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FRAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, Price Is. I id. per box. excellent FAMILY PILL is a Medicine of long- JL tried efficacy for correcting all disorders 'of the stomach, and Bowels., the common symptoms of which are cogtiveness, flatulency, spasms, Toss of appetire, sick head-ache, giddiness, with sense of fullness after ttieate, dizziness of the eyes, drow- siness and pains in the stomach and bo we". 8 indigestion, producing n torpid state of the liver, and a consequent inac- tivity Of the "bowels, causing a disorganisation ot every func- tion of th'e frame, will, in this most excellent preparation, by a little perseverance. be effectually renfoVtfd. Two or three doses will convince the afflicted ot its salutary efects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength { a health}'action of the liver, "bowels, and kidneys Will Vapidly take placed and Instead of iisttessness, heat, pain. and jaundiced appearance, strength, activity, and renewed health, will be the quick Te- IIIIt of taking this medicine, according to th-e directions ac- companvine each box. These Pills are particularly efficacious for stomach coughs, *old», fignes, fcho'rtness of "breath, and all obstructions of the Urinary passages; and, if'taken, after too free an indulgence at table, they quickly restore the system to its natural state of Yepote. Persons of a Full ttnbit, wbo are m1)ect to hca5-ache, gid- diness, drowsiness, "and singing in the ears, arising from too; Igreat a flow of blood to the head, should never be without them, symptdtBs wi! 1 'be enfire!y carriedt>ff by their immediate use. For FEMALES, these Pilh are most truly excellent, re- moving aM obstructions, the distressing head-rche so very pre- 'valent with the tfex 1 depression isf spirits, da hi ess of sight, tiervtms affections, blotches, 'pim'pW, and Sallowness of the Skin, and give a healthy and juvenile b}O<»'ft in the com- plexion. To MOTHERS tfiey%reconfi<5e'ntty recommended as the best medicine thatcan toe taken during pregnancy and for children of all àges they are unequalled* As a pleasant, safe, and easy Apetfent, they unite. the re- 'eamntendo-ti.dn of a tnitd opooltion with the mf,t successful "effect, and require no restraint of diet, or confinement during their use. regulating the dose, accorduig to the age and strength of the patient, they become suitable for every case. jn either sex, that can be require}; and for ELDERLY PE0P1JS fhey will be found tq be the most comfortable Medicine prepared. Sold by T.Prout, 2-29, Strand. London. Price Is, ljd jnd 2s. »<i. per box and oy the Vendors of Medicines gene- rally thrmighout the kingdom. Sold by his appointment by w "Avies, VViljiums, Harries, Haverfordwest; Phillips, J. W. hite, R. M, Davies, Carmarthen and J. •a* Evans, Cardigan. Ask for FjtAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH, and no6erve the name and address of "Thomaa Prout, 229, strand, London," on the Government Stamp. Noiicg.—Return Cabin Tickets available for FOUR *»EN DAYS in these Steamers, may be had from the ondermentioned Agents. Liverpool to Milford, Swansea, or Bristol, and back, 17a. Milford to Bristol, and back, 17s. REDUCED FARES. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN LIVERPOOL, MILFORD, SWANSEA, AND BRISTOL, For the MONTH of JUNE, 1852, t'- THE STEAM POWERFUL SHIPS TROUBADOUR, (CAPT.JOHN ANDERSON) GLENDOWER, (CAPT. WM. JAMES BECKETT), OR some other suitable Vessel, is intended to sail with goods and passengers, (unless prevented by any occurrence) ?.s fo'lows:-(with or without pilots, nd liberty to tow assets From TRAFALGAR DOCK, LIVERPOOL, to MILFORD & BRISTOL, landing passengers for Swansea (weather and time per- c mitting) at the Mumbles. Saturday ..5 ..12 noon | Saturday 19..10Jmorn Saturday ..12.. 7 morn ( Saturday 26.. 5 after The Steamer sails for Bristol (weatherpermitting) im- "Pdiately after her arrival at Milford, which is seldom under 22 hours after sailing from Liverpool FROM CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, TO SWANSEA AND LIVERPOOL. luesday j.. 5 morn I Tuesday ..22.. 8imorn luesday 8.. lOmorn | Tuesday ..29.. 4 after Tuesday ..15. 4 £ after FROM SWANSEA TO LIVERPOOL, CALLING w J AT MILFORD. ednesday 2. 4 morn | Wednesday 23.. 8 .norn •"dnesday 9. 10 morn | Wednesday 30.3 after •pinesday 16- 4 after i • • x 1 Steamer sails for Liverpool (weather permitting) mediately after her arrival at Milford (which is seldom An' 8'x or Mven hours after leaving Swansea). i U transit ot Goods from the Steamer to shore, whether lighter or otherwise, and whether at the steamers' ex- pense or not, is at the risk of the consignee or owner o tlie goods. FARES. Cabin. Deck. erpool to or from Bristol,Swansea, or Milford 6d 5s Od. Mi ford to Bristol 12s. 6d 5s Od. —J^rd to Swansea 6s. Apply to Edwin Edwards, Swansea; Fitz- H and Co. 20, Water-street, Liverpool • **• CiVans, Bristol, or Mr. C. H. N. HILL, Agent, M-lford. THe ROAD TO HEALTH. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. CURg OP A DISORDERED L1VKK AND BAD DIGESTION. of a Letter from Mr. IL W. Kirkus, Chemist 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool, dated. Qth June, 1851. To Professor HOLLOW AY, SlR,- Your Pills and Ointment have stood highest on our sale list of Proprietary Medicine for some years. A customer to whom I can refer for any inquiries, desires me to let you know the particulars of her case. She had been troubled for years with a disordered liver,_»nd bad digestion. On the last occasion, however, the virulence of the attack was so alarming, and the inflamation set in so severely, that doubts were entertained of her not being able to bear up under it; fortunately she was induced to try your Pills, and she in- forms me that after the first, and each succeeding dose, she had great relief. She continued to take them, and although she used only three Bows, she is now in the enjoyment of perfect health. I could have sent you many more cases, but the above, from the severity of the attack, and the spetdy cure, think, speaks much in favour of your astonishing Pi s. (Signed) R. W. KIRKUS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF RHEUMATIC FEVER, IN VAN DlEMEN'S LAND. COM of h Letter inserted in the Hobart Town Courier, or the 13 March, 1851,4y Major J. Walch. Marcaret M'Connigan, nineteen years of age, residing at New Town, had been suffering from a violent rheumatic fe- ver for upwards ol two months, which had entirely deprived her of the use of her limbs during this period she was un- der the care of the most eminent medical men in Hobart town, and by them her case was considered hopeless. A '"end prevailed upon her to try Holloway's celebrated Pills, which she consented to do, and in an increditable short space of time they effected a perfect cure. CURB OF A PAIN AND TIGHTNESS IN THE CHERT AND STO — MACH OF A PERSON 84 YEARS OF AGE. From Messrs. Thaic # Son, Proprietors of the Lynn Advertiser wio can vovckfor the fallowing stateitusnt. -Aug. 2, 1851. *o Professor HOLLOWAY, SIR,—I desire to tear testimony to the good effects of Holloway's Pills. Por so-ne years I suffered severely from a P»in and tightness in the stomach, which was also ac- companied by a shortness of breath, Ibat prevented me from talking about. I am 84 years of age, and notwithstanding *y advanced state of life, these Pills Ihave so wli««d ine. I am desirous that others should be made acquainted Ivith their virtues. I am not rendered, by their means, com- paratively active, and take exercise without inconvenience or paIn, which I could not do before. ■>, HENRY COE, North-street, Lynn, Norfolk. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURB OP THE GRAVEL AND A MOST „ DANGEROUS LIVBR COMPLAINT. oj « fetter addretted to J. K. Heydon, Esq., Sydney, S New Somtk Wales, dated February 2:>th, 1851. S" -A Mr. Thomas Clark, a setler, at Lake George was J?* time seriously afflicted with a complaint o "toe kiver, together with the Gravel. His medical attendants ■*ner trying all their skill, candidly told him that his case hopeless, and any further efforts useless. In this situa- and when expecting every day would terminate his ex- Htence, a friend recommended him to try Holloway's Pills and as a forlorn hope he did so, the first dose gave him con- siderable relief, he therefore preserved in taking them accord- VJ8 *°_the directions, and is now restored to perfect health will fael great pleasure in confirming this statement, or ev«n main ail affidavit to the same effect, should it be re- quired, Wm. JONES, Proprietor of the Coulbourn Herald, New South Y\ ales. WOSOERruJ, EFFICACY OP HOLJ.OVY.YY'S Fills jv CASKS OF DROPSY. Persons suffering from Dropsy, either about the turn ot lite at other times, should immediately have recourse to these a* hundreds of persons are annually e\>red, hy their use thig direful complaint in its differst staai wlmu all other raeor). had failed. These celebrated Pills are wonderfully effioacious in the follow- ing complaints. Y&Ue Females lrregulari- Scrofula, or King's ^sfhuia tieg Kvil j»|lious Complaints Fevera of all kinds Sore Throats "iotches on the Fits Stone and Gravel Skin Gout Secondary Symp- BOV$el Complaints Head-ache toms p0l,C8 Indigestion Tic Douloureux ns!jpation of the Inflammation Tumours Bowels Jaundice Ulcer* consumption Liver Complaints Venereal Affe- vebility Lumbago tions t^ropsy Piles Worms of all kinds Mysentery Rheumatism Weakneas, from a8)Pe'as Retention of Urine whatever cause &c Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOU.OWAY, 244. fetrand, (near Temple Bar) London, and by all respectable «ruggiMs? and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized wo,r'» at the following prices—lg. ljd., 2s. 3d., lis., 22s. and d3«. eaph ho^c. There i» a considerable saving by taking -oe Wlpr si?es; r AGRICULTURAL GENERAL IMPLEMENT IRONMONGERY MANUFACTORY ESTABLISHMENT TURNIP AND MANURE DRILL. t"N addition to this and other Drills of a cheaper description, which have hitherto been used »» this county I- AtARVCHURCH has manufactured against the approaching Season the Celebrated NORTHUMBERLAND PRIZE DRILL, Fo which he respectfully invites the attention of Agriculturists. The principal advantages of this Dril ar f lit has Rnllprs nlaced before and behind the Coulters, ft sows two rows at a time, Tu nas itoners piacea oeiore an bg It will deposit the Seed at any requisite depth, It is of simple construction, and *■ j put out of repair. IRON CORN- HICK STANDS l'tfanufactured under the for reducing the Price of Agricultuf::¡1 Implements. 10 feet diametfr, X2 10s. The saving effected by the use of these StalHls, in completely preserving the Grain from the attack of Vermine, and improving its quality by thorough ventilation, will more than compensate for the out-lay in the first season. itM" The Subscribers list for FIVE HUNDRED at the reduced price, 1,8vi.n.? ^ThtVe^Ty'L" nVdifficulty in "avour J. M. with the number and description of Sets they will require, immediately, that there may De n ;ompleting the delivery of the whole number against the ensuing Harvest. AfiRlCULTIIRAL IMPLEMENT WORKS, HAVERFORDWEST. HAVERFORDWEST. IMPORTANT, EXTENSIVE, AND UNRE- SERVED SALE Of Valuable and Modern HOITSEHOI-D FURNITURE, China, Glass, Plate, Bed and Table Linen. Feather Beds, Hair Mattresses, Blankets, Car- pets, &c.. &c. Books; Hunters, Saddles, Bri- dles, Dog Cart and Harness, &c., &c. GEORGE N- H ASSELL Begs most respectfully to staie that he has been favoured with instructions by the proprietor, Mr W ILLIAM THOMAS (who is about leaving VVales), to SUBMIT FOR SALE BY PUBLIC AUCTION, THE WHOLE OF HIS HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, (The greater portion of which is nearly new) WITH THE Cfctita, Olaso, Vlate, paintings, lgiterabings, BED AND TABLE LINEN, CARPETS, FEATHER BEDS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, &c.. &c. > On WEDNESDAY and THtPRSBAY, the Z3rd & 24th of JUNE, 1852, AT HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. DRAWING ROOM. Mahogany loo table, two mahogany wing cheffonniers,one mahogany sofa with spring seat, two zebra wood easy chairs with spring seats, eight mahogany chairs, Brussells carpets, hearth rugs, bronzed fender, polished steel fire-irons five oil paintings in gilt frames, the subjects being Rustics on a Gate, Moonlight View of Lake and Cottage, Moonlight View of Lake and Ruins and Forest Scene, the Gleaners, the Stable with Hunter and Hackney; large pier glass in eilt frame, glass, china, and shell ornaments, pair of blue glass lustres with bright pendants, pair of large bell pulls, blue damask window curtains and poll, glass shade with ar ificml flower, glass flower stand, magnificent accordion and con- certina. DINING ROOM.. Mahogany telescope dining table, mahogany easy chair with spring seat and patent reading-deskattnchj'd, mahogany card tables, six mahogany chairs, mahoganj-chelionnier pier glass, glass and china chimney ornaments, Victona felt car- pet and hearth rug, bronzed fender and polished steel fire- irons, blue damask window curtain and pole, bell pubs, table lamp. SITTING ROOM. Blue damask window curtains and pole, larg-e easy chair, Victoria felt carpet and hearth rug, brush and fender, and in which room are Goods, iGlass, and China, Two pairs of full-sized richly embossed camHesticks two nr,fF»<> nnts one tea-pot, cruet stand and six cut glass bottles, toast rack,'chambercandlestick, large size elaborately wrought cruet spirit stands (the former with six and the atter wiih three best quality cut bottles), pair of coasters, table, dessert and tea spoon, blue dinner service, tea and coffee ser- vice tea service, breakfast service, pair of water jugsi with metal covers, pair of antique china jugs, glass water jug, pair of cut glass quart decanters, two pair of cut glass; pint decanters, three dozen tumbler glasses, one and a-half dozen wine glasses, one and a-half dozen ale-glasses, set of paper trays, bread tray, one pair of large trays, two pair of glass 8HADES- PARLOUR. TL Mahogany dining table, small tele.cope table, pier glass, mahogany side-board, ten cane-bottom arm chairs with curled hair stuffed seats, large sofa with c,»"tz hair stuffed, and two pillows, Brussells carpet and hearth rug, fender and fire-irons, mahogany bureau desk, mahogany work table, picture in pilt frame-" Onr Saviour and the Tribute Money," bell pulls, hearth brush, glass, china, and other ornaments, shells, &c., large inkstand and two glass bottles, draft board complete; Books, comprising Benson's Commentary on the Bible, Brown s large Family Bible, and two other Bibles, 30 volumes of the Wesleyan Magazine,em- bracing as many years, Lives of Eminent and Illustrious Englishmen (8 vols.), Life ot Napoteon, History of England, Christian Miscellany, Robinson Crusoe, and other amusing, instructive, and miscellaneous works. ENTRANCE HALL. Eight-day clock in oak case—a capital time-keeper, maho- gany Pembroke table, door and other mats, driving, riding, and hunting whips. BEDROOM No. 1. Mahogany four-post bedstead with chintz furniture, feather bed, bolster, and pillows, bair mattress, flock palliass, blankets, sheets and counterpanes, bedroom carpet, large oak wardrobe, two mahogany chests of drawers, mahogany dress- ing table, mahogany washing-stand and ware, large swing glass with drawers, roFewood dressing box, window curtains and blinds, deal press wardrobe, carpet stool, clothes horse, three bedroom chairs. BEDROOM No. 2. Polished birch tent bedstead and curtains, feather bed, bolster and pillows, blankets, sheets, and counterpanes no ished birch wardrobe, large oak wardrobe, mahogany chest of drawers, mahogany dressing table, mahogany wa.h.ng- stand lad ware, swing glass, bedroom carpet, mahogany boo and shoe stand, eight pictures in mahogany, zebra, and gilt frames, clothes horse, one arm chair with commode attached, two rush-bottom chairs, large delf foot-pan and jug. BEDROOM No. 3. Half-tester bedstead with blue damask furniture, mattress, feather bed, bolster, and pillows, blankets, sheets, and coun- terpanes, mahogany chest of drawers, mahogany dressing table with drawers, mahogany washing-stand with drawers and ware, mahogany clothes horse, mahogany swing glass, mahoeany bedsteps with commode, mahogany arm chair, three rush-bottom chairs, bedroom carpettmg, fender, carpet stool, curtains and sunblinds, full-sized zinc shower bath with patent force pump and curtains complete, BKDROOM No 4. Tent bedstead and curtains, feather bed, flock mattress, bolster and pillows, blankets, sheets, and Marseilles quilts, washing-stand and ware, two chairs, picture and frame. BEDROOM NO. 5. Four-post bedstead and curtains, feather bed, bolster, and nillows blankets, sheets, quilts, dressing table washing- stand and ware, chest of drawers, swing glass, three chairs one picture, carpetting. No.6. Four-post bedstead, feather bed, bolsters, and pillows, chest of drawers, washing-stand and ware, large and small clothes horses. v «, BEHROOM NO. I. Bedstead and curtains, feather bed, bolster ana piuow., banket, sheets,quilts, swing glass, jug and basin, chair. IN THE LOBBIES AND STAIRS. Carpetting, Indian and other matting, stair covering, wool and other mats. imall meat safe, beer horse, large patent water filter, form. KITCHEN AND YARD. I 0„J KMHN settles, dresser and ware, meat Four large and tables, strong birch chairs, roaster and jack, large an fender and pok^r, kettles, brass, tin, and other candle* cks fender a^p pots, saucepans, trays, wai |ountains (six and nine kettle, (eight gal bus each),two larg knjfeboardf gallons), large sa ting ;aX "„d buckets, casks, boxes, &c. lot of casks, lot of small tubs a bott,e.rack and hencoop, boxes, Sc., &c. GTABLK C H.« BLACK MARE, now seven j ear old, ^y by by Acastus, grand-dam by Past |o mrfy 12 Eclipse, is a perfect hunter, an > j hack a|1(J from stone to any hounds t s ,f^,|ent lady s mare, her perfect docility would make ™ by s?,,tan> and j, CHKSNUT GELDINO. n ,ebrfttej gteeple-chaser he is own brother to Lotter}, j wejghts with theinare. l8d!n tandu,n on one 0F Bot'hThese'animals are wellI known in Mr^Lort Phillips's country, and «ilM»« under doty. SeSfa^nearK-n-^ man silver,.bunting.'Bt^0 exercising bridles, combs, stable shovel, pick, pails, brooui. The Sale to commence each day at Eleven o clock in the forenoon. Two months' credit will be given, subject 10 conditions lit sale, when the moneys are to be paid • j 0f tf,e Catalogues are now prejmnng an^ ^y Fi]rnjture Cambrian flace, Haverfordwest, May 6th, *m* The Juverna is intended to axil from Bristol to Cork on Wednesdays during the Summer instead of I uesdays. NOTICE.—The Old Company's Steam Packets Dart and Usk for Newport daily, and the Swift for Cardiff, W0" Wednesday, and Friday, will in future start from JJatliurst Basin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, in about twenty Wednesday, and Friday, will in future start from Bathurst Basin, Bristol, calling at the Hotwells, in about twenty minutes after the time s'ated in the bills for sailing, where a Waiting-rooin for Passengers is provided opposite the Landing-place. No charge for landing and embarking. Goods for Newport, Chepstow, and Cardiff, will in future be received by W. and H. Hartnell, corner of St. Stephen t Avenue on the Quay, instead ofclaie-street Hall. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY OFFICE, QUA Y, BRISTOL. rpHE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to J. Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL,—Dublin, Ross; Cork, JUVERNA and SABRINA; Waterford, VIC- TORY; Tenby, STAR and PHCENIX Ilfracombe, DART; Milford, Pater, and Haverfordwest, STAR Carmarthen, PHCENIX; Cardiff, SWIFT or LADY CHARLOTTE; Newport, DART and USK; or other suitable packet, -and asunder-mentioned, with or without Pilots, and with liberty to tow Vessels, during JUNE, 1852. IV. B.— AH Goods for Shipment must be alongside before 4 o'clock in the afternoon. FROM BRISTOL. V +* — t/i C • SO V 4> H: .5 w _• a s sc ° hr fc- >» CU — A c -o & -2 S = -S-t= £ g I 2J Tuesday 1 •, •• •*1" ifj" Wednes. 2 km 5m 5m 5, .^m. Thursday 3 ••••• • •• *i" ni}"' k!3 Friday.. 7m6im'j2m 0^ Saturday 5 8in 1 -6- Monday 7 S.jiri 8im8im8im Tuesday 8 WedS 9 Htn 10m 10m ltin, lym Thursday 10 ■••••• Ul" •■•••• Friday. 11 l'2Ja 12^ 12 ti 12 n 12 n I2ja Saturday 12 li Monday 14 3 a 3 a 3 3irfi 3J^ Tuesday 15 .——. 4 Wednes. 16 5 5m 5m Thursday 17 5tm 51a Friday 18 5J* 5ia 51 m 51 m ojm 6 a Saturday 19 ^m oi" 20 Monday 21 <ira 7*m7im7|n Wednes! 23 9>n *9m 9m 9 m 9Jn, Fridayay 25 11m 1 im lim 11 m ion, 11 n Saturday 26 12!a M^dTrS a; Tuesday 2.9 "J" Wednes. 30 4 £ a 4m 4m 4 TO BRISTOL. to 0 • a a# w f? "2 ■ £ t; S £ • O "2 « hs 2 o ;? £ 5 -J «# « U f H j U U A Tuesday I 3a 6m. 2Ja 3J m 3 Ja Wednes. 2 6 a 6m 9m 4,11 f.a Thuisdv 3 4jm. 4Ja Friday.. 4 7m 5*m 5im 5^ Saturday 5 7Ja 5|a 5| 6 6 Saturday 5 7Ja 5|a 5| 6 Monday 7 9Jm. Tuesday 8 8m 11m. 7§m7lm. Wednes. 9 12 n 9m 84m Thursday 10 9 £ m 9§m • Friday.. 11 12n. la lm 4 m 10 m Saturday 12 11 m 11m. Monday 14 -5m-2 -11a Tuesday 15 2a 4a lja. 2|a Wednes. 16 5 a 5 m$a Thursday 17 3 a 3Aa Friday 18 3a.7jm 4Jii! 4jm 4Ja Saturday 19 6Ja 4ia 5 m 5 a 20 Monday 21 8 £ m. 4 rp 61n Tuesday 22 7 m 10 m ejm 7 a Wednes. 23 11m 8in Thursday 24 Una 8im Friday 25 10m lint 12 n 3 a 94** Saturday 26 10m 10m 27 Monday 28 4m lm a Tuesday 29 1 a 4 a.. 2 a Wednes. 30 5 a 4Jm d a 31 FROM BRISTOL TO ILFRACOMBE. Wednesday- 2.. 7 morn Saturday 19 8 morn Saturday — 5. 9 morn Wednesday— 23..10Jmorn Wednesday— 9.. 12 noon Saturday — 2b. '2 after Saturday — 12.. 2Jafter Wednesday— 30. ojmorn Wednesday— 16 6 morn FROM ILFRACOMBE TO BRISTOL. Thursday — 3. 7 morn Thursday — 17. 7 morn Monday — 7. 5 mom Monday — 21. 4 morn Thursday — 1ft. morn Thursday — 24 1 morn Monday — 14. 5 iporn Monday — 28.. 4 morn Passengers can book themselves at the Paddington Ter- minus for conveyance to Cork per Great Western Railway to Bristol, with liberty to remain there two days, anil trom thence per the undermentioned Steamers at the following rate, viz:— 1st Class Rail and Cabin of Steam Ship £ 2 5 U. 2nd Do. do. do. 18 0 3rd Do. and Deck do. 0 16 I To and fro Tickets are also granted, avanaoie IUJ I teen Days:— R 1st Class Rail and Cabin of Steam Ship » 2nd Do. ditto ditto .2 17 0 Passengers proceeding from Cork to London, can book at the Cork Steam-ship Company's Office, Cork, on the same tCThe whole of the above Vesselsare fittedI up for the conveyance of Passengers and Goods.-Female Stewards on Board.-Carriages and Horses shipped with care.- Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours betore SaAoKNTS.-Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tenby; Mr. J. Rees, Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. James, Pater; Mr John N. Smart and Mr. J. W. Pockett, Swansea; Mr. W. R. Harvey and Mr. C. H. Revan, Cardiff; Mr. Martin Ilfracombe; Mr.Thomas Baker, Lynton; Mr. RobertStacey, Carmarthen; and Mr. R. Jones, Newport. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quwft Bristol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c., should be addressed :— tor Cardin to W. and H. Hartnell, Corner of Saint Stephen's Avenue, Quay; and for Newport, to W. and H. Hartnell, Corner of Saint Stephen's Avenue, Quay, and J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, Hotwells, (See also Bradshaw s Guide. NOTICE.—The Pt-oprtetort of the ahove Steam Packets will be not accountable for Rny Cabin Pasnenger s Luggage (if lost or damaged)above the value of Five Pounds nor for any Deck Passengers Lu#age (if lost or damaged) altove the value of Twenty Shillings unless in each case entered as snch, And freight in proportion paid for the same at the time of delivery nor will they be answerable for any other par- tel above the alue of Forty Shil ings (if lost or damaged) unless ente such, and freight in proportion paid for the ititme (time of Delivery.—Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping Note. .J All letters seek rqrjnation be post-paid.


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