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Business Notices, MORGAN AND ROBERTS, AUCTIONEERS, ACCOUNTANTS, AND VALUERS. Sales, Valuations, etc., promptly attended to and terms of sales punctually carried out. Accounts Audited and Balance Sheets pre- pared. Rents collected and Debts recovered. Short Loans arranged and Bills discounted at reason- able rates. For terms apply at omces- No. 9, BAKER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. ABERYSTWYTH. MR. J. E. JAMES, PROPERTY AGENT. AUCTIONEER, SURVEYOR & VALUER Of Real Estate, Tenant Right, Probate Succes- sion, Duty in Town and Country. Season's List of To Lets," Furnished and Unfurnished, on application. OFFICES CAM BE LAN CHAMBERS, ABERYSTWYTH. MR A. LLOYD WILLIAMS (For over eight years with Mr J. E. James), AUCTIONEER, ACCOUNTANT, AND VALUER, No. 3, BAKER STREET (Next door to the National Provincial Bank). Sales, Inventories and Valuations promptly attended to. Account Books audited and Balance Sheets prepared. SALES PROMPTLY CASHED UP. For terms apply at above address. Private Address —Brynilar, Trinity Road. TT A QTF^T New "EMPRESS" Royal Mail twin screw steamers, LINE 14,500 tons, 18,000 h.p. Weekly 1'< > service from Liverpool. Only PAY ifil four days open sea. Quick a comfortable travel. Apply to Canadian Pacific Railway, 24, James Street, Liverpool, 92, Cross Street, Manchester or Local Ageatf, everywhere. ARTISTIC, COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL PRINTING ) Executed witli Despatch & at Moderate Prices 11Y DAVID- ROWLANDS. I OBSERVER OFFICE, ABERYSTWYTH. -:t. JI j9 Ié.J ï," Ji 1l 't .lie.. x. t I Tho Safest and Best Sccjody for | |00USHS. COLDS, ASTHMA. | Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, is | Invaluable for childivon. H — J.jre:ablo and to ia»-c. — ej Of all Chemist:?. Cisu i'j'V'e- Is. or 2s. rTjones^ BILLPOSTER AfiD mil CRIER I 1.1 0 I C J :J U t! íJ li it I ri 4, GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABEEAYRON Public Notices. TO BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS. TENDERS are invited for the erection of a Parsonage for the Parish of Eglwys- newydd. Hafod. Plans and Specification may be obtained on application to the Architect, to whom Tenders should he delivered, sealed and endorsed, by Saturday. November 21st. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. oJ G. T. BASSETT, A.R.I.B.A., Architect and Surveyor, 17, Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. jUUNIC.1 pal election. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BOROUGH OF ABERYSTWYTH. LADIES AND Gkntloien,— I beg to thank those Electors who so kindly recorded their votes in my favour on Monday, I and to add that it is my intention to see!! re-election next November. I remain. Yours obediently, EDWIN MORRIS. November 4th, 1903. ROYAL PIER PAVILION. Aberystwyth Chrysanthemum Show. The 11th Annual CIIRYS I'HEMUM, FRUIT, VEGETABLE & PRODUCE SHOW Will he held at the above place ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, 1908. Attractions for the dav wil! include GRAN!) YAKIKTY KNT LCRTA' a MKXT by ilie t'oilowiu; Ai tistcs— Miss HOSIE tONES (Soprano), Miss (JKOKGINA jOXKS (t 'ontralto), Mr V/. WU.LlAMS (Tenor), Mr .J. C. UAY1RS vHass), Mr AUSTIN JKNKINS (Light Comedian', and Mr MANSI'T, JKNKINS (Welsh & Scotch Humorist). THK ST. PADAKN CHANGK HANDDKI.L RINGXRS 'under the condnctor,hip of Mr Evan Simon), win give .selections during- the evening. Also an ORCHESTRA \v;U ^ive Selections during afternoon and e.-cning-, The Show will he opened by the President. Mrs WINU'IiKI) INGI.IS- IONICS, Dcrry Ormoml. i, Chairman of Committcc-Mr IZ. C. V/U.I.IA?JS. Admission- -From 2 j>,Jtl to (• p.m., is. from 0 p.m. to 10 p.m., od.. Cheap Day Tickets available by Ordinary Trains wiil be issued by the G1e.1t VVestern Railway ompany from Pen- cader and Intermediate Stations to Llanilar inclusive, by the Cambrian from all Coast Stations (not available to re- turn by the 6-25 p.m. from Aberystwyth), also Vale of Kheidol Company. Fo, further particulars see handbills. Any other inforrnaton mav ht, had on application to the Secretaries—H. Shrratox, Hon. Sec.; E. j. IJavies, Secre- tary, 23, North. Parade. ABERYSTWYTH IGREAT PLEASURE FAIRS. November 16th and 23rd, 1908. Messrs. H. Stuclts and Son 'Have to attend the above with their new and lnagnificcnt ¡ Gondolas, also numerous new and other attractions. All should coiae and hear their beautiful Orchestra- phone playing lu^h-class selections and popular music of the day. 1H>*AL COLLKGK OF MUMC, SOUTH KENS INC TO IN*, LONDON, SAG Incorporated by Royal Charter, lSH3. Patron—HIS MAJESTY THE KINO. President— H.E.H, THE PRINCE OF WALES. K.G. Director Sir C. ErBERT JI. Pap.ry, Bart,, C.Y.O., D.C L., M.A., Mus. Hon. Sec rotary—Ciiart.es Mokw;, ESQ, COMPETE! I OX FOR fm CDCIS Scholarships In January and February, IS):)'.), as follows:— ( <n:s»osiTiox i i PiANOFOKTK Y i'M.O\C £ !•> 2 2 1 I 12 l'Viv.;iic 4 ll'.aiX I Or;4ran 2 UACTBOY 1 The Scholarships are open to all closes of His Majesty's subjects* wit.hia the proscribed limits of age stated in the particulars issued to applicants. They entitle the holders to a thorough and systematic free education afc the College only, iu theoretical and practical music, and are, as a rule, tenable for a period of three years. Insane cases grants towards maintenance are added, but these cannot be decided until after the election of the I scholars has taken place. Preliminary examinations will be held on Wed- nesday, January i57tb, 15)0s>, in various local centres throughout the Cuited Kingdom, and the final competition will take place at the College about February 10th. i All desirous of competing must apply r on the official entry forms, which may be obtained with all particulars from the College, Prince Consort Read, South Eensingtou, London, S.W. The last day for receiving these forms, which iiiiist be accompanied by an official stamped Cerii- I laate of Birth, is Dou:mbev 21st, 1UUS. FRANK POWNALL, Registrar. RICHARD MORGAN: Bei's to nrmotmec that he is leaving E the premises at 30, Great Darlc- tRite Street, for I, Westminster House,' -w h. 1.) -Ua. I 3", BRIDGE STREET, Ami will still caiTV on the FLOUE, CORN & HAY BUSINESS I As before, at the 1' Warehouses, High Street. 1 Front Entrance :—Westminster House, Bridge Street ) Public Notices. DAVID'EOBESTS & SONS, j • LIMITED, T17 BREWERS, ABERYSTWYTH, BEG TO DRAW ATTENTION TO THEIR DBAB6RT AND E3ITLI0 ALES WHICH ABE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. IK1.-4 ,4 JliJ 1 j 1.' .p _11 ,¡ TRADE PRICE LIST. I Barrels, Ivildlms., Firhins, 36 Callous 18 Gaiioiie i) Gallons. XXX Mild Ai.k 48- 2A- 12- XX Do. do. 42- 2! 10 6 B Bittkr Ale 56/- 28 11 Jv Strong Ale 56'- 28 14 Jv Strong Ale 56'- 28 14 REA'S BLACK BOTTLE" AND FLYXLIS.ION WAT EC Is a perfect Blend of the Purest Whisky out of Scotland with the Purest Water in Wales. Per 4s. Bottle. Bea's STORES. JL LJà. k fI.,}'L <1, ITsylvanus edvvardsT Lion Tea Stores, ,¿ if {I -M.. L {I V "-J '(jI.. u l) li :"U n ¡h:) t ri t t I J ¡i-) b t h '¡¡ hi. GREAT DARXSATE STREET, ABEaYSTWVTH. BUTTER from HO:fP' FASMS and DEVONSHIRE. BACON from Y\TILTSHTIiE, IRELAND & DENMARK. -p- TEA, the PICK of CHINA & INDIAN PLANTATIONS. I C' For Real WELSH FLANNEL & WOOLLElf JoODS GO TO ■J. & E. EVA3STS, 1 GENERAL DRAPERS AND MILLINERS, 40, GREAT DARKGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. JUST ARRIVED v }.J.JL i _QI_ v '.J JI [, FEW STDA.SOaSl-'3 GtOOjDS. A NICE ASSOUTMENT OF Dress Materials, Delaines, Blonse Materials, New Jackets, Lace Goods, and Fancies. LATRST STYLES m MILLINKRT. I g A L M q N ï \J.v'JL.JO: Á' Q..J" JL JL. J. TERMINUS HOTEL (°rpns,t«tS,ulm'y}. I BOBEETS* MILD AND B ITT EE ALES ON DRAUGHT. LASS AND GUIXXESS' IN BOTTLE. WINES AND SPIRITS Otf THE BEST BRANDS. FOR PURE DRUGS L CHEMICALS E. P. WYNNE, M.P.S., CHKMIST, 7, PIER STREET, Aberystwyth | DISPENSING A SPECIALITY. rIlE OLDEST BILLPOSTING EST A BLISHMElSiT IN TOWN AND DISTRICT. 11 .1. 1 "'1 '1 John Lloyd & Sons,! TOWN* GET ERS, BILL-POSTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS POPLAR V<\ MAVING T11 ij LAKGEST NUMB11"?. "i: most! pro<niii!-nfc Post:i:e Stat'onsi in r,il PMl'ts f AWystwyth and Dibtriofr. thoy a;-t; alio tu tako )ara.» c.ontTtv.ptt of ovary d-f-cripf.ion. Ovun 100 Stations in tiik town and District, official Billposters to tu•-> Town and County Cum,, oils- G.VV.E. Co., (."atn'orian L'aihvay.H Co., & M. Kai'iway Co., A.CO., nil th« Audtr.iipors oi tb0 7 own a*;d District, a al ot»,' r L'uhi;c Private Addukss:- MA I-CNs .Vr't N, TK'NI'l Y H(1 D STEAM/ LA.UN13EY, ABERYSTWYTH. B. JONES BEGS to nform hSs numerous Ci^tomcrs that owinjc to f.he increase ot lousiness he has put down additional NEW AND MODERN MACHINERY To enable him to executc all orders with promptness and despatch, and hopes to still merit your esteemed patronage a" HOTELS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS SPECIALLY CATKRKD FOR. All Goods Collected and Delivered Free of Charge. SHIRTS AND COLLARS A SPECIALITY Send a Postcard and the Van will call. Particulars AND PRICES ON Application. t Sweep- Sweop. Sweep. JAMES DO U hi E L L V 10, POWELL STREET ABERYSTWYTH. PR A CTICAL Cim-INE Y S WEEPER. Orders e.wuled with Deppatcli. Contacts taken. ARTHUR G. EDWARDS, Miis. Eac.. Oxon, Follow of the Royal College of Or^'airif-i s sometime; De])uty Organist of Llnnd-iiT Cathedral, Or^fmist. and Choirnsaster of I-loiy Tfinity Church. «;h-os LESSONS in ORGAN, PIANOFORTE, SINGING (LcvlleS awl Voir:), CHOIR TRAIE ]N G, and nil Rrarc.'ics of ZirmCAL THEORY. For Terms apply— 1' ;G. rnvT?CTr;1Y ROAD, AJ)i^R.YSTWiTII. W. II. THIJ SCOTT (Estai;I;slic-d ovc-r 50 years1, WATCH AMD CLOGlC SVIAKER, LAPIDARY AND OPTICIAN, GREENWICLI IIOUSE, 37, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH. A large assortment of AVedding, Diamond and Gem Rings. PINCE-NEZ A SPECIALITY. M ALLSOPP'S f J -f 1 h Ales and Stout in Cask or Boii! L" Allsojjjis "Lager" in Baffle* r v3' CF ALL THE PRINCIPAL DEALERS IN ABERYSTWYTH AND DISTRICT. C. Sylitu, Houtii Wales Manager. a Depot—C>2, V;ind Street, Swansea Aberysxivtth Stokes—Great Western RaiC.vay Depot, Smitiriield ¡ J. ll. A. :i 'I i, i- t J. I E. HINDLEY, A-ent. THE Observer & County Times SCALE OF CHARGES FOR. A 1) YE.il T 1.8 E jI E XTS. A and the Public are r es wet frill j- info'Died that Advertisements are in.serted in fclie "<server and County Tunes at the ioISowiiv,: r&tos :— L. -1. J -.A. .L. j, (. Parliamentary Notic-os and .Addresses, A. (M per line per insertion. Public Notices, Lej^al Advertisements, Pits- pectnses of Public Companies, Ac., ud por line per insertion. Not;e<s of Mumc-iprvi and Couneii Eh-ctions ,\¡c. ,-1,(1 per line per insertion. Sales liy Auction—Pt-oj-«rti«»s, od ]»or line Miscellr.ne,)i;s, Ihl ner l:ne i.e;- iu.-?«rt-ion. PREPAID ADWsitTiSEIMENTS. Prepaid Advertisements of t.h(> classes specified Oelow will be cluir^ua accv>r'-iiiij. to tho subjoined scale :— A]>artments Wa,nted 1'>-(,s ,i. Sol-1 Apartments to be Let Wajut-d Situations Wanted Artk-k-s (,Jst Situations \K.int Articles K,d Houses to b" I;et J\J i^e«• i].•».;■><>ous Ward s Sa,ies by PriTat« Contract, Mi* •••iianeon^ Saiv. Ac- Lines. Words' T 0110 r 'ri" «ix ..Insertion. Insertion -0_ :1 h; uJ :i Od os uc 4 28 1s?rl :S (5d Ss S.'d 5 85 Is Od 3 s 0d 4s Od 6 42 Is Vd 3" 0d ú" 3d 7 49 2s Cd 4s ud Ms Od This scale applies only to consecutive insertions of Piiepaid Advertisements. If not m-epn-id these Advertisements wiil be charged according- to the Public Notice Scale. Wanted, &c. ANT i^O good Cook (ieuet-a! j Housemaid kept.— Apply Airs Evans, 4 Laura place, A l ie ry s t \vy t h. \7"0L NG LADY desires post ;3 Governess Help; servaot kept; good needSernmau musical, etc. good reterpnc.- state miliary.— Addis, 'rriicy Bi-idge, Abergavenny. EJLAIX COOK oi- Cook- tial for 5 J'ortmadoc nge about o0 w.-i^es C20 2 j servanrs kept and man helps.—Toll, County Times Registry, Welshpool. j 'OOK-GKNEI-iAL wanted -lor Doigc)i<-y v-' ago abo'ft MO able to b;i|-i> I) in familv wages £ 1S 2 s-rv;U\t-i kept.—Tdl.>. County Times lh':ri;0 ry, Yi'e's'ipool. /CAPABLE and Experienced Still lio.n \.j Ala id wanted loran ijotcd in Aberystwyth. — TS11, County limes Eegisrry, Y»'e!shpo».l. «. UON'G GH.S EKAL vvatited ior '.Janiiiloes. i.. tl.'j_\ J J',L\ ;I"n' '1 6U4. County Times Keginv \Yeislipo>d. AN T ii D copies of "Observer" for January, February, SI arch, April, May, £4 to- Á '1 1 J June, ami December of H'UL- App!y t otHce of tins paper.. r AN'i ED a good General that \v;uld like to assist in Shop (Dairy), wages 20.—iirs Evans, oOi-, ICi7iy's rond, Ciielsea, London. yOOD GENERAL wanted for Aberyst'.vyti:' aide to w-.tit table a little. No cooking' wa^es.—T772, Cocnty Ti::ies Regis'a-v' WeRhpoe.i. f OGSlE'dAviD-WAPrRESS Avant-'d for an I.5 hotel in Newtown. — T77(« (.otnty Tit:i:s Registry. Y.'elshpool. O'tJSEMAID wantecl for Dolgeiiey, age 20 10 i. il 2,'j, li in family, 3 servants kept.—T7: !S. 0 LOiN GLEYTND "SONS^ Tin; only HIGH-CLASS TOBACCONISTS i\ 1 \A Have the best variety, Sell at the lowest price, and do the biggest, trade. Solo Agents for the Doctor's Pipes, Is. (id. each. Inventors of the Archdruid Mixture, Gu. per 02. /u.so LONG LEY S: SONS' High-Class Confectionery Shops 1; TERRACE ROAD A PlEE STREET, Ave celebrated as being the most artistic premises in Wales. F i T ftf* Z?/T4 '>1 7.-T tP U.7A. KS' MM' J.V ? in, PIER STREET. ATEYRTSTWYTII, j C REEN't EOCEE, FismiONtl-ER., GAME AND POULTRY DEALER. Pi'oiri>t ait cation <jire.i in rJi OrJeri*. not;; Jin; a:ss. not;; Jin; a:ss. COAL! .Le;-»3;! Fipes! J. JENKIN JONES, COAL, UME, BRICK, PIPES, And SLATE Always in STOCK. BUILDING MATERIALS at Lowest Prices Before Ordering your Winter Supply of COAL write for Price List. Truck Loads to any Station at Lowest Rates for Cash. Address—No. 6, OFFICE AND WHARF, RAILWAY STATION, and 3, STANLEY TERRACE, ABERYST- WYTH. For Sale. TO EE SOLD NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, in good working Condition inspection msiied — Blue Ik-:I JI.-tel. Abe -rysiwy, r| C LET OR 1-OR SALS, Six Houses, e;;eh J containing (i Ro-ms. —Apply E.w„,U. Dros., Builders, Abe-ysD.vyth. p p! Y 1' \1'" d rrO LET. J ;nns' Shop, and Y\*a retoaso. 14 CO! or of Bridge Street and sireot.-—Apply lal .vruo's Eros., Builciei's, Al^er- ) st'.vy.'h. rrO LET immediately, 21, Portland -1 r< r, {conveniently .situated uithai !)''<' doors of Terrace io-kP, • ompi-isaij; b Jiee>-pt iou eJooiDfi, 1 Et-ib "O'hs, Kitchen. S<-o!lerv, Co!) Corsi-luui.se, i>a (li Room ;eot and cold >. usual ollieos and yai-d.- Appiy to T. J. Sarauel, Solicitor, A her;, stwi th. "['A I •' .Modern St;:ek I'-a- i, j. r,11- ab!e oiler refused i [•-c-s. Ca rs, C.iae!n*s, J.ja !!••. us, Brakes. t iai:oi);s. easv t.i ai.-s.— C;i:>!•'giies, ?.IARSTON'S, -J, Jira(d<-rd St, Ei !• nii'lsam. "P^Aii.M AC REE2IJEn riS, and Agi-eemc-nts lor >Se.ul Holdings, Newiy K-vi:, cl, od. one! —( M/server Oiffce, Aberyst vvyth. r^A-0 TDIUEn MERCHANTS—For Sale son;e thousands ol Larch Poles and Kails, on Felinrhisgiog 1 artn. neir Machynlleth.—Apply to William i.,ees, Felmgerig, 2u;ieiivniieth. R SALE immediately ;do>ut VXH> measrued 1. Oak Poles, ami 1,200 Larch do.—For further particulars apply to lG, T. Edwards, Cemarih, Alachynlleth 8~ MART Four-wheel !>■, g-cart for sale, good as now, cost will accept less tbr.11 half. Also set of Black Har:ev,s in excellent condition. — A v.-ply P. Hurllmt:, W hite Hou.-e, Leiglnon. FOR SALE.— Pay Cob, 14.2 hands, rising 7 "dsn 4 wheel J&ogeavt. 32 gninea.s for int, or would sell separately.—E. Couxty Tisiks, »Welshpool. JJjiUKh ]>RED Rutr ()rpingt<'n Coekertds fVr X Sale.AIacqueen, '» anyrailt, AYelsbpool To Let. ^LVi' YNG W'iRL— To let, with innm- iia 1 e 1^ possc.ssi(.i), the \v;l known Inu, Gai-il. nng!i;u:id Aries. Lhvyngwril: present tenant retiring.-For full particulars, ap:Ay to Air D. Lf. Da vies, 13 New Street, Aberystwyth, or to Merman A. Co., Aberystwyth. '0 LET. with immediate possession, or as mav be uvrang-d. I I' L'ER GLANbULAS FARM within a, of Llanidloes, and comprising about iou acres of • hoiee Avrablo and Pasture Land in an excellent state of cultivation, with abundant water supply, and well shehcred by -.vo.Glands. Good House containing 3 Reception R >i>; :s, &:c. The Outbuildings are adequate for all re p.ire- uients. Tliis desirable Farm is now occupied by the ort-ner. Mr Jiichard Owen, and lias been ownef. and occupied by the Owen family for more than a <entnry. For further particulars and permits to veiw. apply to J, A. Davies, SolicDois. Llanidloes. FA RMS AND TENEMENTS TO HE LET, Llwynyr'iedydd, Chirbury. 273 acres. \ckiey, t'hicburv, 1S7 acres. lied House, Fordeu, 17o acres. ilyda.nfa.vr, (A'.slle > acreln.c i. Welshpool, IGo a. res, with hill 42 acre-; in a■ elite,n. Ye«:r v, 11 vssuigtoii, Ciiurchs-ok. 1 ;0 acres. Can la=s JEU 'tenement, Lliiuillugau, Newtown, 3i> acres. Tyiisau-r, Marafon, Eorriew, 4:) acres. Mail i'o use, Gl.inhafreo. Abevmvd. 11- acres. St'-ckton Smithy, Chirbury, 5 acres, v.-ita ;ooe. i-duc-ksnnth's shoo. Apply If. MORRIs & SO?;. Land Agents, Chirbury. Shropshire. rLASCAECEWN, NEWTOWN. TU) EE LET' with immediate possession this very desirable Residence, situate close to Newtown, and containing 4 Reception Rooms. G Bedrooms, Bathroom, Lavatory and W C., Shrub- beries, Lawn Gardens, together with Pasture Land, if desired. For particulars appl to i OWELL & JAEYIS S 01 i c i t o r s, N e w town. DO you want to lot ynnr Rooms? Then advertise them in tic .Mnnfgousti-y County Times." Kundt-e Is <o' people !'roni t! district in which this paper fircniat.s vis;: the seaside every V' ar. Secure yoav sliare. Of.ice, V.'e hpool. I V E. J. JONES, U 0 eJ, OLLIEHY AGENT AND GENERAL iMEltClIANT, A B E R Y S T AY Y T H, Invites enquiries for every description of C o -V Ij Trucks of Coat supplied direct t: customers from Colliery at collie?.*?, prices. Truck Loads made a speciality R.J.J. can compete with any Colliery Agent ii. Cheapness and Quality. v Please try him. Also small quantities soid at the Lowest Era-. t N.B.-IIay a id Cement Sold at Tempting Prices. Note the Address— K. J. JONES, Railway Station Yard, ,Fir,;t Office iroai Railway Station J Alexandra Road Private Address-19. Smth Marine Terrace.