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MISCELLANEOUS. Sidney Smith said that "the Court of Chancery was like a boa constrictor, which swallowed up the estate of English gentlemen in haste, and digested them at leisure." Miss Bremer tells us that the life of a rich bachelor is a splendid breakfast, a tolerably flat dinner, and a most misera- ble supper. The Jews first arrived in England in 1078,—were banished. after suffering the most attrocious persecution, in 1287, and readmitted by Cromwell in 1642. In addition to the immensely large and numerous arrivals of potatoes from France and "Belgium, some large importa- tions of the vegetable are just now taking place from the Channel Islands. The vessel Rising Sun, arrived in the river on Monday from Jersey, brought 85 tons weight in hulk of the article, the produce of that place. The trial of Messrs. Warren and Fuller, the Bath gold- smiths, charged with forging the Goldsmiths'-hall mark, has terminated in their acquittal. It was one of the laws of Lycurgus that no portions should he given with yonng women in marriage. When this great lawgiver was called upon to justify this enactment he_ ob- served, That, in the choice of a wife, merit only should be considered, and that the law was made to prevent young women being chosen for their riches or neglected for their poverty." The annnal cost of maintaining criminals in the gaols of England is upwards of £ 400,000. Never quarrel at a meal time-you might just as well feed on a cushion stuffed with pins A pauper died in the Salford workhouse, last week, at the advanced age of 101 years. The way to alter the belief, is not to address motives to the will, but arguments to the understanding. Why is the letter N the most sorrowful of tetters I—Because it is always in-consolable. The engine manufactory of the North Western Railway, at Crewe, turns out a new locomotive and tender every Monday morning. The vase made for David Garrick from the wood of the mulberry tree which grew in Shakespere's garden at Naw Place, and which Shakespers is said to have planted, was sold by auction in London, on the 28th of last month, for eighty guineas. It is calculated that XIO,000 will be required to defray the expense of repairing the damagS done Ho the works of the Caledonian canal by the great floods on the 24th and 25th of January. The Spalding Free Press mentions the caM of a curate, in Whaplode Drove, who lately lectured the parish clerk for giving away a pair of discarded- church-yard gate posts, because they were consecrated." What a beautiful comment the following is upon a good housewife: To hear her converse you would have supposed she did nothing but rfad to have looked through the de- partment of her household you would have supposed she never read. The thirst for knowledge may be abused, and many are placed in circumstances in which it cannot be gratified. But the desire for moral improvement commends itself to every class of society, and its object is attainable by all. An eccentric dissenting minister, at Gateshead, has excom- mUlllcatpd six members of his church for listening to the song, There's a good time coming," when sung by a lady at an evening party. CURIOUS ANOMALY.—Bv the General Turnpike Act of George III., an exemption from toll is provided for in the cases of Dissenters and their families attending public wor- ship, but not for the clergymen of the Established Church. It was stated at a recent anti-malt tax meeting, that the brewers in 1830 consumed 700,000 quarters of barley less than were used in 1799, and yet produced one million barrels more beer The wife of a rich London Jew has eloped with a clerk and £ 18,000 of her husband's money they are off to Sydney In Liverpool during the past year, of22,036 offenders taken before the magistrates 8,794 were Irish. In an action for crim. con.-Hartley v. Thomson-tried at Liverpool on Saturday, Z4,000 damages were awarded. AWFUL MORTALITy.-Fifteen hundred paupers of the Limerick workhouse (including those from the hospitals) were interred in the burial ground since the 1st instant.- Limerick Chronicle. Timoleon Vlasto, a young man offashionable appearance, wearing large moustachios, a native of Vienna, is in custody, charged with stealing ancient Roman, Greek, and other coins, valued at £3,000 from the medal rooms of the British Muoeum. From November 4th till March 22nd, when cholera en- tirely disappeared, thp number of deaths in Glasgow was 8,107. Of these 3,777 were deaths from cholera, being about double the number reported to the Board of Health in London. PROTESTANT PRIZE ESSAY. — The premium of £ 40; offered by the Protestant Association in London, for the best Essay on the "Protestant Crisis," has been awarded to Alexander Harper, Esq., son of the Rev. Dr. Harper, of Leith. The subject is the endowment of the Popish Priesthood in Ireland." Joseph Eashiott, 55, who had been previonsly acquitted, on Saturday last, of a similar offence, was convicted of attempt- ing a criminal assalt on Eliza Band, a girl of three-and-a-half years of age, at Marshfield, on the 3rd of November, and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. The London, Dublin, and Edinburgh Gazettes are made to yield a profit of £ 12,000 per annum, which henceforth is to appear as an item of revenue.— Times. The Parochial Board of Glasgow will require an extra assessment of £20,000 to pay the expenses incurred during the prevalence of cholera. FASHION'S SAKE.—Lord Mansfield being willing to save a man who stole a watch, desired the jury to value it at tenpence upon which the prosecutor cried out, Tenpence, my lord, why the very fashion of it cost me five pounds. Oh," said his lordship, we must not hang a man for fashion's sake. laos TRAOE.—Wages have been advanced 10 per cent. at some of the Welsh Iron Works. The iron trade is firm and healthy. At the usual preliminary quarterly meeting at Dudley, on Thursday, it was resolved to confirm the advance of 20s. per ton agreed upon in Feb., and also to advance the wages of the workmen in proportion. THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION. • In the House of Commons, on Friday night, Sir F. Baring stated that Government had re- solved -upon offering a reward of £ 20,000 to any vessel or vessels which may give efficient assistance to Sir J. Franklin. Papers to this effect will be distributed on both sides of the Atlantic. The North Star is also to be sent out by the Ad- miralty with supplies of provisions for the ships engaged under Sir J. Ross. A child named Heard, was born at Wigston a few days ago, and has now living and in good health two grandfathers, two grandmothers, three great grandfathers, three great grandmothers, and one great-great grandfather, who can truly say, Arise, daughter, and go to your daughter, for your daughter's daughter has got a daughter,Leicuter.fhin Mercury. ADULTERATED FLOUR.—There are no fewer than 500 per- sons under medical treatment at Stourbridge, from having eaten bread made of flour adulterated with acetate of lead. The greatest excitement prevails in the town respecting the matter, and notice has been given that a meeting will be held to investigate the subject. I CAN'T GET OUT.—On Sunday, during the morning ser- vice at Corsham church, a starling got into one of the laree pipes of the organ, whence it could not extricate itseit When the organ was being played, especially the pipe in which the bird wns imprisoned, it expressed its alarm by cries. After the service the pipe was taken out, and the captive released from its musical prison.—Devizes Gazette. A SINGULAR HOUSEHOLD.—There is a lamily now living in one house, in the village of Kineton. Warwickshire, con- sisting of three mothers, two granddaughters, one great grandmother, and one great-granddaughter yet there are only four persons. Hong is a Chinese name for the large factories at Canton, where each nation has a separate hong hence.the appellation of Hong merchants." Sweden-that happy country which is free from debt is about to follow the example of her less fortunate neighbours in seeking to add to her national benefits that of railroads. A compositor writing in the Daily News says, never was there a time in the history of printing when compositors have suffered so much distress. Throhghout the past year only one-third of the compositors ip London were in tu employment. The new hieroglyphic types of the French national printing office have been used for printing a work by M. Lesueur, on the chronology of the kings of Egypt, and are said to be ex- tremely delicate and beautiful. James Morier, Esq., the celebrated author of Hajji Baba," and many other well-remembered Oriental romances, died at Brighton, on Monday, aged sixty-six. Mr. Morier enjoyed a pension for his diplomatic services in Persia and Mexico. A woman who was lately cleaning a house at Brixham, ob- served the door of an old cupbroad partly concealed with mortar, and forcing it she discovered four bags filled with guineas of the reign of George IIJ, which she directly carried to the owner of the house. On Saturday week, a parliamentary paper was printed, from which it appears that, in the year ended the 23th Nov. last, the fees" paid into the Court of. Chancery amounted to the huge sum of £ 140,392 12it. IOd. In the Masters' offices they were nearly £ 40,000. In consequence of the recent exposure of the treatment to which the pauper children were subjected at Drouet's asylum, it is the intention of the Poor-law Board to compel the dis- continuance of the practice of farming the juvenile poor, by putting in operation a clause in the apt of the 8th and 9th Victoria, enabling parishes to unite in the erection and sup- port of schools and training establishments. The metropolitan boot and shoemakers are now levying a weekly contribution from such of the trade as are in employ, to raise a fund to maintain a strike against the YY est-end houses for advance of wages. The journeymen tailors or tne metropolis are also actively organising to oppose the ruin- ously low prices paid by the show and ticket shops to work- men. We learn that a very interesting discovery of a very ingenious mode of defrauding the revenue has been lately made. A vessel from Holland having cleared with 60 tons of oil-cake, the appearance of the article excited some sus- picion, and on being properly examined was discovered to be composed of snuff. The duty on the. importation of snufl by the new tariff is 6s. per lb., so that 60 tons at that rate would have left the revenue minus just £ 40,320. It is believed that this ngenious deception has been carried on for some time with success. A most extensive fraud, by which it is feared that £ 7,000 will be lost to the revenue, was discovered on Tuesday last by the officials at the Custom-house, Liverpool.' It appears that 1,400 bags of foreign coffee which had been bonded (by a firm now bankrupt) in 1845, were removed from the ware- bouse in 1847, without the duty having been paid. The duty OII the abstracted coffee would reach nearly £ 7,000. It is supposed that the removal must have been effected with the connivance of she Customs lockers. THE BRITISH M uSKuM.-A return to an order of the House of Commons shows the receipts from all sources from Christmas, 18-17, to Christmas, 1848, to have been £,13,999 18s. 6d. The actual expenditure, during the same period, was £ 49,845 2s. 1 Id. The estimated charge from Lady day, 1849, to the same date next year is £ 44.646 15s. 6<1 and the amount of the grant required from Parliament i- £ 42,916. The number of persons admitted to view the general collections during the hit year was 876,985 visits to the reading-rooins, 65,867 to the galleries of sculpture, for the purposes of study, 3,684 to the print-room, 5.813. LANDICK. 1 he murderer of Mrs. Grace Hohnan, wasexc- cutei at Exeter on Monday. He persisted in saying that Woods, his accomplice, who had turned approver, had com: mitted the murder. W oods ^vas present witnessing the eXI: cntion. It is computed there were about 27,()J0 person present. I Citi.M. ('ON.- SAINTKR v. L:BRAYSON.—The declaration in this case (which was tried at Chester on Thursday last) stated that the defenda-it had debauched the wife of the plaintiff. The defendant pieaded not gui)ty.-The plaintiff was a me- dical gentleman at Macclesfield, where he had resided fifteen or sixteen years. He received his medical education under the care of Dr. Dawe, of Barnsley, in Yorkshire, and subse- quently married Miss Dawe, the daughter of that gentleman. No man could have enjoyed greater domestic happiness than Mr. Sainter, who was deeply attached to his wife, and they were both tenderly attached to their only child, a son now •about trnrteon or fourteen years of age. Being very suecess- fill in his protassicn, AIL. Sainter in January last engaged the defendant as assistant, and unhappily he was taken into the house. Ferguson, he should tell them, was a person of con- si lerable talent, and a person whose appearance and address were well calculated to interest the affections of a woman. Unfortunately he commenced his practices upon Mrs. Sainter and too successfully. By degrees the neighbours began to perceive a familiarity between Mrs. Sainter and the defendant, which looked very suspicious. Sainter, devoted to his pro- tession, was the last person to whom this became known. Mrs. Sainter, when her husband was engaged, took walks into the cemetery with Ferguson. The neighbours noticed this conduct, and the immediate friends ot the plaintiff did not very long remain in ignorance of what was going on between them. A gentleman of the name of Sidebottom, who was on the most intimate terms with the family, had his suspicions excited, and determined upon watching the par- ties. What he observed would he communicated to them (the jury) in the witness-box, and would leave no doubt on their minds of the fact of adultery having been committed. Mr. Sidebotton1 having made this discovery, communicated it to Mr. Sainter, in as gentle terms as he could. Upon this the plaintiff called up the defendant, and immediately dis- charged him from his service. No words could describe the intense misery of both parties and no wonder, when Mrs. Sainter saw the deep affliction felt by her husband, and the misery which her conduct had occasioned. The learned counsel concluded an able speech with a powerful appeal to the jury on lIehnlt of his client. Several witnesses were ex- amined, who proved that plaintiff and his wife lived on the most affectionate terms up to the p»riod when defendant was introduced into the house. Mr. W. M. Wilkinson, an attor- ney, also proved having watched the defendant and Mrs. Sainter when they took a walk in the fields together on one occasion. [This witnes- entered into details which are unfit for publication, and which left no doubt that the act of adul- tery had been committed in the fields in open day.]—Mr. Chilton addressed the jury in a long and powerful speech on behalf of the defendant. Tt wu. ho h;. duty to address them on the part of the defendant, and he would assure them that he never rose to address a jury under feelings of greater embarrassment than those under which he then laboured. Though he had a pretty long experience in the profession, he never before was engaged in an action of that nature, and he most heartily hoped he never should be again. That he (Mr. Chilton) had never before been engaged in an action of adultery was a matter of very little importance to the jury, but he thought it was only justice to the principality to state that in the whole of that portion of the circuit he had attended during the last 25 years, such an action had never occurred, and he trusted they never would, for they had a disclosure disgusting in the extreme. They (the jury) did not sit there for the punish- ment of vice or to rewarg virtue, but to award damages, which were to be estimated by the real amount of injury sustained by the plaintiff. Now, he fearlessly asked them what was the value to a husband; of a passable woman ?" the mother of a child fourteen years of age, who sees a youth not 10 3*ears older than her son, in the month of March-who on a Sun- day in the month of April, when she ought to have been in church, and when she was about to go to church, ran into an open yard to get a kiss from that unhappy youth-who in the very next month committed an act of adultery in an open field doing that which one would suppose even a beast would have shrunk from in open day. He might make some obser- vations upon the gentleman who acted as spy, but should refrain. He first saw her beckoning to the defendant. What did jthe other witnesses prove ? That she was constantly going to the surgery and beckoning the man out! What was the value of the loss of a woman who was acting in this man- ner-who was the mother of a child almost arrived at the age of puberty—after the hey-day of passion had gone-and when judgment should wait upon appetite ? Shame where is thy blush ? Can rebellious hell wanton in a matron." He then proceeded in eloquent terms to contend that Mrs. Sainter was the seducer—that the defendant, being a youth only twenty-three years of age, had fallen into the snares of a designing woman; that the object of the action was not for the purpose of obtaining a divorce, but in order to induce the defendant to leave Macclesfield, so that the plaintiff might take back his wife before long, and concluded by observing that he trusted the jury would make up in their consideration his deficiency but above all, said he, I pray you to re- member that most merciful injunction which is given in that spirit of love and charity which characterised everything that fell from the holiest lips that ever spoke—I say unto you, gentlemen, let him that is without sin cast the first stone, and I say unto you in the same spirit-be merciful as you ex. pect mercy."—Verdict for the plain ii ff- damages £ 350. On Thursday week. the wife of a man living at Henley, near Huddersfield, placed her boots in a closet, where they re- mained until the following Sunday, when she went to take them out, and was surprised at seeing a fine mouse spring out of them. On further search, she discovered that the mouse had chosen her boot for a nest, and had snugly deposited the young mice in the toe. GRATIFVING FACT!—Since Monday, the 26th ult., 102 vessels have reported their cargoes from foreign ports to our Custom House, out of which only 10 are British vessels. English farmers may take comfort from the following addi- tional fact" The quantity of grain upon which duty has been paid at this port during the last week, exceeds forty thousand quarters."—Hull Packet. [At Leith it has been worse.] BIANCONI'S CABS.—The opening of the extension of the Southern and Western line to Mallow, has caused this gen- tleman to alter the arrangements relating to his numerous cars that run between this city and Clonmel, being now the only one plying through this district. An idea of the extent of businese hitherto transacted by those vehicles may be found from the fact that, by this alteration 220 horses are deprived of employment. The greater portion of these it is, we understand, the intention of the owner to transfer to the north of Ireland, Mr. Magan being about to run some cars through the southern districts.—Southern Reporter. AMERICAN PONIOONS FOR INDIA.—The latter end of last week an exhibition of four American pontoons took place in the presence of the Duke of Wellingion. the Marquis of Angiesea, General Sir J. C, Napier. &c. These pontoons ate exceedingly portable, being made of Indian rubber and on being required for use, they are filled with air. It takes about five minutes to inflate them, and, when inflated, they form a very buoyant bridge, and are well adapted to transport artillery and troops over a river. Its capability of bearing a heavy weight was tested. The pontoons were ordered to be forwarded immediately to the seat of war in India, and the East India Company intend giving an order for a large sup- ply of these pontoons. SELLING A WIFE.At Brierly Hill, a few days ago, a fellow led his wife and infant child, the former with a halter round her neck, through the Merry Hill turnpike, and dis- posed of them to the woman's uncle for sixpence, ,amidst the jeers and ribald jesU of a crowd of idlers. The woman went off with her new husband with much_ complacency, but the whole Rcene occasioned the utmost disgust and indignation amongst the more intelligent portion of the inhabitants.— Worcestershire Chronicle. PAINFUL ULCERS IN THE LEGS AND BODY CURED AFTER 17 YEARS' DURITIOS, BY HOLLOWAYV OINTMENT AND PILLS.—Extract of a letter from Mr. W. Staples, dated Beigrave-gate, Leicester, November 9th, 1848. To Professor Hollo way—"Sir, I was an invalid for seventeen years, suffering dreadfully with painful ulcers in my legs and different parts of my body, during this period I was attended by several eminent surgeons, but their remedies failed to do me the least good. I then commenced using your Ointment and Pills, and by these invaluable medicines. I am delighted to state that in a short time all the wounds were soundly healed, and besides this I am restored to excellent health. (Signed) W. STAPLES. ELECTION MATTERS.—On Saturday week the nomina- tion for North Hants took place, when Mr. Portal was un- expectedly opposed by Mr. Shaw, the chairman of the London Farmers' Ctub. The election took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, when, after a severe contest, Mr. Portal was returned by a large majority.—A great meeting of the electors of Sheffield was held in the town hall on Thursday, to sup- port Mr. Roebuck at the forthcoming election. A committee was appointed for the purpose of carrying out this object, and a subscription was entered into to defray the expenses of Mr. Roebuck's retum.-Robert Bromley, Esq eldest son of Sir Robert Howe Bromley, Bart., of Stoke-hall, Notts, has con- sented to offer himself as a candidate for the vacancy caused by colenel Rolleston's retirement, he having accepted the Chiltern Hundreds. I LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.—A young swain of Sheffield, named Joseph Topham, a dealer in calves, &c., visited Epworth market on Thursday, the 29th ult., and fell so des- paratelyin love with the landlord's daughter, that he proposed, was accepted, and bought the ring the same night. It was the intention of the enamoured pair to have the indissoluble knot tied the following morning, but a trifling difficulty" ( was interposed by the less enraptured and more calculating parent, who forbade the banns. Nothing daunted, however, the gay Lothario persisted in his suit, and by indomitable perseverance succeeded in accomplishing his object, and was married by license at Haxey Church, on Saturday morning, the 31st ult.—Doncaster Chronicle. FIGHTING GRATIS.-General Ghangarnier is decidedly opposed to any subscription being opened on his behalf in consequence of the vote in the Assembly, which deprives him .t his salary as Commander of the National Guards. Upon *hf result of the division being made known, the gallant officer turned round to the Mountain party, and jocosely observed, Very well, gentlemen since you stop my pay, 1 must, in case you get up an emente, only fight you gratis." JBK(J"AR.S. GHUTCH AND GREAT COAT.-A short time OFDSSKT hl"n Mercury an old beggar, a resident crutch *n^' ? l^,s mortal coil," and with it an old the ofd mw °°at' Lwh,ch he ll"tt to his daughters. After were thlmni'n M'J fat off Sarment the crutch the crutch wn°" "nV- almo8t forgotten, till one dav cow whirh 13 K L "!t0 retlu,8,t>on to punish a refractory h,ailrken into a garden, wfien lo! the handle 0 sovereigns were found inclosed. The other daughter hearing of this golden shower, hastened home and examined the great coat left by the old may, when, nu^h to her astonishment and delnjhf, a similar number of sovereigns ] were found stitched in old rags in the collar and waist of the cast-off garment. The daughters had not the slightest idea I that the old man, who had lived in a most penurous manner had ever possessed such a sum of money. Near Mansfield, a few days ago, some navvies came upon a jar containing from 300 to 400 silver coins of the Emperor Severus, of Octavins Augustus Cresar, Vespasian, Ælius, Commodus, Septimus Severus, Septimus Gete, Julia Agusta, and several others. Many ot them are in a beautiful state of preservation. The Duke of Portland,as Lord of the Manor, has claimed the property but it has been dispersed in a • hundred different places. The Admiralty have again called the attention of the officers of the Dock-yards to the very great difference which is constantly occurring between the sum estimated for the ( repairs of her Majesty's ships, and the actual cost of them, and have emphatically requested that in future more care is to be bestowed in drawing up the estimates. At the Stafford Assires, on Friday, four men, named Taylor, Grant, George, and Atkins, were indicted for felo. niously a-saulting a drunken Irish woman, named Road, at Willenhall. It appeared they carried the woman into a field and there perpetrated the offence charged against them, in the presence of a crowd of men, women, and children of all ages, who quietly looked on. Subsequently the woman wae taken in charge for drunkenness, when the Rev. Mr. Fisher, having heard of the disgusting and brutal treatment she had received, gave orders tor the prisoners' apprehension. They were found guilty, and sentenced to be transported for lite. Fifteen hundred paupers of the Limeiick workhouse (including those from the hospitals) were interred in the burial ground since the 1st inst. The rage for ernigationin the neighhonrhood of Monmouth increases. A number of respectoble individuals of that town ire prrpnring to start for I he colonies, and some are bound for the "golll regions" of California.


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Family Notices


