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timbeb, deals, laths, ITO., slate's AND FLAGS. ON SALE 4 AT TENBT AHB 8A8HDEB8F60T. Wy to M. HAM Rim, TBMBT § or to FRANCIS BBDDOMS, 8A mDBSSFOOT. ^Tani-6 Cora Chests, IJqtHd Mannre «Ks,&c.in«dfitoorijet,from 100 to 2*000 gallons. WE learn from Dr. Bodaio that the grey-blue Slate of totJip» ^LABOLE, la Cornwall, weigbsonfy 2,512 oances tyftntm D?re<* ^eet» which is greatly less than the lightest &ottlj?t!rejan^ Slate that I b»ve flirt with. This Cornish Slate ftftgon 'Sjitnessand end«ranceof weather,although I have no *»0rAl« tJ?'n'c tbatin the last particular it excels the West- 1q o5«?A§!ate« 5s GENERALLY PREFERRED toanv Jjsj" BRITAIN, and -is perhaps THE FINEST Vol ttJ WORLD.—Bishop Watsom's Chemical Essays, r DEI-ABOLE QUARRIES have been long cele- bini„ Prodoeiu^ a beautiful and durable material, com- *>r thjeV°(jiS'^era^e lightness with strength. The Flag Stones, *rs ftr rJi es> ^rom these Quarries are highly esteemed; they durable, not only when exposed to atmospheric Po„ w>th inscriptions (such as those on tomb-stones) f «lis.wn' bat for pavements in passages, court-yards, &c. he gfj y foughed, tbev might be advantageously used for streets, being not readily worn by such friction as there receive and Dot liable to be damaged by fro^t." 0K ^ie Geologs qf Cornwall, published by order of tit* Sr»*,L- Treasury,pp. 503, 504. of u,e bELABOLE ROOFING STONES, id ^i >602, fleeeribee the blue as in substance thinne, M|y "r.'a'ra, in weight light, in lasting strong, and gene- proyj^j 16fch *o Rood regard, as besides the supply for home »ther °8' 2reat vmerely conveyed by shipping both to of the readme, and also beyond the seas into and Ketkerland."—Survey of Cornwall, 1769, p. 6. •UUR •S lOUT AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. blowing testimonial is another proof of the great i.2cY °f 'bis Medicince. 5j *^7, New Bond-street, London, October 12th, 1850. I acquainting you with the great benefit which llUp/l experienced hy taking BLAIR'S GOUT and Mus, MaTIC PILI'S, I feel that lam but performing ,bat Portion of ,he pub,ic who maybe similarly twenty years since I was first attacked by Rheu- I ~°ut in my bands and feet. I had previously been • t0 every variety of climate, having served in •John £ tbe 19th Dragoons, and in Spain under Sir i, bent J ?°re. in the 18th Hussars. I always procured the and n> a! a?^, but without obtaining any essential relief, ltii0w'y offerings can be appreciated only by those who |( of fht3 disease. k during one of these proxyisms, between 12 and Plj?!8 ago. that I was recommended to try BLAIR'S Ife) w?* I lost no time in procuring a box, and before I III | that quantity the pain had entirely ceased, and t'fom ^ays was 'n Pei"fect health. the di bat «noiT)«nt whenever I feel any symptoms of MetJi ^e,8€ approaching, I have in&tant recourse to this the (J«lne' wbich to me is so valuable that were it not that th» magic have ceased, I should certainly attribute «ay ,i ,e' I obtain to that cause. Moreover, I rejoice to f"iie health has not in any degree suffered, but on 1 belive the tendency of BLAIR'S PILLS I its improvement. >»gU]. Jl'e recommended the Pills to many friends, and the t "as always been of the most gratifying character. I am, Sir, yours respectfully, Toi» GARRETT FOSTERG1LL. ^or f" 229< Strand. *^55 h .ut« Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Tic-Dolo- W^ritl8.in the !,ea<1 a ad-face, and all analogous com- is a sovereign remedy; and the speedy relief this instance is parallel with the testimonials Of Rev. Dr. Blomberg, of Misperton Hall, Rector "ilti,l\'IPlegate, London, and Chaplain to his Majesty the Fourth; John Mollard Wheeler, Esq., of jatfc,.c?; '•'ansmitted by his brother at Swindon; John Es<l-. Frioiley, Surrey; R. Mandall, Esq., ^°ncaster; Mr. Courtney, Barton, Stacey, SeZj ^r- Coshfr, Beaeensfield; Mr. Yates, traveller to and Martin, London; Mr. Nasmyth, 208, London; Mr. Dixon and Mr. Blake, Kings- .Me^f^thamptonshire; and that extraordinary case of i[. Masters, of the Veteran Batallion, Newfound- s many otbprs whose particular cases have been v and were given unsolicited to assure by Gout, Rheumatism, &c., that speedy relief TlJeo"ai'led by taking this Medicine. Ijfespeotability of Blair's l'ills rests in a great degree U s0(; .e truth ofitfi testimenials, and the strictest inquiry into all that has been published. ^^7 ThotnaB Prout, 229, Strand, London; and all A*t e Medicine Vendors. Price 2s. 9d. per box. ff* BLAIR'S GOUT AND RHEUMATIC tiiat Thomas Prout, 229, Strand, is impressed upon the Government Stamp. CtTR^s FOR THE UNCURED! ^°i«i.oway5s OINTMENT. ^TRAORDINARY CURE OF SCROFULA OR KING'S EVIL. a Letter from. Mr. J. H. Alliday, 209, High-street T0 *» C7>«lienhaint dated 212nd of January, 1850. §l^ 'e??or' Holloway. y eldest Son, when about three years of age, 'Uej. ^'ed with a Glandular Swelling in the neck, which ^ioaf t'me broke out into an Ulcer. An eminent Pr Pron°unC€d ii as a very bad case of Scrofula, ■?i%eag^a<jr'bed for a considerable lime without effect. The 1,1 yirut ^our y€ars went on Rra(Jually increasing en, tiosides the Ulcer in the neck, beLi,^n,ed below the Jefi knee, and a third under the s *even others on the left arm, with a tumour eves. which wa< expected to break. During V °f the time my suffering boy bad received.the ^t pi advice of the most celebrated medical gentlemen i l'al R besides being several months at the Gene- I ^0,>ld where one of the surgeons's said that he "■ ^FMKate the left arm, but that the blood was so fb«t H that limb were taken off it would be then 'ttig j^Possible to suudne the disease. In this desper»ie k a»aeterwined to give your Pills i»nd Ointment d trial, j« tWo month's perseverance in their use, the jw^sduaHy began to disappear, and the discharge tilr8l'on •B'cers percepiibly decreased, and it the ex- [•e eight months they were perfectly healed, antl Sst ."f^ghly restored to the blessings of health, to 5°t>l<j °n'Sbtnent of a large circle ot acquaintances, who ««r, uest^y the traib ot this miraculous case. Three ?*l'5dv8V€ n,w ^lapsed without any recurrence of the Jjsh. tke boy is now as healthy as heart can j* tru] <^er rtiese circamstances 1 consider that I should tth ti ""ffra^efu) were I not to make you acquainted „,s, Wot*derftjl cure, effected by your medicines after me«ns had failed. J. H. ALLIDAY. « OF ACUTE RHEUMATISM OF FOUR I YEARS' STANDING. I Ldlter from Mr. John Pitt, Dudley, dated the 1 -v^ir \§lh of January, I860. *■ tv14 for ,L wwh the greatespleasure that I write to thank 'nti^ "e benefit I have received from your Pills and ?*tis0.t> wliicb have completely cured me of the Rheu- j'^nder wbieh f suffered for the last four years, at ev s sf bad as hardly to be able to walk. I had kind of Medicine that was recommended wiih- iwi'?!'1? »"y benefit, i at last thought 1 would give «I?«niis,e,a<'• trial, and purchased from Mr. Hollin, fbi« Town, two Boxes of Pills, and two of > of 'n fbree weeks, through them and the bles- restotvd to health and strength, and We^ a^e *° w?lk as ever I was in my life. I ft '*? Par's^' having been sixty-five years a" etception of ten years I served in the 24th it F#0t* (Sig"e«) JOHN PITT. L °P A BAD LKG OF MORE THAN SIXTY P r YEARS STANDING. am's Place, Drypool, near »u*cers °« his le^s from the age of eighteen until and although for many years he had >> ti,e ",8t advice in the country, nothing was found JfcViS1- »e very often suffered most excruciating <» ^l^di '°nP' periods tagetlier, which incapacitated him In'1'0!?a t0 ^usiness« He bad given i>p all hopes of «S|re.'wheu at last he was persuaded to try Hol- K°n4rf. •8 an<1 Ointment, which he did, and however tltei, u m>«bt appear, the leg was thoroughly healed hj j^ns, and by continuing to use the Pills alone ^»rty e8 was weil, he has become in health so hale and tlow to be more active than most men ot fifty. *"cheir?',le trutb of tbif extraordinary statement can be •"ll. J** by Mr. J. C. Reinhardr, 22, Market-place, UarV 2°*, 1850. Op A DESPBRATF, CASt DF RINGWORM OF SIX YEARS STANDING. Lima, Nov. 13th, 1849.. n»o»t eminent Surgeons in Lima (the Capital bf years. a cbfd cohered with Ringworm for more than b#if?eCt »' 'n Va'11 exhusted all his art in his endeavours Ol, ren tC|Ure" Not succeeding, he consulted among his ha but\ ,e,!nost celebrated medical practitioners of the Ck'"4* BeiJ* Was f°nrid to do the child service. When tin ^st b> Mr. Joseph P. Hague, the English l° trv H pru881st, residing at No. 74, Calle de Pala- JVw.er u, l0*ay'sPiils and Ointment, which was done, of,Kn«silc Jarfce Pots of ihe Ointment,with a pto- tK 's» ,e child was radically cured, to the ftoi« w^°'e medical profession. The name of the i^be pj|, m°tives of delicacy, is withheld. of »Kho..u,d be nsed conjointly with the Ointment cases Qrea,,tc. ^"figo-foot Fistulas Sore-throats Chilblains Gout Skin-diseases fei, °0s ^"apped hands Glandular Scurvey cki11 MOR ^orns (soft) Swellings Sore-heads toe$" ^ancers Lumbago Tumours e a1d ^°ntracted Piles Ulcers 'CQO Pli». O an{^ Rheumatism Wounds k H*y ^joints Scalds Yaws t^^by l P"ar|tiasis Sore Nipples &c. ^c. an.tek^>ro,'Pr'elor»Strand, (near Temple-Bar) Jt ) ^•"oiiok I r«ispectable Vendors of Patent Medi- liri o°Utrflle Civilized World, in Pots and Boxes. "kfi#6 3 »p.-S" '• lis., 22s., and 33s. each, f*. y considerable saving in taking the large. PEMBROKESHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT. THE MANSION-HOUSE, FARM, & LANDS, CALLED GREAT SODSTONE, WITM A LARGB WALLED GARDEN, In tha Parish of Narberth, in the County of Pembroke, CONTAINING ABOUT 112 ACRES, 0 ROODS, II PERCHES, AND OF WHICH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MAY BK HAD; ALSO, A SMALL HOLDING ADJOINING CALLED DUSTY FORD, Containing about Nine acres, with a Cottage and Garden held therewith, by Elizabeth Thomas, as yearly tenant at the annual rent of £ 9. SODSTONE HOUSE is fit for the residence of a smal genteel family, and is situated in an extremely pic- turesque and healthy situation, commanding extensive views of the demesnes and woods of Piccon Castle, Stebech, and Llawhaden. The Farm Buildings are substantially builc, and systematically and conveniently arranged. The above estate is distant about two miles from Nar- berth, twelve from Tenby, nine from Haverfordwest, and a very convenient distance from the intended South Wales Railway. Several packs of hounds are kept in the neigh- bourhood. T For further particulars apply to Mr. H. P. Goode, Land- sarvevor, Haverfordwest; or to Messrs. Evans, Powell, and Co., Solicitors, Haverfordwest. All letters to be prepaid. t Haverfordwest., August 29th, 1850. ( — NOTICE. From the 1st of October, and during the Winter, tbe JUVERNA will leave Bris.ol for Cork on Tuesday instead Wednesday. Goods for Newport, Chepstow, Swansea, and Cardiff will in future be received by W. and H. Hannell, corner of St. Stephen's Avenue, on the Quay, instead of Clare-street Hall, and for Swansea and Cardiff by E. T. Turner, 12, Quay-street as usual. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY OFFICE, QUAY, BRISTOL. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL,and as mder mentioned, with or without Pilots, and withliberty to tow Vessels, during NOVEMBER, 1850. FOR MILFORD, PATER, & HAVERFORDWEST CALLING AT TENBy.-OSPREY. Tuesday 5.. 6 £ morn Tuesday 19.. ojjmorn Tuesday 12..10^morn Tuesday 26.. lOmorn 2 FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT MILFORD, PATER, AND TBNBY. OSPREY. Friday I 3 after I Friday 15.. 2 af.er Friday 8 8.3raorn Friday 22.. 71morn Friday, 29ih 2 after FROM MILFORD.—OSPREY.. Friday 1 ..11 night I Friday ..15 ..10 night Friday 8 3 after | Friday ..22 3 after Friday, 29 10 night BRISTOL AND TENBY.—OSPREY AND PHCENIX. FOR TEN BY. I FROM TENBY. Friday 1.. 8 morn Saturday 2.. 51morn Tuesday 5.. 6imorn I Wednesday ..6.. 8 morn Thursday u 7.. 7 after Friday.. 8.. 91nigilt Tuesday 12..10Jinorn Wednesday ..13.. Friday •• 15.. 2 morn Saturday ..16.. 4§morn Tuesday 19.. 5Jmorn Wednesday ..20.. 7 morn Thursday 21.. 7 after Friday "? £ ? "r8"1 Tuesday 26.10 morn Wednesday .27. 1 after Friday 29.. limorii I Saturday ..30.. 4 morn FOR CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY. PHCENIX. Friday .1.3 morn I Friday 15. morn Monday 4 6 after Tuesday 19. 5 morn Thursday 7 7 after Thursday 21. 7 after Monday .11 .10 night Monday 25.10 night Friday, 29th.1 Jmorn. FROM CARMARTHEN CALLING AT TENBY. Saturday 2. 3 after Saturday 16. Rafter Wednesday. 6. 5imorn Wednesday. 20. 4|moni Saturday 9. 7|morn Saturday 23. 7 morn Wednesday 13.11 morn Wednesday 27,103morn Saturday, 36ih 2 after FROM BRISTOL FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK, Friday 1 3Jafter Friday 15. 2Jafter Friday 8 8 morn | Friday 22. 7imorn Friday, 29 2 after. Returns Tuesdays. FROM BRISTOL FOR CORK. JUVERNA, Wednesdays,-SABRINA, Saturdays. Saturday 2.. 4 after I Saturday 16.. 3 arter Tuesday 5.. 7 morn Tuesday 19.. 5 after Saturday 9.. 8 morn Saturday 23.. 8 morn Tuesday 12.. 11 morn Tuesday 26..11 morn Saturday 30th.3 after Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FROM BRISTOL FOR WATERFORD, VICTORY. Tuesday 5.. 6$morn I Tuesday 19.. 5 after Tuesday 12.. 10 morn | Tuesday 26.. lOmorn Return Fridays. BRISTOL AND SWANSEA. FOR SWANSEA. FROM SWANSEA. COUNTY: BERESFORD, BBRESFORI): COUNTY Friday 1.- 3 morn Friday I- 4 morn Saturday 2.x. 4imorn Saturday 2. 5 morn Tuesday 5.. 7 morn Tuesday 5.. 71morn Thursday 7.. 7Jmorn Thursday 7.. 8 morn Fridav 8,. 8Amorn Friday tjimorn Saturday 9. 8|morn Saturday 9.. 9 morn Tuesday 12.. llmorn Tuesday 12..11 morn Thursday 140. 2 morn Thursday 14.. 2 morn Friday IS.. 2 morn I Friday 15.. 21morn Saturday.. 16.. 3Jmom Saturday 16. 4 morn Tuesday 19.. 5 morn Tuesday 19. 6imorn Thursday 21.. 7 morn Thursday 21. 7 morn Friday 22.. 8 morn Friday 22.. 8 morn Saturday 23.. 8 morn Saturday 23.. 8Jmorn Tuesday 26.. lOmorn Tuesday 26..lOJraorn Thursday 28.. ljmorn Thursday 28. 1 morn Friday 29. 2 morn Friday 29.. 21niorn Saturday 30. 3imoro Saturuay 30.. 4 morn BRISTOL AND NEWPORT, DART and USK. FOR NEWPORT. FROM NEWPORT. Friday 1.. 2Jafter Friday • 2 after Saturday 2.. 3 after [Saturday 2.. ijafier Monday 4.. 6 morn Monday 4.. 4 after Tuesday 5.. 6imorn Tuesday 5.. 6 morn Wednesday.. 6.. 7 morn (Wednesday.. 6.. 6 morn Thursday 7.. 7lmorn i Thursday 7. 6 morn Friday 8.. Bimorn IFriday 8.. 6|morn Stturday 9.. 8iinorn Saturday 9.. oimorn Monday H.. 9imorn I Monday.. 11.. 8 morn Tuesday 12..10|morn Tuesday 12.. 9 morn Wednesday.. 13..IIimorn Wednesday.. 13..10 inorn Thursday 14.. Ijafter Thursday 14..12 noon Friday 15.. 2 after Friday 15.. 1 after Saturday 16.. 2iafter Saturday 16.. 2 after Monday 18.. 3Jafter Monday 18.. 3 after Tuesday 19.. 6 morn Tuesday 19.» 4 after Wednesday.. 20.. 6 morn Wednesday.. 20.. 4jafter Thursday 21.. 7 morn Thursday.. 21.. 6 morn Friday 22.. 7imorn Friday 22.. G^morn Saturday 23.. 8 morn Saturday 23.. 6|morn Monday 25.. 91inorr Monday 25. 7imorn Tuesday 26..10|morn Tuesday 26. 8 £ morn Wednesday. 27.Jl|morn Wednesday. 27. 9Jmoin Thursday ..28.. 1 after Thursday 28.. 11 morn Friday 29.. 2 after Friday 29..12 £ after Saturday 30.. 21after Saturday 30. ljafter BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. STAlL and PRINCE OF WALES. P *R CARDIFF. FROM CARDIFF. Friday 1— 3Jafter Friday 1.. Ifafter Saturday 2. 5 morn Saturday 2. SJafter Monday 4.. 5!morn Monday 4. 3|af er Tuesday 5.. 6 morn Tuesday 5.. 5 morn Wednesday.. 6.. 6|morn Wednesday.. 6.. 5|inorn Thursday 7.. 7 morn Thursday 7.. 5itnorn Friary 8.. 71inorn Friday 8. 6imorn Saturday 9.. 8 morn Saturday 9. 6tmorn Monday II.. 9 morn Monday 11.. 7|morn Tuesday 12..10 morn Tuesday 12.. 9§morn Wednesday.. 13..11imorn Wednesday.. 13.. gimorn Thursday 14.. 1 after Thursday 14..12 noon Friday ..15. Ifafter Friday lt>Rafter Saturday 16.. 2 after Saturday lb.. J|at_ter Monday 18.. 4 after Monday J°-• ^fa'ter Tuesday 19.. 5 morn Tuesday •• 19. • ofafter Wednesday.. 20., 5Jmorn Wednesday.. 20.. Rafter Thursday 21.. 6 morn Thursday 21.. 5 morn Friday, 22.. 7 morn Friday 22.. 5Jmorn Saturday 23.. 7|morn Saturday •• 2-3.. o morn Monday 25.. 9 morn Monday •• 2o.. ,i*morn Tuesday 26.. 10 morn Tuesday 26. ojmorn Wednesday.. 27..11imom Wednesday.. 27.. 9Jmorn Thursday 28..124afier Thursday 28.. llmorn Friday 29.. Ifafter Friday 29..12 noon Saturday 30. l|aftei Satutday .< 30.. Ifafter The whole of the above Vessels are fitted up for the conveyance of Passengers and Goods.—Female Stswards on Board.—Carriages and Horses shipped with care. Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. AGENTS.—Mr.Joseph Morgan, Tenby; Mr. J. Rees Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Bowen Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, Swansea; Mr. Pridham Bideford; Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe; Mr. J. Clarke Lynton; and Mr. R. Stacey, Carmarthen. Particulars may be obtained by applying at the Bristol Steam Navigation Company's Office, Quay, Biistol; where all Goods, Packages, Parcels, &c., should be ad- dressed:-for Swansea and Cardiff, to W. B. Owen, Bul- Wharf, Redcliffe-street, and Clare-street Hall, Marsh- street:, and E. T. Turner, 12, Quay-street:—and tor Newport, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf,Hotwells. NOTICE.—The Proprietors of the above Steam PacketF will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger's Lug- gage (if lost or damaged) above the value of Five Pounds nor for any Deck Passengers Luggage (if lost or damaged) above the value ot Twenty Shillings unless in ea;h case entered as such, and freight in proportion paid tor the same at the time of delivery; nor will they be answerable for any other parcel above the value of Forty Shillings (if lost or damaged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for the same at the time of delivery. Not accountbs any Goods without Shipping N»te.— All letters seeking information to be post-paid TO FEMALE SERVANTS. WANTED, in a family where an under dairy-maid is kept, a person not under 30 years of age, to undertake the management of four cows, and as plain cook. The strictest enquiries will be made as to character. Apply to Mr. MORGAN, Upper Scoveston. nearjkfilford. PEMBROKESHIRE. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. H. P. COODE, AT THE RUTZEN ARMS HOTEL, Iu the Town of Narbertlt, On THUaSOAT. 21st of NOVEMBER. 1850, AT TWO O'CLOCK IN THE AFTERNOON, Subject to such OoudiitOTis as will be then q there produced, A LL that CAPITAL MESSUAGE, TENEMENT, FARM and LANDS, called LITTLE KILRATH, in the Parish of Narberth, in the County of Pembroke, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN ACRES, or thereabnuts. The above Estate is distant about Two Miles from the Market and Post Town of Narberth, ond within a con- venient distance of the proposed South Wales Line of Railway. For Further Particulars apply to Mr. H, P. GOODE, Land-Agent, Haverfordwest; or to Messrs. EVANS, POWELL, and Co., Solicitors, Haverfordwest.—AH Letters io be post-paid. Haverfordwest, Nov. 2nd, 1850. I XF MANKIND are liable to one disease more than another, or if there are any particular affections of the Human Body we require to have a knowledge of over the rest, it is certainly that class of disorders treated of in the New and Improved Edition of the "SILENT FRIEND." The Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Edition of their Medical Work, cannot refrain fom ex- pressing their gratification at the continual success attend- ing their efforts, which, combined with the assistance of Medicines, exclusively of their own preparation, have been the cause of mitigating and averting the Mental and Phy- sical miseries attendant on those peculiar Disorders; thus proving the fact, that suffering humanity must always derive the greatest advantage from duly qualified Members of the Medical profession, adopting a particular class of disorder for their exclusive study, in preference to a super- ficial knowledge of all the diseases that afflict Mankind. Messrs. R. & L. PERRY can with confidence offer hope, energy, and vigour to those whose constitutions have be- come debilitated from generative diseases, nervous and mental irratibility, local and constitutional weakness, &c., and beg to acquaint those so suffering, that one of the firm may be personally consulted daily at No. 19, Berners- street, Oxford-street, London, from 11 till 2. and from 5 till 8 in the evening and on Sunday from 11 till 1. THIRTY-FIFTH EDITION. CONTAINING THE REMEDY FOR THE PRE- VENTION OF DISEASE. Illustrated by 26 Anato- mical Coloured Engravings on steel. On PHYSICAL DIS- QUALIFICATIONS, GENERATIVE INCAPACITY,and IMPEDI- MENTS to MARRIAGE. A new and improved Edition, en- larged to 196 pages, price 2s. 6d.; by post, direct from the Establishment, 3s. 6d. in postage stamps, "THE SILENT FRIEND;" A Medical Work on the Exhaustion and Physical Decay of the System, produced by Excessive Indulgence, the Consequences of Infection, or the abuse of mercury, with explicit Directions for the use of the Preventive Lotion, followed by Observations on the MARRIED STATE, and the Disqualiifcations which prevent it. Illustrated by 26 coloured engravings, and by the detail of cases. By R. and L. Perry and Co., 19, Berners-sireet, Oxford-street, London. Published by the authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster-row, London J. and R. Raimes and Co., Leighwalk, Edingburgh; D. Campbell, Argyll-street, Glas- gow J. Priestley, Lord-street, and T. Newton, Church- street, Liverpool; R. H. Ingham, Market-street, Mau- chester; Powell, 88, Grafton-street, Dublin. PART THE FIRST Is dedicated to the consideration of the anatomy and phy- siology of the organs which are directly or indirectly en- gaged in the progress of reproduction. It is illusiraied by six coloured engravings. PART THE SECOND Treats of the infirmities and decay of the system produced by over-indulgence of the passions and by the practice of soliiary gratification. It shows clearly the manner in which the baneful consequences of this indulgence operate on the economy in the impairment and destruction of the social and viial powers. The existence of nervous and sexual debility and incapacity, with their accompanying train of symptoms and disorders, is traced by the chain of connecting results to their cause. This section concludes with an explicit detail of the means by which these effects may be remedied, and full and ample directions for their use. IT is illustrated by three coloured engravings, which fully display the effects of physical decay. PART THE THIRD Contains an accurate description of the deseases caused by infection, and by the abuse of mercury primary and se- condary symptoms, eruptions of the skin, sore throat, in- flammation of the eyes, disease of the bones, gonnorhoea, gleet, strictures, &c., are shown to depend on this cause. Advice for the treatment of these diseases, and their coo- sequence is tendered in this section, which, if duly followed up, cannot fail in effecting a cure. This part is illusiraied by seventeen coloured engravings. PART THE FOURTH Contains a remedy for the prevention of disease by a simple application, by which the danger of infection is obviated. Its action is simple but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destroys its power on the system. This important part of the work should not escape the reader's notice. PART THE FIFTH Is devoted to the consideration of the duties and obligations of the married state, and of the causes which lead to the happiness or misery of those who have entered into the bonds of matrimony. The operation of certain d.squahfi- caiions is fully examined, and infelicitous and unproduc- tive unions shown to be the necessary consequence. THE CORDIAL BALM'KJF SYRIACUM Is exclusively employed to renovate the impartial powers ifl"?S.e/exb.o.id by the influence IBry indulgence on the tysiem. Its act;on p y samic its power in reinvigoraung tiie fr am of net vous and sexual debility, obstinate gleets, impotency. barrenness, and debilities arising from venereal excesses, have been demonstrated by its unvarying success I thousands of cases. To those persons who are prevented from entering the married state by the consequence of early errors it is invaluable. Constitutions relaxed, weak or decayed, trembling of the hands, headaches, fain tings, and female complaints, are under its immediate influence, and when the system has receivhd a shock, and is debi- litated from imprudence and inattention in the early part of life, or is sinking under the advance of years, or by long residence in hot or cold climates, this medicine will afford immediate assurance of returning strength, by giving tone to the muscular system and organs of digestion. All cases of local and general debility, nervous irritabtltiy and excitement, consumption, indigestion of the most fearful and exciting kind, intense melancholy, depression of spirits, partial or complex extinction of the reproductive powers, and non-retention of urine, are pi by the Cordial Balm of Synacutn, and Pat'en'y"[f0d0d° the full enjoyment ot health and ,^NC F 30 Price lis. per bottle, or four quantities in one for U3S. THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, An anti-syphilic remedy for purifying LJE FJ°JJ venereal contamination, and is recommende.I for -1 JY ot the varied forms of secondary sympmms, such as upno on the skin, blotches on the head and face, enlargement of the throat, tonsils and uvula; threatened destnicuon the nose, palate, &c.; scurvy, scorbu <CJLUMJRS' 0,D wounds, ulcers, sore legs, venerea bin^g evi-' glandular swellings, ervsipelas, leprosy, kings evi., pimples, diseases of the skin, cutsneou^MPTIO^ on any part of .he body, and all Impurities of the blood. Price lis. and 33s. per bottle. The £5 cases of Syriacum or Concentrative Detersive Essence can only be had at 19, Berners-street OXFORD, street, London whereby there is a saving of £ .1 12S. and the patient is entitled to receive advice advantage is applicable only to those w PACLPERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. Price 2s. 9rl" 4s. 6d., and lIs, per box. These pills, each box of which are accompanied with explicit directions, are well known throughout Europe to be the most certain and effectual remedy ever discovered for gornorrhcea, both in its mild and aggravated form. They immediately allay the inflammation by their specific influence on the urethra, and arrest the future progress of the disease. In all cases of consultation by letter, the usual fee of one pound must be forwarded, either by post-office order or otherwise. Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases, noting especially the duration of the complaint, the mode of iis commencing, its symptoms and progress, age, habits of living, general occupation, and position in society. Medicines can be forwarded TO any part of the world F no difficulty can occur, asuhey .will be securely packed, and carefully protected from all observa- tion. Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., surgeons, may be con sulted as usual rt 19, Berners-street, Ox or -S ree London, (where mav be had the Silent Friend) from till 2, and 5 till 8, in the evening, and on Sundays from 11 T0Soldby Thomas A. Roberts, chemist. ConW»Y J°I>N Brown, Chronicle office, Bangor; KobettGr High-street, Carnarvon; W. EDWARDS chemist Denbigh; H.G. Hughes, chemist, Holyhead; J<ohn JEALE chemut, High-street, Wrexham; E. Ward, chem 8' > Brecon: Phillip Price, Post-office, Bridgend; H. Webber, Guardian office; Cardiff; W. Thomas, ctiemis. opposite Angel), Merthyr J. W. White,chemist, Guild ULL-squnr., Carmarthen; N-Y. Wi))iams,che.nist,)hgh.stree Cardigan. Owen Edmond levies, cliemist and DRUNG«-J 11 Haverfordwest; RichardC. 1 reweeks,chemist, Pembioke: Thomas Evans, chemist. High-street, ^.WANSRA O.IU Moore, chemist, Broad-street, New IWn T. Stephens, ehemist, High-street, Merthyr-Tydv.L; ^"IS antli Score- druggist, Union-Street, Bristol; John Walton, Lhwnule office, Shrewsbury; James Chiicot, bookseller, Broad, street, Leominster; Draper, chemist, Broad-street Hereford: T. Fairer, Beacon office, Monmouth; L. V, Jenkins, Commercial-street, Newport; of all ot whom may BE had The Silent Friend.


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Family Notices

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