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DRAINING AND IMPROVEMENT 80,pu.. COMPANY, lament-street, London, and Bedford Circus, Exeter 4. Company having been in active operation for the Gotveral years, is ready to undertake Works under ^er i» e!!ninent Loan, or by fixed or annual charges IWS Act of Parliament. h Particulars and references may be obtained at THOMAS MAY, Secretary. PORTRAITS. -U). Pi PRATT, Jun., High-street, Haverfordwest, begs jrity, thatVn^0rm Inhabitants of this Town and its Vici- M'ejjl t,'188 been instructed in the Science of Kalography t rry> w^° lateb' visited this town, and is now eW» portraits in the above most beautiful style. in ma^e f°r the portraits but for the morocco MejJw, ^hich they are enclosed, and which may be had at err pnces. b4 PEMBROKESHIRE. °*TANT, EXTENSIVE, A UNRESERVED SALE d<n 06 Milch, Cows, Fat and Store Cattle, 23 Draught Horses and Colts, 87 Fataiid p". Sheep and Lambs, 41 Bacon and Store Pigs, ^hite and Green Cro] Agricultural Dairy and Brewing Vtensils, Cheese, Gig, Harness, Gentlemen's and Lady's Sad- *»«# genteel and Modern Household Fur- &nett, Books, Plated Goods, China, Glass, °foer valuable Effects. IFETOLL. HENRY PHTIXIPS hoaoored with instructions by the Executors of the $Ufeka *ate ^rs* G^ytber, to "J'T FOR SALE BY AUCTION, AT CRAB HALL, NEAR DALE, ^NRSDAY, the 13th day of NOVEMBER, 1850, and 4 j f following days, select & very valuable LIVE STOCK, White Green Crops, Agricultural Implements, Dairy and Utensils, Cheese, Bacon, Gig, Harness, Saddles, ^otLgenteel & modern HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, iJWi, r Pitiable effects above referred to. ^.Particulars and order of Sale will appear by posting *>* del;* w circulation, and catalogues, which will be ready ». 4Polw •in a few days, and may be obtained (postage free) HiS'Noi1 at the offices of the auctioneer, and at the "otels throughout South Wales. commence each day precisely at 11 o'clock in the Credit (subject to conditions of sale) until 12th L- The purchase moneys to be paid to the auc- hi 'at is offices, Hill-street, Haverfordwest. "eet, Haverfordwest, Oct. 2J, 1850. TIIBEB, DEALS, LATHS, ETC., LIHT ALSO, '^ABOLI SLATES AND ELAGS, t ON SALE *T TENBT ALFD SAUMDERSFOOT. jp- M HARRIESt TENBY; or to FRANCIS BEDDOES, SAUNDERSFOOT. Slate Cisterns, Corn Chests, Liquid Manure s>&c.jnade to order, from 100 to2*000 gallons. \y "fram Dr. Borlase that the grey-blue Slate of eU). i in Cornwall, weighs only 2,512ounces feet, which is greatly less than the lightest k?"*th*t I bare met with. This Cornish Slate « Shtness and endurance of weather, although I have no r,*J'2ink that in the last particular it excels the West- iB GENERALLY PREFERRED to any Tf*b BRITAIN, and is perhaps THE FINEST ^Ttr WORLD.—Bishop Wktson't Chemical Essays, vVV •-P- 319. {W! OELABOLE QUARRIES have been long cele- ?Sw J*Producing a beautiful and durable material, eom- J t^jT^'derable lightness with strength. The t lag Stones, WJ- eS| from these Quarries are highly esteemed; they ^W^'ngly durable, not only when exposed to atmospheric a* ^ith inscriptions (such as those on tomb-stones) but for pavements in passages, court-yards, &c. ♦rtid^. r°°ghed, they might be advantageously used for Greets, being not readily worn by such friction as NLJi,d there receive and not liable to be damaged by frost. VHty the Geology (f Cornwall, published iy order of the LEROOFINO STONES, !*«o|'ln 1602, describes the blue as in substance ttunne, ^ly,?f.f»ire, in weight light, in lasting strong, and gene- 6 R'ETH BO good regard, as besides the supply for home nT' ^reat store is yeerely conveyed by shipping both to ^iij*8 the realm*?, and also beyond the seas into Netherland."—Survey of Cornwall, 1769, p. 6. PEMBROKESHIRE. W MANORIALT COURTS. JPSj COURTS LEET and VIEW OF FRANK- of our SOVEREIGN LADY THE QUEEN and »Sib> S BARON of CONNOP, LORD BISHOP OF ST. 'if.. 8> will be holden as follows:— BS, MANOR OF THE BARONY AND TOWN- C^.OFLLjWHADDEN.at the New Inn, Llaw- b in .r^ on Friday, the 1st November, at eleven o clock xf f°renoon. MANOR OF THE CITY AND SUBURBS OF at the Commercial Inn, St. David's, on fc the 6th November, at eleven o'clock, in the f*t o^on. C ?ANOR OF DEWSLAND, at the Commercial > «ne v ^avid's, on Wednesday, the 6th November, at tli. in the afternoon. Vin ^NOR OF TREVINE, at the Ship Inn, Tre- b in ,1'on Thursday, the 7th November, at eleven o'clock, tLhwfo,™oon. JJIMANOR OF TRELLYS AND GRANDE- *n tf •?' at t^e bouse of Mr. William Owen, Trellys, feiw By» the 8th November, at eleven o'clock, in the re»oon. JOHN HARVEY, Steward of the above Manors. w PEMBROKESHIRE. SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, MANSION-HOUSE, FARM, & LANDS, W CALLED ^EAT SODSTONE, FN WITH A LAROB WALLED GARDEN, Pirisk of Narberth, in the County of Pembroke, CONTAINING ABOUT Op 2 ACRES, 0 ROODS, IIPERCHES, WHICH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION MAY BE MAD; LsO, A SMALL HOLDING ADJOINING CALLED DUSTY FORD, about Nine acres, with a Cottage and Garden *t ii, erewrtb, by Elizabeth Thomas, as yearly tenant SiOho. £ rent i N5 HOUSE is fit for the residence of a smal femilv, and is situated in an extremely pic- f the j a"d healthy situation, commanding extensive views » *haHtne8ne8 ""d woods of Picton Castle, Slebech, and i*Jst^' .^e Earm Buildings are substantially built, i *he oktnat*cally and conveniently arranged. JH, *»'e estate is distant about two miles from Nar- from Tenby, nine from Haverfordwest, and 0'Uav distance from the intended South Wales j.fWd evera^ packs of hounds are kept in the neigh- ,i?*»ey^Ir'|ler particulwB apply to Mr. H. P. Goode, Land- Sol;' averford west; «r to Messrs. Evans, Powell, and ^Hverf-110!"8' Haverfordwest. All letters to be prepaid, ^dwest, August 29th, 1850. STEAM COMMUNICATION FAR- BETWEEN °ISTOLJ SWANSEA, ^JWJV1ILFORD,ANP LIVERPOOL, MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1850 IRON ERFUL STEAMER TROUBADOUR, f\1t (CAPT.JOHN AJTDBRSON) fcii °ther suitable Vessel, is intended to sail > °Wj. Koods and passengers^ (weather permitting) as e»8e,sp(with or without pilots, and liberty to tow S,, fROM LIVERPOOL. Urday November 2. 8 morn At CUMBERLAND BABIN, BRISTOL, FOR j LIVERPOOL. sday November 5. 6|morn ^ROM SWANSEA FOR LIVERPOOL. edaesday ••• November 6. 6 morp fr°n» Liverpool to Bristol, Swansea, or Milford, ti ^°tic Deck, 5s.; Cabin, 17s. 6d. ^^beac^The proprietors give notice that they will 1 «y be4n °ntable for any passenger's luggage nor will ^or any goods,packages,or parcels,it inty^illin8ed' un'ess booked or if above the value ot H ^oporj 8s, unless entered at their value, and carriage C^u C, p,aid for the same, at the time of booking, „fr :e*. accountable for goods without shipping \8hts anJ ^°ds are considered as liens, not only on *sfied. c^ac"argesdue thereon, but for all previously un- •Ur^Prieto 8es due by the consignees and shippers to ^n^ent cl°rs l'le concern. Disputed weight or mea- 1 wrhat'ms f°r l°ss, damages, &c., cannot be allowed *ft ° not'ce the same be sent to the office on !«r aJ,lv,ery. All goods to be taken away the day tn ,ot steamers in Milford. .s ijanh n^" Evans, Liverpool Steam Wharf, Can Of 'fts an Edwin Edwards, Swansea; Fitz- i'Piebee, and Co. 20, Water-street, Liverpool Mr.C. H. N. HILL.Vlgent, Milford. 'NEW EMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA. NEW LINE OF PACKETS FROM LIVERPOOL FOR PORT ADELAIDE AND SYDNEY, LAND- ING PASSENGERS AT PORT PHILIP. KEDUCED FARES. let Cabin, .t45, 2nd Cabin, £25, Intermediate, XIS Steerage, £10. Accommodation, Provisioning, & Equipment second to none CONDOR .1500 tons To sail Dec. 10 mIi OSPREY .1200 tons. To sail Feb. 10 A 1, NEW SKIPS, coppered and copper-fastened.—For further particulars apply to the owners, GIBBS, BRIGHT, & CO., Bristol or Liverpool. Under Royal Patronage! DR. LOCOCK'S MEDICINES. Small Books,containing many hundreds of properly authenti. cated Testimonials may be had of every agent. THE success of these Medicines is unexampled,—they are taken with equal benefit in hot as in cold climates, and their use has consequently extended all over the woj"'d, where, in every principal city or town, an agent for their sale has been established. This great celebrity has tempted many to counterfeit them in various designing ways, so that it has become ne- cessary to admonish purchasers to be very cautious, as some Shopkeepers even copy the uanoe (with a alight varia- tion,calculated to mislead an ungtrwded perton) and in the form of" Lotions," "Pill* &c. attempted to pass off lmi- tatA°U such Counterfeits maybe guarded against by simply observing that no Medicine is genuine but Wafers, and that the words" DR. LOCOCK'S WAVERS," are the Govern- ment Stamp outside each box. As a further guide to the public, a descriptian of each of Dr. Locock's Genuine Medicines is below. DR. LOCOCK'S PULMONIC WAFERS. Give instant Relief and a rapid Cure of Asthma, Consnmption, Coughs, Colds, and all Dis- ordeis of the Breath & Lungs. For confirmed Asthma or Consumption, two Wafers should he taken three times a day, which will very soon relieve the cough and breathing, and rapidly effect a cure. In CouGHs-The effect of Dr. Locock's Wafers is truly surprising, as within ten minutes after taking a dose the most violent cough is subdued. They have a pleasant taste, and may be taken by infants as well ad"s* -• To Singers and Public Speakers, these Wafers are in valuable, as by their action on the throat ancl .u"Fj, -ey remove all hoarseness in a few hours, and wonderfully m »«in '»« BOMS contain n«rh .hree of .ho 1.. and .be 1!». Boxes contain five of those at 2s. 9d. Also, DR. LOCOCK'S ANTIBILlOUS WAFERS. They have a most pleasant taste. Price Is. lid., 2s. 9d., and lis. per Box. This is an aromatic and aperient Medicine of great; effi- cacy for regulatiug the secretions, and correcting the action StfUU '"d Liver, ,„d is ,h. only rem,rioter .11 Bilious Affections—He.riburn, S.ck He.d-aclic, todo ness Pains in the Stomach, Flatulency, or Wind, ana au those complaints which arise from ^^easons ness It is mild in its action, and suitable for all seasons and constitutions, while its Agreeable Taste renders it the best Medicine for Children. Also DR. LOCOCK'S FEMALE WAFERS. HAVE A PLEASANT TASTE. Price la. 1 Jd., 2s. 9d., and lis. per Box. Thev fortify the constiturion at all periods of 'U all Nervous Affections act like a charm. They remove all obstructions, heaviness, fatigue on slight exertion, palpita- tionof the heart, lowness of spirits, weakness, and allay pain. They create appetite, and remove indigestion, heartburn, wind, head-aches, giddiness, &c. In Hysterical Diseases, a proper perseverance in the use of this medicine will be found to effect a cure after all other means have failed. „ Full directions are given withievery Box. NOTE.-These Wafers do not contain.'anyjMinerai, and may be taken either dissolved in water or whole. W Beware of Imitations in the Form of Pills! It will be understood that the above are three different Medicines, and are not one Medicine under various names. Prepared only by the Proprietor's Agents, DA SILVA and Co., 1, Bride Lane, Fleet-street, London; and sold by every respectable Medicine Vendor.. OBSERVE.-None are Genuine but "Wafers" having the words. DR. "LococK's WAFERS," in the Government Stamp ou.side every Box. All Pills under similar Imeans are Counterfeits.. AGENTS—J. W. White, chemist, Carmarthen Crowe, hemist, Tredegar and O. E. Davies, Haverfordwest. HOLLO WAY'S PILLS CURE OF A DISORDERED LIVER & STOMACH WHEN IN A MOST HOPELESS STATE. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matihew H*U Airdrie, Scotland, dated January \5th,[l&oQ TOsfR?-To°irHvaluabley,Pills have been the means, with God's blessing, of restoring me to a state of perfect ^heahlh and at a time when 1 thought I was on the brink of the grave. I had consulted several eminent ^h?> after doing what they could for me, stated that they consi- dered my case as hopeless. I ought to say that I had been suffering from a Liver and Stomach complaint of long standinf, which, during the last two years got so much worse, that every one considered my condition as hopeless. I, as a last resource, got a B.>x of your Ptlls, which son gave relief, and by persevering in their use for some weeKs, together with rubbing night and morning your Ointment over my chest and stomach, and right side, I have by their means alone got completely cured, and to the astonishment of mvself and every body who knows me. otmyse. (Si £ ned/ MATH EW HARVEY. CURE OF A CASE OF WEAKNESS AND DEBI- LITY, OF FOUR YEAR'S STANDING. Fxtraet of a Letter from Mr. William Smtth,ofNo. 5, Ljttte Thomas-street, Gibson-street, Lambeth, dated Dec. 12,1849. To ProfessoT Hol.oway. T SIR —f beg to inform you that for nearly 5 years I hardly knew what it was to have a day's health, suffering from extreme weakness and debility, with constant nervous headaches, giddiness, and sickness of the stomach, together with a great depression of spirits. I used to think that nothing could benefit me, as I had been to many medical men, some of whom, alter doing all that wast in their power, informed me that they considered that I had spinal complaint beyond the reach of cure, together with a very disordered state of the stomach and liver, making my case so complicated that nothing could be done for me. One day, being unusually ill and in a dejected state, l saw your Pills advertised, and resolved to give them a trial, more perhaps from curiosity than with a hope of being cured, however, I soon found myself better by taking their., and so I went on persevering in their use for six months, when I am happy to say they effected a perfect cut. (Signed) WILLIAM SMITH. (frequently called EDWARD.) CURE OF ASTHMA, OF TWENTY YEARS' STANDING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. K. Heydon, 78, King-street, Sydney, dated lOtA November, 1819. To Professor Holloway. Sir,-l have the pleasure to inform you that many ex- traordinary cures of Asthma have been effected here by mean# oi vour Pills. One is that of a Lady residing near the Razorbach," who after having for twenty ye rs been unable to make the slightest exertion, suffering very tear- fully from shortness of breath, roughing, and spitting, but • in nee her own expression, able to run up to the top of'that mountain. Another case is that of Mr. Canton, f^flnr Hutchinson's Buildings, Clarence-street, who °Ss!nd # £ £ who pronounced him11° be(in y « d fect health wise to my know ed^,hasbeen res 0Umen. night by the use of your rills, ana ruo S J „ HEYDON. and morning into his chest. • • THE EARL OF ALD80R0UGH CURE LIVER & STOMACH COMPLAIN i Extract oj a Letter from his Lordship, daûd Villa 1 e$Sm Leghorn, 21 st of February, 1845. To Professor Holloway. nossibility SIR,—Various circumstances prevented t P. jn of my thanking you before this time for your P _or_ sending me your Pills as you did. I now taike P ? tunity of sending you an order for the amount, same time, to add that your Pills have effected a disorder in my Liver and Stomach, which all the m nentofthe Faculty at home, and all over the Continen had not been able to effect: nay, not even the wa •> Carlsbad and Marienbad. 1 wish to have anothie;r and a Pot of the Ointment, in case any of my family s> evei require either. Your most obedient and oo K Servant, (Signed) ALDBOROUGH. These, celebrated Pills are wonderfully efficacious in the follow* ing complaints:- Ague Dropsy Inflammation Asthma Dysentery Jaundice Bilious Complaints Erysipelas Liver complaint* Blotches on the Female Irregulari- Lumbago Skin ties Piles Bowel complaints Fevers of all kinds Rheumatism Colics Fits Retention of Constipation of the Gout Urine ( Bowels Head-ache Scrofula, or King's Consumption Indigestion Evil i Debility Sore Throats Stone & Gravel Tic-Tolerue Secondary SymptomsTumours Ulcers Venereal Affections Worms of all Weakness from what ever cause, &c. kinds. Sold at the Establishment of Professor HOLLOWAY, 224, Strand, (near Temple Bar), London, and by all re- spectable Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world, at the following pnces:-ls. lid. 2s. 9d. 4s. (id., lis., 22s., and 33s. each Box. There is a considerable saving in taking the larges sizes. | N.B.—Directions for the guidance of Patients in eyery I Disorder are affixed tp.each Box. VICTORIA-HOUSE, TENBY. CEORCE PHELPS BEGS leave most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Tenby and its Vicinity,. andI the public generally, that he has succeeded to the LINEN and VVOLLEN DRA- PERY BUSINESS hitherto carried on in the above premises, by his brother. Richard Phelps, and that he intends on SATURDAY NEXT, to commence SELLING OFF the whole of the Immense Stock, which he has purchased on exceedingly advantageous terms, at a visible reduction, in order to commence with an entirely NEW STOCK. G. P. therefore invites the numerous patrons of this esta- blishment, and the public, to avail themselves of such a rare opportanity of expending their money to decided ad vantage, anS trasts, by aswdious application, and conducting his busi- ness on principles of the strictest integrity, to merit a con- tinuance of that support hitherLo so largely afforded to his brotUr^ A loa #f tbe Stock has been bought for the present season, such as Woollen Cloths, Cloaking, Stuffs, Woollen Shawls, Ribbons, Blankets, Flannels, &c. RICHARD PHELPS, In relinquishing this Business in favour ofhiabrothergrate- fnllv acknowledges the very liberal patronage bestowed upon him, and respectfully solicits its continuance to his successor. Attendance will be given on the premises, for 28 days, for recBiviog at debts due to the late firm. A Vacancy at the VICTORIA HOUSE, Narberth, for a Young Man of tolerable experience, who can speak the Welsh Language. Tenby, Wet 16,1850. JF MANKIND are liable to one disease more than another, or if there are any particular affections of the Human Body we require to have a knowledge of over the rest, it is certainly that class of disorders treated of in the New and Improved Edition of the "SILENT FRIEND." The Authors, in thus sending forth to the world another Edition of their Medical Work, cannot refrain fom ex- pressing their gratification at the continual success attend- ing their efforts, which, combined with the assistance of Medicines, exclusively of their own preparation, have been the cause of mitigating and averting the Mental and Phy- sical miseries attendant on those peculiar Disorders; thus proving the fact, that suffering humanity must always derive the greatest advantage from duly qualified Members of the Medical profession, adopting a particular class of disorder for their exclusive study, in preference to a super- ficial knowledge of all the diseases that afflict Mankind. Messrs R. & L. PERRY can with confidence offer hope, energy, and vigour to those whose constitutions have be- come debilitated from generative diseases, nervous and mental irratibility, local and constitutional weakness, &c., and beg to acquaint those so suffering, that one of the firm may be personally consulted daily at No. 19, Berners- street, Oxford-street, London, from 11 till 2, and from 5 till 8 in the evening and on Sunday from 11 till 1. THIRTY-FIFTH EDITION. CONTAINING THE REMEDY FOR THE PRE- VENTION OF DISEASE. Illustrated by 26 Anato- mical Coloured Engravings on steel. On PH Y SICAt DIS- QUALIFICATIONS, GENERATIVE INCAPACITY,and IMPEDI- MENTS to MARRIAGE. A new and improved Edition, en- larged to 196 pages, price 2s. 6d.; by post, direct from the Establishment, 3s. 6d. in postage stamps, "THE SILENT FRIEND;" A Medical Work on the Exhaustion and Physical Decay of the System, produced by Excessive Indulgence, :he Consequences of Infection, or the abuse of mercury, with explicit Directions for the use of the Preventive Lotion, followed by Observations on the MARRIED STATE, and the Disqualiifcations which prevent it. Illustrated by 26 coloured engravings, and by the detail of cases. By R. and L. Perry and Co., 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London. Published by the authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster-row, London J. and R. Raimes and Co., Leighwalk, Edingburgh; D. Campbell, Argyll-street, Glas- gow J. Priestley, Lord-street, and T. Newton, Church- street, Liverpool; R. H. Ingham, Market-street, Man- chester; Powell, 88, Grafton-street, Dublin. PART THE FIRST Is dedicated to the consideration of the anatomy and phy- siology of the organs which are directly or indirectly en- gaged in the progress of reproduction. It is illustrated by six coloured engravings. PART THE SECOND Treats of the infirmities and decay of the system produced by over-indulgence of the passions and by the practice of solitary gratification. It shows clearly the manner in which the baneful consequences of this indulgence operate on the economy in the impairment and destruction of the social and vital powers. The existence of nervous and sexual debility and incapacity, with their accompanying train of symptoms and disorders, is traced by the chain of connecting results to their cause. This section concludes with an explicit detail of the means by which these effects may be remedied, and full and ample directions for their use. It is illustrated by three coloured engravings, which fully display the effects of physical decay. PART THE THIRD Contains an accurate description of the deseases caused by infection, and by the abuse of mercury; primary and se- condary symptoms, eruptions of the skin, sore throat, in- flammation of the eyes, disease of the bones, gonnorheea, gleet, strictures, &c., are shown to depend on this cause. Advice for the treatment of these diseases, and their con- sequence is tendered in this section, which, if duly followed up, cannot fail in effecting a cure. This part is illustrated by seventeen coloured engravings. PART THE FOURTH Contains a remedy for the prevention of disease by a simple application, by which the danger of infection M obviated. Its action is simple but sure. It acts with the virus chemically, and destroys its power on the system. This important part of the work should not escape the reader's notice. PART THE FIFTH Is devoted to the consideration of the duties and obligations of the married state, and of the causes which lead to the hmoiness or misery of those who have entered into the honSs of matrimony. The operation ot certain disquahfi- S.«.s L fullv^xamined, and infelicitous and unproduc- tfve unions shown to be the necessary consequence. THE CORDIAL BALMaor SYRIACUM Is exclusively employed to renovate the impartial powers of life, when exhausted by the influence exerited^y tary indulgence on the system. Its_ «»cti P Y G samic its power in reinvigorating the frame • nnfJLllcv of neivous and sexual debility, obstinate gleets, p barrenness, and debilities arising from venereal exc have been demonstrated by its unvarying success in thousands of cases. To those persons who are prevented from entering the married state by the consequence of early errors it is invaluable. Constitutions relaxed, weak or decayed, trembling of the hands, headaches, f3intings, and female complaints, are under its immediate influence, and when the system has receivhd a shock, and is debi- litated from imprudence and inattention in the early part of life, or is sinking under the advance of years, or by long residence in hot or cold climates, this medicine will afford immediate assurance of returning strength, by giving tone to the muscular system and organs of digestion. All cases of local and general debility, nervous irritability and excitement, consumption, indigestion of the most fearful and exciting kind, intense melancholy, depression of spirits, partial or complete extinction of the reproductive powers, antf non-retention of urine, bv the Cordial Balm of Syriacum, and patients restored to S oi haJtth and .<?«•»"» £ 0°d'1 Price lis. per bottle, or four quantities in one for AJ I THE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE ESSENCE, An anti-syphilic remedy for purifying the system from venereal contamination, and is recommended for any^of the varied forms seconf,ar\sy^Crt \Te e^aSem nn the skin blotches on the head and face, enlargement 1 Lsils and uvula; threatened destruction of of the throat, scurvy, scorbutic humours, old the nose, palate, «c., scurvy, wounds, ulcers, sore legs, venereal ulcers and sores, glandular swellings, erysipelas, leprosy, kings evil, Simples! diseases of the skin, cutaneous eruptions on any part of the body, and all Impurities of the blood. Price ^The £ 53cases ot Syriacum or Conccntrative Detersive Essence can only be had at 19, Berners-street, Oxford- street London • whereby there is a saving of £ 1 1-s. and the patient is entitled to receive advice without a fee which advantage is applicable only to those who remit X5 for a PaCl<PERRY'S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. Price 2s. 9d„ 4-&. 6d., and lh. per lxu. These pills, each box of which are accompanied with explicit directions, are well known throughout Europe to be the most certain and effectual remedy ever discovered for gornorrhcea, both in its mild and aggravated form. They immediately allay the inflammation by their specific I influence on the urethra, and arrest the future progress of thVSInSaeil cases of consultation by letter, the usual fee' of one pound must be forwarded, either by post-office order °r Patient^are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases, noting especially the duration of the complaint, the mode of iis commencing, its symptoms and progress, age, habits of living, genera I o P A position in society. Medicines can be or iy part of the world: no difficulty can occur, as they will be securely packed, and carefully protected fr "Messrs. R. and L. Perry and Co., surgeons may be con- sulted as usual at 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street, London, (where may be had the -Sto* i> till 2, and 5 till 8, in .he evening, and on Sundays trom 11 by Thojna,, A. Brown. Chronicle office, BaoSor KO" Denbigh H'tXgheVZn™' Holvw • Job,) Bo«le. c„en,isl, tl. u. n igne^, cne i w ..chemist, High-street, H-Wrtb; 6w™ mJ, Cardiff,^TIT' G^ldh, i'Kre Angel), Merthyr .T. VV. \YM»te,chem s Carmarthen- W Williams,chemist, High-street, cardigan, Owen Fdmond Davies, chem.st and drug ges; .High-street, Haverfordwest; RichardC.Treweeks,chemist, Pembroke; Thomas Ev»ns, chemist, High-street, Swansea John Moore chemist, Broad-street, New Town; T. Stephens, diemis't, High-street, Merthyr-Tydvil; Ferris and Score, druggist, Union-Street, Bristol; John Watton, Chronicle offife Shrewsbury; James Chilcot, bookseller Broad- st7eet, Leominster; Draper chem.st, Broad-street, Hereford: T. Fairer, Beacon office, Monmouth; E. V Jenkins, Commercial-street, Newport; of all of whom may be bad The Silent Friend,


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