy to be compared to it. When assiduously rubbSS thisnofnt,kinf(DreT!°1Q8ly weU bBjhed with watS) this Ointment is quickly absorbed into the system aa< cleanses, in its passage, every part to which it is appiled. Glandular Swellings, Bronchitis, Mumps, Quinsey, Sft Throats, and Diptheria. In any of the above diseases, immediate and permanent relief is obtained by effectually rubbing this detergent Ointment twice a day upon the neck, cheat, and back It acts upon the very mainsprings of life; for through the glands pass all new matter required for the body* reparation and all old particles detrimental to its preser- vation. The Ointment, used conjointly with Holloway'g Pills, will act so searchingly aud certainly as to effeet cures in the most hopeless cases. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Contracted and Stiff Joints Many thousands of martyrs from the above complaints have found life almost insupportable; yet it Holloway's Ointment be briskly and perseveringly rubbed upon the parts afTected ease may be sately guaranteed, especiallr if the pores ofthe s<jin be previously opened by fomenta- tions with warm water. The gross humours require ex- pulsion from the system; it is therefore, necessary t. have recourse to Holloway's admirable Pills, which, br purify iL g and strengt hening tbe system, greatly assist th* operation of tbe Ointment and facilitate and confirm th* cure. w Bad Legs, Bad Breaft8, and Ulcerations of all kinds. There is no medical preparation in the world whieh may be so thoroughly relied upon, in the treatment of the above silmonts, as Holloway's Ointment. Nothing caa be so simple or safe as the manner in which It is applied. or its action on the body, both locally and constitutionally The Ointment, rubbed around the part affected, enteft the pores just as salt enters meat. It quickly penetrate to the source of the evit and drives it from the system. Erysipelas and Scrofulous Sores. In all irritations of the skin, sores, uicers, burns or scrofulous enlargements of any kind, Holloway's Oimt mem presents a ready and easy means ot cure. It mani rests a peculiar power in restraining inflammation moving stagnation, cooling the heated blood, and cheek Ing all acrimonious and unhealthy discharges. Diseases attendant on Childhood. Discafes incident to early life fail more under the management ot the mother than the medical man Holloway's Ointment should therefore be regarded tnr her as a Household Treasure,' as it never fails in brin* ing out the rash in measles and scarlatina: and for th! removal of all skin diseases its effect is miraculous. I» cases of whooping cough and croup, this invalnahi. Dintment should be rubbed twice a day upon the throat and chest, and the youngest invalid will derive thereftaak the most soothing relief. Two or three of Hollow« £ famous Pills, reduced to a powder, will aucment th. curative powers of this unguent. Both ttie Ointments and Pills should be usedin thefollowing cases;- Badlegs Chilblains Glandular <5Curvv Bad breasts Cfiappedhnnds swellings Burns Corns (soft) Lumbago* Turnout Bunions Cancers Piles rWr Bite of Mos- Contracted & Rheumatism chetoes and stiffjoints Scald heads sand-flies Elephantiasis J Sorenipples Ci>co-bay Fistula j Sore .uroatR i Chiego-foot Gout | Skin disease* Sold atthe Establishment of Profesnot (near Temple Bar,) London, also by all resnectLn r4, StI?nd and Dealers in Medicines throughout thecinliT^ following prices:—Is lfcd, 2s 9d, 4s 6(1 lis ">2s ?4 at Ul* p0^ andMseae^ V There is a considerable Bavin e N.B.—Directions tor the guidance <• ''tbpl»rge™«e are affixed tc esV., Pot m 6V^ dlSOr*« Pills tiPd Oijitmcnt. can k* v-j i* pv DXUIgiotd. wltjl