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w Lay Hay for Sale. POR SALE, by Private Contract, about 90 Tor* r Prime LAY HAY, in Ricks fiom 6 'o 18 7"on* ^ac' .Jnquir# of HBNRY PHILLIPS, Auttirmeer and Gener* A8»nt. ^11 Street, Haverfordwest, F. h. 8. 1F55. 1 Carmarthen Steeple Chases. ^•sequence of the Frnft. the St-wards o! the Carmar n Chase* have con>-id,ied i' locess rr to f tpone ihp Hunt Week to the 2'ith inst. Rac Da^- permitting), Tuesday, Feb. 27th, and Thursday "r«a 1st. J. OLIVE, Clerk of the Course ee Passage to Hobart Town, Van DiemanV P„ Land, "R Agriculturist*, Mechanic*, Carpenter*. R'«- Bricklayer*, Masons, Male m>rf F>-ma!t- Firm *), Servants of every kind. Applv to Mr W Wii- •< 11, Spring Gardens, Haverfordwest. Jannarv 16, 1855. "toadlnoor Anthracite Coal, Brick, and Til F Company. SALE—DRAINING PIPES, from One-*od »i Half Incli to Four Inches. of a very superior quality ".good BUILDING BRICKS. J* SPENCER, Jefferaon House, Tent.y, or, at the ^1 Broadmoor Colliery. ^oadmoor Anthracite Coal, Brick, and Tile F Company. °R SALE-R U B B L E and C U L M. <i( Superior I quality for Smelting, Lime-Burning, and Hou-e pur. J~*» perfectly sweet. SMNCF.K. Jefferson House, Tenby, or, at the Broadmoor Colliery. Hean Castle Fire Brick Works. 88T Fire Bricks of every d, Fir- Clay ~'ment, &c. Apply to Mr. J"hn Wall, Briek-'mrner >. "r- Edward WiNnn. S )iiii'1er«f».or, P.-ml>'oke^h-re. Hean Castle Foundry. jP^ELL & DAVIES. Iron and Brass Founders nntf Machine Makers, WooUons, n-ar Saundersfoot, <*b™keshire. M R" JAMES RTBBON, of the Piano-Porte, Violin, & Violoncello. Piano-Fortes Tuned. ^*EWP»NCK ST. THOMAS STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. >n ALMANACKS, °CKET BOOKS, DIARIES, &c., &c., FOR 18-55 FOR SALE Z. Potter's "Wholesale and Retail Stationery Establishment, HIQH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, QUEEN'S HOTEL, lflAA THE CRYSTAL PALACE, UPPER NORWOOD. (80 ROOMS ) VISITORS ire respectfully invited to stsy at this )> | magnificent Hotel when they come to vitw the let. Charge* Moderate. Stahling for 130 Horses. THOMAS THOMAS, GENERAL WAREHOUSE, ^OPPOSITE THE CHURCH, TENBY, >4 AS on Sale superior Scotch Regent or Kemp POTATOES, Eight Diys from Ardrossen, Ayrshire, 5s., or 6s* 6d. per cwt.; likewise a sound good Potatoe Waterfurd, known by the name of Bnronetts, at £ 5 /'•.per ton. Tb# above Potatoes offer great advantage* to j.'f'euhurists for Seed, being but a few days on board ship bare escaped heating. Salt in store at.£1 10s. per Ton. COAL. RAILWAY STATION, HAVERFORDWEST. HC. N. HASSELL AVING concluded arrangement* with the Proprietor* of the BRYNDU COLLIERY at PYLE, lorthe Vc'usive «al» ot their Coal, is now in a position to supply ,h!" •rticle. •his Coal ignites speedily deposits sc-ircely any ash and J* Perfectly clean. It is used at every Statioli o,, the South al.. Railway from Haverfordwest to Gloucester, and is second to any Coal in the kingdom. Bright Bryndu Coal 17* 6d$ton First Quality Household Coal 17» 0d „ Good Household Coal 15s Sd Smith's Coal 12s fid „ Office,Can.hrian Place, Haverfordwest,) NovemLer 9th, 1854. ) County of Pembroke. tEN T ASSIZES, 1855. THE COMMISSIONS of Ni*i Priti*. of Over and Terminer, and ol General Gaol Driven. !or t-te V*onty of Pembroke, will he Opened »' the S^ir-' H I!. Haverfordwest, 011 MON DAY, the Fifth d».y f V! A Rf II. Jp'S, before the Honourable Sir EDWARD VAUtiilAN ^ILLIAMS, K night, one i>f the ,lu«tices <i( our L -ly 't"- x''een, of her Cou't of Common Plets, and lu 'i oroide CHARLES CROMPTON, Knight, one of <ht> .Ju^.c^ <>' ?nr Lady the Qtieen. assit'tied to hold 1-' I. a" t-elo-e J*°een herself, when all Justices of th Pe,c* M <■ nt.. ^oroners, E*cheators, Stewards, Chi'-f C > a ii within the said County, and all Jnrnr*. Orson* j?"nd by Recoguiziaces, Witnesses, and others It.ivir.g are requested to attend. JOHN LEACH. E<q flifch Sheriff. Haverfordwest, February 16. 1855. N-B-The Miigistrates of the aie. County, a-id their to deliver to the Cl-, k 'n. \*si?e, in l?e Opening of the Commission, the Ree<i«i it ■> ce* an'' ^'Positions in each case; and all Attorn-v- i-> ('ri'iiit-Hl J*r0secntion8 are to deliver 'he Bills of C- st« f >r T^xMtmn "V the Clerk of Assize pt-nding Trial f em h Ffos-c-ir i>>n. TO BUILDERS, MASONS, &c. Sealyham Blue Metallic Slate Quarry. WARRANTED to be as good in q 1 ;h'y a n- S ates in Wales. Situ t*-d tevi'ii nule» I'Om H.iver!ord » est j "bin a quarter of a t.iie from the Turnpike R>>ad leading ,ro«» HaTerfordw«-»t to Fishguard—go..d e»sy new road to out to the Turnpike Roa-I. Sl^'e* sup|>lied at the VlUfcrry or the following prices: £ d. C«od Localt (' 15 0 per 1000 w Princesses, 24 inches by ]-4. K (• 0 per 120.) M Duchesses, 24 „ 12 7 0 0 „ ». 22 „ 11 600 u Countesses,20 „ !n 4 !5 0 „ » „ 18 „ 10 3 15 0 „ w 18 „ 9 3 0 0 Lordt !6 „ In. 3 no" It Ladies 16 „ 8 2 5 0 „ „ 14 8 1 10 0 Apply to Mr. ROWUKD PKNRY, near Wolfscastle, Haverfordwfst. DECAYED TEETH AND TOOTH ACHE. J'atrottised by Her Majesty the Queen, and HM Royal Highnt" M Prince Albert. R. HOWARDS PATENT WHITE SUCCE- DANEUM, for filling Decayed Teeth, ho.ve*ei '•rP* the cavity. It is Mipi rior to anything ever b<-(orp as it is placed if• the tooth in a soft state, without any ^'essure or pain, »nd in a shurt time becomes as haid a« the "N, as it is placed it, the tooth in a soft state, without any "essure or pain, And in a short time becomes as haid a- the •namel, and will ren ain firm in the tooth tor many year*, rendering extraction unnecessary, dnd arrests all further Progress 01 decay. All persons oon use the Succedaneum *m*eh<es with ease. Prepared by Mr. HOWARD, Surgeon Dentist, 17, George ll^nover Square, London, who will send it Fr^e by '•"ost to any part of the Kingdom, with lull directions for —Price 2«. 6d. in postage stamps. Sold by all respect- -bl.. Chemi.ts and Medicine Vendors. Caution-Observe 'that the Signature "THOMAS HOWARD" in Red Ink is on the outside of the wrapper, without which none is t'nuine. Price 2s. 6d. Passengersarelauded and embarked at Milford (weather Permitting) free of charge, in Boats provided by th# Steamers. Cabin. Deck. Liverpool toor from Milfoi-d 13s. Od. 5s (id. NOITCF..—RETURN Cabin Tickets available for SEVEN- TEEN DAYS and which will entitle the holder to mbar AI either Bristol or Swansea, 134. -None*.—Return Cabin Tickets available tor TWO "OYAGES in these Steamers, may he had from the jfodermentiined Agents or the Captain. Liverpool to Mil- ford or Swansea, HIe. STEAM COMMUNICATION „ BETWEEN WVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA & BRISTOL For th* MONTH of FEBRUARY, 1855, t"' POWERFUL S^flPS GLENDOWER, Capt.J. Wallace; BLARNEY. Capt J. Cadftny or some other suitable Vessel, is in tended to sail with goods and passengers ( unless pre by any unforeseen occurrence) s»s fo'lows—with or •ithout pilots «nd liberty to tow .cssels) From LIVERPOOL to MILFORD 5*torday 3 11 morn I Saturday 17 10 morn Saturday 10 3 after | Saturday 24 S^ahrr From SWANSEA to LIVERPOOL, calling u MILFOR D. Tuesday 6 7jmorn Tuesday 20 7.}morn ^edRei. 14 2 after | W»dne«. 28 2 al er IW The steamer sails tor Liverpool (weather permi t"r) hntftediately after her arrival at Milord, which it fidom "nd,r 6 or 7 hours after leaving Swansea. No Ginda will be delivered until the freight has been paid I and np Goads for shipmen* will be reCfiVHd without Srtipjirg Note, giving full particulars of their adihess, &c. wb oil toll he correctly enterfi on the Vessel's Manifest £ »*»•» landed at Milifid, must be removed the day a^ter t:ral,ar will he,Rtctied, if necesRaiy ait Hoard the o i i; t. which ta the ptiit of arrival and de| ar!i:i t Im tupametle. .Apply »o Fitx<iip«mc, Armlcbee, and Co., 20 J »ter street, Liverpool j G. H. Etans, B»is o|; tduwi ?dwatfh^Si#ttn«<r«t Jnbn Keiworthv 3k Co., Mnriches'.or 0. M. M. m L L Apnt, Milford. Free Passages to Hobart Town and Launces- I ton to Parties Holding Bounty Tiekots. 'I^Hfc G ▼ .ii'is. t o' V<"i Dieman's La"tl having med L ifra-: e ie. i wnh t1"Owners n! the cele'-rited %it, r P,k for the c iv y ce <heir b-Mint pat-s nge»» to tb«t col.n.y. Parti '»> ho ilin^; ticke r, q,i-t, d for JAMES BAIN RS & CO.. 6c-Co k-.treet. Liverpool. COUNTY OF PEMBROKE. CLOTHING FOR THE POLICE. \LL P i »0'i« denirous of Contracting with Her Majesty's .Iu»t C' S of 'he p' a^-e, for the Conniy of Petl.broke, f- r hi *-ip.i'y of Po ic>- C 1"hing f r he ensuing ye^ir, a q ies c ,0 «••!> i Tenders, aceojnpani- <i hy Saoipie tr. OffiC'- of tt.e Clerk ol tile P.ace, *1 Mavertnrdwee". ■n or be oit Satur-'ay, 3 d ■i nfli <u-st W. V A UGH AN JAMES^ Deputy Cl-rk "fthe Peace lor the saidCt-uny of Penibri.ke. Hit rk of the Peace's Offii-e, H<t'rrfo dwe-t, FJ15. 1S55. ENCLOSED BERTHS FROM iC 16 IGs. Liverpool "Black Ball" Clipper Packets. '['UI< Lin" !õin: it" ft b'ishroent lws conveyed irnv-e 1_ Passengers to Anstralit th "T any or' IT i-> tile Ki'i^- •i'-m, Sf.il 110 S'li/i Iel<»><jiti<j to it hws ever j ut fuck 01 met with ■J»'V 'icciileht titraiv/mt '¡IOU 'If l,fe. n*o w 11 hsiH.-tl mg, they h»ve n>ade tile quickest HSS g. b on record, nanie y— MAHCO POLO. Including detention abroad, First Voyage, 5 Months 21 Days. Ditto Second ditto, & Months, Ditto Third ditto, 6 Months 4 Days L!GHTN!NG, From MELBOURNE In 63 Days, and the Voy-igeo,it and houir- ifici,iiiii,g 20 d detention in Australia, in the it!-p,e,d,iited short spit,-e (if Five NIUI,tllS Rtid Eight Day* Th.- BL ACK BALL" is the only regularly H F^tah'ished L'ne ol Clipper* sailing he'ween iwBiap^oi ft mcLB^awE, Fo varying Passengers 10 AORLAIDK. J^YN- NKY. GEKLONO, and LAUNCLSTON, ai ShipV w-'¡ J' P!!IIS" C-rr>s full B,-ld f Music as well all Ch-ss, Backgammon <d D aught Boards, for the amusement of the Passengers. All Passenger* and Luggage landed on the Wharl. These Shills h1\ been all constructed hv the First Builder ol the Day, inclu ling M'KAY, of Boston, and HALL, of Aberdeen. BLANCHE MoOttt 3000 Evins March 5. VIABCO POLO 311110 ild. April ,5. DONALD M'KAT 5000 WARNER May 5. ScxoMBttKu. 35 '0 Forbes June 5. CIT AMPION OFTHE Sk.VS 4000 Newland* J ly 5. JAMKN KAINBS 5 >00 McDonnel Aug 5. LIUHTNINO 3500 Enright Sept. 5. BOOMBRANO 35110 Brown Oct.5. Tiie above Ships are of the largest class, and are com- man led by men of experience and •, ility, v»ho will tak ev, ry precaution 1(, promote the health and comfort of the Passengers. They also rarry experienced Surgeons. Money Order* Oil Australia grunted free of charge. For Terms of Passage, Ft. igbt, &>«pply to the Owners, JAMES BAINES& CO., 6, Cook Street, Liverpool, Daniel Lewis, Anrtiooe~r. Cardigan, Bl"nj>l'lIin.J Mie*, Journal Ofne-. Carmarthen, Jo*eph Potter, Printtr, Iavert'irdwest. MELBOURNE 5TH MAUCH PACKET "Black Ball" Clippers. Ships nails regularly on the 5th of each Month. —«-«. Succeed* the '■ ROOMEUAXQ." md will sail "e'y °n 'he 5th .March, FOR MEL ROIJR N E, forwarding Passengers to al" P'fs of A istr u'ia at Sl-ip's expi u* thi •TO* aencBWsjr S lendid New Ciii'P'-p Ship BLANCHE MOORK." 1850T.'tis R-gisrer :3.(wO I'OI.H Burthen. T'lis Sliip has ju<t been bull: by the celebrated DOVALD M'KAY, of lV)«toii,the builder of th. Lighming J-on." Ba'ties," "Champion of the Se.is," "Great llepti'.lic,' &c, fi<, and is fitted up in the same style for the coo venirnci ol pawng. r* as those noted packet ships. All Lefers and News a'>era must pass through the Post Office, marked per H anche Moo-e, via Liverpool." Luggigf ni'ist tie alongside 011 the 2nd, ai d the Passen- ger» on board on the liid. First aUiii Passengers w II lie tkken on hoard by the Steam Tender on the 4th at 3 P.M. Fa, Terms of.Pa"lljt¡O or Jlreijó!t applr rlu. Dwut'u, JAMES B A INKS & Co., 6. Cook S-iet-t, Liverpool. Dmiel L"wis. Auctioneer, Caruigan. Be..¡alllll1 J uies, Jnwna! () fiv- C 'nr.rthen. .ncp'i P«tt 'r, P'pi'r-i. Hfiveif.idwe«t. Steamer "Vestal" for Balaklava. T'?t>>rirv ""W In cons quence of the numerous com- plaints re»pe. ting rhe non-delivery of Pa'e'ls at Balaklava, Messrs. JAMES t.• BMNKS and Cn, the Own. 01 lit,. C. Bl-,k B I, 1, lreto i,-d,-c,-(i iiy s V :iil i-flirutial p t t es to despatch their povveilul P iddle Steam I" "VESTAL," tor Ha akiava, on the TWKNTIt*.Tii FEBRUARY. A C "ifi-Unti 1 S-f.i-re no >vi I go out in the Ship, an w-ii i ;i ne'liit Iy with .-very o-ie to whom the Pa: k igi'sarc ad lr -ss-1. F'eigh', f. om £ 1 Is. each opwa-d • By pa tr d sire th V.»tal w.i! st i,j t*n hourb ut M L r.\ to laid Pare'* a 1 dressed to the Military Hos- pital there, and ai SCUTARI four hours for tfie same ^•irpose. For further partie'.ar* sppV to the O-vners, JAMES BAlNEs & Co., 6, C"k -Strpf- Liverpool. Di '.iel Lewi#. A-ictione r, -'ardlgati, B njamin J >nes, fice. Ca martheD, Jn-epli Potter, Pointer. Hav-rfor'lw st. Th. TJtTouder or' Wondor^lJI HOLLO wTT'S PILLS. Asr. CLIRK OF DROPSY. Copy of a Leiter troui Mr David Sioipson, of Collinghamt (Utd 4th September, 1854. To Professor Hollowav, SIR.— !• i* with gr.-nt plpa-ure hav.. to inrorm you of R rnoiit wonderful cure of fhft dreadful malady, the D "psy, i-ffttd on my daughter by the use of your invalu..bl. pilis. She liml fieen tin ler medical treatment for a long time with- nut ileriviog any henefit, although she was tapped twie. and Ion t-eu pounds 01 water taken from her each time. A f. t'r .fain/>: very severely tor some time, tiiially linif recourse to your Pills, a.,d in four Weeks was completely cured, after every other remedy failed to do her the sligl.te-t good. I therefore leel bound to make this statement pub ie for the benefit of similar sufferers. (Signed) DAVID SIMPSON. WONDERFUL CURK OF ASTHMA. Copy of a letter from M' Joseph Wild, of Hyde, Cheshire, dated the 5th of August, 1854. To Professor Hollowav. DEAK SIR,— Mrs Newton (a lady well known in this t'> < n, residing in Hanover Street) was affl cted for years with a sexere aitat k of Asthma difficulty of brea'hit.g, and a most violent cough, causing severe pains in her side, j ar- ticuiarly whenever she took cold she tried many remedies, ami consulted d'ffi-rent individuals, witho t deriving any benefit at la*t she o.me to ine, and I advised her to take vonr Pi Is and use your oil tinent, Alter a few weeks, by perseverance with yoilr remedies, she was considerably hetter, and hv (.,on-ini.itig the same, in three months she was perfectly cured. (Signed) JOSEPH W II.D. INDIGESTION A\D BILIOU8NKS*.—EXTRAORDINARY CURE Copy of a Letter from Mr He..shall, of Ashton-under- Lyne, dated the 28th June, 1854. To Professor Hol-oway, OKAR I was for a considerable period afflicted with Indigestion, attended with frequ. ut sickness, loss ol appe- tite, geadache, drowsiness and dimness of sight, an oppres- sion at the pit of the stomach, and the other attendant evils of a gen-rally disoiganised constitution. Although I tried a vanetv of repined remedies I was not b nefitted. and finally I became so bad that life w-is almost insupportable tome. At this period I commenced u>ing your Pills, and in grati-'ude am hound to confess, that after a few doses I fell considerably bejier, and it, six we> ks was radically cured hy this medicine al' ne, alter eve^y other remedy had failed to afford me the slightest relief. J AMI S 11. NSHALL. MOST SURPRISING CURK OF A IIISZASLD LtVER OF FOUi.TKKN YEARS STANDING. Mrs. Dobson, of Dartford. was afflicted for fourteen years ivftlt a diseased liver and spitting of blood, and she was candidly told by every one who saw her that it was all utter impossibility that she could ever be cured. A year and a half ago, she became so much worse that she was obliged to be carried up and down stairs her friends ther. conveyed her to (;U)"8 Hospital, tait they refused to receive her, except as in in patient, and it was feared Ihnt it would be impossible t > relic ve her of her sufferings. Four iftnnth* ago she resolved to have recourse to H Iloways Pills, and determined to give tbeui a fair tria she di.1 so, and the rt" sult was, that in nine weeks she was perfectly cured by these remedies alone, and is now able to walk as well as ever fhe was m beg life. The truth of the ahnve is well known at Dartford, and can he vouched tor by several p. r-ot.s "I respectability there. These celebrated P,JIII are wonderfully efficacious in the fol!olNir.g romplRintll: Ague ties Scrofula, or King's Asthma Fevers of all kinds Evil Biilons Complaints Fits Sine Throats Btouches <;» the Gout Stone nd G-avol Skin Head-acfce Secondary-Symptom Bowel Complaints I(i<ge»ti«ii Tic Doulourrux Coiics I'tfl ^mation Tumours Consumption Jaundice Uheis Debility L Ver Complaints Venereal Aff»CtlOli Dropsy Lumbago Worm* ot all kinds lly» ntery Piles Weakness Imtri F.rylipelaq Rheumatism whatever cause Female li regnlari-Retention of Urine &c.. &c. g"irl ..t the Estahli*hmerit "f Professor Hollowav, 241 Strand, (near Temple ll\r.) London, and by all respectable Dr'ugisis .nd Dealers in Medicines through >»i the Civ •B*-d -l- orld, at the following prices:—*1*. 1*1-, 2«. e 1 Is.. 22s., and 33.. each Box. I There is considerable saving by taking the large- sixes. sixes. N.B.— Direfions for the stiijancs of jwt'en'S in •verv disorder urw ntHxeti to r«sb boiu SELLING OFF! GREAT BARGAINS! W. DAVIS & SON, RED HOUSE, HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, RE shout making »ome Alterations and Enlarging the'r Shop, which will compel tlvm to clear off the whole of rV. their extensive Stock of LINEN AND WOOLLEN DRAPERY GOODS ataGREAT SACRIFICE. The Goods will be offered much BELOW COST PRICE as the whole most be cleared out before the middle of next month. The Stock is now ready for Inspection. FAMILY MOURNING, AT THE NEW DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, 19, MARKET STREET, HAVERPORDWEST. & 3>^2IB3 SOLICIT the attenfinn of^all F<milies in Mourning, to their well Js.sorted Stork of Black Si'ks, French Merinos French Twills, Double TtvilU Conourg Cloths, Alpacca*, Crapes, &c, &c, as they are in the best of order and at the i he:i|'f«! ra i" The Business is conducted upon the Ready Money Principle, which is obviously the most adv-tntftgoour. one for the Purchase;. Th- are all marked in plain fi -ures, from which nn abatement can be made. HAVERFORDWEST & SOUTH WALES CABINET &;UPHOLSTEBY ESTABLISHMENT W ri. L I A M BL ETHYN, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, AND UNDERTAKER, 5 RETURNS his sincere thanks to his Friends and the Public in general for very -kind patronage during the 1 !;1" Fiff- Y" rs. and begs to inform them that he has KEVJOVED his Business from Market-street to HIGH- REET, OPPOSITE MRS. POTTER'S HEADING ROOMS, where lie hopes, by his endeavour to keep Articles flf tI", NTe-v st Style a..d the Rest Workmanship, to merit a continuance of their patronage. W. n bees tos-.v thar his EXTENSIVE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN, with a CHOICE SELECTION of MODERN i URNlTURE, also, a Large Stock of Brus«ells, Kidderminster, Rugs, India, Cocoa, and other Matiings and Mats; Swing, Toilet, Cheval, and Pier Glasnrs, together with other articles too numerous to mention gg- A Large Stock of French and other Paper Hangings, from per piece and upwards. Agent to -the British Plate Glass Insurance Company. GENERAL FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT. LEWIS & REYNOLDS, CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS, UNDERTAKERS, AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS, MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, IN returning their sincere thanks to their numerous supporters and friends for the extended patronage so liberally IIwaril.1 them for a series of years, beg in the most respect'nl m inner to inform them that they have removed from their late residence in Hil' Street, and have taken to the extensive Establishment pte!y in Ihe occupation of Mr. WM. RLKTHYN. situate in Market Street (opposite BROWN'S Wine *nd Spirit Vaults), where in future they intend carrying oil their business in *11 its various branches, and they hope by unremitting attention, good material and workmanship, and moderate charges, to insure a contit notice of those favour* of which they have been hitherto the recipients. In addition to the large stock ot Furniture ai d Upholstery, their Show Rooms wilT be found replete with all the newest patterns in Papers. Pier Glasses. Carpeting, 8ic. &c. A Large Assortment of Feathers, Curled Hair, and Flock. & 2* 2 <b & a t? 3 as 3 EMMA BROWN, TANNER, CURRIER, AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LEATHER DEALER, BEGS TPRl'l'cll'ull,y to announce io her Friends and the Public in general, tint she intends carrying on the above Rnsiness in all its branches, and trusts, bv punctually (tilflil,iiv all orders entrusted t., her, to merit a continuance of the pitronage s > liberally bestowed on her la-e lamented hoshand. NEW TIMBER YARD, gg 2 3b 3 <0 SE> 22 & & 2?. ESSRS. WILLIAMS AND GREENISH, have just imporcd from Quebec, per harque "SOPHIA,' :vl a lar^e and well-selected U«rgo of Choice WHITE and RED PINE, OAK, ELM, DEALS, STAVES, and LATH WOOD, which they now offer to,. Sale ('n v-tv Liber t Term*. N.B. This Cargo "al s. lected and purchased on the spot hy the Captain, all being carefully picked, &c.. of the very best qllnf"y- F ISH G U A R D. OLD CORK WHISKEY, AND FOREIGN WINE STORES. GEORGE BEN NET, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SP!RIT MZRCHANT. NO MORE CANDLES REQUIRED. THE OBSERVATORY, MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. T.J. V\ HIT* is now S' fi.ig a ne-^t Brass Lamp with Stand complete far NINF. PKNCK..Lacquered Lamp* fo» fitting into C andleSticKs E ght Pence nth, vith F et.ch Scre«^■ riytinii up the tape wick strong t'••iiidlestiek «h iped Lamp com 1 le Is. fid. ea- Ii Pedetoa' Lamp< (quite new) 2-, each Brass, II .11, and Staircase Lamp* 2. h'd each; Stable and other Lanterns (mm 2s. fid. each. All th PuSpF-' fi11. d wit't> tlie French Suvw t.. hum the flat tape wn k C-'st "1 burning—ONE PENNY FOR NINB HOl'HS. ;<Tne Itg^Cmuch Wtter than that k|*et» by any Candle, and at less than ha f the cost Tape V\ ick fnr the above, One P, two ieet. Pure Refined FRKNCH CO ta Oil, Ei.ht Pence per pi. t. One Pint of this Oil ivili ia*t longer than ^^pfennd? of C-iniies. N Snuffing requ:reii. pi. t. One Pint of this Oil ivili ia*t longer than ^^pfennd? of C-iniies. N > Snuffing requ:reii. W. J. WHITE, Clock and Watch MakHr. Silversmith, Jeweller, Ac., &e.. j T> ESPECTFULLY invite* all p-*rstm» not yet sup. iied wiih Lasnps o call ai d inspect his Stock of English and F^ ench Mod^e.rnrs, which FIR SURPASS ALL LAMPS hitherto brought before the Public. Pric n from 7s. IC)tl. to C3 IPs. f. h. in. Indieg Sr»r«is. Shades. ,t Cfiimn'-y*. J The best Colza Oil «ln-»\s on S'!fe,n)<f Shades, Cl.imiievs. "Nt Wcks for fhe a'^ove. Every Larno sold i»v T* J. White is Warranted, ae-d will !-e t, k-n fi.ick if it do-s not htirn we'l j an.' a.TJ, W. h«* a workman who thoroughly understands ihe rpechvntsm ot the Moderator Lamp, he is en:;hVd '10 offer his <-ustomers the further advantage 01 htviny their Lamps •ep<iited.{if ne< es8ary) duriny the fitst Tw Years rtiFE OF TH ,RGk. kl&GwI Balls and Private Parties I'ghTtiLwilh. the Moderator Lamps at an hour's notice. J2gGR[j| A 1111 of ('amphine and CanifieHiainps 1(1 be hold at trry reduced j.rices. T.J. \V. »l*o beg* to cal' attention to his general Stock, comprising* dm ks, Wat riven, Jewellery, /■■■■■mr Silver Goods, Electro and Alb.ta Plate. Paitier and Jaoan Goods, Cahinet Wares, China Ornaments, Glass a"d China. Barometers. Thetmon eters, Fancy Cutlery, Eye Glassp* and Spectacles, Glass |ffl Shades, Repeating and otlu-r Pistols. Concertinas, Accordmns. Flu'.inas, &c., &c. A JS » WEDOINC RINGS. HafSlZ Clocks and Watches of every description cleaned and repaired by experienced Workmen. Sole Agent tot MEINIGS GALVANIC ELECTRO* GENERATOR. A little anparat-i* giving imtantunenus relief in all eases of Nervous,Functional, and Rheumatic ti«e^ses. The eff- ts (being in&tanraneous) canibr tested before band at the depot—the Observatory M r! t S"i»- r. H verfor-'wHst. M r! t S"i»- r. H verfor-'wHst. THOMAS D. M E Y L E (Successor to O. E. Davies) Dispensing & Family Chemist, Seedsman, &c. (Patent Medicine and Perfumery Warehouse. Dealer in British Wines.) HIGH-STHEKT. lliTEKFOKBTEIT. Kiitg->sti eet, Pembroke Dock. BLACKSMITH, RETURNS bis *i cere thanks to his FrierH* and the Public in general 'or their kind support towards h m for the tnst Twenty Seven Years in the above place. J.M. I-elz. to acquaint ins Friends and the Public th,t he intends carrying on the Trade in a more extensive way than he has hitherto been doing. J. M. also beis to actjiia'nt the Public ih-tt he b is purchased an Anchor Bellows, and like- wise an HydrMili Chain Proving Machine, and that he intends c mmencing the Anchor ..nd Chain business im- mediately, and hopes, hy employing experienced Workmen :o he able to give SHtisfai tion in that branch as well as in all other kiruts of SMp Woi k. N.B. — Mill and Machine Spindles made, new steeled, and turned off to patt-rn, and Brasses cast to suit Copper Wir, Drawn, and Boat Nails made to order Iron Axle Trees, Ploughs, and Harrows of the newest fashions and tiie best principles; 1111 kinds of Agricultural Implements made to ord- r on tlie stxtrffst notice. •JRS1" AN APPRENTICE WANTFD. What is infirm from your sound parts shall fly,- Health shall live free and sickness freely die.Shakspeore UNDER TOT AND PATRONAGE OF THI TH* PRINCIPAL THE ONLY REAL CURE WITHOUT INWARD MEDICINE IS ROGER'S ROYAL BATH PLASTERS, lor Coughs. \¡ Asthma, Hoarseness, L nigestion, Pa pitarion of the Heart, Croup, Hooping Cough, 1 nfUienza, Chrome Strains, B:tiises, Lumbago "r in the Back, Spinal and iiheu matic Affections, Diseases o< the Chest and Local Pains. MURK WONDERFUL CURKS FROM MANY THOUSANDS OF OTHERS:— SEVERE ATTACK OF RHEUMATIC PAINS CURED. Dear Sirt.—Havinc ,t)ff, re(i many years from severe at- tacks of Uh. umlld. pains, I feel great pleasure in idling y u that 1 have derived great benefit from your invaluable I'lasiei. I shall U/Ost certainly recommend it to all my riends, all med cal aid being 01 no use whatever. Yon are at leave to publish thi- in a y way you may ihmk proper. I)t))),dtart)irt,ynurstr"tv, Leamington, Aug. 12th, 18510. R. MAYOR, M.A. Carrickglass, Longford, Ireland, July 2nd, 1S54. Gentlemen,— Herewith I send you sixteen Pos.u^e St imps for another 01 your very valuable Ropers' Piasters, The one already got has given me considerable a;# (Signed) WM. SCANLAN. HOOPING COUGH CURED. qir-l have used your Ropers' Plasters for myself and children for several months with decided benefitfor Hooping cough three of my children being comparatively well since ;heir application I am, Sirs, yours respectfully. T. MAIDEN. Ash Cottage, Stalisfield, near Faversham, Kent. Communicated by Mr. J. C. RUNHARDT, Chpmio-t. Hull.) Sproatley, near Huli, Out. 3rd, I8&.t. y)rSi—Having found great benefit from Roopeit,1 Royal Bath Plasters and Pills, I wish to oxke my case known for the advantage of those who sutler, as I have done lor a long time. I have been alfficted with spasmodic pains in the chest, and palpitation of the heart, arising !rom indigestion and liver complaint 1 was tinder nieiiic-il treatment many mouths u ithout feeling any belter, at last I tried one of Rooper's Plaster* anil a Box ol Pills, which yave me relief in a few days, from which time my health has improved, and I am now quite well. I remain with thanks, yours respectfully, ELIZABETH THOMPSON. Haydoti Vicarage, SUaford, April 2/th, lfl.54-. Sirs,-Th,- eife(te ot .,Iaste.s I lid s iie .I,,)rt time since Irom yon has been »o marvellous among my poor Kari-shicncrs that 1 will that k you t" send me an lis. Case .,S noon as convenient. —Your obedient servant, A. LEAPING W ELL. Unprincipled Shopkeepers, for the sake of gain, have tended spurious imitations. Purchasers are therefore can miied to NOTICE 1—The words Roopbp's ROYAL BATH PLASTER," engtaved on the Government Stamp. t'REPARED ONLY BY ROBT. ROPER AND SON I CHEMISTS, SH EFIE LD, )n Medico-Chemical Principles, from British Ileibs, and the Gums and Ha)sam< ot the Eastern Clime, where The trees drop balaanr), and on all the bousjhs Health sits and makes it sovereign as it Hows." Full-siztd Plasters, Is lid.; and or Children, 9Jd. each; r direct by P"st on rectipl 01 Is. 4. or h. each in Postage st-imps. For Family use, and Charitable purposes, &c.,—in rin Cases, at 4s. 6d., 1 Is., 22s., 3:h. each case. Sold by most Patent Medicine Vendors iu the United kingdom. v- BFAVARE OF 1MITA1 JQN3!~Bf j&-fi«*l*r m* ..r KOPEK'S PLASTERS*. Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's American Sarsaparilla. IS is one of the most extraordinary and valuable Medicines in the world. Its superiority over other ^reparations ot like char cter, made in this count) y, arises from the mode 01 manufacture, and the advantage of ob- taining and working the root in its green hiid Iresh state. The root, when brought to this country, is dry, vapid, and alino*! tasteless, its virtues and juices having all evaporated; while it often becomes mouldy, musty, and partially de- cayed, so that it is quite unfit for use. ENGLISH TESTIMONY. We give a few ot the many communications we have re- ceived sirict we have been in England, from those who have experienced the great benefits of u.ing this celebrated medicine. Tliey must have some weight in convincing the public of its great value.. 49, Davies street, Berkeley-square, Sept. 1, 1851. Gentlemen.—I have much pleasure in testifying to the numerous tbrrnks I hive received Irom various j ersons who have taken Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsaparilla, many of whom will be happy to give you testimonials should you equire them. I am doubly pleased to be able to speak to the good effects I have seen my elf ptodwed by the Sarsa- parilla; for 1 must confess that although I was not pre- judicial, I was rather sceptical as to its virtues, which I would tio- have believed it possessed, had I not seen it.—I am, gentlemen, your obedit nt servant, JOHN JAIMKRSON. Mes*rs. Pomeroy, Andrews, and Co. FURTHER IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. GRKAT CURE OF PILES. 17, I'belps-sreet, Walworth, Feb. 22. 1853. Gentl..men,- I was afflicted with the blind Piles, and was under medical treatment for three months, but obtained no relief. Hearing of Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsa- parilla, I obtained -nmf', at d, after taking it a short time, the accumulated rorrupt matter copiously discharged, and I alinot-t immediately obtained relief. 1 still contiuned its use for a time, and not only found relief, but a cure. and am now Ire-e Irom pain. I most sincerely recommend it to Hit who are similarly affected.— I am, gentlemen, your obedient servant, WM. HYDE. Messrs. Pomeroy. Andrews, and Co. 8. Ashley-terrace, City-road, London. June 8, 1852. G ntlemen, — Please send me again three quart bottles of Old Dr. SarsapRri IIa. I feel much better, and the general system greatly improved, and I hope, I shall he all ritfht with the three now urdend-I aOl, gentlemen, yours very respectfully, JOHN W. MUNCH. Messrs. Pom. rny, Andrews, and Co., ;.73, Strand. William earn, 1, High-street, Southsea, writes, "I have taken several bottles of Old Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and derived bent fit Irnm it." Rt v. J. W. Wi^on, Wf- -eyan Minister, «t Biggleswade, writes, June 7, 1852, I have derived much benefit tJom taking Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla." FEMALE COMPLAINTS. GREAT CURE OF NJtKVOUSNF.au. London. June, 10, 1852. Gentlemen,—My wife hR" been long afflicted with a ner- vous complaint from which she suffered severely. Able physi. lans and many remedies were tried ir, vain, but I ain happy to inform you that she has entirely reiovered by ,i,,itig a few bottles ot Old Townsend's Sarsaparilla. J. R. PETERSON. Messrs. Pomeroy, Andrews, and Co. PIMILES. BLOTCHES, ERUPTIONS, &c. The Rimt^inay be s:lid ot tht>$e as it. the cure of the severer chronic maladies; the Sarsaparilla and the Oint- ment will effectually wipe off all disagreeable eruptions, and lender the surface c'eir ard beautiful. Ladies trsuhled with rough, pimply skin, or « gro»x. masculine surface, will do well to nseihese Medicines, it they wish clear, d- licati and transparent complexions. Nothing can exceed their iltica. y in this tesptct. CURE OF A DISORDERED STOMACH Lower Grosvenor-street. GHhvenor square, July 41. 1851. Gentlemen,— I h, to inform you that I have b-en using your Medicine, Dr. TOl\'nM'11I1', Sar!.Hp)ri!)a, for a com- plaint in my stomach, from which I suffered a long time, and I am happy to say it has cured ine. I shall be happy to answer any letter of inquiry, as I am satisfied your Sarsaparilla is worthy of ail the recommendation I can uive it. JAMEN FORSYTH, Messrs. Pomeroy and Cn. SICK HEADACHE—A CASE OF MANY YEAR'S STANDING. The following is nn.. o( those cases arising from a disor- dered state of the uterine functions, which affect the, whole system, and bring on some ot the most distressing sufferings. his lady has suffered moee or less for ten years, and has now entirely recovered by the use of Dr. Townsend's Sar saparilla. She say* r— "B'-rkf toy-square, Jan. 15, 1*553. Messrs. Pomeroy and Co.— I have used your DT. 'I Oltll- send's Sarsaparilla for sick headache and general df'hiliIY. arising from a disordered state of my system, and or,, happy to inform you that it has completely rcitored me to [former health and strength. 1 experience a degree of I comfort, buoyancy of spirit-, and renewed strength, which I have not known for ten years. This great I)t-tiefit ilon e induces me to write an acknowledgement. Disliking my nama in lull to go before the pubiic, I ptve my initials only. MRS. E. W. T. C." H i! f p»nt», 2s. Od,; Pints, ♦ Small Quart* 4». 6d. Quarts. 7s. fid-; *nd Mammoths, lla.; bis .Mammoth* sect tree for (>0s. POMEROY, ANDREWS, ft Co., M* PRO, ^rn-»f*o»we, iitr.trrti Lu#d«(i» I BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY OFFICE, QUAY, nrtrSTOL. f I^H E following or other suitable STE A M VESSEL*5 JL unless prevented by anv unforeseen occurrence are intended to Sail Irom CUMBERLAND BASIN, BR ISTOL (except the DART, for Newport, and SWIFT, for Cardiff, which will start from BATHUKST BASIN.) and as nntle.- mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liberty to tow Vessels, duting the Month of FEBRUARY, 1855. MILFORD. PATER. & HAVERFORDWEST. SHAMROCK. Capt. G. Thomas. From HriUul. Tue* 6 8 mornl l ues. 20 8 morn Tues .13 2 aftetjrues 27 •• 8 after Fares—Same as Tenby. Milford (seven miles from the Haverinrdwest Rni.wav Station) to Watertord, I htirsdays. February I. and 15, at G Morning, and Wednesdays, Februaiy 7 and 21, at 8 in the Evening. Best Cabin, 2."). Fore-cabin, 7s. 6d. Waterford to Bristol Fridays. TENBY.—PH (EM x. From Bristol. I 1-rom Tenhy, Friday 2 6.Jmorn Tuesday 6 ..10 morn Friday 9 9J norn Tuesday 13 4 alter Friday .If) 0 morn Tuesday .20 ..10 morn Friday 23 .,10 morn (Tuesday 27 5 after Horses, Carriages, &c., must be shipped at the Pier at Tenby, at least three hours before the above sailings. Fares Best Cabin, Pis. Children, under 12 years, 6s. 6d. Servants in the Cabin, 8s. (including Stew-rd's Fees.) Fore Cabin, 7s. 6d. Children, under 12 years, 4s. Carriage, 42s. Pair-horse Phaeton, 31 #. 6J Small One-horse ditto, 25s. Gig, 20s. Horse,20s. Dog, 3H. Return Tickets (avai' /ble lor one week), Best Cabin, 18s. Fore Cabin, lis. CARMARTHEN.—PHOJNIX. From Bristol culling at F-om Carmarthen calling Tenby. at Teuhy. Friday 2 C^morn'Tuesday 6 7 morn Fiiday 9 yjmorn.Tneslay .13 i after Friday 16 6 morn I Tuesday .20 7 morn Friday .23 ..10 morniTuesday .27 after Fares S a me as Tenby. DUBLtN.-RosE, Capt. Crowel. Fro". liristol. From Dublin. Friday 2 fij-oorn i Tuesday 6 fljmorn Friday 9 9Jmorn Tuesday 13 9 morn Friday 16 t\a ter Tuesday 20 P morn Friday 23 ..10 morn Tuesday 27 9 mtlrrt Single Fares-Cabin, £ 1 5s. Se rvants and Children (under 12), 14s. (including Steward's Fees). Dpck, tOt. To and Fro Fates—Cabin, £ 1 ]2s. fid. Deck, 15s. Avail- able until second Return Trip from date of issue. WATERFORD. CAMILLA, or WM PpSN. WM. PHNN nr CAMILLA and SHAMROCK. Bristo t Waterford, Waterford to Bristol, CAMILLA. direct. CAMILLA & SHAMROCK direct Friday 2 6Amorn Friday 2 4 after Fiiday 9 9jmorn Tuesday 6 7 tnttfn Friday 16 6 mom Friday 9 9 moro Fiiday 23 .10 morn Tuesday 13 1 after SHAMROCK, Friday 16 3 after Calling at Mi ford. Pater, and Tuesdny.20 7 mnrn Haverfordwest. Friday .23 9 morn Tuesday 6 8 morn Tuesday.27 1 efter Tuesday 13 2 alter Tuesdav 20 8 morn Tuesday 27 3 after Miltiira to Waterford, Thursdays. February I and 15, at 6 Morning, and Wednesdays, February 7 Bad 21, at 8 Evening. Fares—Cabin, 25A. Servants and Children (under 12) lis. (including Steward's Fees). Deck 7s. 6d. To and Fro-Cabin, 40s. COHK. JUVFRNA. Capt. Gilmore & SABRINA, Capt, Parker. From Bristol. From Cork. Saturday 3 fijmorn Friday 2 6 morn Tiiesdfiy 6 8 morniTuesday 6 7 morn Sarin.day .It) Jfjoiorti! Friday 9 7 m»rn Tuesday ..>.13 2 afterlTuesday .13 ..12 noon i Simdny .17 rJmorn'Friday .16 2 after j W.dnesday ..20 fl tnorn,Tuesday 2d 6J norn Saturday ..24 lOjtriorn; Friday 23 7 morn Tuesday .2? 3 jafterjTuesday .27 ..12 noon Fates— Cal in. 27*. 6d. Servants and Children (under 12), 15s.. (im-l'iding S'nw-ud's Fees). Deck, 10s. To and Fro, Cabin, 45s., available for Sixteen day*. Arrangements have t»een ma<*e in conjunction with the Gri-at Western Railway Company lor thrnusli Tickets, th' from London to Cork, via Bristol, and vice versa, on the following terms t—Fares—Cabin and 1st class, S8v; Cabin and 2hd class, 34s. Deck and 3rd class, 16s. Available by the ordinary trains only, or bv F.xpress on payment of difference in fare. To and Fro Tickets are also granted, available for Sixteen D:tys, viz. Fareti- Cabin and 1st class, 57s. Cabin and 2nd class, 51s. NOTICE.—The Owners of the above Steamers give Notice that thev will not he accountable or answerahle for any loss ariinu from fire, perils, dangers or accidents of the sea, stranding*, collisions, escape of steam, arcident* to machinery or nthei accident, damage or injury whatsoever attending navigation, nor for the faults, negligences, or mistakes of the Ctptiin, Officers, or Crew in navigatint' the vessel on which goods may be shipped; unless the goods be particu'atued, "lid the vallie then of declared to th-tn it the time of shipment, and an additional freight he paid or agreedto be paid upon the said declined value. The rate can be ascertained at their Offices. All goods sent to them for conveyance or shipment unae- rompanied with such "altic ulars and declaration of value, will only be received ca; rit d hy them at the express ri k of the Shipper, Consignee, or Owner of such goods, as ti all or damage, however caused, and he subject to the t-Tin* of this Notice, and in the transmission thereof, the Captain, Officers, and Crew of the vessel carrying such goods, shall i be considered (as between the Shipper, Owner, or Cun- signees of such goods and the owners 01 the Steamers) to be ihe servants of such Shipper, Owner, or Consignee. That the Shipper, O.v ncr, or Consigner ol goods, shall j not be entitled to rlaim (in case of loss) beyond the amount or proportional amount of value upen which the additional frieght shall be chargeable. The Owners of the Steamers will not take charge of, or he responsible or accountable for g ods left on the quays or tvhar's oor for any deficiency ill, or damage done to. the illtel ior of hales, cases, parcels, or pack iges, unless such b dell. case-, parcels, or packages, be packed in tie presence of 1111 Officer of the Company. Disputed weight "r measurement, damage, &c, cannot he allowed, unless noted at the Companies' Offices before rtl- moval of goods, and unless Claims (in writing) be sent in to the Comp-liy on the day of delivery and in no case will the Owners of the Steamer hold themselves liable for de- ficiency of weight, unless the goods be actually weighed previous to g< ing on board the vessel, and a certificate of the same be obtained from the Captain. All goods are at the risk 01 the Owner, or Consignee, from the time ot being landed from the vessel. The Owners of the Steamers will not undertake to carry the goods by a particular vessel or on a partlculardHY. The person or carrier b- inging or forwarding the goods for ship- mi-nt will b? considered as the Agent 01 the Shipper, Owner or Consignee thereof. The Owners of the Steamers will not receive or adopt any Bill of Ladine but those prepared by them, which may be had at their Offices. I All goods are received by the Owners of the Steame. subject to the terms 01 the foregoing Notice, and to a gene- ral lien, not only for the frieght of the same, but for all other freights, IT arrears or freights, storage, or charges, due by the Consignor, Consignee, or Owner thereof to the Com- pany. CARDIFF.—SWIFT and UsK.'or STAR. Irom Bristol. From Cardiff. Thursday 1 5 after Thursday Ili Aftipr Friday 2 *(>J'norn Fiiday 2 4 ftfter Saturday 3 *7 mom Saturday 3 4J after Monday 5 8 morn Monday 5 6 mornl Tnesday 6 8 mom Tuesday 6 7 morn Wednesday7 f3imorit Wednesday.. 7 7 morn Thutsday 8 9 morn Thursday 8 8 morn Friday 9 9Jmom Friday 9 8 morn Saturday .O 10 morn Saturday 10 9 morn Monday .12 1 after. Monday .12 11 morn Tnesday .13 21 after Tuesday 13 12i afttcr Wednesday 14.. 3J alter: Wednesday. 14 rafter Thursday.15 4 £ afterjThursday ..15 3 after Friday .16 *6 morn'Friday 16 after Saturd-iy 17 •6.jmorn;Saturday ..17 rafter Monday .19 8 morn)tonday 19 6itrinrn Tuesday .20 81:norn!Tuesday.20.. 7 morn Wednesday..21 9 morn'Wednesday..21 7imorn Thursday,22 9JmornjThursday.22 8 mom Friday..2.3 10 morn Friday 23 8jrnorn S .turday .24 10j'i»ornjSaturdHy .»..24 9 morn Monday .26 lj afterjMonday 26 Ujnorn Tuesday .27 3 after;Tuesday 27 ••• 14 after Wednesday..28 3 £ afterlWednesday .28 2J alter 2nd. 3rd, 16th, and 17th, To and Fro. NEWPOR f'.—DART. Capt. Jas. Parfitt. Frolll Bristol. FrOIll Newport. Friday 2 6jmom Thursday 4J atier Saturday 3 7 morn Friday 2 4A af'er Tuesday <> 8 morn Monday •••• 5 f> £ inorn Thursday 8 9 mt>r" Wednesday 7 7imorn sattirtli3, I iiimori. Friday 9 8 morn Tuesday, 13 2 £ after Monday 12 ..1! mon W-diiesdity ..15 4J after Wednesday ..14 2 after Friday 16 51 altc-i Thursday. 16 4i iiorn Monday, 19 8 mom Satuiday .17 rafter Wed nek ay ..21 9 morn Tuesday. 20 7 u.orn Fiiday 23 ..10 mori, Thursday .22 8$morn Monday 26 IJ alter Saturday .24 9 morn Wednesday .28 3j after Tu-sday 27 ljafter Fares—After-Cabin, 3s. Fore-Cabin, Is. 6d. The whole of the above vessels are fitted up for the con- veyance of Passengers and Goods.-Female Stewards on Board. Carriages and Ho'ses Shipped with care, and should be alongside two boors h. foie sailing. AHENTS.— Mr.■ T. f. Thomas,Tenby; Mr. A. Williams Haver'ordwes.t; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. James, Pater Mr W. It. Harvey Cardiff; Mr. Marti 1, Ilfracombe; Mr Robert Stncey, Carmarthen;. and Mr. R.Jones, Newport. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packets will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Luggage (il lost or damaged) above the va'ueot'! wo Pounds nor 01 any I)ei k Passenger's Luirgage (if lost or damaged) above :he value 01 Twenty Shilling unless irr each case entered as such, and freight ill proportion paid lor the same at the time oi delivery nor will the\ be answerable for any otberpar- ,:t 1 above'tiie value ol Forty shillings (if lost or damaged) uiib ss enten d as s>»ch, »nd freight in proportion p»id fc.i rhe same at the I i,ne of tT hwrry.—Xot itccnuntebte t,;r &11.) without Stn;.pil)\( Note. I, JL i rtitu rv wnsatioa «» b« po»t poft. JOHN CASSELL'S COFFEES. f THE luxury of a really rich and delicious Cup of Coffee Tiny be enjoyed by porch -sing JOHN CASSF.I.I.'S e'e brated arid far-famed Coffee, which may b» had at Is., Is. 2d., Is. 4rd., and Is. 8d. per lb. JOHN CASSELL'S TEAS. THESE strong and Choice fl-iy iured Tea*, which may with such high approval, are now supplied at the fol 'owing reduced rates:—3s. 4d., 3s. 8d 4s., and 4s. 4d. per lb. Sold hy at least one Agent in most Towns throughout the I Kingdom, antl appointments are still being made in those places not yet occupied. Apply to JOHN CASSF.LL. 80, Fenchnreh-streef, Londor. Agent for H ivrr ordwest, Phillips, Groper, Marker sirpei Pembroke, J. Thomas, Pembroke-Street, Pembrok- D'wk. Other Agents Wanted for Pembrokeshire. PJCClAL NOTICE.—To SECURE THE ADVANTAGE OF THIS YEAR'S ENTRY, PROPOSALS MUST BE LODGED AT THE BEAD OFFICE, OR AT ANY OF TUB SOCIETY'S AGENCIES, ON OR BEFORE 1ST MARCH. 3Mital lift ^ssnrHnrr. Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society. INSTITUTED 1831. THE Profit* are divided every THRF,E YEARS, ind wholly belong to the Members of the Society. The next division takes place al 1st Match 1856. EXAMPLE OF A ODITIONs.-On a Policy for ZIOOO. dated 1st March 1832, X1523 8s. tld. will we payable it it become Claim during the current year after payment of thiq year's Premium. This is an addition of more than FIFTY PER CENT, on the SUM ASSURED, and averages X2 3s. 7d. per Cent. per annum. Supposing ")ch a Policy to have been effected at the a?e of 30. the additions ight now be surrendered for a PRESENT PAYMENT of jE221 7s. lOci., or if applied in reduction of the future Premium, would reduce the Premium trom jg25 101'. 1 Od. to £6 3". 01., and even this small payment niuct he reduced every THREE YEARS during the subsistence of the Policy. Amount of Existing Assurances £ 4.234.598 Annual Revenue 152,615 Amoant of Accumulated Funil. 839,354 RORT. CHRISTIE. Manager. WM. FINLAY, Secretary. Head Office,—26, ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH. AGENTS. PEMBBOKB J. R. Bryant. Surgeon. HAVERFOHBWKST. Philip El!ix, Nierchatit. THE BRITISH HONG KONG TEA COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1842. THE Directors of the BRITISH IIONO KONG TEA COMPANY beg t-o apprise the Public that in conse. qtience of the great and rapidly increasing demand for the COMPANY'S TEAS and COFFF.BS, 50;> additional A^nts are ohout to be appointed, so that in future there will be an Agent in every Town of a moderate Population throughout the Kitigdc)mi iri(i in the larger Cities and Towns two. or three, according as the extent may require. The Directors also beg to announce that in future, Families resident in the rural Districts throughout England, as well as in the Cities and Towns, will he supplied with pare-Is nf Six Pounds and upwards direct from tlie. Company'j Warehouses, if or(t*rs are Pent ac.,Otllpallled by Half Notes, Post Office Orders or References in London, and that the Tea and Coffee sent in return will be Carriage paid to tJie nearest Raihray Station. Tfio following extracts from the heading; London Trade Journal will shew the estimation in which the objects of the BRITISH HONG KONG TEA COMPANT are held by persons competent to pronounce an opinion upon them [From the London Mercantile Journal, Jan. 23, 1855.1 At a recent con*u't.ition of the Directors of the British Hhng Kong Tea Company, they resolved upon extending their business throughout the country npon a still more nignntic scale than they have yet done. The Company was estahlisli-d in 1842 fur the purpose of supplying the public with pure Teas of superior qualities, and in a form-from 2nz.t" lIh. -to _lIit the convenience of all clas-es of Con- sumer*. The Company soon attained a business of unpre- cedented magnitude through its agents in our provincial towns; but the continually increasing support of the public, and the great changes which have taken place ot la?e years in the distribution of our population have rendered thescate upon which the Company originally organised its agencies inadequate to meet the growing demands upon it. Most of our great seats of industry, tridek and dfcmmerce have become so exr anded that the inhabitants at litrge cannot obtain sup- plies from a single agent in each place with that facility which is-requir> d; and .numerous towns all over the King- dom, which a d. sen years ago held but an inconsiderable rank, have from the enormous creation, and in m'nyin- stances the diversion of traffic by our railway system, received such lfirge immigration* ff pnputatinr) that the Direitors feel that such places otight no longer to remain without a local representation of the Company; The Direc- tors have therefore come to a resolution of appointing 500 additional agents, so that there shall be one in every town possessing a moderate amount of populat on-the more populous villages being included in this class, and two or three in the larger cities and towns according to their extent. Independent, moreover, of this extended ramification of agencies, we are informed that thi-y have made ar- rangements with all the metropolitan railway companies for snpp'yingyitw/'Vs in their several districts, as well as in cities and town. direct from the Company's warehouses in London, ahd carriage paid, wqich in point ot economy will he a considerable advantage to those who prefer having thair orders executed in thi* way. If it wer« not n matter of even national importance that the public should bv supplied with pure To-as o! the bi-st qualities and at ft moderate price, antl that peculiar difftenl- ties exist in the. way of ihi* object being realised, we should perhaps not have noticed these endeavours of the British Hong K..ng Tea Company to remove them. Tea is an article of more universal consumption than any other exiept brea.) it is at once a necessary of life to the Highest, and a luxury in which the humblest will indulge to the utmost of th- ir means, and, moreover, it is irdticive or detrimental to the healilt ot all according to its qualities. At the same time it is all article of which the public cannot judge accurately tor themselves by the exercise ot their own outwn>tl senses of sinht. smell, IInof touch, and therefore they must rely upon, not only the honi-sty. but the judament of those hy whom they are supplied. The kinds of Tea are many, and not all even of the same kina have the same properties. It re. quires great experience and a very discriminating taste to judge beforehand of the degree in which Tea will prove agreeable to the palate, And more especially to the stomach; for one Tea may prove the most wholesome and delightful of tonics—strengthening the digettive organs, diffusing calm throughout the nervous system, clearing the intellect, and exh larating the whole figme-while another may prove a noxious astringent, causing dyspepsia, irritable nervousness, dejection of the spirits, chronic head ache, and other di*-j orders—and these differi-nt results shall be produced though each Tea shall he genuine of its sort. T"R does not agree with me," is a frequent C unpUint. and we cannot wonder at it when we cons.der thai it is supplied by so many in competent judges of different kinds of Tea. But I hla is not the otdy » "lch of his professed business in the retail Tea' er is detective. How to mix different sorts together as to produce a j>everftge the must grateful to thestorot as well as to the pa'ate. is a still greater secret to him; w iile by blending the finer sorts together an emi- nent physician has declared—though no ascetic himself— that a cup ol Tea may be produced equal, as a stomachic tonic, to two glasses of the finest old Port W ine. tonic, to two glasses of the finest old Port W ine. "F"ir these reasons we wish the Bdtish Hong Kong Tea Compony the utmost success in their new movement. It is a great undertaking, but we are satisfied that it is in hands fully equ-il to it—ol persons of greai practical experience in the Tea trade, and whose long and high standing is a guar- antee that thry wit! do justice to the public." T E A. All Teas are refected by this Company which do not; possesa Ionic virtues as well as great strength and agreeable flavour in a high degree. The following sorts are recom- mended :— 1 SLACK TEA. «• d. The Company's No. I in Lead Packages of2oz. to lib. 3 4 2 1, do M 3 8 ? "1A »» »» f •' » a Howqua's Mixture do „ 4 8 A combination of several kinds of rare teas ot the highest character. GREEN TEA. The Company's No. 1 in Lead Packages of 20%, to lib. 3 8 „ ,,2.. do „ „ 4 0 a, »t 3 to do ,1 ,1 4 8 ■? 4 do „ to 5 0 Other kittds at much lower prices, even down to 2s. 4d. per lb. for both Black and Green Te", in Parcels and Chestr,1 COFFEB Will also receive the unceasing attention of this Company. Like Tea, great experience and knowledge of in properties are tequired. and their extensive trade in all pirts of' the Empire enable the Company at all times to go into the market with unequalled power of selection. Itissetdom that the rich mountain flavoured Coffees, so much sought after in Frame, find their way into Country TO"II' or Villages, The Company pledge themselves to supply the pubiic with those delicious Coffees which possess »° moch strength and richness of favour. PRICES.-NA. 1 }'• M. P« lb. No. 2 Is- n „ No. 3 Is. 4d. „ Nrt, 4 Is. 8d. In air tight packages, of two ounces to one pound, as supplied by the Ajent. The Trade throughout the country will be supplied by this Company with Teas in lots of 6 and 9 chest at i1 per lb., and in single chests and broken packages at Id. per lb., on the cost for cash payment. Coffee in the raw state at 2s. per cwt. on the cost pri e. and roasted at one halfpenny per lb., carriage to be paid hy the purchasers. Roasted Coffee from lOAii. per lb. and upwards. THOMAS STRAND, Manager. 14, Little Tower Street, London, FEBRUARY, 1855. AU Bills or Post Office Orders to be made payable tr; THOMAS STRAND. Bankers—London and Country Bank. 500 MORE AGENTS REQUIRED. This Agency will be one ot the most valuable that ever w*. undertaken by any Tradesman, because the Axent and hi, business will be most extensively advertised throughout tht Kingdom, therefore immediate application should be made 'ar Terms, as the Manager will at Mice proceed tocarryot f the resolution ofthe Comply,-fir* wiil I -;IV* tH« pr«&r«*t*. Wanted in Monmouthshire, A THOROUGH GOOD COACHMAN, who per- fectly understands the cire of Horses, Carriages, &<• A stea 'y active single Man, fro"i 30 to 35jrearsof age, »r.u at least 12 months' Good Character from last place Wage* per year. Address A. Z., Post Office, Pembroke Dock, Pembroke. TO CONTRACTORS FOR PUBLIC "VFORKS. Carmarthen Sewers. rpHE Carmarthen Local Ro«rd of Hea'th are desirous o( I. receiving Tenders for the construction of BRICK SEWERS f>r a portion of the Town of Carmarthen, with Jtinr tions, M anholes, & Patties desirous of rendering can see the Plans and Spe- cifications at my Office on and after Monday, the I, It February instant. Tenders must he delivered on Monday, the 26th March next, to the Committee, who will ni-t-t for that purpose, at the Council Chamber, in the Town Hal!, at 11 o'clock. Ry Order of the Board, GEO. THOMAS, CLERK. Carmarthen, 13th Fehrna'y, 1855. AGENTS WANTED. IT is n well-known fact that throughout the provifca there is great difficulty in getting grmd Teas and Coffee* bonce the complaint has become almost as "familiar a household words"—" We cannot get good Tea and Coffees. SMITH, ABBOTT. & CO. have therefore resolved to plncn within the reach of the public their fine rich arniiiitic.Pa- votired Coffees, and their choice strong and fuli-flavoureit Teas, at the most moderate viricer. by the appointment ot one Agent in every town and Locality throughout the King- dom, as far as practicable. As the Agency will be triiy va'nable and involve but sm.>!l outlay, immediate application is necessary. For Terms and Particulars apply to SM ITH, ABBOTT, & CO., 5, Railway Place, Blackwall Railway Station, Cj!r London. THE PROVINCIAL (WELSH) FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICES:— HIGH-STREET, WREXHAM; 35, KIXG-STREET HEAPSIDE, LONDON. CAPITAL £ 200,000. Tint OXLT INS tRANCK COMPANY ESTABLISHED IN THE I'IBNCIPALITT. LIFE-POLICIES INDISPUTABLE. fPHE attu iion of the inhabitants of the Principality _L and adjoinine counties, is respectfully called to the terms nf thi* Company. rate of premium is as mode- rate as is consistent with safety. lt'i(lli,iy r, cc)it q tb,- Profits will be apportioned to those Assurances effect d under the participating scale, Po'iciej i.'s.ied for sums of jelo to £ 5,0C0. No charge made on Policy Stamp. Xotic« ,jf Assignment of Policies regisdere 1. The ai-curiiy of a large Capital, subscribed by a well known L)cal Proprietary. Assurers are 1101(1 exempt from hi.-ome Tax upon the premiums they may pay for assurances on their own or on their wives' lives, (such premium not to exceed one-sixth of their taxable annual income) provided they assure nitk fttch as arc indicated in the Act of Parliament, THifc COMPANY BEING ONE OF THE NCMKER. LOANS ON POLICIES.— Assurers requiring ndvanc on their Policies liberally treated with. FIRE.—Rates of Insurance Equitable. FAJ.)USG STOK IN EV'ILVN"I) ILNI) WALE,) INSURED AT 3s. PER KNT. HO EXTRA CHARGE TO FARMERS FOR THE USE OF A STEAM ENCINE. M CHARGE MADE FOR POLICIES TRANSFERRED FROM OTHER OFFICES. T\1 /oflou itiff are the Trustees, Directors, <fe., of the Company TRUSTEES. — The Right Hon the Viscount Hereford; Sir Watkin Williams Wynn. Bart, M.P. Sir Charles Mor- gan. Hart, Sir Robert Henry CunliiTe, Bart, C.B. Colonel Myddelton Biddulph, M.P. Lord Lieutenant of the county af Denbigh: Colonel J. LI. V. Watku s, M.P., Lord Lieutenant of the connty of Brecon Frederick Richard West, E-q, M.P. Pryse Lnveden, E-q., M P.; Davict Jones, Esq. M P.; the Very Reverend the Dean of St. \s->ph John Heaton, Esq, Chairman of the Denbighshire Quarter Sessions John Williams. Esq,; Thomas Brasseys Esq Henry Thomas. Esq, Chairman ot the Glamorganshire Qnar'er Sessions; Hugh Owen, Esq, Bransbury Park, London. DIRECTORS.—Sir II. C. Cunliffe. Bart, C.B., Chairman i William Wrigh', Esq, Deputy-Chai. mall; R;ch?rd Vena- hies KyTke, Es-.j Henry ltoherisrm, Esq, C.E-: John James, Esq. Richard Champion Rawlins, Esq Thomas Painter, Esq; Charles Hughes, Esq the Hon W. H. Yelverton. LONDON BOARD.—The Hon W. H. Yelverton the Hon R. T. Rowley: D. Jones, Esq. M.P. John Williams, Esq Evan Thomas, Esq. BANKERS—T he National Provincial Bank of England. CONSULTING SURGEON —T. T GritFib, Esq. Wrexham. SOLICITORS.— Messrs Edgeworth and Pupli. Wrexham. CONSULTING ACTUARY.- -Griffith Davies, E-q, London. •SURVEYOR.—R. K. Pensori, Esq. Oswcstrv. INSPECTOR OF AGENCIES.— Robert Williams, Esq. By order nf the -Bourd ANTHONY DILLON, Board Room, Wrexham, August, 18-34. Secietry. It is now admitted that capita! cannot te invested in any way so profitably and advantageou-ly as in the payment ot premiums Oil Life Assurance*. The attention of men of Property is th"f-fnre directed to this mode of investment; by means of which their bequests c¡n be increased to any amount.. To heads of families wiles*1 means are perishable. Life Assurance presents the only certain mode by which they can at once secure their families from want when they them- selves are removed by death. Emplo\ers desirous of rewarding the services of steady and faithful servants, cannot do so more satisfactorily than by presenting them a Policy of Insurance for their services, coniin ling the payment of the annual premiums so long as their services may deserve encouragement; embracing at this doi-8, a certain provision for the families of those in their employ, at the same time giving the-n a great additional interest in their situations; it may frequently be a most desirnble mode of rewarding good conduct. To the Pubiic of the Principality, and bordering counties, the PROVINCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY presents the undeniable security of a well known great and wealthy Proprietary, a list of whom mav be had ollllpplicalion at the Offices of the Company in Wrexham, or at the Branch Office, 35, King-street, Cheapside, London. Board Ruom, Provincial Insurance Company, 16 Wrexh-itn, August, 1854. FICTITIOUS TESTIMONIALS TO MEDICINES A e so commonly publishtd. that the proprietor of DR. LOCOCK'S WAFERS earnestly recommends the public to enquire into theanthen ticity of such Testimonials before being led to purchase the medicine to which they refer—and will tel" obliged to and on.' investigating the correctness of any of the seven hundred cures of As-tuna. Consumption, Spitting of Bioocf, Coughs, &c., which have been effected hy DR. L 0 C 0 C K'S PTLMCMC WAJfcRS. And published ouing fit I. 2 months. Upwards of eight thousand will attested cures have bee effected, and published firing the last 15 years. lINDER ROYA PATRONAGE. INSTANT relief and a rapid cure of Asthma and Con- L sumption afld all Disorders of the Breath and Lunga is'nstfhrd by DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS Another Surprising Cure of Asthma. From Mr William Bowen, Cartlett, Haverfordwest. Sir,—Having been afflicted for many years with a violent Cough and Asthma, arid having tried all other medicine in vain, I was recommended to try Dr. Locock's Wafers. T sent to yon for a box, and to my great astonishment, 1 found relief first night, anil have coi.iintred to get better ever smce. Tneir effeit* are truly Wonderful, My appetite i* now good, whereas formerly I could scarcely keep any food on mv stomach, i have myself since recommended them to several persons, who have all received the greatest rrlief from them. WM. BOWEN. A ftothrr Cure of .1 s'hmntic f. ortgh of Long iSlandiu DaU-d, City-road Haveifordwest. Sir,— I am happy to inform you that 1 have experienced he greatest benefit from taking only two boxes of Dr. Loc ck's Pulmonic Wafers, which you were kind enough to recommend me. Previously to my taking them I could scarcely walk Without the greatest difficulty of breathing, and my cough would then increase to such a degree thst I was neatly suffocated. I had not for many months slept for more than half an hour a' any time: but I am now able to sleep without coughing. I can truly recommend them to those who are similarly afflicted as a most invaluable remedy and yon are at perfect liberty to make my case puplic if you think proper. JOHN JONES, cabinft-roaker. Important to all ",1.0 Sing. From Mr E-Iward Page. Director of the Choir and Organist ot St Marie's Catholic Church, Newport, Gentlemen,— Having frequently suffered n.uch fiom re- laxation of the throat, I have olten been obliged to resort to various preparations, but s'nee I have had the good lortuna to try Dr. Locock's Pulmonic Wafers. 1 arn now but seldom obliged to resort to them, f< r the extraordinary goodeffecU they have produced are most surprising. Efen when the throat appears to be completely exhmistrd and the voict to be nearly gone, two or three (at most tour) will, in tin- short space ot half an hour or so, completely restore its flexibility and power. and they do not act as it mere temporary exciting remedy, nor do they leave any lassitude after. Having felt the great value of the remedy. I feel it a duty to generally reioiumcnd it as I am convinced that all persons wi.l find immense benefit trom the general and perscveiing use oi it. EDWARD PACE, 10. Slow Ilill. Newport. THESE WAFERS, CONTAINING ANTAOH) AND SEDATIVB PROPERTIES, KPFKCI UAl.t y r'IH.Io.NT IRR£lJCJ..HUTt' OF THE BOWELS. To SINGERS ANn PrcLtc SPEAKERS they are in-ala- Able, as in two hour" they rtuiove all hinti'iNnies*. and itxreuM ihe power of the voice. ItiKY HAVE A PLEAIAKT TASTB. Frice Is. lfd* 2s. 9d., and lis. ALSO, MAY Bit HAD. DR. LOCOCK'S COSMETIC. A delightfully fragrant prepnr-tion, tor IMPROVING AKft BEAUTIFYING THE COMPLEXION, r-nJerii k ('ip -kiii clear, nil, an-.l transparent, removing all emptiors, freckles, sun- ;nirn. tan, pimpl«'S roufitme^a—*rw.t and he stings of iu-ects generally. In ihe prf.cp.ti 01 stiavuig,' .:s of i all*\ s all smarting, and 1 ender. th- 'km r'<;i fn smooth. Sold in hot:!es, at I., 1ii.. 2-. 9,1. a- I 4*. (R eAch. B ware n! Counterfeit*. Ol»»cr.i< i! e .rd« "1)k. LOCOCK'S COKMF.TIC" the G-i»« mn-eni Stamp «ut*»d» ■he Wiapper. Soid by »1! ns. -t nbU Chemist. Agen:"—T. I). M-yi«r. Has /n r<Ws. J. « • W ki»«V [ C«rm»rtWii 1 CM* 7 rWcjpt* Agen:"—T. 0. Ni, yier. Has /n r<Ws. J. « • W ki»«V [ C«rm»rtWii I CM* 7 rWcjpt*