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V» Nryxics.—Return Cabin Tickets available fqr FOUR TEHN DAYS in these Steamers, may be had from th &ndermenti»tied Agents. Liverpool to Mil ford, Swansea, or Bristol, and back, I i's. Milford to Bristol, And back, 17s. REDUCED FARES. STEAM COMMUNICATION BE'tWEEH' LIVERPOOL) MILFORD, SWANSEA, AND BRISTOL, For the MONTH of MA Y, 1852, THE STEAM POWERFUL SHIPS TROUBADOUR, (CAPT.JOHN ANDERSON) GLENDOWER, (CAPT. WM. JAMES BECKETT), OR some other suitable Vessel, is intended to sai with goods and passengers, (uufoss pre&tirted fty any mwfortKtn occa.rYf.net) ?? foltows:—{with or rtithbut pilots, uttd liberty to tow /ewrpls From TRAFALGAR DOCK,.MVEHFOOL, \o MTLTORO & BRISTOL, Landing passengers for, Swansea (weather And time per- mitting) at the Muipfyles..r ■ "Saturday V.1 8 morn ] Saturday 22..lJtmorn Saturday 1 after | Saturday 29.. 7 morn ^a*urd»y "15. 8$ii< £ n I v The Steamer sails for Bristol (weatjierpermitting) im ,'nedisttely at'fe'r fyer arrival at MiJford., which is seldoih tinder 22 hqurs after jailing from Liverpool FROM CtJMtiS&tA^ BASlNy BRlStOL, TO SWANSEA AND LIVERPOOL. Tuesday V. f.. p morn I Tuesday ..18' 54moi;o Tuesday ..11.. 1 linorn Tuesday ..2.V.. 9 £ raorri frROM SWANSEi ^0,1,1 VKftPOOL, CALLING AT MILFORD. Wednesday .$. &,morn 1 Wednesday 19.. 4J.norq VVednesday 12. l2nopn| Wednesday 26' 9 morn L The Steamer ejatls for Liverpool (weather Permitting) immediately after her arrival at Milford (which is seldom under six or seven hours atter leaving Swansea). All transit of (JO^S frqtfl.the Steamer to shore, ^lietber by lighter or otherwise, And whether at tliesteanjers' ex- 'pense ar not, Vs at the risk of the consignee or owner o the gooait' s. ( FARES" Catin. Deci. LlverpopVtoor from Bristol,Swansea, or Milford, V. 14*. od 5s Od. Milford to$ris{pl 1.2s. ,fid 5t Od. Miltord to Swansea "»'i, Q*. »d. 3s Od. 9S& Apply to Edwin Edwards,. g'yvanse^v^Fitz- simpns^Appletae, and Co. 20, Water-street, Liverpool H. G. Evans, Bristol, or Mr.C. H*. N. HILL, Agent, M.lford. r The Juverna is intended to sail from Bristol to Cork on Wednesday^ during,the Slimmer instead of Tuesdays. OTiftE.—Tlie (Md Company'? Steam jackets t)art and Usk for Newport daily, snq the Swift lor Cardiff, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday* prill in future start from Bathurst Ra«in, Bristol, Qa}|ing at ttieHotwe!t', where a NN niting- -room for Passpn^e,rs, ItS provided opposite Athe Landing- place, and they are taken on board about t>yenty;minutes after the time stated in the liills for sailing from Bathurst Basin, and landed free.of charge. i.. Goods for Newport, Cbewtow, and Cardiff,.will in future be received by \l\ and H. ftajWll,,c9nier ot StjStephen s Avenue on the Quay, Instead of Claie-skreet Hall. BRISTOL hÈNÈÍlAi.. STEAM NAVIBATIBN dlMP ANY OFFICE% QUA Y, tilUST&L. 'pHE following STEAM VESSELS.ar^jnfended to L Sail from GUMB.FRF.AJTO JBA^JV, BRISTOI, ^—Dublin, ROSE; Cork, JijyERNA jiiid SABHIMAJ V^aterrord, Vic- *ORT; Tehby, and PHffiSii; Milford,, Pater, and Haverfordwest' SIAR; Carmarthen, PHOENIX; Cardiff, "SWIFT Newport;D/L»vr and V?.* 5or bthrtjj^itable packet, ~and as under-mpiitioneiJ, wjth or without Pilots, and with liberty to tow -Vessels, during MAV» 1852. i N.H.—A U Gooils for Shipment must be alongside be/ore 4 o elock in the afternoon. FROM BRISTOL. tT H t? — iB VI v 1 t • K 2 -2 • s >• is S !S I s I -e § = sZ I "2 ,1 3 O-S t c « » 'M a o u « S"turday I 3^ .v, H3 Monday" 3 5m 5m 5 *.> £ 111 5Ja ^uesday 4 6 m 6 a ^fednes. 5 7rc 6im CJm 6a63m fija flwrsday (} 7jm 7}a 'Saln^J'" 7 ~3m 7^m "3m 'im ?,n 8 «im fci«> « FRRE^E^^JFTR:: !-2. !?-" 'TFE ^turfe }t -'ia ••• • 2ia 2m 2b 2|a ^— 16 Tii!J' **ni ^ra 5 a frWnes. 13 6m. jjm 5Jro 5Jn5Jm 5j a *nursday 20 :1.. 6iro 6 a jriday 21 <>$n» 65m 6jm 6Jn> 6Jrn 6fni 6Ja Saturday 22 i.. (7 7|«n 7 a Monday 24 8Jm :8jm Tuesday M5 .1 9|m \Vednei. 26 lO'm 10m 10m 10m 10m Thursday 27 j-Hm Friday *28 1 a 1 a lm Iml2|a I a Saturday 29 I. 2a. 2 a 30 — Monday 31 3^ H* 4 a 4Jm 4 a -I" TO brT^tol. — — £ c "S *S J= ■H O b M r • t ii Z a -a > r" « S r? V _1- -1- S'turdaj 1 j 5m 2m H 2 Sj°nday 3 f1" 3?a ^«e«day 4 3, 7m. W* 74» 4a4|m 4Ja rKfflnej.$7na 5m 5 a jnutsdiy 6 5j»5|m 5Ja |"d«iy.. 7 7m 9jm J. 6§m 6m 5«urdaj 8 7m 7m. Monday 1q ajUi 10m 8 ro fefey. 11 9m 12 11 xr• • 9,» edn$g. jo H* Jf Jt'.VTIm 10m |hursd»y ta — llm 12d sSj*- H i ijm34i» 4.: i» }i sn. 2™ ij«. lia 1?. 3 • I! *4:$ in«rsday 2t) ] 5m 5n> 4Ja i ?m.8jtn .'ojut • ►i"1 ^|a J^rday a 31 m 5J» 23' 11111 1111 II £ y«tfa$ ot 7}m9|ir 7i»» •••• ^«dne?- & 8m llm. 7jn» (Jm Thurid^ £ I2n 9m »i<n FRIU?:^ E J. »«»™ V.- can ihpmaelves at the Paddington Ter- '<• Bristol C°"l'eiVance «o Corfc per Great Western Railway nhe"ce neVTr. 'b,tr,y to remain j here two cjays, ?nd from r*te, viz. undermentioned Steamers at the following 2nd an^ °f St'iam ^hfp k% j5 0 Srd R°* do. do. 1 M. 0 PaMBn^ I>eck do. 0 ffi 0 the Cork sf8 Proce.eding from Cork to London, pap book at Jerrjjy. teain-ship Company's Office, CorR'on the same l')e a^ove Vessels are fitted U'R for the Aq 6 ?V and Goods.—Female Stewards rjTTt^rri»ges and Horses shipped with care.— *aiUng. ^^rriages to be shipped two hours before ^*ve^raC~^r'. Morgan, Tenby; Mr. J. Rees, ^r-'«hn Milford; Mr. Jaines, Pater; ft, L •wart and Mr. J. W. Poukett, Swansea; Mr. L'^aconiW'*?? Mr.C. H. Bevan, Cardiff; Mr. Martin '"•T^fflas Bak«r. Lynton; Mr. Robert Stacey, t. P^uion^^d il. Jones, Newport.. VaT- obtained by applying at the Bristol fiQodn Companjr's Oflifie, Quay, Bristol; where Oardift ^V £ el«, fa., should be addressed:— venue n„° • ^d H, HarinelJ, Corner of Saint Stephen's ?er> lji' acd for Cardiff and Swansea, to K. T. Tur- yartDeii /iU,ly'"street;—^nd for Newport, to W. and H. i?"e» Rau/°il,er Saint Stephen's Avenue, Quay, and J. "uide. am Wharf, Hotwells. (See also Dradshaw s *'ll be not Proprietor* of the above Steam Packets ^lf'ost or ^table for any Cabin Passenger » Luggage l>eck p"|ll2e(')*')0«'e the value of Five Pounds nor for • val0e 0V.i?8en»ers Ivu^age (if lost or «>maged) above '•.and f • 1yen,t^ Shillings unless in each case entered as ^eUyer r.e, £ "t in proportion paid for the same at the time C*' above "0r. w'" they be answerable for auy other par- ,llD'^fs ente Forty Shil iags (if lost »r damaged) *&m«. Tt\ and freight in proportion paid for Sod, ^tiiiieof neliTery.—Not accountable for any .\u. OQt Shipping Npt*. AA letttrs ieek+iijf iaforwatiou be post paid. e) MODERN FURNISHING, FARMING, r AND I > i GENERAL IRONMONGERY WAREHOUSE; (NEXT THE TOWN-HALL) HIGH-STREET, HAVERFORDWEST. STEPS E "IF G ET E E HJ IN returning his grateful thanks to his Customers and the public in general, for the extensive and increasing patronage which he has received from them since his commencement in business, would beg most respectfully to assure them thai he still continues to offer for sale articles, which will be found of the best possible workmanshtpt made of the best materials, and at the lowest remunerating prices. J In his extensive Stock will be found a large assortment d Stoves, Fenders, Fire Irons, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Table and Chamber Lamps, Kitchen Ranges, Roasting Apparatus, Kitchen Furniture, Pots, Kettles, Saucepans, fitc., Japanned, Papier, and Iron Trays, Britannia Metal Tea and Coffee Pots, Patent Water Filtelrs, Wite Works, Sc. Tin Work, with Plumbing, Bell-Hanging, and Smiths* Work In all their Branches. CARPENTERS', SMITHS', AND COOPERS' TOOLS, OF TTFE BEST MAKE AND QUALITY. THE MISCELLANEOUS AND BUILDING STOCK Consists of Laths, ftrieks, Tiles, Creases, Locks, Nails, Hinges, Screws, Latches, Draining Pipes, Paints, Oils, Rope Sweeping and other. Brushes, Pattens, Clogs, &c.» Bar and Sheet Sheet Lead and Pipes, Share and Plough Castings, Traces, Spades, Shovels, Draining Tools, Ploughs, Harrows, Corn Crushers, Turnip and Mangle Machines, rurze Mills, Lead, Zinc, and Tin Milk Paus, with Improved Plugs. ENQt-ISHPS PATENT CAMPHINE, AND PALIN^ER'S PATENT METALLIO OANDLES. N.B—ARTICLES OF PATENT MANUFACTURE OBTAINED AT THE PATENTEES' PRICES. Aprii 28th, 1$52. AGRICULTURAL GENERAL IMPLEMENT IRONMONGERY MANUFACTORY EGFABLISHMINF rrUItNIP AND MANURE DRILL. r t$i addition, to, this and otlter rlrills of a cheaper description, which have hitherto feeen used in this county, JL ) AIARYCHURCH has manufactured against the approaching Season the Celebrated NDLLTHUML»ERLAIIB F (FIZE DRItt, To which he respectfully invites tl'ie attention of Agriculturists. The principal advantages of this Drill are the folio Wins In* i' r n A, f..w> j itihas Rollers placed,,before and beshind the Coulters, put out of iRON CORN-RICK STANDS NKW SCHEME for the Price of Implements. 10 feet diametf-r, AC2 Stands, to completely preservmg the Gram from the attack of Vermine, and improving its duality by thorough ventil atii Dn, will more than compensate for the out-lay in the first srason. BL^- Tlie Subscribers list for FIVE HUNDRED at the reduced,price, haying commenced, parties are reqgpsted t(> fawuril. M. with the number and description of Sets they will require, immediately, that there may be no difficulty in completing the delivery of the whole number against the ensuing Harvest. MftifcutTiiRAt IMPLEMENT WORKS, HAVERFOBBWEST. THE fillESf PERUVIAN IUANO FOR SALE, warranted.genuine, being DIRBCT front the Stores of Messrs Gibbs, Bright, & Co., by John Jones Barton-Place, Pembroke.


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