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PEMBROKESHIRE. FREEHOLD FARMS FOR SALE, By Order of the Mortgagee under Power of Sale. MR. H. P. G-OO.DE WILL SELL BY AUCTION, At the Mariners Hotel, Haverfordwest, on Saturday, the 5th day of May, 1849, at two o'clock in the afternoon, in Two Lots, the following EXTREMELY VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES Situated in the Parishes of TALBENNY AND HASfiUARD, LOT 1* THE very productive Farm of BUfeHFORD (originally called South Hill), situate in the parish ofTalbenny,held by Mr. William James, as tenant from year to year, at the lev yearly rent of £ .#5, containing by admeasurement 51a, Ir. 20p. or thereabouts, of very rich land. LOT II. The important and valuable Farm of MIDDDE HAS- GUARD, comprising a farm-house and offices, and 136a. lr. 30p. or thereabouts, of very superior land, now occu- pied by Mr. William Scale, at the clear yearly rent of £132. These farms are rich in quality, and capable of producing, n great perfection, whatever sort ot jigricultural produce may bp most in demand. Particulars, with plans, may be had of Messpp. hvans, Powell, and Company, solic tors, or of Mr. H. P. Goode, land-agent, Haverfordwest. Haverfordwest, March 27,1849. MESSRS. R. & L. PERRT & Co., beg to inform their Patients ffc parties desirious of consulting them that, in consequence of repeated solicitations, they find it imprac- ticable to adhere to the Public Notice, which they recen y gave of not visiting the Provinces, but that Patients may Not on future occasions be deceived by parties Illegally using their nanip, they beg to state that no announcement pf any intended visits will be genuine unless signed by a fac •imile of their hand writing, toC/Wyy(^ mit ate which is felony. Due Notice pf Mr. R. Perry's Residence, will be given 13ft his arrival in each town. TWEJFTY-FIFTH EDITION. llIustrated by anatomical colored engravings onlstee1. ON PHYSICAL DISQUALIFICATIONS, GENE- RATIVE INCAPACITY. AND IMPEDIMENTS TO MARRIAGE. A new and improved edition, enlarged to 196 pages, price 2».6d.; by post, direct from the establishment, 3s. 6d. in postage stamps. THE SILENT FRIEND A MEDICAL WORK on the exhaustion and phisi- cal decay ot the system, produced by excessive indul- gence. the consequence of infection, or the abuse of mer- flUry. with observations on the married state, and the disqualifications which prevent it; illustrated y engravings, and by the detail of cases. By R. • "7 And Co., consulting surgeons, 19, Berners-street, Oxford- street, London. Published by the authors, and sold by Strange, 21, Paternoster-row; Hanney, 63, and Sangar, 150, Oxford-street: Starie, 23, Titchborne-street, Hay- market; and Gordon, 146, L^adenhall-street, London; £ • and R. Raimes and Co., Leith-walk, Edinburgh; D. Campbell, Argyll-street, Glasgow; J. Priestley, Lord- •treet, and T. Newton, Church-street, Liverpool; K. M. ■*gham, Market-street, Manchester. PART THE FIRST dedicated to the consideration of the anatomy and pbisiology of the organs which are directly or indirectly ?n8>ged in the process of reproduction. It is illustrated pl1 six colored engravings. PART THE SECOITP Treats of the infirmities and decay of the system produced b7 over-indulgence of the passions, and by the practice of •olitary gratification. It shews clearly the mantier in *nich the baneful consequences of this indulgence operate the economy in the impairment and destruction of the •°*ial and vital powers. The existence of nervous and ••xual debility and incapacity, with their accompanying '•in of symptoms and disorders, is traced by the cliai^ connecting results to their cause. This section con- eludes with an explicit detail of the means by which these •Sects may be remedied, and full and ample directions for tXlr.U8e- It is illustrated by three colored engravings^ fully display the effects of physical decay. R • PART THE THIRD fan tains an accurate description of the dieases caused by infection, and by the abuse of mercury; primary and se- condary symptoms, eruptions of tf}e skin, sore throat, "Joamation of the eyes, disease of the bones, gonorrhoea stricture, &c., are shewn to depend on this cause. Adv.^e for the treatment of all tbe»e diseases and their consequences is tendered in this section, which if duly fol- ?P*ed up, cannot fail in effecting a cure. This part is •'lustrated by seventeen colored engravings. PART THE FOURTH a Prescription for the prevention of disease by ««nple application, by which the danger of infection is °?*>ated. Its action is simple but sure. It acts with the Sr** chemically, and destroys its power on the system. rJ.!f 'mP°rtant part of the work ghould not escape the •*der'« notice. J PART THE FIFTH devoted to tlje consideration qt the duties and obliga- te* the ijjarrijed state, and of the causes which lead to .i n»ppmess or n»isery of those who have entered into ootids of matrimony. The operation of certain dis- is fully examined, and infelicitous and T^ductive unions shown to be the necessary consequence causes and remedies for this state form an important "deration in this section of the work. Is. llq CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACTTM inclusively employed to renovate the impaired power* when exhausted by the influence exerted by soh- indulgence on the system. Its action is purely •Uatnic; its powers in reinvigoratuig the frame in all £ of n.rvousPand sexual debility, obstinate gleets.impo- i'ncy> barrenness, and debilities arising from TeneJ^j esses, have been demonstrated by its unvarying success J* thousands of cases. To those persons who are pre *?nted from enuring the married state by the consequences yearly errora it is invaluable. Constitutions rplaxed, (aii • °r decayed, trembling of the hands, headache, jWl,ngs, and female complaints, are under its immediate a j L?^e' '"d when the system has received a shock, and *^4 fro,n imprudence and inattention in the early loh»0f '#e> °r is sinking under the advance of years, or by ( £ j'?s>denne in hot or cold climates, this medicine will ♦otip*nedjate assurance of returning strength, by giT,"K ea»e °,^e m"scular system and organs of digestion. •*ciL^local a°d General debility, nervous irritability ai d e5e,,t» consumption, indigestion of the most ea 'Pirn* ousting kind, intense melapcholy, depression Pow»Il':i*r,iai or complete extinction pf the reproductive py non-retention of urine, are permanently cured '°red T '*L OF SYR,.CUM, and patients res- •Oauli J f^'l enjoyment of health and functions of for jjj, lis. pet bottle, or fouriquantities in one ?HE CONCENTRATED DETERSIVE • E S S L N C E» remedy, for purifying the system from Hjot ,anamination, and is recommended for any of «n th i • msof secondary symptoms, such as eruptions jv, .Je 8kln, blotches on the head aijd face, enlargement qf tonsils and uvula; threatened destruction of the scurvy, scorbutic humours, old wounds, **ell 'egR, venereal ulcers and sores, glandular tv Ul?*» erisipelas, leprosy, king's evil, pimples, diseases 4Qc{ e,ln» cutaneous eruptions, on any part of ths body, ^>Att| ^purities °f blood. Price 1 Is. and 33s. per cases of Syryacum or Concentrated Detersive *tiwCef c,« °nly be had at 19, Berners-street, Oxford-' ■ad tL London; whereby there is a saving of £ 12t, Patient is entitled to receive advice without a id, advantage is applicable only to those whojrewit I a pacjket. PURIFYING SPECIFIC FILLS The* Prifie 2s* 9d., 4s. 6d., and 1 Is. per box. P1"8' each box of which are accompanied with th» directions, are well known throughout Europe to (or certain, and effectual remedy ever discovered They both in its mild a fid aggravated forms. ^fluenrJllediajtely allay the inflamafion by thpir specific 'he hj, °n the urethra, and arrest the future progress of Q| ,e»sp, °f *^rietures, irritations, and chronic inflamations •°ther j- adder, pains of the loins and kidneys, gravel, and rd''r8 of the urinary pas?agfs, in either sex, are 1 and permanently cured, without confinement or e*Posure. °f on. n a11 cases of consultation by |letler, the usual fee POI °^der JP°Mnd must b« fprwarded, either by post-qffice p Pf otherwis» n- "re requested to be as minute as possible in the °°Hp| • lbeir cases, noting especially the duration pf >he Pfogre.J11* the mode of fts commencing, its symptoms and' age, habits of Jiving, general occupation, and P*rt of ,k n ^ciefy- Medicines pan be forwarded to any **ciire|v wor'd '• no difficulty can occur, as they will be Yai!°n. Packed, and carefully protected from ail obser I*. MEDICINES are prepared only by Messrs. R. and f surgeons, 19, ^erners-street, Qxford- °r ojjj and sol,d by all medicinejvendors in town Jpounty medicine vendors jean be supplied by most Mesjr* »a'e ?at^nt Medice houses in London. *llted a." Parry and Co., surgeons, may be con" °, UsUa' 19, Berners-street, Oxford-street, Lon- *1d 5 til]e»e rnay ^?d tS.e Silent Friend) from 11 till 2, b Sold K„ .? l"e evening, and on Sundays from If to 1. A "?m^s A. Roberts, chemist, Cor.way; John gigh-gtrp office, Bangor; Robert Griffiths, chemist, G. j| » Carnarvon; W. Edwards, chemist, Denbigh; to'&Wr«U?es,chemist7 Holyhead; Jol.-i Beale, chemist, ^recon- Pi'iv re^ham; E. Ward, chemist, Hjgh-§treet, n «« P ^r'ce» P°st office, Bridgend; H. Webber, An»pi\ Cardiff; Waltter Thomas, chemist (oppo- riC' Merthyr; J. W. White, chemist, Guildhall- jardipan. n^rthen; W. WilliamSj chemist, High-street, °s«pl, p' y. E. Davies, chemist and druggist, and Herald office, Haverfordwest; R. C.Tree- iK^lteo, c' Pembroke; Thomas Evans, chemist, «.„» N»» WansilBa' John M.pore, chemist. Broad- i) wni Thomas Stephens, chemist, High- Sh'°n"«reet r .Tydvil: Ferris apd Score, druggist, e*sburv.' •?r,8tol; John Watton, Chronicle office, T "tester' names Chilcot, bookseller, Broad-street, C'^8rrer J-Per, chemist, Broad-street, Hereford; ■fii^^erciii „,caco't °Siee, Monmouth; E. V. Jenkins. e &{lent ^ewPort °f °f whom may be had P HCEJNIX FIRE ASSURANCE COMPANY, Lombard-street & Charing Cross, London, E S T 4 B L I S H E D IN 1782. TRUSTEES AKD DIRECTORS. Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart., M. P., D. C. L. Matthias Attwoot, Esq. Jjraes U°™e: v „ Decimus Burtqn, Esq. Magens Dornen Mageng Esq. wiSirfflsiEfq8^ Jobn Wfuspratt, Esq. George Arthur Fuller, Esq. Richard Price Esq Emanuel Goodhart, Esq. ^rge Stan1^y ^eplton, Esq. Henry Grace, Esq. Alfred Thorp Esq. Joseph Owen Harries, Esq. CharlesHampden Turner,Esq. Kirk man Daniel Hodgson, Esq. Matthew Whit.ng, Esq. Thomas Hodgson, Esq. Thomas Wilson, Esq. AUDITORS.-John Davis, Esq., John Hodgson, Esq., James Alexander Gordon, M. D. Thomas Richter, Esq., Secretary. Wilmer Harris, Esq., Secretary for the Town Department. John Shaw, Esq., Architect and Surveyor. Insurances against Loss by Fire are effected by the PHCENIK COMPANY upon every description of Property, in every part of the World, on the most favourable Terms. Persons insuring with the PHCENIX COMPANY are not liable to make good the Losses of others, as is the case in some Offices. Insurances with this Company expiring at Ladyday must be renewed withinFifteen days thereafter, or they will be- come Void. Receipts are now ready at the principal Offices, Lombard- not liable to make the Losses of others, as is the case in some Offices. AGENTS FOR SOUTH WALES. PEMBROKE—Mr. Richard C. Treweeks, chemist —James R. Bryant, Esq., surgeon Aberystwyth—Joseph Downie, Esq., hank, manager Brecknock—Thomas Frater, Esq., bank Bridgend—Samuel Cox, Esq., solicitor BUIlth-Mr. Thos. P. Gwillim, draper Cardiff-John Bird, Esq., solicitor Cardigan—Mr. Caleb Lewis, bookseller Carmarthen—Mr. Stephen Aubery, clerk \n, Messrs. Morpjs ? bank Haverfordwest—Mrs. Ann Lemon, bookseller Hal-D. Bremner, Esq., bank Knighton-Mr. John G. Goulstone, dentist Neath —Mr. Rees Morgan, draper New Radnor—Hugh T. Evans, Esq., merchant Newtown—James Strachan, Esq., banker Presteign—Thomas Jones, Esq., bank-manager Swansea—Mr. Michael D. Michael, j^blic accountant -James Hall, Esq., land-surveyor Tenby—Mr. Thomas Sleeman, wine-merchant Welch pool—Mr. John Williams, ehctmist J. DELOR.OIX 8c CO. 158, NEW BOND STREET, PERFUMERS, ( By Appointment), to Her Most Gracious Majesty and Her Majesty the Queen fipwager, RESPECTFULLY caution the Nobility and Gentry against the base counterfeits of their far-famed Esprit de Txivande, Vegetable Extract, Sfc., made by dis- charged servants of J. Delcroix and Co., who are equally incompetent to ascertain the danger of what they extol as "Delcroix's Cosmetics," &c., as they are to discover what might be useful. These worthless imitations are, for the vake of exorbitant profit, foisted upon the public as ge- nuine, by Perfumers and Hairdressers having the appear- nce of respectability, well knowing them to be gross impo- itiqns,possessing none of thehighty appreciated qualitiesof the original. To prevent such franulent practices, the Nobility and Gentry of the United Kinsrdom are invited to send their orders direct to Messrs. Delcroix and Co., lo8, New Bond Street, who, to protect the far-famed cele- brity of their Establishment, wijl forward thenri free Qf car- riage, and on the same terms as they supply the Nobility in Town. With the view, also, of offering a further pro- tection against the insidious and unprincipled attacks of those individuals usurping the title, and endeavouring to jndermine the acknowledged fame of DELCROIX AND CO.'S ORIGINAL ARTICLES, they respectfully caution their Illustrious Patrons against being misled by Advertisements, &c., announcing a Removal," which the unwary would believe was that of Delcroix&Co.,hutwhich is, in reality, the remqval of Delcroix and Co.'s disrliarged servants. The improvements in the premises are now completed in a style of comfort and elegance hitherto, un- attempted, and the Nobility and Gentry are invited to inspect an unequalled assortment of fashionable Foreign and English Perfumery. Also, their long established and far-celehrated DELCROIXIS ESPRIT DR LAVANDE AUX MILLEFLEURS, so universally approved in every quarter of the habitable globe; the fact being established by numerous attempts of unprincipled contemporaries (who have totally failed) to imitate the same; it is, how- ever, necessary the public should be cautioned against im- position.—Price 3s. 6d., 5s. and 10s. per Bottle. DELCROIX'S VEGETABLE EXTRACT, Well known in the fashionable world as pre-eminently successful for cleansing the hair and giving it a most de- lectable appearance and pleasing fragrance, and keeping it in curl during exercise or damp weather.-Price 3s. 6d., 5s., and 10s DELCROIX & CO.'S ROYAL BOUQUETS. "'Til hard to say what scent is uppermost; Nor this part Musk or Civet can we call, Or Amber, but a rich result of all." Delcroix and Co.'s Royal Bouquets, "les plus jotitt ca- deaux" of the season, are composed of the most delicate arid luxurious perfumes, and from their ambrosial fra- grance, seem like a thousand rich posies" diffusing "sweet smelling odours," truly exhiliratmg at balls, routs, and fashionable assemblies. The lovers of elegant Per- fumes are solicited to call at 158, New Bond-street, and try Delcroix & Co.'s Royal Bouquets on their handker- chiefs, fpr which purpose bottles are always open free viz.— Bouquet de la reme V ictoria?—Bouquet du Prince Al- oert,—Bouquet des nocps Royales,— Bouquet de hj Prjricesse Royale.—Bo^qqet Royal Adelaide,—Bou- quet duroi George IV., &c.,&c. n«Wni* and Co.'s new periumes are the "Prince o WaleVs Bouquet," and the Bouquet Princesse Alice," rvw» fnr-r er beinz a combination of the fragrance ofth » 5 iirinus flowers in which the flavour of the moss rose bears the most conspicuous part, while the latter im >eT^"Ccol^ io, cd, periELCROIX'S MACASSAR OIL. Irar/tc< K Royal Highnesses^ eess Royal, &c., is a g y an jnVig-orator and beau- preparation l2if orecedent- It bestows the most bril- tifier, is beyond all preceaen tendency to curl; and Iiant gloss, together w!lfih abif0f effectqally sustaining is the only knowp specific tf" lieat of crowded the Hair in decqrat.ve charm. hem[ 0risri- assemblies, or the effects °f^fJ;s MIcASSAR OIL nal and Genuine DLLC1 fp(i correct likenesses, iSSSfSSSrfews f .1 frnnrietors It produces beautifully flowing curls, 'nd bv the transcendent lustre it imparts, renders the hair lacSir Oil," 138, 'N,« Bi>nd-street. Price 3.. 6d. or 10«. 6d., and 21s. pgf bottle. DELCROfX'S KALYDOR. A French Cosmetic, surpassing all others for preserving beautffving the Complexion, prepared for the usp of ler Most Gr»cfons Majesty the Queen, and her Majegty the Ciiieen Dowager, by especial command, and protected oy Srs patent, the labelVa-ing the Royal Arms de- yantlvembessed, surmounted by the Prince of Waless 5T?me fCetessentiel perfait" for the Lady s toilet }m: oarts a softness to the skir, and removes all cutaneou? parts a sou Pirnples, Spots, and other dtsr jruptions,freckles, rJMp^ aSd h«VoSe» and detoy it induce. o„ th9 cheeK, ana render it indispensable to every DELCR(:)IXIS ODC?,NTC) Or The Queen's Own Dentijriee. The Teeth, it'is well known to posed of bony structure, which is cov and so hard •F enamel—a substance of a fibrous nature_ ana so»nar^ as to strike fire with a steel. Notwithstanding PP rent hardness, the enamel is, however, e?ctrem y P tible of injury, and it tims becomes higlily e ascertain what preparations are best adapted to p so important a substance in its pristinp beauty. We do not hesitate to recommend from expe- rience DELCROIX'S ODONTO, or the Queens own Dentifrice, as the most valuable means qf purifying, pre- serving, and embellishing the Teeth wd Gums hitherto offered to the Public."—C»nri Gazett. Caution to Madies and XtymJlies. The high repute and consequently great demand for Delcroix & Co.'s Unique Preparations, have excited the cupidity of IMPOSTOfeP (destitute alike ot honor and of talent), QUACKS, who tne sake of "GAIN" im- pose (bv If connivance with unprincirdeu vendors of per- lumeryr .-ier pcrniciovr; compounds upon the public as; the real Delcroix's K"' •" for the complexion, Del-1 croix's Macassar Oi?" the Hair, Delcroix's. Odonto; or the Queen's own D?nt?frice for the Teeth, &c.,&c., to frustrate such impositions, Delcroix & Co. have ob- tained Injunctions from' the High Court of Chancery against several offenders, also a Chancery Protection Label, which in future wm be affixed to every genuine trticle with the signature of J. Delcroix, in Red Ink, a the top; a" Grown," and the address, 158 New Bond-street, Tjondan," in the centre, sty-rounded by the words" Pro- ected bv the Court of Chancery," and at the bottom "J. DELCROIX & CO. in Blue Ink. Purchasers will do well to return all artictes no so guaranteed. The extreme lifficulty in executing this label' (which is one on the >rinciple adopted to prevent Forgery in the dtpsriinents of Government), precludes the posstbthty ot imitation, and will effectually p rotect THE NOBILITY FROM IMPOSITION & FRAUD Orders tor India shipped on board free ot ex. I pense and THE. USUAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED CARMARTHENSHIRE AND PEMBROKESHIRE. IMPORTANT SALE'OF. VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES, MIL GEO. GOQDE Respectfully be&s to announce that be bus been favoured with instructions frain the trustees of the will of Nathaniel Row- land, Esq., deceased, late of Parke, to Submit for Sale is futlic auction, Early in the month of June next, THE extrf.giely valuable Estates called CLYNGWlfN, PANTYRHYG, RIIOS-PICCA, DYFFRYN- FULL- BOROUGH, BRYN AYRON,BLAENY VVERN, WHITE HART, and WAYNFACH, in the parishes of Mydrim, Monqchlogddu, Llandissilio, Llanginning, and St. Clears, in the counties of Camarthen and Pembroke. Descriptive particulars, with plans annexed, are now pre- paring, and may be obtained one month previous to the sale on application to Messrs. Evans, Powell, and Co., solicitors, Haverfordwest, and at Mr. Geo. Goode's office, Guildhall- square, Carmarthen. BRISTOL GENERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, OFFICE, QUAY, BRISTOL. THE following STEAM VESSELS are intended to Sail from CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, ar,d as inder mentioned, with or without Pilots,and with liberty to tow Vessels, during APRIL, 1849. FROM BRISTOL FOR DUBLIN. SHAMROCK, Fridays. Returns Tuesdays. Friday 6, 4Jafter 1 Friday 2Q.. SJifter Friday 13.. 9 morn | Friday 27.. 9 morn FROM BRISTQL FOR CORK. JUVERNA, Tuesdays.-SABRINA, Saturdays. Tuesday 3.. 2Jafter Tuesday 17.. 12 nooq Saturday 7.-6 after Saturday 21.. 5 £ after Tuesday 10.. 7Jmorn Tuesday 24.. 7 mern Saturday 14.. 9 morn Saturday 28.. 9imorn Return Tuesdays and Fridays. FROM BRISTOL FQR WATERFORD, VICTORY, Tuesdays.—Rose, Fridays. Tuesday 3.. 2Jafter Tuesday 17.. 12 noon Friday 6.. 4Jafter Friday 20.. 3}after Tuesday 10.. 7imorn Tuesday 24.. 7 morn Friday 13.. 9 morn Friday 27.. 9, morn Friday 13.. 9 morn Friday 27.. 9, morn Return Tuesdays and Fridays. BRISTOL AND TENBY. OSRREY. FOR TKNBY. FROM TENBY. Tuesday 3.. 2.}after Saturday 7.. 7 morn Tuesday i. 10.. 7imorn Friday 13.10 night Tuesday 17.. 12 noon Saturday 2(.. 51morn Tuesday 24.. 7 morn Friday 27..10*niglit FOR MILFORD, PATER, & HAVERFQRDWEST CALLING AT TENBY. OSPREY. Tuesday 3.. 2§«fter [Tuesday 17..12 noo Tuesday 10.. 7imorn | Tuesday 24.. 7 mor FROM HAVERFORDWEST, CALLING AT MtLPORD, PATER, AND TKNBY. OsPREY. Friday 6.. 6 n^qrn Friday 20.. 3 after Friday 13.. 9 morn Friday 27.. 9 morn FROM MILFORD. Os^REY. Saturday 7.. 1 morq Friday 20..10 nigh Friday 13.. 4 after | Friday 27.. 4 after FOR CARMATRHF.N, CALLING AT TENBY. ToRRtDGE. The Torridge will make as many Voyages to and from Carmarthen as she cap get loaded and the weather will permit. FROM CARMARTHEN, CALLING AT TENBY. TORRIDGE. The Torridge will make as many Vovace? to and from Carmarthen as she can get loaded at. the weather wil permit. BRISTQL AND SWANSEA. FOR SWANSEA. FROM SWANSEA. C o U N I Y: Bedford, BERESFORD: COUNTY Tuesdays, Thursdays, Tuesdays, Thursday, Fridays, and Saturdays. Fridays, and Saturdays. Tuesday 3.. 2imorn Tuesday 3.. 21morn Thursday 5;. 41morn Thursday 5.. 511norn Friday 6.. 5|morn Friday 6.. 6'^morh Saturday 7.. 6Jmorn Saturday 7.. 7 morn Tuesday 10.. 71morn Tuesday 10.. SJinorn Thursday 12., 8Jmorn Thursday 12.. 9 morn Friday 13.. 9 morn Friday 13.. 9 morn Saturday 14.. 9imorn Saturday 14.. 10 morn Tuesday 1?' 1 after Tuesday 17.. 12 noon Thursday 19.. 3 morn Thursday 19.. 3Jnyjr» Friday 20.. 4 morn Friday 20.. 4|morn Saturday 21.. 5 morn Saturday 21.. oimorn Tuesday 24.. 7 morn Tuesday.. 24.. 8 morn Thursday 26.. 8imorn Thursday 26.. 7 morn Friday •• 27.. 9 morn Friday 27.. 10 nqorn Saturday 28.. 10 morn Saturday 28.. 10 morn BRISTOL AND NEWPORT, SWIFT and U^i?. FOR NEWPORT. FROM NEWPORT. Mrtndiv 2..12Jtfter Monday 2..11 morp Tuesday 3.. 2 after Tuesday 3.. 1 after Wednesday.. 4.. 3 after Wednesday.. 4.. 2 after Thursday 5.. SJafter Thursday 5.. 3 after Fridav i' 6.. 5imorn Friday 6.. 3Jaf.Pr Saturday 7.. 6 morn Saturday 7.. 4 aftpr SJ r •• 9 7 morn Monday 9.. 5 after Tuesday 10.. 71morn Tuesday 10.. 6 morn Wednesday.. 11.. 8 morn Wednesday., jl.. 6Jmorn Thursday 12.. Siqqm Thursday 12.. 6i,nom Friday 13.. 9 morn Friday 13.. 7 morn Saturday 14.. 9imorn Saturday 14. 7Jmorn Monday 16..10imorn Monday 16.. 9 morn Tuesday 17.. 12 nqon Tuesday I7..l0Jmorn Wednesday.. 18.. lj^er Wednesday.. 18.. Ir noon Thursday 19.. 2 after Thursday ..19.. lifter Friday 20.. 3 after l<riday 20.. 2 after Saturday 21.. 5 morn Saturday 21.. 3 after Monday 23.. Gimorn Monday -.23.. 4|after Tuesday 24.. 7 morn Tuesday 24.. 6 mor Wednesday.. 25.. 7imorn Wednesday.. 25,. 6 morn Thursday. 26.. 8 morn Thursday 26.. 6|morn Friday 27.. 9 morn Friday ••27.. 7 naorr Saturday 28.. 10 morn Saturday 28.. 8 morn BRISTOL AND CARDIFF. STAE and PRINCE OF WALE". FOR CARDIFF. FROM CARDIFF, Monday 2.. l^af^r Monday 2..11|m/>rp Tuesday 3., 2Jafter Tuesday | 3.. 1 after Wednesday.. 4. 3iifter Wednesday.. 4.. 2 aft( r Thufsclay 5- 41after Thursday 5.. 21aftor Brjday 6.. S morn Friday 6.. 3|after Saturday •• 7.. t?§morn Saturday 7.. 4|after Monday 9.. 6imorn Monday 9.. 5 morn Tuesday 10.. morn Tuesday 10.. 5}morn WoHnPcilav.. 11.. 7|morn Wednesday.. 11.. 6 morn ™,r,dS 12 8 morn Thursday 12.. efmorn Eridiv 13.. Simom Friday 13.. 7 morn sLinrdair H.. 9 morn Saturday 14.. 7Jmorn M ndaJ 16 .lOlmorn Monday 16.. 8|,norn v ""JS *1? .12 noon Tuesday 17.. 10|morn Tuesday •• j|after Wednesday.. 18..12 noon Wednesday.. 18. Ij» « Thursday 19.. 1 after Frito ft*. Friday 20.. 2 .f.W LmrJ., ..21.. 5 mora Sjlur&iy 3 »f" Wednesday.. 25.1 7 morn Wednesday.. 25 5Jmorn Thursday ..26.. § morn Thursday 26.. 6tmoru tnday, 27.. 8imorn Fiiday 27.. 7 morn Saturday 28.. 9jmorn Saturday 28.. 7|morr» FROM SWANSEA TO ILFtfACOMBE. BEKESFORD, MON. COUNTY, WED. Monday 2.. Ilmorn I Wednesday.. J 8.. 1 after Wednesday.. 4.. 2 morn Monday 23.. 4Jmorn Monday 9.. 5 morn Wednesday.. 25.. 5Jmorn Wednesday.. 11.. 6 morn | Monday 30..12 noop Monday 16..11 morn j FROM ILFRACOMBE TO SWANSEA. BERESFORD, MON.; COUNTY, WED. Monday 2. SJmoni Wednesday 18.. 5 aftef Wednesday.. 4..12 nooii Monday 23.. 8|mqpi Monday 9.. 9 morn Wdnesdayf. 25.. 3iaffer Wednesday.. 11..10 morn Monday 30.. 4 after Monday 16.. 3 after The whole ot the above Vessels are fitted up for thp conveyance of Passengers and Goods.—Female Stewards on Board.- Carriages and Horses shipped with eare.- Horses and Carriages to be shipped two hours before sailing. Particutars may be obtained by applying la, the Br^tol Steam Navigation Company's Olhce, Quay, Bnstol where all Goods, Package, Parcels, &c., should be ad- dressed:— for Swansea and Cardiff, to W. B. Owen, Bull Wharf R.edpliffe-street, and Clare-street Hall, Marsh- street: »n4 E- T. Turner, 12, Quay-street:-and tor Newport, to J. Jones, Rownham Wharf, lfotwella. AotNTS.-Mr. Joseph Morgan, Tenby; Mr. J. Rees, Haverfordwest; Mr. Palmer, Milford; Mr. Bowen, Pater; Mr. John N. Smart, Swansea; Mr. Prif}ham Bideford; Mr. Martin, Ilfracombe; Mr. J. Clarke, Lynton; and Mr. R-Stacey, Carmarthen. NOTICE^—The Proprietors of the above Steam Packet;; will not be accountable for any Cabin Passenger s Lug- gage (if lost or damaged) above the value qf Five Pounds, nor for any Deck Passenger's Luggage(if lost or damaged) above the yalue of Twenty Shillings unlesjj in each case entered as fuch, and freight in proportion paid for the same, at the time of delivery; nor will they be answerable for any other parcel above the value of Forty Shillings (if lost or damaged) unless entered as such, and freight in proportion paid for tlig saine at the time of delivery. Not accountable for any Qoods without Shipping Notes All letters seeking informati in to be pqst paid. ANB. HUMPHBEYS'S TONIC APERIENT I FAMILY PILL OF HEALTH, MEDICAL HALL; ABERYSTWITH. A MOST esteemed Remedy.for Biliousand Liver Com- plaints, afld other Disorders of the Stomach and Bowels, as Heartburn-Pains in the Head and Chest- Sickness-Disturbed Sleep, with unpleasant taste on the tongue on awaking-Dimness of Sight-L neasiness and Oppresion after Meals, and Habitual Costiveness. They are singularly efficacious in Cutaneous Eruptions-Acute and Chronic Rheumatism-Gout-Pams in the Limbs and Stomach. Indigested, producing a torpid state of the Liver, and a consequent inactivity of the Bowels, causing a disor- ganisation of every function of the frame, will, in most excellent preparation, by a little perseverance, be effectually removed. Two or three doses will convince the most afflicted of its salutary effects. The Stomach will speedily regain its strength a healthy action of the Liver, Bowels, and Kidneys will rapidly, take place; and instead of Listless- ness, heat, pain, and jaundiced appearance, strength, activity and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this Medicine, according to. the directions accompanying each B°As a pleasant, safe, and easy Aperient they unite the recommendation of a wild operation with the most successful effect, and require no restraint of diet, or (9 dillement during their use. By regulating the dose, according to thaage and strength of the patient, they become smtable for every case, in either sex, that can be required and for E derly People they will be found to be the most comfortable Medicine hl C AuV/oN7—!n consequence of the increased demand for this excellent Medicine, some spurious imitations have been offered to the public, which have, m many instances, been deleterious to health the Proprietor "herefore cautions the public to ask for HUMPHREYS S (of Aberystwyth) PILLS, and to see his name and address on the cover of each Box. May be had of all Patent Medicine Vendors, in boxes at Is. 11et, each. YOU MAYBE CUSED irE r HOLLOWAY'S OINTillENT. CURE OF RHEUMATISM AND RHEUMATIC GOU r. Extract of a letter from Mr. Thorn* Drunton Uindlord of A Waterloo Tavern, Coatham, Yorkshire, late of the Lfe Guards, dated September 28th, 1848. To Professor Holloway. Sir,—For a long time I was a martyr to Rheumatism and Rheumatic Gout, and for ten weeks previous to using your medicines. I was so bad as not to be able to walk. I had trieq doctoring and medicines of every kind, but all to no avail, indeed I daily got worse, and felt that I must shortly die. From seeing your remedies advertised in the paper I take in, I thought I would give them a trial. I did so. I rubbed the Ointment in as directed, and kept abbage leaves to the parts thickly spread with it, and cook the Pills night and morning. In three weeks I was anabled to walk about for an hour or two in the day with o stick, and in seven weeks I could go any where without tcne. I am now, by the blessing of God and your medi- eines, quite well, and have been attending to my business for more than seven months, without any symptoms of the return of my old complaint. Besides nW case of Rheumatic Gout, I have lately had proof that your Pills and Ointment will heal any old wound or ulce*, as a married woman, living near me, had had a bad leg for four years, which no one could cure, and I gave her some of your Pills and Ointment, which soundly healed when nothing else would do it. For your information I had to serve my country for twenty-five years in the first regiment of Life Guards, and was eighteen years a cor- poral. I was two years in the Peninsula War, and was at the Battle of Waterloo. I was discharged with a pension on the 2nd September, 1833. The CommandiM. Omcer at the time, was Colonel Lyeon, who is now a General. I belonged to the troop of Captain the Hquorable Henry Baring. (Signed) THOMAS BRUNTON. CURE OF A BAD LEG OF TWENTY ONE YEARS' STANDING. Extract of a Utter from, M'r. Andrew Brack, blacksmith, Eye mouth, near Berwick, dated the loth of August, 1848. To Professor Holloway, Sir,—With pleasure and gratitude I have to inform you that after suffering for twenty-one years with a bad leg, which yielded to no kind of treatment, although I con- sulted, at different times, every medical man of eminence fin this part of the coqntry, but all to no purpose. I was requently unable to work and the pain and agony I often endured no one can tell. My leg is now as sound as ever it was in my l^fe by means of your Pills and Oinment, which I purchased from Mr. I. Davidson, druggist, Ber- wlck-upon-l weed, who knows my case well, and will, I am sure, be happy to certify with me, if necessary, as to the truth of this wonderful cure. (Signed) ANDREW BRACK. AMPUTATION OF TWO TOES-PREVENTED. Extract of a tetter from Mr. Oliver Smith Jenkins, dated Fal- kirk, August 13th, 1848. To Professor Holloway, Sir—I was superintending about six months ago, the erection of one of our railway bridges, and by the tall of a large stone my right foot was serioqsly bruised, which ul- timately got so bad, that I was advised to go to Edinburgh to consult some of the eminent surgeons, which I did, and was told that in order to save my foot, two of my toes must be taken off. In dispair, I returned home to impart the melancholy news to my wife, intending to submit to the operation, it was then a thought struck me to try your valuable Ointment and Pills, which I did, and was by their means in three weeks enabled to resume my taslial occupa- tion and at this time my toes are perfectly cured. tion, ana at^in^ oLjVER SMITH JENIUNS. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A DEsPEnAfE I I SKIN DISEASE. On the 21st July, 1848, the editor of the Mofu,ssilite news- paper, published in India, inserted the following editorial article in his paper. We know for a fact, that Holloway's Pills and Ointment act in a most wonderful manner upon the constitution, as an eccentric Coolie, called Eliza, em- ployed in our establishment, was affected with myriads of ringworms, which defied all the Meernt doctors, and pro- mised to devour the poor man l\efore he was underground we tried Holloway' upon him, and in a month he was perfectly restored to his former condition and cleanliness of skin. The effect was miraculous." The Fills should be used conjointly with the Ointment in most of the following cases Bad Legs Cancers Scalds Bad Breasts Contracted&Stiff Sore Nipples Burns joints Sore-throats Bunions Elephantiasis Skin-diseases Bite of Moschetoes Fistulas Scurvy and Sand-flicq Gout Sore-heads Coco-Bay Glandular Swpl- Tumours Chiego-foot lings u lcers Chilblains Lumbago Wounds Chapped-hands Piles Yaws Corns (Soft) Rheumatism Sold by the Proprietor, 244, Stranq, (near Temple Bar,) London, and by all repectable Vendors of Patent Medi- cines throughout the civilised world, in Pots and Boxes, Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., lis., 22s., and 33s. each. There is a very considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. I TEAS AT WHOLESALE PRICES. NO. 2, BUCKLERS BURY, CHEEPS IDE. rpHE heading of our circular sufficiently indicates the basis of our system, vlx.—that of supplying tha, Public with Tea X and Coffees at Wholesale Price* for Ready Money. This announcement may appear somewhat presuming; and the question may naturally arise,—How one party can sell at Wholesale Prices, wliile another requires a Retail Profit I The answer is simply this Our arrangements are identical with those of the largest Wholesale Establishments, and framed on the most Economical Scale. Our Warehouse situate in a bye thoroughfare, is one of the most spacious in London, and affords the Greatest Facilities for the most Extensive Transactions, and_ is entirely unencumbered with those merciless expenses inseparable from the | show of a Retail Shop, and for which iedirectly the purchaser is taxed. Qur business, the parent of mayy branches, ex- j tending throughout tne United Kingdom, is of such magnitude, that our purchases are necessarily large, and we thus derive every advantage the market affords." It will, therefore, be seen that we are in a position to supply the public ,d on the best and most economical terms—in fact, to supply atfirst hand by which all intermediate profits at-e saved. In quoting a partial selection of our prices, we have appended a few recommendatory remarks, and we wish parti- cularly to be understood as holding ourselves responsible for each character so appended. We mention this, in con- sequence ot the too frequent practice of late—particularly in the Tea Trade—of gulling the public with false alluring titles —and while some are distributing their rubbish at half a crown A pound, others adopt the ingenious appellation of best Black Tea which, for quality, is on a par with Best Hats, 4s. 9d.; Best Boots, 8s. 6d.; and Best Coats, a Guinea. It is in rioint of fact pretty candid confession that they do not keep the iincr descriptions of Tea. THE FOLLOWING LIST IS COMPOSED FROM THE LATEST AND MOST FAVOURABLE ltlfi QUOTATIONS IN THE MAR.KET:— BLACK TEAS. GREEN TEAS. s. d. 8. d. GOOD ORDINARY CONGOU (a very fair com- GOOD USEFUL GREEN (this will mix with mon Tea) •• •• •• •• M 2 8 B,Iack at 2s. 8d. 3 0 GOOD USEFUL CO'NGOU (a useful'Tea, de'. wi,h;lLe HIsckat Ss.) 3 4 ridedlv cheap) •• •• V YOUNG HYSON (a very good Tea, and with the STRONCf CONGOU TEA (a very good Tea for FINE YOUNP Snv .e"ell,ent 'fixture) 3 8 Homplfic use).■ •• 'v. .ir^'rC INE iOUNG HYSON (a little on the Cowslip FINF STRONG CONGOU, PEKOfc, FLA /OR flavor) ..4 0 (This is an excellent J* GUNPOWDER TEA (very strongly recom- FINE PBKOH SOUCIIONG 0 V ••••■• •• (This i, most excellent Tea, ami is really the price, for positiyely a 8 P, orices for most useful of all our Green Teas; it posses- sary but we kp?P ™ ses great strength and a fine aromatic flavor.) Connoisseurs.) tl FINEST HYSON 6 0 SUPERIOR PE&QE SQUCHONG from the (This is a choice Tea, possessing all those'rich Kongshing estate, rich and rare) h and delicate qualities fine Hysons are cele- LAPSANG S50UCHQNG r- 6 0 wrkT?1, 7 n rrhis is the acme of perfection in Tea, and FINEST GUNPOWDER 7 0 bears comparison in repute to old I^eeswn.g (Th,s is The Gunpowder, and is quite a tteat; p y r not many years since it was sold at 16». per lb.) RORT-; COFFEE. ff j h rfir-ct particular attention to Coffee, from the fact of our having, after great trouble and expense, suc- ceeded in perfecting the machinery for roasting, which has never before been discovered. Letters patenf are already taken out%r the invention, which preserves the aroma, and removes that acujity, so frequently complained of by delicate pergpns. # GOOD CEYLON COFFEE (Good sound FINEST JAVA CCjFFEE (much and deservedly Coffee^ 010 in request) I 4 FINE CEYLON COFFEE (a Very good THE FINEST CUBA COFFEE (strongly re- r ffppV 10 commended) 1 6 FINE mNTAtlON (recommended) 1 2 FINEST MOCHA COFFEE 1 8 It will be naturally inftired from the aheve that it is a favourable time to lay in a stock, as prices never were so 1 nor can a greater fall reasonably be anticipated until the excessive duty of 2s. 2Jd. is reduced. For example, we •°W'now selling Good sound Congou at 'is. per lb. which, after deducting the duty leaves but 9|d. to remunerate the mer- ^nts and pay all expenres of importation—a pr ce by which the importers must be great losers. ° Referring to the above list we venture to solicit a continuance of that support hitherto so liberally bestowed. Having now established one ot the Largest Businesses in the kingdom, we refer with pride to the progressive increase I ring the last twenty years, proving that our Svs-em of Business, based on liberal principles ot commercial enterprise, and holding out unprecedented advantages, is fully appreciated. „ All orders'are expected to be accompanied by a remittance or Post Office order; or it a reference in Lonuon bi made payment on receipt and appioval of the goods will be sufficient. Our Terms are Cash, and we seek remunera- tion o'nlv by magnitude of business. Our motto is, SmaU profits and quick raurns." NOTE —Teas are delivered carriage free to any part of England when tqe quantity ordered exceeds six pounar-. but the carriage of C)ffee is not paid unless accompanied by Tea. D 1 Bucklersburv. Cheapside. MAAsbLL & UO. oto. Delivered CARRIAGE FREE tq any part the Kingdom. ¡, i. REQMCED FARES! STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BRISTOL, TENBY, V.5CARMARTBES, IN TEN HOURS, AND BRISTOL, MUMBLES, & PORT TALBOT, THE RAPID IRON SCREW BEAUTIFUL STEAM SHIP TALBOT, 140 HORSE POWER. S T E PH EN INGS, COMMANDER3 18 INTENDED T L DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL, AS FOLLOWS:— With Passengers, Goods, Live Stock, &c.,aSording a mos1 desirable and Speedy Communication between the various Places of the Counties of Carmarthen and Glamorgan and the Metropolis, via Bristol & the Great Western Railway; also, with Manchester and the North, via the Gloucester and Birmingham Railway: Passe lgers are conveyed from Bristol to London by Rail- way, in 4 hours & ? minutes, at|27s., 18s., or 9s. lid. BRISTOL AND CARMARTHEN. From Bathurst Basin, Bristol, I From Carmarthen to Bristol, to Carmarthen, in lOhours, m 10 hours, calhngatTenby calling at Tenby. Monday 2..12 noon j Wednewlay 4. 4 morn Friday 6. 4|morn Thursday 12. 8 morn Monday 16..1 Jmorn Thursday 19. 3|morn Saturday 21. Rafter Fdday 27.. 9 morn Monday 30.. 11 morn Fares- Cabin, 12s. 6d. Fore Cabin, 6s. Children under twelve, 6s. and 4s.; Servants, 7s. b(l.; > • » Horse Phaeton, 28s.; Small One-Horse Phaeton, 20s., Oig 18s.; Horse, 158.; Dog, 2s. CARMARTHEN TO AND FROM TENBY. Fares-Cabin, 3s. Fore Cabin, 2s. BRISTOL AND PORT TALBOT. FROM BRISTOL TO PORT FROM PORTflTAI.BOT TOfBRIS- TALBOTAND MUMBLES. F.T9l (°,n THE SAMB T,I)B)• Monday 9. 7 morn Tuesday 10. 4$after Tuesday 24. 7 morn Wednesday 25. 4j after ruesday 24. 7 morn Wednesday 25. 4j after Fares, 7s. 6d. & 4s.; Children under 12, Half-price. rhe Vessel is elegantly fitted up for the comfort and con- venience of Passengers. CARRIES AN EXPERIENCED STEWARDESS. Refreshments may be had on board at moderate charges Goods taken yi at the Warehouse, Grove, Bristol, to await the Packet's arrival if required for Carmarthen, &c. &c. Goods taken in tor Carmarthen and places adjacent, and for Aberavon, Bridgend, Cwmavon, Laleston, PT^ibach, Maesteg, and places adjacent. Further Information may be had on application to the master on board, or to the following Agents:—Mr. James King, Packet Office, Grove, Bristol, Mr. North Rees, Packet Office, Carmarthen, Mr. W. Bowers, Lion Inn, Tenby, or Mr. Wm. Jenkins, Packet Office, Port Talbot. Freight of Goods to be paid for on delivery. NOTICE.-The Proprietors of the above Steam Packet give Notice, that they will not be accountable for Passengers' Luggage, nor will they be answerable for any Goods, Packa- ges, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by fire, leakage, or otherwise), unless booked at either of their Offices, at Bristol or Carmarthen, if above the value of Forty Shillings unless t'ntered at its full value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same at the time of booking. Goods consigned to order, .)r not taken away before six o'clock in the evening of the jay of Landing, will he warehoused at the risk and expence of the consignees. All goods to be considered as liens, not only for Freight and Charges due thereon, but for all previ- ously unsatisfied Freights and Charges due by the Consignees to the Proprietors of the. said Packet. Disputed Weights and measurement, Claims for Loss or Damge, &c., cannot be allowed, unless a written notice of the same be sent to the Office on the day of delivery. For Lists of the Freights, apply to Mr. North Rees, at lie Talbot Office, Quay-street, Carmarthen. STEAM COMMUNICATION BETAKEN LIVERPOOL & BRISTOL; CALI ING AT SWANSEA & MILFORD, FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL, 1849, THE POWERFUL STEAMER TROUBADOUR, (CAPT. JAMES BECKETT) OR some other suitable Vessel, is intended to said with goods and passengers, as follows:—(with or without pilots, and liberty to tow vessels) FROM CLARENCE-DOCK, LIVERPOOL, TO BRISTOL, CALLING AT MILFORD. Saturday 7.. 9 morn I Saturday ,.21.. 8 morn, Saturday 14.. ljafter | Saturday 28. ljafter The Troubadour will leave Milford for Bristol about twenty two hours after sailing from Liverpool. FROM CUMBERLAND BASIN, BRISTOL, TO LIVERPOQL, CALLING AT MILFORD. Tuesday 3.. 5 after i Tuesday 17..12§after Tuesday 10.. 7imorn | Tuesday 24.. 7 morn FROM SWANSEA TO LIVERPOOL. CALLING AT MILFORD. Wednesday.. 4.. 1 after 1 Wednesday.. 18.. 1 after Wednesday.. 11.. 6 morn Wednesday.. 25.. 6 morn The" rroubadour" will leave Milford for Liverpool seven hours after sailing from S wansea. FARES:—CABIN, Liverpool tQ Milford, Swansea, or Bristol. 17s 6d; Milford to Bristol, 17s 6d.; Milford to Swansea, 8s 6d; Bristol to Swansea, lis. DECK 5S NOTICE.—The proprietors give notice that they will not be accountable for any passenger's luggage; nor will hey be answerable for any goods, packages, or parcels,it lost or damaged, unless booked or if above the value of f rtv shillings, unless entered at their value, and carriage in proportion paid for the same, at the time of booking; nor will they be accountable for goods without shipping notes. All goods are considered as liens, not only for freights and charges due thereon, but for all previously un- satisfied charges due by the consignees and shippers to the proprietors of the concern. Disputed weight or mea- p surement, claims for loss, damages, &c., cannot be allowed unless a written notice of the same be sent to the office on the day All goods to be taken aynty the day after the arrival of the steamers in Milford. Apply to G. H. Evans, Liverpool Steam Wharf, Can non's Marsh, Bristol Edwari Edwards, Swansea; Fita simons and Applebee, 2Q, Water-street, Liverpool; o: Mr C. H, N HILL. Agent, Milford.


[No title]