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«. CARD S. ,S'rPPti EN GREEN, Furnishine, Farm, and Co-nerie wf Ironmonger, Cutler, Stove Or; te and Ran-ie Make ^ft Wd Tin Worker, &c., IIigh-«trett, I laverfot dwest. I .I 1 Silversmith. J.wellet, ■ itl Watc: • • Biker, The Observatory, Market-street, Haver *st JOSEPH LLOYD. Carpenter and Joiner, 1 >:irU->tri Wet font we»«, begs to infmm (f«"n' leim-n fanners am' fr. Tr** that he his rons'aiitly on ■••It*, Entrance and 'Id Gates, Pouts, H uMles,ai>d Dockyard S'absol all 6'Tti- N.R. Doom, Sashes, Frames, Lintels.&c. !-». J- BLAND beg* to «tate that he ha» now on Sale a hf • '»rge quantity of Superior COAL, which he begs to Sale at 15.. 6.I., and 17.. large. CJEO. N. JIASSELL Auctione. r, Account i'-t, Imu-e and Genetal Auent, tic. Coal Yaul — Kail way ^l|°tl- Office-Cambriii Place, Havcrfo.dwtH. WALTER REYNOLDS. Auctioneer. Appr.iser ii Accountant, and House Agent, Picton Place ^^•rfordAe^t. 11 TAMLYN. La..t /1. >u-w)or "hmJ Auctione- r 4 _• E*tates for Sale Sorv- ye Va|.ie.l,atid Litltogiapheif vL a>t*i- Terr tee. II averford west. ^j.EORGE HOWELL, Auctioneer, Appraiser, Land Surveyor, mil G.*ne*al Alien', Solvit- Tenby. JfOnOUKG HOTEL, Tknby.-JAMES HUGHES. J» ine and Spirit Merchant. Barouches, Fiys. and ft Hornet. Liveir Stable*. Cc-ache* daily, to ami ll tn the Narberth Road Station, on the S»uih Wales *'11*^ yfto- Pembroke. J USEPII POWELL. Grocer,Tea- Dealer, and Prnvi.ion J» Factor, Canister House, opposite the Dr-gon llot>-l, For Ready Money im' Dispensing anil Family Chemist. Finest New Fiuits ol (lie Season. Contpeert As JJH4GON CO\tMKRCtAL& FHflLY HOTEL.- £ K. J. MichAKL.-—L-»'ty m.d N-wly-Funnelled ""tercial Coffee, Ptivate, S t ing. and Bed noms. GihkI q't'danc,* and mo.letate charges. Post l|or*e», neat P li- s, fm/ ''batons, Sec., and a considerable redoet on in the •k? l*ting. Horses taken in to Livery. Koumy Stall* ^Ij^ote Bote*. TJarberth. 8 RUTZEN ARMS, NARHETIL ELIZABETH || PUGH.— Family and Commercial Hotel, lost Fly-, Car*, PliEe!ntil &r, &c. Com-lies p:t8»i(iu to ki .i 'r"l» the Narberth Road Station to Ter.hy, sli ppiiifi w "» hi»u«e. JMCllford. Phillips, watch and clock maker • Mi:ldle-Street. Milfor.i. MR^ JAMES HIBBON, •••her of tha Piano-Forte, Violin, & Violoncello. Piano-Fortes TUldd. ^KftinaNca-ar. thumh strkf.t, HAVkrfordwrs ALMANACKS, 'OCKET BOOKS, DIARIES, &c., to., FOR 1855 FOR SALE I. Potter's Wholesale and Retail Stationery Establishment, BIGR-STREET, HA. VERFORDWEST, Hean Castle Fire Brick Works. 1-JEST Fire Bricks of every d«-8crintion. Fire Clay j* Cement, &c. Apply to Mr. John Wall, Brick-burner ,5'" Mr. Ed>v*'d Wil*on. S-i'ind»*r''l<>or, Pembrokeshire. ;t Hean Castle Foundry. pARsfeLL & DAVI ES. Iron and Bra*« Founder* and jp Miehin* Maker*, \Voo!»ons, near Saundernfoot, brokoshire. DltCESE OF ST. DAVID'S. ORDINATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pHAT the LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVIDS in- J. teiul* tn hold a CENiERAL ORDINATION, in the ;[AftlSn tHURCII OF ABERGW1LI,on SUNDAY, "'4th day ol MARCH nnt J CANDIDATES lor ORDERS nre reqii *ted to f irwBrd .?the underiignrd, their OktilNaTikn Papkks. with kjL' Po«t Kfp pre fxiid, »n or before Ttirndiiv, 'he 2Mb d:«j* o) I* UarY tlexl, (<<•»• which no papers am fie receirrri), and jb, *t'P»ar at ASfkgwili P.At.ACb for Examination, on the 27th day of FkBkuaky next. Geadnates of ^•Bbridne will be required to produce a Certificate o! IL* pa««ed the Voluniriry Theological Fx.-mii,R,ioii. anil Ik" ° Trinity Col/e Dublin, will be required to prbduce ■• Diviuiiy Tettimuniutn. By detire ot the Bitlop, VALENTINE DAVls, N.P. Dy. lt«){i«irar. to the Magistrates of the County of Pembroke. \IT Loitns AND GSntlkmln,— w In curxeqnence of the retirement of Wm. Owen, from the office of County Surveyor, I bi g to olfer «c a Candidate lor the *«ine. Mjr knowledge of the County ftenerally, and my ex- r**ienee in mailer* of building for upward* of 8!> year*, •°tl> in ibeorjr and practice, will, I hope, secure my return, f am. My Lorda and Gentl»men, Your most obedient Servant, JOSEPH JENXINS. ^ttw»rf>rilwfit, Jan. Otit, 185.5. Builder. To the Magistrates of the County of Pembroke. Mr Lordr and Gbntlbmkn,— Mr William Owen having intimated hi* intention J* resign the SurTeyor«hi|> of Bii.lge«of the C'om y <>l Pem- at the neit Quarter Sessions, I beg to off*r myiteh h» Candidate for 'he otfic lis duties I think I could etfi- fulfil, aft I haVe had much ex erietic in the supei- "tt'nding o! buildings And the fornntlon ol roadsi for iinny I iived nearly seven year* with S P. Allen, E-q.. ol .^••elly, as steward and a^ent. Slnnil i you he pl>*a»t d to "•••me the appointment, 1 shall do everything in ni}* poner "Mm your satisfaction. I am. My Lord* anil Gentlemen, Your obedient and humble Servant, WM. DA VIES. tlMk., Hill, Wistoo, J-inwiry, 20lh. 1&5-3. ^fiSTIMONIAL TO W. WALTERS, ESQ., EX-MAYOR OF HAVERFORDWEST. JOliN HAKVHY. E^q.. Treasurer. Mr. JOHN ,PH LLI t-S, Secretary. A k MeetiTfg held at the Shire litill on Mondiy, the 22ud ins' in order to make arr .iij»ertir*nts lor pre- 'Hiling a Klemori il to Wiilirfm Wallers, E^q. lor the Junific#nt generosity he displayed at the opening ot the to Haverfordwest. The followui|! gentlemen liavo contented to beco.ne flf tfie Co,, inittee: II, P;iili»-ps. Esq. M P.. J. Evans. Esq. Q.C. I I Lgh Owen, E.I); Rev T. Marttf, C. A. PKil'pi K>q: Capta n P. L. Phillips; R. I. i^illipt. E'fl: C. W. T. W. lio*en, E-q Urn. William* f'q: the Hon. R. F. Gn viliej Gayer S ari-ock, E-q Amos Crymes; Moses Griffiths E-q R <h- rt Cml I, f**<| Re* John Pugh; J. Stini'i-eis, li-sq J. L. G. I Jf-wis. E*q; V-lei tme I)«vie«. E-q; William Fortune, ^■"1; Summers Harford, Esq Jaine« Owen, h-q P"en, E»q Thomas Maoseti, E'q G. J. Harri. E^q ^illi*m Edwardeit, E^q; J. O. Edwardes, t*q ilium y"l>ert»on, E-q J. M. Child*. E-q — Hodg»on, E-q; •• R. Powell, E-q William Rees, E-q William Davi a ?..q H. P. Goode, Etq; Messrs (ireeiiish and D.iwkins; Atr O. E. Davies; Mr T. Robprtf. Mlllord Mr C. ^eorjie; Mr. William Perkins; Mr Richard James; M John Prckett Mr Mttihetv Whitlow Mr Etfnis Mr Juseph Potter; Messrs Marychunh and SOli; Mr il III" Re* C. H Barham; Mr John Madccks the Hon. W H. Yelverton R.F.Go«tr,Etq,C)ynderwen;Warrfn E«q. BUBsCRI FT ION LT«+. £ *• d MiPord 5 0 |J*H. Philipps, Esq, M.P. • • 5 5 0 C'>nder and Co. -• ••• M 0 0 {•oghOw n. Esq — — £ f 0 *^v. T. Martin ••• 3 0 0 We*sr« Rees and Davie* ••• ••• M Rogers Powell, Esq ••• S 3 0 Me*»rs Goode and 0*en ••• ••• 2 ? ? Wr Richard James ••• ••• ? ? j! *ta»sr«John Harvey and Sons ••• „ Mr John Pricketi ••• J «' ° R«» John Pugh ••• i i a Jir Roher' Gre«nj«h ••• "° n Mr John Dawkins *« Wr M. Whitlow ••• ••• 1 } |J ^JrT. Hugh»s ••• "• 1 n Bryant Evenig •• ••• J •I'Ja»»ph Potter ••• « NJ t o. E. LAvier. 1 1 0 'Me,&-re Idarychurcii and son 5 0 0 ;\lrPerkh» I « Wm. Bd*ardee, Esq ••• ••• ••• 2 •Mp John Madack-s — "J 2 0 r,t,taiii Clarke, Miilfnrd ••• .110 J ha Evans E.q.QC. 10 0 0 J. D. Robi rts E>q, Milfoad — i 1 0 He»C. H. Barh»m 3 0 0 T. Da« je*. Fli4. Car(iigotm I J JJ Mr J, PhilHps Druggist ••• I 1 0 C. AHen Phillips, E«q. S'. Brides Hill 1 0 (I '< Roch, Esq. Buiter liiil • s j> Davis, E^q, Carmarthen i n Hev S^muol Saundi rs ••• 1 A !-««• Own, E-q 2 2 » Higtfnd, Ekq ••• 1 1 u L. G. P. Lswis, E«q. Ilenllan ••• 2 0 0 CN>rf** Pllvrn Pt)illirs, E-q 1 I 1 ^"tlliam Williams, E.q 2 Z {K-Starbock, Et-q, Miilurd f Colonel Greville ■-» ••• R. H. Bailey, E*q • J Hill II arrir g, •« J] C. W. W. Kowen, Km], C'tnirute J" I: W, Ii, Yelvcitou 5 .5 0 Broadmoor Anthracite Coal, Brick, and Tile Company. Oil SA LE -R IT it B L E an.I CULM, nf Sup. ri., 1_ qu-l.i'y lor Suielttn^, Lim«-B lining, mil H<>usi- p«n I (I" .1.i'y tor LIlli. -D II II III I! ,111\\ II "USI' 1"11 ios<><. "r » ly A op v t<> S 'KNCKK. Jeff-rson IIou«e, Tenby, or. at 11.. VVirka Uroa ittioo' C illinv. Deals and Lathwood for Sale. NOW Di^ehart'ii g t N yntit', «"x llu"'n," 500 jii.cef of Q ietiic Ye!11 *w Pire, D. uls I'2x11x3, and fi*e lu rt o ils 01 Q.iel|e>' L t W" d. Al,l-l v Mr. (,r i(i Al low ^250 per Annum for 10s. ANY P> rMiti* desirou* 01 b commit ^o-«essed of tin above ii .med Annual Income are ri q i-sti d •«» 111 k' an in-mediate apt lie turn, em losing a stan p 10 lame* At dersi'ii. 10. Middh- How, llitih II Ihorti. Lot don. who "ill foiwxrd 11, particnla's l;v le Mill of \HI" To Shipwrights, Joiners, and Sawyers. WANTED. FIFI'Y SIIIPWHIGHTS M.d a feu good JOINERS and SAWYERS, to whom con. employment will I. given. Wau-* lor two fnnnei 24s. pfr w. ek. a. d the la't-T per hundred <>r per d-iy. Apply to J. D Roberts an't Co.. Miltoril Hatrli. Free Passages to Hobart Town and Launces- ton to Parties Holding Bounty Tickets. I'M! fc (Joveimil. t.t ot Van Dieiiiai<\ I^aod bavin* made 1 1 atiuemei.ls with t'-e Owners 11I the celebrated M!a. k B;ill Line of .Ausfr-li^n P rli t» lor l^e trnivi-y:n ce ol all their boilnt V pass, ntii i> t'i !It..t colony. Pafti.-N holding titkett. are requested to I\ply iinm. ili .1..ly for to JAM ES 15 A I N ES & CO.. 6. Co. k-*treet, Liverpool. To Tanners. '1'0 BE LET. anrf nil> be entered 11"1 immecli tely L the TAN YARD in 'he T. \v 1 of P-mf-r.-ke, on » Lease ol One Li'e, t.ige'herwi h th.- Fixtures and Appnra'os iif-re««ai v in cn.niii on the Taiinii-g Busim ivtili or w thotit the Sto. 'k-in-'I'i like. 1 he "I,I" C'tu ein has been -uc. essfully calrj, d mi to, neurly 40 v- ars by "r R 1 j m-in fi-orge ^d'•c.•a«ell ) For fiirtlvr pai ticnl us a-.plv 10 Mr I D. JON IS & Cd. Chemists and Druggists, Oilmen, and Wholesale Spirit Merchants. Market Square, Narberth, BEG to it turn th. ir 11 o 1 sinri re ilni'-k* t > the No' i'i Gentry, ami Inhabitant* ol Karberth and "t? to, fill, vi-tv lilieral ility ii;ive "11.('" t'leir commeni "10.1 in l iisiiie-s, all" hope, by tri, 1 at'e ti..i,. to merit a c. ii,it I ce 01 11."ir snppott. D. J. & C'n. respei t'ullj wsrn th. ir Opposi ion in Tr-d, in the 'I own who- lave been ende'-tvnnring to 11 jure their repii'a'ion by tat-f ric.u-at'ons, that fciicli conduct may eventually n|i.-rate to their "'1'7/ detriiiiciit. Narber h, February Is lfi.5.7. Liverpool & Australian Navigation Company. 'NC°^PORATieD RO*A^ r|1II E l.atilU v of each ShnrehoMer be:ng limited to hi* L indivuluai Subseti, tidln. Capital £ (10,00(1, in £ 100 Sh.rpc. The GREAT BRITAIN, C-plain Gbay, being re- quired the public service, will not re.urn at present to Melbourne as »dv. ills d. The Ciiinpafiv's sertinil Ship, nf 2.600 Ton* Regixt^r, and 21111 Horse Power, will he despatch, d to Australia in tile Spiinsi <if which ilVie 110 ire will tie u v.n. Ap. ly in iTiIBB>, BRIGHT, & CO., Agents, No. 1, North John "r- et, L Verponl. JOHN CASS ELL'S COFFEES. THE luxury nf a really rich and delicious, Cup <.f nay lie enjoyed bv porch si'.g John CaSskI.I.'s ce e b aled and lar-la-iod Colfr. which may be ha.) ai II., Is. 2d., Is. 41 and Is. 8 I. |.er lb. JOHN CASSELL'S TEAS. rpHESE strong and (-In.ic.- fl ■ v ur- d 'I >'4». which mav T with S.;Cl. high approval, are now supplied at ihe f I losing reduced ralt's: -38, 4.1.. 3-. 8d 4s., and 4s. 4J. pei Ih, Sold by a' least one Ag> nt in most Towns throughout the King iom, and appo nin.-nto are still being iiMde in those pi ices not yet o. < upied. Apply to John Cassf.i.i. 81, Ferchurch-.treet, London. Aifent lor H «ver orilw. St, W. IJhillii»s, Grocr, M;lrkel Sfeet I'embrllke, J. Thomas, Pembroke-stieet, Peinoroke Dik. 0 her Agents Wan'ed for Pembrokeshire. FECIAL N«rt(H.—T<) skcuiik tiik auvantaok OF Tills YKAH'k KNTKY, Pll)P.iS\t.S MUST BK LOIIUKI) at TUf: fiKAO OfFiCE, ,lit AT any UK TH K SoCILTYS Aoknciks, on ok B;tFt)KK Im March. 3Entiial fife EssnrHnrt. Scottish Equitable Life :Assurance. Society. INSTITUTED 1831. *IMIE Profi's are divided every Tiikek Yraks, md I wholly belong to the M- rrib-is ot the Society. The h'*t division takes |.l:u e at 1-t M itch 18 >6. EXvmpi.k of Additions -0" Poli. v for £ 1000 datetl l»t March 1832, £ 152.5 8.. t'd. will we payab'e it iJ become a Claim during the cuirei t y.-ar «fter paym. ntof this year's Premium. This is an addition of more tha-i Firry Pkk Ckxt. on the SUM AhsURKD, and averages X2 3s. 7d. pc, C«'t. I), r amiuin. Supposing such a Poli.-y to have been pfTe tdl at the are of .'50, the additions •• ight now be surrender, d 'or a PRKSKNT PA M ENT ol 4P22I 7s. lild..cr if applied in reducli.in ol the future Premium, would reduce the Premium Irom £ la 10s. 101. to X6 3s. III., and fve ) tliis small pay ii.-nl must he reduced every Thrke Ykars during the subsistence 01 the Policy. Amount of Existing Assurances. £ t,2"'4.o93 Annual Reie. tie 152.615 A'oouttt of Accumulated Fund 839,301 itGnx. C-HISTlE. Manager. Wm. F1NL\Y, S-cieiiry* Head Office,—26, ST. ANDREW SQUARE, Edinburgh AGE NT". Pl-MBRoKK L II. Brvant, Surgeon. H avkrfokdwkst Philip Eliis, MCTlha 't. r —^ SOUTH WALES RAILWAY^ ALTERATION OF TRAINS ON AND AFTER FEB. 1, 1855. UP TRAINS. The R. 15 a.m. w'll s- .r. from C-tr<nv th -n at 6 20. '1'1, \Itil Trl111 .vilt b' ,1¡a1t,,>ttdl..1 rw.n IItv..rf"r') WI'IIf at 4,32. p.m., by order ol the Po«tmt*tpt General, arriving Bt (iintict-ott-r at 1ft 4". Passenger* will he able t) proceed to PuiHititfton, &c.. nt 11 41 p.-n. The intermediate stoppages of this Train will bt all altered. DOWN Tit INS. The 6.31. a.m I) >w 1 Tra il wt I le^ I.indore at 1 l.i enliing at all Stations down to Whitlatid a t'wtv minutes earlier thno at present. The 7.40) a in. Train will Uave Swindon at 8.5 > in con- rection with the 6 0 a.111. Third Cl iss Train from L ind.ui. |i will start from Gloucester at i().'2 I, calling at a.l Stations 55 ttiiniife* latter ih-n at present. The D iwn E<p"> »s Train will he slightly retarded be- tween Carmarthen and Haverfordwest. The 7 38 p.m. departure of the 10.0 H.m Triin from Swansea wiil he made 7-35, and this Tr* 11 will call at all Stations between L&udure and Carmarthen 6 irtiuutiS earlier that at pres-tit. The Dawn Night Mai's will leave Gloucester at about 2 15 am-> reaching Have: ford west at 8.3J a.m. All inter- inedUte stoppage* will be altered. A Train will :e ave P i.ldiugto-i at 8 0 p.m. da ly, by wh e', Pa»-engers will be ab'e to priced frotu Glouoisteri 13 a.m. by the Mail Train. Swans a, 22,1,1 January, I8.iii. Passengers are landed and embarked at Millord (weather permitting) tree of charge, in Boats provided by the Steamers. Cuhiu. Deck. Liverpool tonr from Ntilford 0,1. fa tici. NoTCR.—H.KTURN Cabin Ticketsavailable for SEVEN- TEEN D\YS and which will entitle the holder to embark at either llristol or Swansea, 13R. NoIicb.—Return Cabin Tickets available for TWO VOYAGES in these Steamers., may be had from the undermentimed Agents or the Captain. Liverpool to Mil- ford or Swansea, 18s. STEAM COMMUNICATION r, F, T W F. R N LIVERPOOL. MILFORD, SWANSEA & BRISTOL For the MONTH of Ft.BR UA It Y. 1855, T H E STEAM T H E STEAM POWEITUL SHIPS GLEN DOWER, Capt. J*. Wallace; BLARNEY. Capt J. CadeRiy or sonie other suitable Vessel, is in tended to sail with poods and passengers (utiles*• pre vented by any unforeseen occurrence) es fo'lows—with or without pilots nul liberty t" tow .eisels) From LIVERPOOL to MILFORD Saturday, 3. 11 m-rn | Sa'ur.lay 17 10 mom Saturday 10. 3 after | Saturday 21- .4 alier From SWANSEA In LIVERPOOL, calling at MILFORD. Tuesday 6 7$mofh I 'Hiefaay 20 7imT. VVedn.s. 14. 2 after | Wedoe-. 28. 2 alur (gf The steamer sails for Liverpool (weather permitting) immediately alter lier arrival at Milford, which is seldom under 6 or 7 hours alter leaving SwHtife^i. No G)IIdtl will be delivered until the freighr has been paid: and no Goods lor shipment will be received without a 8'inpa'ng Note, giving lull particulars of their .id Itess, &'c, in ov I.) be eorrectly enler^'l on ihe V eMfl S Manliest. (tor!f la:.dell a; Mil (H. must be removed she day after he L.i; <•», which is the ptijt of arrival and liejunure ol tht M-a.ae, Kyj5' Apply to Fitz imonf, \r.rlebee. and Co.. 2(1 aler street, Liverpool (}. II. I'van-, Bits'o!; Edwn l iklwauU, J.i'm KetiAortliy Co., Mancl'.estcr C. ii.N ti ILL Aye-i'i Millosd. K liaiSTOL OEXEItAL 3TEAM RAVIGATigi4 SO^PAKV OFFICII, qUA r. inusmr.. Pill'; I'oUowinjr or other suitable si'TEA.M VESSEL4- J unless prevented by am unl >rest uii occurrence ar. 'iletnit (■ t o Sail uoiii (' t m r.Kltl.N 1? \si v, 15h isto:. (••*< ept the IhHT. for N-'wp >;t, ami S\v:ft. to- Card.fi, ,hi(.I, will start fioiii Bathuust Basi.v.) and ns luidei- with or witlunil Pilots, all,1 wit:, Ii" to (.« Vesself, 1H1 ing the M'.ilhol F EBR IT A R Y, 18')o. MlLFOSM). PATER. HAVEKFORDWEST. SlIAMll I K. Capt. (i. Tllvillifc. Ft fill IJt i.tu/. Tue« (i 15 morn Tites. 20 8 mor< rue* '3 2 i.f.ei Cues 27 3 a'tei Fores—Same a« Te»,by. MiKord (seven miles from the t)..v r'ordwpst HaiU\;n St.'ioi ) 10 Wateltord. I hnrsdays. Februarv 1, and 15 hi 0 7 8 in the Evening. Best Cabin,"2.> Fme-cabin, 7s. Gd. Writerford lei Hrisiol Fridays. TENBY.—Phcenix. Fmm Tirisltil. From Fndav 2 G.Jmorn Tuesday 6 ..10 morn Friday 9 9| nornj'Toesday 13 4 alttr Fnday In <> morn J'lieMlay *20 .() morn Friday '23 ..10 morn Tuesday '27 5 aftei Horses, Carriage*, dr., must he shipped at the Pier at 7è,t¡. at least ",Ir. hO<llS h..lur.. the above sailings. Furrt- Heft Cabin, l'2s. Children, Under,12 \e«rs, (is. Gt! Servants ill the Cabin, 8s. (including Steward's Fees.) Eore Ca'.in. 7s. 61. Child;en, nnder 12 Years, 4s. Carriage, 4'2s. Pail-1..)M' PI:0B'O|1, 31s. 6 f So all One-hoise ilillo, 2-)s. Gitr, 20s. Horse,20s. Dog, 3s. Return Tickets (aval1 hie lor one week), Best Cabin, 18s. r'ote Cabin, 1 Is CA R M A It 1 11 EN.- Piiffivix. From lit ist< I coVwy ill F~om Varum liken calling J'enti f. nt TeiJ'ij. F i.'ay 2 fij-norn Tuesday 6 7 morn Filday 9 !;J norn l ues lay .13 i Biter Fiiil.y I <» b morn j Tuesday .2-) 7 morn Friday 23 ..10 morn'Tuesday .27 2 alter Farm — Same as T.flby. ()sit DtlBLIN. — Bosk, Cnpt. Crowel. From Urmh7. fi, o,,i Dit',Iin. Fiidav 2 J norn'Tuesday ti "Jmorn Friday 9 9i norti Tuesd-iy 13 ..9 morn K'id.y Hi <r-j a ter Titesjaj*20 9 mem F>i!av 23 ..10 morn Tuesday. "7 9 mom 1. St rvants and ('hi'dien (under 12). 1 fs. (including Stewart's Fees) Deck, 10-. To ami Fn> Ftnes Zi j'2s. (>l. D-'ck, 15s. Avail- able until second Ite'iirn I'rtp from dale of issue. WATER FORD. Camilla, or Wm Pknn. Wm. I'knn or Camilla and Shamrock. Dristul to Wnterford, Watetfiid to it/nl, Camilla, direct. Camii.i.a & Shamrock direct Fri l-iy 2 (iAmo t Friday 2 4 altei F'iday 9 •• f'jmori Tuesday 6 7 morn rriilny .It} (j IIIlIr. Ftid.y 9 9 mon. Friday 23 10 mon Tuesday 13 1 after Siiam ttocfe. Fr d .y 1<> 3 attf) Culling nt M'tforit. /'ider. ano Tuesday 20 7 morn llii'veifiiidici'st. Friday .23 9 morn Tuesd y.<).. 8 mori Tuesday 27 1 Jftei Tui'sd.iy 13 "2 a'tei Tuesddv .20 8 morr l u- sdav 27 3 a'te, Millord t-i Waier'ord. Thursday*. Fehrusrv 1 a'd 15, at 6 Morning, and Wednesdays, February 7 and 21, ai 8 Evenii u. Farts — C'iin. 25.«. Servant* and Children (under 12) lis (including Steward's Fees). i >tck. 7.. fid. To and Fro Cabin, 40. CORK. JuvFRNA.Capt. Gilin .re tfi Sabrina, Capt. Parker. FtO'ii tiriUil. Prulll Cork Saturday 3 61-iinri) Friday 2 6 morn Tuesday ti 8 morn Tuesday (j 7 morn S'lniday .10 ..I' Jnorn Friday 9 7 morn Tuesday .13 2 a'ter Tuesday .13 ..12 noon S flit day .17 i norn Friday 16 2 aftei W.d o.-sdHy .20 8 morn Tuesday 2'l .'(ijnorii I Saturday ..24 ..It.'j norn Fri-'ay 23 7 mom Tuesd-ty .27 3 afier Tuesday .27 ..J2 iiooi. Fates— Ca! in. 27-. 6.1- Ser.iiutsanl Children (urd.'r 12). 15s. (including S'ew ird's Fees1. Deck, 10-. To and Fro, C ,in, 45- araiUbh- lor Sixteen daytt. Arrangements b*ve been ma- e in conjil"Ction with the Gr-at. Wi-s'ern R-iilw-.y Co npanv lo 'hrojiah Tii ket~, from t.oadon lo Coik, tt-fJ Bristol, an I v ce vers t. on t i. loll .wiiii; ter,ii, Fare>—Cabm anil 1st i lass, 3<Ss. Ca'.in ami 2nd c'ass, 34., Deck and 3'd cl<ss, l(is Available by the ordinary Irllill" otily. or hv Express "'1 payment of diltrence ill :0.e. TII aid a,. I' )r viz, ,F"re. Cah,11 and 1-t class. 57s. ,Ca i an<5 2nd class, 51s. NoticK.—"The 0 Arners ot the Steamers isive Noti.-e that ttiev will not he "'1'ó..lIlah;" 4ir ai.swerahle lor an\ loss an in:; from fir< perils. <;an«ers or accidents of the sea, stranding-, collision", e«c«;>e III steain, accident- III maci iaery or oiliei accident, dtinaie or injury whatsoevei attending t.a> igation., nor for the la"I!II. negligences, o: nt tit- C i t iifi. ()Iii,:er,. or (,re- I,) I).!Vigatit) the ves-el 011 which goods may be unless the g >ds b., piriicu a- .nil t e value th. r, ot dolared to Ih. m th (illl" uf ipuieii', and all a.t,li.jollal freight be pai.t nr aaieed o be paid upon the.(-aid dtclaied v 1 ie. The rate C mi be ascertained at thtir Olhces. All goods to them f ir conveyance or shipment conipinied with such p-tttii nlars and d.*cl-.ration of value, will received a (I ca:ri'-d lor them at the express ri k of the Shipper, Consignee, or O.vner nt micIi goods, as t>al! loss or damage, however c"IJ,d, and be Siil.ject tu the of this Notice, and in the trmsmis-io! ther- 0 the Cat,tain. Officers, and Crew of the vessel carrying such goods, shall be considered (as between ihe Shipper, Owner, or Con- siunees of such goods anil the owners ol the Steamers) to be the. sei vants ot such Shipper, Owner, or Consignee. That the Shipper, 0»ner, or Consignee ot goods, shall not he entitled to rlaim (in case of I >s-) beyond the amount o prop rtional amount of value upon which the Irteght sh ill be chargeable. The 0*ner3 01 tne Steamers will not t charge of, or he responsii le or nccountable lor goods left on the q lays or whar s i.or for any deficiency in, or damage don- to, the iiii, I Ior pi bales, cases, parcels, or fiackages, unless such b 11' case-, p;.r>-el or p>?v«a8eR» be picked in the prtso Ct of all Ollicer 01 the Company. Disputed weight r meaMirement, dam-ge. &c, cannot be allowed, unless noted at the Companies' Otfices befoie re- moval of goods, and unless Claims (in writing) be sent in to 'lie Cnmp iiiy on th" day «! delivery and in no case will the Owners of the Steamer hold themselves liable tor lIt"- ficiency of weight, unless lht- goods be actually weighed previous to t!<>ii>i £ on board the vessel, and a certificate oi the same be obtained Irom the Captain. All good* are at the risk 01 the Owner, or Consignee, fro n the time ol being Imded liom tile vessel. The Owners of the Steamers willllot undertake to carry the goods by a particular vesse1 or 011 a pai ticularday. The peison or carrier b'inning or lot w arding the goods for ship- ment will b;* considered as the A^entol the Shipper, Owner or Consignee th. Thf 0 vners of the Steamer* will flnt receive or adopt any Bill ol L tdi u but those prepaied by them, which may be bad <t their Offices. All goods are received by the Owner* of the Steamers subject t. the terms ot the foregoing Notice, and to a gene- ral lien, not only I-r the irieght of the same, but lor all (iti.er freights, r arrears or freights, storage, or charges, due by the Consignor, Consignee, or Owner thereof to the Cuin- pa.ty. CARDIFF.—Swift and USK. or STA". ]. IIIII¡ liristol. From Cardiff. Thursd -y 1 a :ifte> Thursday ..1 after Friday. 2 *bi'iiori i'lidav 2 4 alter Satuidiy 3 *7 mor> Saturday 3 4§ after .\tnnft<ty.o.. 8 mon »londay 5 6 mom 'Tuesday 6' .• 8 mori Tuesday (i 7 ni.»rn Wednesday. 7 lijuiort Wednesday.. 7 7 morn Thuisday 8 9 mori Thursday 8 8 morn Fridav 9 9Jin-iri Friday 9 8 morn Snurday .0 10 iiion Saturday 10 9inorti Monday .12 1 alter Monday .12 II morn TUI"I'day .LS.. 2J after Tuesday 13 l'-J alter Wednesday 14 55J atterj Wednesday.14 It ;ifter Thuisday.15 4$after 'Thursday ..15 3 after Friday Hi •>» morn Friday 16 3$alter Saturday 17 •b'.jmoiirSaturday ..17 4^ ait r Monday .19 H niornjMonday 19 fc'| norii Tuesday .20 Hj iioiniTuesday .20 7 morn Wednesday..21 9 morn Wednesday..21 7Jtnorn Thursday.22 DJmorn 'Thuisday.22 8 morn Fiidav .23 lo morn Friday.23 S^moni S iturday .24 10§morn Saturday .4 H lllflfll Monday .26 1J alter Monday .2t> IIJ norn Tuesday .27 3 after Tuesday 27 l| after Wednesday..28 3j{ afierl Wednesday .28 2J after 2nd, 3rd, lliih, and 1T<ll, To and Fro. NEWPO!H\-DAMT. Caj t. Jas. Parfitt. From Bristol F<om Newport. Tridiy 2 6Jmorti Thursday I 4J after Sltiiiilay 3 7 mon. Friday 2 •• 4.A after Tuesday 6 8 morn Monday 5 (ijpm.rn 'Thursday 8 9 mori Wednesday 7 ¡"nnrll Saturday .tl ..ldjmori, Friday 9 8 morn Tuesday 13 2j aftei dondiy .12 ..11 1110 n W-dnesday ..15 4$.iftei vVednes'Sy ..14 2 a'ter Friday 16 f>\ altei Thursd iy .16 4Jmorn Monday; 19 8 mori Saturday .17 4if after Wednes ay .21 9 morn Tuesday. 20 7 u orn Friday 23 ..10 mori Thursday .22 8|morn M nd y.26 1J a'tei Saturday .24 9 morn Wednesday .k8 3^ atj^i Tu-sday 27 IJ.iltcr F<irr$—Al'ei-Cabui, 3-. Fore-Catiin, Is. 6d. The whole ol the at-ove v.-s>eis are fitted up for the con- veyance of Passengers and G.iods. — Female Stewards on Bo nd. Carriages nn.i Horses Shipped with care, and should be alongside two hours before sailing. Ahknts. —Mr. T. J. Thomas, Tenby; Mr. A. Williams Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Millord; Mr. James, Pater Mr W. It. Harvey Cardiff; Mr. Mart i, lltracombe; Mr Robert Stacey, Carmarthen; atid Mr. It. Jones, Newport. NottCH.—The Proprietors 01 the above Ste,nn Markets will not he accountable for any Cabin Passer,per's Luggage (ll Inst or damaged) a!-ove ihe va ne ot wo Pounds nn;- c.t ny De. k Passpr,gei's Lu 'gtii.e (tl lost or itanM^i*) abo\r th. VaHle 01 i we Si-illlng Iii-les»in each cas, cr.lf red ;.f -i.eh, and Ireignl 111 ( 1 opoi 1 ton p"'1' mr tlie <ane a: if.e timi- il deli v. r .• 11 r wil111 ev be answerable I<t »ny other pm- el ab.i.e tliv* value oJ 1 *>■ IV shillings (l1 sost 01 df:niage>1) tr, it a i i,, r I I, I if t,, t he same at tne time 01 il.-liv. r\. —Not accountable tor any 1 oik is wnloct Shipping Note. AM !enif» sSufcitij} ii»;<>riaatu»ii n Iff pott pani. HAVERFOBDWEST & SOUTH WALES CABINET & UPHOLSTERY ESTABLISHMENT WILLIAM B L p T H Y N, CABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERED, AND UNDERTAKER, f7 ETURNS hts sincere thanks to Ins Fiiends and the Public in ee„r.ral for their very ki-d patronage dtlrine th. 1 S las; Fifteen Years, and begs to inform th. Ill that h"ha<.)<EY:OVE!)his Business frohl Maiket-s reet to II IG 11. >REET. OPPOSITE MRS. POTTER'S READING ROOMS, where lie hopes, by his endeavour to keep Aiticle» t the fewest Style and the Best Workmanship, to merit a coiitii.tiafre ol their patr<mag». W. B b,'c* to s!,v that hi- EXTENSIVE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN, with a CHOICE SELECTION MODERN I URNITITRK. also, a Large Stoi-k of Brussels, Kid.lermiiif.tir. Dutch, and otbet Carpet tig-. Rug-. India. Cocoa, ami other Mutinies and'Mais Swing, Toilet, Cheval, and Pier GI.ism-s, together with other articles toi A Large Stock of French and other Taper Hangings, from 4\d. per piece and upwards. Agent to the British Plate Glass Insurance Company. GENE 11 A L FUR N I S I I ING ESTABLISH M K N T. LEWIS & REYNOLDS, CABINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERED. UNDERTAKERS. AND GENERAL HOUSE FURNISHERS. MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST, IN returning their sincere thanks to their numerous supporters and friends for the extended patronage *o liherallv awarded ihem 'or S seri. of years, beg in the most respeit nl m 'liner to Inform theni tha: they have removed Iron! heir late residence in Gil' Street, and have taken to the extensive Establishment ;>ite!y ill the occupation of Mr. Wm. HufTHYt. t-huatc in Market Street (opposite Brown's Wine and Spirit Vaults), where in fiiture th°y intend carrying nn their Ini-inesK in all its various branches, and they hope hy unremitting attention, eood malt tial ana workmanship, and moderate charges, to insure a cnntii nance 01 those favoti's 01 which they hav^ been hitherto the recipients. In addition to the larye stock OIl Furnitn're and Upholstery, their Show Hooms will be found replete with all the newest pattern), in Papers, Pi-r Giisses, C.- rneting, &c, &o. "Á Lar^ Assortment of Feathers. Curled Hair, and Flock. BRINSMEAD'S SHAKER AND GOMBMEfl THRASHING MACHiWL IMPORTANT TO AGEICULTUEISTS. HBR INSMEAD hegs to :-1.. his Patent Shakers and Combined Thra-Jiiiig Machines in the vicinity of llaveifoidwcst, which ..rt' now working and which give the greatest smisfai t'on to their Pnrchas. r«. The Combined Thrashing Machine in one operation Thrashes the Corn. Shake* the Straw, and completely.separates the ChaIT from the Grain ;,so that once passing the Com throiiKh a Winnowing l'oladliue makes it fit for Market. I'lie Patent Shaker can be easily attached to any Thrashing Machine. That whereas certain failures have taken place in the Manufacture, hy others, of my Patent Shakers (flY my license) I [,g to -,av it-at I -ill gi,i, Illy gpiitlt-tzipy). who will favour me with an order, a written warranty o! their efficiency and it they are not what I "anult their 1 will rcn ove them Iree of cost*. I also hereby ibaJlepge the wh"le.»<f South "R.'I'S, for tie sum of Twenty pounds, to produce anything to equal my Patent Shaker and Combined Thrashing M:u hjne ill simplicity, disability. Allil I tft-Ct. Far ll of the following Gentlemen, having one worked 01. his pruni-es. w ill readi'v answer a'l inquiries r^specinc them — Messrs T. Mathia* and W. Dedwyd. L'angldfllo; B. Williams, Tremed W. Davi. s, Ivii C. M'nh)as, Llambed J. S\ mrnons, Skyhir Evans. Malms; T. Thomas. Treviean J. Stokes. CulT.-ri., frc, tfcc. All o.'deis addressed only to the Patentee, II EN IIY Bkinsmkad, Machine Maker, Sr. Gilt-s, T(IT-itigtnn. Devon. n. Bl> I s \t |'A!>. 2) as a 3« a 25 3 a as x -D a> '1't 43 w tei EMMA BROWN, TAÑXER, CURRIER, AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LEATHER DEALER, BEGS respectfully lo anno'iuce to her Fiiends and the Public in general, th it she int -i ds catr_\ ing on tlie ahove Business in all its brandies, and trusts, bv punctually fulfilling all otders entrusted t. her, to merit » continuance 01 the pitronage s > liber illy bestowed on lier lamented husband. — NEW TIMBER Y A R 1), -ti -3 0 -0 L RSSTIS. WILLIAMS AND GREENISH, lipve just impor ed fr'.m Q per hatque "SOPHIA." • a l^r-eatd well selected C-r^o 0' Choice WHITE and RED PINE, OAK, ELM, DEALS, STAVES, and LATH WOOD, which they now olfer for Sale on very Litier-I Terms. N n. TI.itt Catgo was s, lei ted and put chased on the spot by the Captain, all being carefully picked, &c.. of the very Ki'sf qmli'v. u K I S H (i D A R D. OLD CORK WHISKEY, AND F 0 R E I S N WINE STORES. GEORGK B E N N 13T, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT. NO MORE CANDLES REQUIRED. THE OBSERVATORY; MARKET STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. T. J. Whitk is now s I ing a neat. Brass Limp with Stand complete for Nink Plnck. Lacquered Lamps for fitting uito Candlesticks E ght Pence each, 'vith Fiench Screw to tttrn up the tape wick strong Candlestick shaped Lamp ..•our ) tc I,. 6(1. eadl Pedestal Lamp' (quite new) 2-. 6-1. to 3s. each; Brass, II <11, and Stairc-.se Lamps 2". 6.1 each; Stable and other Lanterns from 2s. (jd, each. All the above fitted with the French Sctew to burn tl.e flat tape wi. k. C."t of burning—oxu PKNNY fok nink HOl'nS. Tile li^ht much better than that tiven by any Candle, and at less than ha Jthe co>t. Tape Wick for the a'.ove, One Penny fur two leet. Pure Refined Ft{)\CH Co ta Oil, Eight Pence per pint. One Pint of tills Oil Will last longer than Two Pounds 01 C-<ndles. No Snuffing required. » T. J. WHITE, j Clock and Watch Maker. Silversmith, Jeweller, &.c.9 Ac., f T) ESPECTFULLY invites nil persons not yet supplied with Lamps 'ocall and inspect l'is Stock .of .til *«•' English and French Modfritors, which kar surpass am. lamps hitherto brought before the Public, l'rio. s from 7s. 6J. to ■ £ •'? 10s. each, itu hiding Stands, Shades, and Chimneys. N. J The best Colza Oil alwavs on Sale, al-o Shades, Chimneys, mid Wuks tor the above. Every Lamp sold by T. J. White is Warranted, and will be ti k"n buck if it 1'0'" not burn well and as T. J. W, has a workman who thoroughly understands the inechHuisin o' the Moderator Lamp, he is Vjf enabled 10 "olfer his customers the |"nither advantage ol having iheir L<nn/ s lepaueJ (it necessary ) duriug ,theJiistTivo Years fiii k ok ch'Iirk. rtjO? Balls and Private Parties Lighted ic.ith the Moderator Lamps at an hour's notice. AfflS A lot ol Cauiphine and Candle Limps to be sold at very reduced prices, j T J. W. ,lso h.g.. to call attention to hii Stock, compri-ing CI", ks, Watches, Jewellery, S Silver Goods, Electro and Albat.i Plate, Papier mid Japan Goods. Cabuu t a es, China Ornaments, (Jlass and China, Bar(»tneter<, Tbermo.ncters, Fatuy Cutlery. Eye GUsses and Spectacles, Glass BR Shadt-s, Repeating and other Pistols. Concertinas. Accordions. Fun n»s, &c., Sic. « 1 g. WEDDIMC RINCS. 'Swdlf Clocks and Watches of every description cleaned and repaired by experienced Workmen. Sole Agent lor MEIMG S GALVANIC ELEC Tlio' GE.\ ERA TOR. I/* A liftle annara'r.s g-vug instantaneous relie! i.i all cases «f N.rvous. Function«I, an' Rlttttmatic diseases. Tlie etf.-i ts (i-eiius iiistiinta.ieous) can b^ tested befoie b ind at the depot —the Ob»erw.tory, Market Street. 11 vrf'! west. Old Dr. Jacob Towhsend's American Sarsaparilla. II IS is "tie of. the most extraordinary «nd vahta'ile I Medicines in the world. Its superiority over other 1 reputations of like char cter, made in this nuntiy, arises from the mode ol manufacture, and the advantage of oh- raining and work ing the root, in its green and Iresli state. The root, when brought to th's country, is dry, vapid, and ilmo-t last, less, its virtues anil juices having all evaporated; it often becomes mouldy, musty, and partially tie- cayed, so that it is quite unift for use. • ENGLISH TESTIMONY. We give a fi w nf the many communications we have re- ceived sincf we have been in England, from those who have experienced the great beneifts of u.-ing this celebrated medicine. They must have some weight in convincing the public of its great value. 49, Davies street, Berkeley-square, Sep'. 1, 1851. Gentlemen.— I have much pleasure in. testifying to the numerous thanks I hive received from various persons who have taken Old Dr. Jacob Townsend's Sarsapavilln, many 01 wholll will be happy to give you testimonials should you eqilite tlieill. J HIJ) doubly pleased to be able to speak to the good effects I have seen w/y elf by the Sarsa- parilla; for 1 must conless that although I was not pre- judicial, I was rather sceptical as to itit virtues, which I would no have believed it po#sp»s?(|t had I "Wt seen it,—] am, gentlemen, your obedient servant, JOliN Jaimurson. Me»«rs. Pomeroy, Andrews, nnd Co. FURTHER IMPORTANT TESTIMONY. GRKAT. CttRK OF PILKS. 17. l'belps-fireet, Walworth, Feb. 22 I8,j3. Gentlemen,— I was afHicted with the blind Piles, and was under medical treatment for three month*, lit obtained no relief. Hearing ol Old Dr. Jacob Towiiseim's Sarsa- parilla, I obtained fome, at d. alter taking it a short time, the accumulated lorrupt matter copiously discharged, and I almost immediately obtained relief. I sti;l coniimied its u-e for a time, and not only found relief, hut a cme. and a>t> now Iree Irom pain. I most sincerely recommend it to all who are similarly affected.— I am, gentlemtn, your obedient servant, Wm. 11 vdh. Messrs. Pomeroy, Andrews, and Co. 8. Ashley-terrace, City-road, London. Jnne 8, I85'2. Gentlemen,— Please send me again three quart bottles of Old Dr. Townsends's Sarsapsrilla. I feel-much better, and the general system greatly iniprov d, and I hope, I shall be .,If riglit with t[i, itir,e t)ow order,,(I.-I a, gt-tille-ne", yours very respectfully, John W. Munch. Messrs. Pomeroy, Andrews, and Co 73, Strand. William Wearn, 1, High-street, Soutbsea, writes, "I have taken several bottles of Old Townsend's Sarsaparilla, and derived benefit trnni it." Rev. J. W. Wi son, Wes- -evan Minister, at Biggleswade, writes, June 7, 1832, I have deuved much benefit fjom taking Dr. 'I'owiiseiid'. Sarsaparilla." FEMALE COMPLAINTS. GREAT CURE OF NERVOUSNESS. London, June, 10. 1852. Gentleman,— My wife has been Iook afflicted with a ner- vous complaint tiom which she suffer, d severely. Able physicians and many remedies weie trietl in vain, but I am happy tn inform you that she has entirely re. overed by using a few bottles ot Old Tuwnsei.d's Sarsaparilla. J. H. PETERSON. lVfe.,srs. Poiiieroy, Andrews, and Co.* PIMPLES. BLOTCHES. ERUPTIONS, &c. The same may be said of these as in the cure of the severer chronic maladies; the Sarsaparilla and the Oint. ment will effectually wipe off all disagreeable eruptions, and lender the surface c'e-.r and beautiful. Ladies troubled with rough, pimply skin, or a gross, masculine surface, will do well to use these Medicines, if they wish clear, d.lic-ite, and transparent complexions. Nothing can exceed their efficacy in this respect. CURE OF A DISORDERED STOMACH. Lower Grosvenor-strect, (,'Yl uly 41. 1R51. Gentleii)en, -I b,g to inform you that I have been using your Medicine, Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, lor a com- plaint in my t-tomnch, trotn which I suffered a long time, and I am happy to say it has cured nie.. 1 shall be happy to answer any letter of inquiry, ais. I am satisfied your Sartaparilla is worthy of all the recommendation I can give it. James Forsyth. Messrs. Pomeroy and Co. SICK HEADACHE.-A CASE OF MANY YEAR'S STANDING. The following one of those cases arising from It di-or- dered state of the uterine fonctiei II. which affect ill whol- system, and bring on some ot the most distressinK sufferings. This lady has suffered mote or less f«r: ten years, and ha» now entirely recovered by ihe use of Dr. Townsend's Sar sapariUa. She say* :— B- rk» ley-square; ,tar>. 15, 1853. Messrs. Pomeroy and Co. I have used your D-r. 'I o>*n- send's Sarsaparilla for sick headache and general debility, arising from a disordered state of my system, and *r„ h-1PPY to inform you that it has completely restored me to [ lormer health f»tid itrength. I experience a desire o! j comfort, buoyancy oi spirit-, and renewed »M«r*.th, wiiict- I ha*e not ki.ow'i for ten years. This ereat henelit 'Ion* induce* me to write tin acknowledgement. Disliking «.y I.aiee in lull to go before the putdic. 1 five my imtiais o,t|y. M us. E. kV. T. C." H pint', '2-. Cil.; Pin' » '■: '-mull Quarts, 4*. 0 Quarts. 7s. cd.; *i>d Mammoths, 1 Is.; bi* Mauinioihs sen", tree for (iOs. POMEROY, ANDREWS, &' Co., Sola I'ranrieto«-i, VVnve"scu»e, Zl'S, Strand THOMAS D. M E Y L E R (Successor to Mr. 0. E. Duties) Dispensing & Family Chemist, Seedsman, &c. (Patent Medicine and Perfumery Warehouse. Dealer in British Wines.) H I G H S T K E E T, U AVEILFORDWEST. King-Street, Pembroke Dock. '-iN? :?, "t, = Le m- & BLACKSMITH, RETURNS his «i cere th inks to his Friends and tlie Public in general tor their kind support towards b m tor the Inst T wentv Seven Years in the above place. J.M. begs to acquaint bis Friends and the Pu'dic tint he intends carrying on the Trade in a more extensive way than be has hitherto been doing. J. M. also bees to iicqna'nt the Public fht he has purchased an Anchor Bellows, and like- wise an Hydrauli Chain Prov ng Machine, and that he intends c •inuienL'ing the Anchor „nd Chain business im- mediate'y, and hopes, by employing experiem ed Workmen .y I y t-illerii'tl( e-d %IlLktiieii to he able to give satisfa. lion in that bralldl as well as in all other kinds of Ship Woik, N. It. -fill aiitl hi..e Si-in(lies mt,ie. TIEW It('eiell, Ftl),l turned off to pattern, and Brasses cast to suit ( opp. r Wire, Drawn, and Boat Nails made to order Lon Axle Trees, Ploughs, and Ilairnws of the newest hihI the best principles; <>11 k- in Is of Agricultural implements made to order on the shortest notice. <55* AN APPHK.xtick WAVTF.n. What is infirm from your sound parts shall flv,— Health shall live free and sickness freely die."—Shaksptnre lIMBER THE AND patronage OF THE TIIF. princital QUEEN. TIIE OXLY REAL CURE WITHOUT IXWARD MEDXCIXE IS. i)OPEit'S ItOYAL BATH PLAS'I ERS. for Coughs. 1»J A-thma, Hoarseness, I oiite-tion, Pa pita'ion ot tin .Heart, Croup, Hooping C.iugb. I<. tluenza,Clubntu Strata, B-uises. Lumlniio or P^iits in the 11 1. k, Spinal and Rheu matic Affections, Diseases of the Chest and Local Pains. Morb Wondkrful Curks from many Thousands OF Otiikks :— SEVERE ATTACK OF RHEUMATIC PAINS CURED. Dear Sim,—Having stiff red many years from severe at- tacks of RhiutliHtic pains, I leel ereat pleasuie in t.l ing illat l,awe iciive(i great I)t,iiefit I*roiii v"Lt, I Plastei. I shall u.ost certaiidy recommend it to all my friends, all medical aid being ol no use wiiafevet. You are a:,y way at leave to publisn tin^ in any way you nniy think proper. I hiii, dear sirs, yours.truly, Li-amingten, Aug. 12th, 1155L It. AIAIOR, M.A. Carrickglass, Longford, Ireland. July 2nd, 1854. Gentleh'en,—Herewith I send you-ixteen Postage St imps for anoiher ol your very valu-ib e Ropers' Plasters, The one already got has given me considerable • ase. (Signed) M. SCANLAN. HOOPING COUGH CURED. Sirs,— I ha»e used your Ropers' Plasters lor myself and children tor several months w itli decided benefit for Hnoptng cough three of t) y children being comparatively well since ilieir application I am, Sirs, yours respectfully. T. MAIDEN. Ash Cottage, Stalisfield, near Pavershani, Keitt. Communicated by Mr. J. C. REINIIARDT, Chemist, Hull.) Sproatley, near Hull, Oct. 3rd. IHA3. Sirs,— Having found great benefit Irom Roopern* Itoval Rath Plasters and Piils, I wish to III ke iny case known lor the advantage nf those who suffer, as 1 have done for a time. I have been afflicted with spasmodic pains m the chest, and palpitation 01 the heart, aiising Irom indigestion and liver complaint 1 was under medical treatment many months without feeling any better, at last I tried one ot Hooper'. Plasters and a Box ol Pills, which gave me telle in a lew days, from which time my health has improved, and ain now quite Weil. 1 remain with thank*, yours respectfully, i .email, w,in \BETH THOMPSON, Ilnvdon Vicarage, Sleafurd" Ap¡jl 27th, 185L Sirs,—The I fleet* ill ltoper*'# blasters 1 had some slmr tin.e Hincf Irom you has m »rvelr us amoop my pom parishioners thai I will 'hai k ynu to send me an lis. Case ■»s soon as convenient.—\our obedient servant, A. LF.Ai INGW ELL. Unprincipled Shopkeepers, for rlie sake of gain, hav. vended spurious imitations. Purchasers are therefore cau tinned to NO TICE !"—The words Roopkr's Royal Bath Plasikr," rngiaved on the Governmetii Stamp. PREPARED ONLY HY ROUT. ROPER AND SON CHEMISTS, SHEFFIELD, On Medico-Chemical Principles, from British Ileibs, and the Gums tind balsam* 01 the Easrern Clime, wher* The trees drop balsam, and on aU the boughs Health sits and makes it sovereign as it tiows." Full-sized I'Ustei. Is I J'1- and lor Children, flJ-.L each; ftr llll'< Cl by Pest on rec. ipi of 1 s. 4 or Is. e. ell in Postage St-tups. Foi Faintly live, and Cfaritable purpose*, &c.,—u- Tin C"s*s, at +s. 61., 11 s., '22s., eacli c.'ls-e, Sold by mtisi Patent Medicine Vendms iu the Uniteii Kingdom. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!—lie particular to ask or JiUPEii'S PLiS'I Eici. AGENTS WANTED. I TT is well-known fact that throughout the province JL there is jtreat dilliculty in getting Tens and Coffee- •ie-ce the complaint has beionie almost as (::I'"il1:lr hmsebobl words"—We cannot get good Tea and Coffees. SMI TH. A BB-'VTT. & CO. have t e e'ote reso'veil ro p! .c wrihiii the r-ach of the pu'dic their nne rich arom -tic-lia voured Coffees, mid their choice stmng and full-H ivourer leas, at the most moderate prices, ly the 'appointment ol one Agent in every to.vn and Locality throughout the King dom, as far its p aciic.ible. As the Agency will be tru'y valuable and involve but .01..11 outlay, immediate application i« necessary*. For Terms ami Particula" s apply tn SM J T H A BI'OTT. & CO ,5, Railway Place, Biackwall Railw.iy Station, Citv London. TO BUILDERS, MASONS, &c. Sealyham Blue Metallic Slate Quarry. WARRANTED 10 be as good in quality as any Slate.- Vy in Wales. Situ ted seven miles liom Haverfordwest within a qoatt-r of a u ile from the 'Turnpike Road leading Irom Haverlorilw. *t to Fishnuard— good easy new road te come out to the Turnpike Road. Slate* supplied at tilt Quarry or thtf following price*: d. £ s. d. Good Locals 0 15 OperlOOO „ Princesses, 24 inches by I t 8 U 0 per 1200 „ Duchesses, 2t „ 12 7 0 0 „ 22 „ 11 6 0 0 „ Coui.tes es,'2i) „ 10 4 15 0 „ „ 18 „ 10 3 150 „ It 18 „ 9 3 00 „ „ Lord* W „ 10 3 0 0 „ „ Ladies 16 „ 8 2 5 0 „ 14 « 8 I 10 0 Apply to Mr. Rowland Pkxry, near Wolfscastle, llaverfordwf si. THE PROVINCIAL (WELSH) FIRE AND L TE INSURANCE COMPANY. OFFICES:-II1GII-ST^KKT, WREXHAM; 35, KING-STBEET IIEAPSIDE, LONDON. CAPITAL £ 200,000. TBI INS RA-VCE COMPANY THE Mll.STlPALITV. L IFE.-P O L I CI E S INDISPUTABLE. '"I^HE a'tn.ion ol ihe inlinbirauts of ihe Principality _L ami Ri^oining counties, is respectfully called to the terms of this Company, w'lo-e rate of pieiiiiiiiii is as iiiotle- rate as is cuiiris-eitt with safety. h'iqhty e cent of the Profits will be apportioned to ibotp Assiirancci ^ffec d u.,d.r tin particii a'ii g scnle. Policies issued for sums of £ 10 to jE5.01.-0. N,,t Notion 0.11 Asstgiueeiil 01 P, fictes reej.tered. Th.. j.curify "I a laige Capital, subscribed by a well kiln. Local Proprietary. A stupes are hOW exempt Jrom I,ome Tag upon the premiums tliev nihy pay lor assurances oil thetr own or on their u-v s'lives, (such premium not to exc-e.l oi.e-sixih of their, annual inconie) priiriinl they assure Kith such (ffuts as are i,,d,(-(,tl d in the Act "f J'lilllllt'.IIt, Tills Company ui.ing one of tiik Nl'.mbkr. | I.OAN.'j N Policii-.s.- As-ureis requiring advanc on their Policies liheially treat- d with. I-ItItE.-Rates of Insurance Equitable. FA\ MING STOCK IX EXGLAXD AXD WALES INSURED AT 3s. PER CENT. NO LXTRA CHARCE TO FARMERS FOR THE USE OF A STEAM ENGINE. Xt CKillGE MADE FOil POLICIES TRANSFERRED FROM OTHER OFFICES, Th i following are the Trustees, Directors,$e., of the Company 'j Ht.-STKKS. — The Right tlon the Visco.uit Hereford; Sir Watkiti William* Wynn, Bart. At. P. Sir Charles Mor. ^aii. Hart. Sir Robert Henry C'lnitfle, Bart, C.B. Colonel Vlydd.lton BiddufpH, M.P, L rd Li.-iit.nam ol the comity ,)r Denbinh Colonel J. L). V. Wa ki s. M.P., Lord Lieutenant of the county of Brecon; Fred, rick Richaul West, Esq. M.P. Prvst,* Love.lcn, E q, M P.; David Jones, E-q. M P.; the Very Reverend the Dean of St. As .pli John Ht-aton, Esq. Cbnirn i'l of the Denbighshire (juart r Sessions John Williams, Es,].; Thollla" Brassey, E-q Henry Thomas. Esq, Cli-iirinan ol the Glamorganshire (J.uar er Sessions; Ilugli 0>ven, Esq, Bransbury Park, London. Di:ikctors-—Sir 11. C. Cunliffe. B,trt, C.B., Chairman William Wright, Esq, Dcp.i'y-Chai.man Richard Vena- hies Eyrke, Esq; Henry Robertson, Esq, C.E. John James. Esq. Richard Champion Rawlins, Esq Thonns Painter, E-q; Charles Hughes, E.-q the lion W. H. Y elver, on. LttNDON Boarr.-The Hon \V. H. Y-lvertor. the Hon R. T. Row|.y; D. Jones, Esq, M.P. Joliii Williams, Esq; Evan '1 homas. E>-q. Bankkrs —'The National Prrwinc'al Bank of England. Consuming Si'rgk >n —l' T OntPili, Esq, Wrexham. Soi.iciI'ors. Messrs Edgewnrth and Pugh. Wrexham. Consulting AcruAttY. -Griffith D-vies, Esq, London. sUHVlV •«.— R. K. Penson, E-q (iswestrv. Inspector of Agkncies. —Rob-rt Williams, Esq. By ordfr f ti'f Board ANTIIIINY DILLON, Board Rorm, Wrexham, August, 1854. Sccietry. It is now admitted th t capital cannot be inrest d in any way .0 profitably and advant.igeon-lv as ill the payment i-I 11,jUIUS on Life As-lorAtteet. The attention 0: men ot Property is thei.fore dir-cled to this mode of, investment, by means 01 which their bequests on be increased to any 8,0""11', To heads cf families whose means are perishable. Life Assurance presents the only ceit.in mode by which tl.ey | can at once secure ih^ii lamilie.s from want when they them- selves are removed by death. Employers desirous ot rewarding the services of steady arid faithful servants, cannot do so more satisfactorily than by presenting them a Policy of Insurance for their seivic. s, con till ling the payment of the annual ptptnmn's so long as their ser/ice* may deserve encouragement; embracing as! this dm*, a certain provision for the families of those in j their employ, at the same lime giving 1111"1 a great additional interest in their situ iti>.lis; it may frequently be a most j desir .ble mode of ruwardirg nood conduct. To the Public of ihe Principality, and bordering countie*, the PROV I NCI A L I > SURANCE COMPANY presents undeniable security of a well known great and wealthy ■ Proprietaty. a list f whom nnv be had on application at j the Offices of the CompHtiy in Wrexham, or at the Branch Office, 35, Kltlg-streei. Cheapside, Loudon. Board Room, Provincial Insurance C'ompany, Wr. nh nn, August, 1854. FICTITIOUS TESTIMONIALS TO MEDICINES Ate so coinnionly p'lhlishut, thai the pioi>neior of DR. LOCOCK'S WAFERS earnestly reconimemls the pub-ic to et q iire into thenutben j ticity of such Testimonials betoie being led lo jiurch^se the | to which they rtfel—mil will tee' obliged lo and on.- investig i he correctness of any 01 the srven cores ol Asthma. Consumption, Spitting of B ood, Coughs, | &c., v. Inch have be. n i fleeted by DR. LOCOCK'S PC IMC NIC WAFERS, Ami published diringibt i asi 2 months. Upwards of eight thousai.d well r.ttested cures have bee tfleeted, and published t.ring the last 15 years. UNDER ROY a PATRONAGE, INSTANT relief and a opnl cure of Asthma and Con- su-npMi.i a«d all Ds.rde-s o^ the Breath ->nd Lungs is insured ly DR. t.OL(X KS PULMONIC WAi fcitS Iother From Mr Wihl-im Boweo. Cartb'.t, ll (Ce! told west. j Sirj—Having been afflicted foi many years with a vi .let t i Cougli and Asthma, and liiving tried all other medicine in j vam, I was recoiinreoded to try Dr. Loc ek's a'ers. I sent to you for a box. and to my great astonishment, found relief the first night, ami h;ive continued to tfel better ever suite. Ti eireffe.ts *re truly W.inderful. v now good, whereas formerly I could scarcely keep "fir food oil my stol11ricll. I have mysell since recommended titem to sevf r >1 persons, who have all icceived the greatest, relief from them. W M. Bowen. Another Cure of As'hmatic tough of Long Standi-i Dvted, City-road, llavert rawest. Sir,-I am happy to inform ynll that. I have experieuc. d he greatest bent-tit Ir- iii taking only two boxes of Dr. Loc'ck's Pulmonic Waters, which you were kind enough to recommend me. P.eviotisly to my taking them I could scarcely walk without the greatest difficulty t f breathing, and my cough would then increase to,sticti a decree that I whs ueaily suHoc-ted. I had not lor many months slept for more than half an hour at any time: but I am now able to sleep without touiihing. 1 can tru'y recommend them to those who are similarly. afflicted as a most invaluable remedy and you are at per!ect liberty to make my cise pit; lie it you think proper. John Junks, cabinct-makei. Import int to oil who Sing. From Mr E Iward P«ge. Dire, t-ir lit t p Choir and Organbt ot St Marie's C oIholie Church. Newpoit. Gentlemen,— Ha* ing Iriquenily suffered tmu h from re- laxation of the throat. I have often heen oil to resort t", Val but s-nce I have bad the good lortuoe to try Dr. L icock's Pulmonic Wafeis. 1 am now but seldom I obliged to resort to them, f. r the extraordinary goodetLcis they have produced are most surprising. Even when the throat appears to be completely exhausted and tlie voice to be nearly gone, two or three ;«t most lour) will, in the short space of half an hour or so, completely restore its flexibility and power, and they do not act as ■ mere temporary exciting remedy, nor do they leave any lassitude after. Having felt the' great value of the remedy I feel it a duty to generally recommend it as I am convinced that -11 persons will ti -d immense benefit trllm the general ■md persevering use ol it. Edward U, Stow Hi. 1, Newport. TitESR WAFERS. CONTAINING ANT.vCID AND SI.D4T1VK PHOHKKTIIS. KFFKCIUALLY PiiKVItNT MRLOCI-Altrrv OF TII K BOWKI.S. Tu Singkks ANlI Public Speakers they are liivau able, as in two hours they remove all hoarseness, and increase the power of the voice. TII1_Y HAVE A PLEASANT tastk. r ce I s. 2s. 9J., and lis. AtSO, MAY BE HAD DR. LOCOCK'S COSMETIC. A delightfully Iragrant preparation, for Improving AKp Beautifying THE Complexion, rendering ihe skin clear, oil, and trarisparent. removing all eruptions, freckles, sun- burn, tan, pimples a"d roughness—curing grn-t bites, anr he stings of insects generally. In the process ol shaving. allays all smartinK. and renders th^ skin soft and smooth. Sold in bottles, at Is. 1 JL. 2s. 9^ ami 4s. G 1. each. B;.ivare of Cotititetfeiu. Observe the words Dn Lt>C0CK.'s Cosmetic" or. the Government Stiimp outsld ilie wrapper, 5sotd bv nil res -tt sbli' chemist, Agknts—T. O. M'eyier. Havettora«est J. W. \Vhic4, 1 chemist, Car in .rtlleri Cw«"f. vb-nni ,t, T rcd.pir.




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