""1' i THE SETTLERS 8DEAL ME J j I NEW ZEALAND I I a mr somen's have been n id «h the Shaw, SaviM "*v A Albion L'o.,Th-: N'0« Z^iaiM V *• '■> Federal Steam Navigation Co., I01 Kt«DUCE»3 '7 u g«j-py.a for 2nd and 3rd Class P^sages.^A^tno j I *.&. r^bo«Mr8, 'shepherds, Yy'ooa Cutters and Vl ] Lcnd<w. or the Eing(!o:n or tho :1DOY'} b"Ul'VUJ6 Compames. I

^NOTES ON FOOTBALL. [BY "VKTEBAN."] The game at Aberystwyth between the Col W and Llanidloes cannot well be enticwr. and very few words will suffice. Rar^ire. In Ms a game been played in sucb -ne lower part ,„ + w« standi tiad been a Cup-tie addition, w ±{eferee Townsend would of the, !ground. If :otiiid unfit. The College 1,aVj^-r opponents too cheaply, and mi-lit ^a^eeasily have suffered from it. The Li:,n- ualoes men did not seem to care very inuc-n whether they won or lost, and kept pegging away in the mud and mire, and not only held {their own, but in the second half had the best iof the exchanges. There is. as there has al- ,w.ays been. splendid mettle in the Llanidloes men. The backs and halves were safe and good, but the forwards want to study the pass- ing game more. They seem to play the same ,ggme as in the days of the Birmingham dribbler .when ever watchful" of Nev. town won his iundying reputation. Their play was about a quarter of a century behind the times. There was a great difference in the styles of the for- ward play of the teams. The College passed— *>r tried to pass—neatly, but their opponents went in for long passing. The defence on the College side was good, as it usually is. The game ended in a draw of one goal each. In the second round of the Welsh Amateur Cup tie competition, Towyn had little difficulty in accounting for Bala Press in the end, but the jfirst half produced very even play. Bala, with ;'8 strong wind against them, played a down- right good game. Several good shots were saved foy Owen for Bala. In the second half, the fwitad had dropped a little. Towyn at once finessed, and scored in a few minutes through Dr lavies. A little later Roberts scored No. 2— though Owen saved three times before this goal was obtained. Bala were pressing hard when time was called, and they were certainly un- lucky in not getting one goal. The committee meeting of the Montgomery- ehire and District League on Saturday at New- town showed the League to be in a very pros- perous condition. Independent of the guaran- tees to the clubs, the League has a sum of about £ 13 to their credit. It is to be hoped that clubs -will pay more attention to the fixtures, and not cause any more postponements, as these not only cause cruel disappointments to one side but, what is worse, may cause some clubs great .difficulty in arranging other matches. The sug- gestion as to playing inter-League matches be- tween the Mid-Wales and the Montgomeryshire Xeague is a very good one, and may do much jgood to the game. The protest of Caersws against Machynlleth fell through, as it was found that Morris was not proved to be a professional. Neither club thad sent the names of playev according to rule. For the future clubs not d ing so will be eeverely dealt with by the Montgomeryshire Cup .Committee. I trust all clubs interested will see that there is no cause for further complaint, as it ie just as easy to send names in eight or nine dayt! before the fixed time as to leave it to a few days.

Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Copy nrt .y Quo-n, io >e W},„ t,, 16s Od to 16s 6 i p-r 210 lbs; cm h 3 CH fc V4- Od per 225 lbs; mailing ba. 1 17* Q.« t 19 0 1; grinding bat O i to 16s Cm pei 280 hs, Jrif-v- K:<■ :■ L 0', K It-. .->« "»> h 1 1, 21 7 ehiokena 4s 6d to 6- 6 -;i>. 4 666, .wi», 2* 6:1 o 4s 6d rabbit-- 0 0 t 16 -'< geese (1 v ), 5d turkeys, 9d p.•> 1-. NEWTOWN. (.lao 7 LI) 8 r butter, 1# to le3dpe.> lb; chi/ken- 3 0 o 5s 0 per ouapfe; ".tlit",7 to 3 • u 5 p t.M-i 4s Od paitridges. old. 2- •, •M '.g :5, p- r >>!•*<•• hares, 2* 6.1 1.0 3* Od .-a t-wj5 0 5s 61 pe c t. SHKKWSBCTRY CORN, Sar;;r Wi5 0 jo 15s 6d puf 225ib 1 16 0 17 new cat?, 12* 6 fO 14. 0-i b 151- 0 to 20a O.i per 280U. SHKKWSBUHV GEXKKAL H • KKK'T MM QI IC ): r I iI I ( ,f;P i i 3 lb; eggs, 6 fc- 7 fowls, feather- 4* Od to 5s .6.1; rile 5s Od to 7* 0 ti A;, 6 t. 6: dreised, 6a Od to 7s 6 I; 1-.11»Ki1* 6 <1 10 per couple; ge<=i4:t. « ive 5 i 3 per t. partridges, 3-j 6J to 4 0 ? i. t.- 4 0 4s61 per brace hares, 3s 6d io 4i O.J each uO'it-.«s, lOlbs for 6ci. SHKKWSBCKY CATTLB, i'ui'8 m di ma. k<v and elaggibh trade, ow int- t ■ he b < weatn«r attendance of buyers Quot ti B t) to 6|d cow s, 5lj 10 Od we: H. R.- 9 HI 91-.J; -VH Cii to 8 5; calves, 7^d to 8 per ,vu ■ 9s Od to Os Od j bacons. 8* 31 to 8 6.1 pet 3 Nuc-fcers—Cartle, 390; euh'.i, 65 »h»-n il-.s fat »184; <sfc'>re pigs, 2i9. O.WKSTKY OOHN MARKKT. VVerii.t-s.iby.— « following were the quotation* White w,1, 58 2d to 5s 4d; red (old) 5.3 2d to 5" 41 u- 751bs oats (new) lis 6.1 to 12s 6 i (oh t 14 6 15a Od per 2001bs malting tnrley, 18 6d 20 0 grinding barley, 15? 6,1 to 16e L'd per ?S(I>, OsWESTBY GtiNKRAL MARKKT, W<u; Quotations :-Buttor, 1m 2 i to Is 3 i per lb 6 to 7 for 18 fowls, 4« Od to 5- Od 4 <iack>5- 0 ■ to 68 Od; rabbits, Is 8J to 2s 0.1 per cmu ie io 4-1 potatoes. Is 3d per jecore bananaw, 81 p d z celery, to 2d per slick; tomatoes, 5-i Hnis- i: sprouts, 2d to 0d per lb; rhubarb Id per bun F shallots, lid per lb cncunibers, 3d 4<i each turnips- and carrot,s, Id watercress, Li ;><-r bunch pears, 21 to 3d per lb; apples, Is 6d t. 4 6' i per hundre-d filberts, 4d to 5 i per lb; hedg-.i nab 3d per quart; walnuts, 6d per 100. ELLKSMKKtC GBNKRAL, Tue-S-ay.— iOi.a: > ■ Wheat, 168 Od to 16j 6d per 225lbs 5 oats, ll-j 61 12s Od per 20Jibs bailev, 20J ad to 21M Oi pH- 2801bs; e^ys, 7 ..o 8 toi butiH. Is 1 2; pei lb; chickens, 4^ 0d to 5s 6u bene, 2 0 3d Od ducks, 4s 6d 10 6 0d mbbits, Is 6 t., Ik, 9d pel e< nple; apples, Id w H-t pears Id to 2d p«,r 1 1. WHITCHURCH, Friday.—Wheat, 14.. Od to 15 6 per 2251 bs 5 bai ity lbs Od to 19.5 (Iii p-r 2801 cats, 118 Od to 1580.: pei 200iba eggs. 6 u. 7 for b; butter, Os to Is 3d per lb fowls, 4« 0(F ■ 4 6d; ducks, 5s Od to 5s 6d; ra .bits. Is 8 i to Is 10d per couple; potatoes, Od to Is per score j baet, Id 9d niui ton, 8 i to 9d veal, 7 i t>i 9 i pork, 6^ ,0 7u per ib; apples, 3d pe.r lb. CORK BUTTER, Tu sday — Firsts, 102s; 98, thirds, £.8.j fourLhs, 74. Mild cu Superfine, 107s; tine mild, 100s; choicest, boxe; — choice, —s. Fie«h butter, 109Oompoii ion v^ry brisk prices ad van jed well up LONDON HAY AND BTRAW.^Tuesday*—Prices Best clover, 84s Od to 92s 6d inferior do., 72- Oj to 80s Od; specially picked hay, 82 6d good do, 65s Od to 75s Od inferior do 556 Od to 63s 0 mixture and sainfoin, 70s Od to 82s 6i; straw,:25s to 31s per load SALFORD CATTLE, Tuesday —Piices for all classes of cattle as lai-t week. Sheep trade very q-iict. At market: Clit: IH, 2.332; shnep, 7,323 calves, 135; pigs, 24. Quotations —Cattle, 5-1 to 6^1; sheep', 6d to 9!.i calves, 51d to 8d per lb. BIRMINGHAM CATTLR, Tues'ay.—Sjort supply and Lnsinfis quiet. Quotations —Best Hert, fords, 6|d shorthorns, bd to 6^ t bulls and co v., 4d to 4|d calve-, 6|d to 81; wittier sheep, i to 9d owes and rams, 5| 1 to 6g i per lb bicoi; pigs, 8s 8d to 8s 9d poriv^ts, 9i 6. to 9< 9,1 sows, 7s 4d to 7>1 63 per score. LIVERPOOL CORN, Tuesday.—Vhe*t, little in- qniry, but rather dull, ^1 to Id undtir Fiixy- 1 Manitoba, 8., 9d to 8< 9|d 2 Mnni«oba, 8s 7d to 8 1 711 hard winter, 7-i 9 I to 81 11. Ma z •, fair trade and better i q u'ry ^1 nn tejr Frid ;y— I fliir tl'a<1e IInol bt,tter i qtiry ¡ 110 ier J¡'¡¡hy'- Pi ime mix-id, 5 i 61; p,/>t;.>, 5-. 2i 8<ans, Said, 35. Od to 35s 61. Peas, Danadian, 7,1 lOl11 to 7., lld. Oats, wbite, 3* 0d to 3a Id Y'l ON all I LIlii,(,V, ufi. changed, Fluu", unohan tfpd. LiVKRt ooL CATILK Mond ay. — At market. Cattle, 1,475 sheep, 5,333. Quotations :-B »ef, 4|d to 6|d mutton, 6 I to 9J per Ib. BIRMINGHAM Bf TCHKRa' IIIDK ASK SKIN SIAKKR,, Friday.—m tea, 95 and up, perfectly a.VMf.S} ordinary, 5Jd. 85 to 94, 5§ 1, 5^d; 75 to 84,'&Il',5'i 651074, 5a I, 5fjl 56 tob^, SiP, Sk 1; 55 an < und->r, £ |d, 5^1; reavy cows, 5-1, 4 £ d light cows, 4|d bulls, 4Jd, 4 j; warbled and Irregs, 3|d to 41 Calf, 17 and up, 6g I 12 to 16. 6gd 9 to 11, 6Ad light, 71. Horse hides, 22s Jd, 20,3 61, 17, 6d 15s 6 1, 12^ 6 i, 11 a 9 1, 84 6 1. Wo >ls, al 7s Id, a 51i 10d, b 4-i 5d, c 3i 7d lù',8, 8.0 1. 7s 5d. 61 8 I, 6.. Fat, best beef, 2|d; best- mntton, 2g t; seconds, 2gd; common, 14<1; mixed fat, 2gl. Marrow bones, Is 2d. waste, 9d per score. FEEDING STUFFS.—Mplas#ine Meal, £ 6 7s 61 per tun.

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OP WALKS AUKKYS'nvrni. Mr Clement Edward i);4Vies of 'IVi.niv U. 11 Cambridge has been appointed lecturer in G\,i,eli' *.u i nai «ind Gotnuarii*ivo Lifiw 'it rr College of Wales, Aberystwyth. Mr Dar'il^'wh'o is a native of Llanfyilia »■(,„ k1, 1 1 County School (here, and 1U'e CainhWrlcr-. ir .• "l,ttl',a!di pioceeded to • M T?*" W!'a 'St ln Firt!t CJ^8 Honours lapZ l1C8.b -part; of ,'he Tri pot, and obtained !e of the S^c.ii d pa«t. lie his also gained some important Coll tro prizes and scholarship- He wi!! ufe„ a.f ysUryth the work vacated by Profe^or Jetbro I Pro VD.

LSiAtV{DLOKs ToWN COUNCIL The monthly nice (ing of the Llanidloes Town Council WW3 holel at the Public Rooms on Thurs- day evening, when the Mayor (Councillor Rich- ard George) presided. There were also present Aldermen Edward Bowen, Edward Davies, and William Ashton, Councillors David Roes, Geo. Hercombe, J. Kinsey Jones, E. R. Horsfall Tur- ner, J. Jones Meredith. William Brown, David Owen, John Jon-os, ai;d Anthony Higgs, together with the Town Clerk (Mr Arthur Davies), Sani- tary Inspector (Mr John Morgan), and Rate Collector (Mr R. Williams). CONDOLENCE. Alderman Ashi-on. at the outset, moved a vote of condolence with the Right Hon Mr Lloyd George, M.P., in his rec-ent sad bereavement, which was carried by the whole Council stand- ing. LIGHT AND FIRE. Alderman George again drew the attention of the Council to the badly lighted room, and add- ed that the fire was not sufficiently good to heat the room for a two or three hours' sitting.

MONTGOMERYSHIRE AND DISTRICT LEAGUE. Results up to Saturday, December 2ht. Goals P. w. L. D. v. A. rrs. Atwyptwyth T. (1) 4 4 0 0 28 4 8 >b«-y*twyth C. (2) 6 2 1 3 11 6 7 ■•Fowyn Rover* 6 2 1 3 13 10 7 Kewtown B.W.W.(5) 5 2 2 1 6 9 5 Xdwudl U. (4) 5 0 1 4 7 12 4 Oswes'ry Works A. 4 0 1 3 3 4 3 Sewtown N.E (6). 3 0 1 2 3 5 2 Hoiit«nmery 5 0 3 2 4 15 2 (The faucet in parentheses denote the positions ADf the respective olnbe at the close of last season). ABERYSTWYTH COLLEGE v LLANIDLOES The Vicarage Field, Aberystwyth, was hardly in a fit state for football, for never in the whole history of the Town club was the field in such is condition as it was on Saturday. Many re- ferees would have declared the match off. but Mr Townsend decided to let the game go. The College right wing had an excellent opening ,"rly in the game. and ought to have scored. They did do so a few minutes later, but Clarke or his partner was offside, and the goal was dis- allowed. They kept up continual pressure, and had hard lines. Their opponents were promi- nent with long kicks from wing to wing. Occa- eionally they made a, splash (this is not a pun though for that matter they did sometimes make a eplash in reality), and there were some excit- ing races for the College goal. Half-time was reached without a score, but with the men more or less covered with mud. A less interesting first half has not been presented so far this sea. eon, and it would have been a relief to the spec- tators, and certainly to the players if the game had ended here. After a short rest and shelter from the downpour the men turned out. The College play lacked vigour, and they were never tretilly dangerous. H. Jones did force a corner, j and delivered a nice place kick, but. the Llan- idloes backs got it away. Unless the play of the Collegians improved, it looked as if a goalless draw would have to be recorded, and realising this the Llanidloes men played up with greater determination, and got in a couple of shots which were cleared. They were not to be de- nied, and as it is the unexpected that always fiappens it was the Llanidloes team that was f' the first to score. There had been a little scrim maging on the right wing, and a dozen men were jobbing about in front of the College goal. The ball wars scraped from almost under the crossbar when the outside left (Watkins) shot the ball into the net. A corner for the College WM cleared by Llanidloes, and then the plucky band of visitors got going; and another long shot from the left wing very nearly brought a second goal. II. Jones was badly fouled when within the 12-yards line, and the usual penalty follow- e-d, H. Jones took the kick, and making no migtake put the ball into the net. The prospect cf defeat had by a stroke of luck been turned into one of victory, and the Collegians accord- ingly redouuied their efforts. A remarkable shot from Clarke was splendidly saved. The Llanidloes backs kept kicking the ball out to 1ill time. Result—a draw of one goal c^cli. WELSH AMATEUR CUP. TOWYN ROVERS v. nALA PREoS. Played at Towyn on Saturday, hefore a small gate. The day was bitterly colJ, with a atroiig •wind. The teams turned out as follows Towyn: Lewis Jones Tom Jones and Price Jsvans; Tom Wynne, Dr Davies, and Llovd Wil- hams E. 0. Roberts, Jaek Jones, W. Wynne. ,C. Davies, and IV Evans. Bala: L. G. Owen; D. Evans and D M Davies; G. Haydn Lloyd, R. H. Williams, and «i. H. Lloyd; Tom Hughes, Ted Watkins D. Svans, T. Edwards, and J. Evans. Mr Tom Evans, Newtown, was the referee. Bala kicked off, and at onee attacked. The Semesters checked the attack and forced a cor- ner which however proved fruitless. The home forwards, with. the aid of a strong wind in their —r~ /\ven savca mar- | favour kept, up the attack, n\v]10 wa6 jn front of 1 vellously from Tov.yn helped Bala goal. A fouljhjtft this was frustrated by Price j iu their -atijee kick for Towyn proved fruitless, j Evan/3 also one for Bala a minute later. One of LIne visiting forwards had hard lines in not scor- I. ing, the ball just grazing the upright. Clias. Davies sent in a high shot, which Owen cleverly tipped over the bar. The corner kick which en. sued wa.s placed behind. Jack Jones had a nice chance for a goal, but lie shot miserably. The visiting forwards were going for goal when one of them was pulled up for offside. A couple of corners fell to Towyn in quick succession, but nothing resulted. Price Evans tried for goal with a long shot, and he very nearly did the trick. A free-kick for Towyn was well placed f by Price Evans, from which W. Wynne nearly scored. Owen, the visiting custodian, was con- tinually kicking the ball into the adjoining field and he was cautioned for this by the referee. Williams next tried for goal, and Owen saved marvellously. A free kick fell to Towyn just outside the penalty area. The kick was entrust- ed to Price Evans. A melee ensued in front, of goal. The ball was almost over the line, the goalkeeper being very quick in clearing at the expense of a corner. The corner kick was well taken, but this was cleared. Harry Edwards next tried for goal. The custodian threw him- self full length on to the ground and saved splendidly, and was applauded for his feat. A foul was given against R. H. Williams, and the referee cautioned him. Price Evans sent in a swift shot, which Owen saved. Half-time was soon called with no score. On resuming, the homesters attacked, and a foul was given Towyn. The kick was well taken, and Owen saved from one of the forwards. From a corner kick Dr Davies scored the first goal of the match for Towyn. This was a fine goal, Owen having not the remotest chance to clear, though Z, he threw himself full length in endeavouring to do so. Encouraged by this success, the home- sters put more energy into the play, and a melee ensued on the visitors' goal, the custodian being defeated by Roberts after saving three time«. Another attack ensued on the visiting goal, Owen this time saving in fine style. The visitors now put more energy into their play. They attacked the home goal, and Lewis Jones cleared. Dick Evans a little later had but the custodian to face, but he shot miserably. Bala had three corners in quick succession. These were well placed, but Price Evans cleared. Bala forced a corner kick, which was well plac- ed, Price Evans, who was playing a capital game, again clearing. Bala, who were now pressing, forced a second corner, but this was fruitless. Jack Llovd sent over the bar. Time was then called with the score— Towyn. 2 goals Bala, nil. COMBINATION. Results up to Saturday, December 21st. Goab. P. w. L. D. F. A. PT8. Tran mere Rovers (8) 10 10 0 0 39 11 20 Whitchurch (1) 9 8 1 0 40 11 16 Crewe Reserves (7) 12 8 4 0 34 21 16 Chester (2) 10 7 2 1 38 15 15 Qsweeiry United (C;) 8 5 0 3 26 10 13 Connah's Quay Il 5 4 2 22 31 12 Druids (13) 9 4 4 1 27 21 9 Wrexham R (5) 14 3 9 2 29 41 8 B-iugor (10) 11 3 7 1 18 38 7 Cniik (11) 7 3 4 0 14 15 6 Nantwich (4) 7 2 4 1 14 19 5 HI v1 (12) 8 2 6 0 13 27 4 Birkenhead (6) 9 1 8 0 10 31 2 Welshpool 9 0 8 1 13 43 1 The figines in parentheses show the portions of the respective clubs at the close of last season. WELSHPOOL v. CREWE. This fixture, under Combination auspices, was played at Welshpool on Saturday, on a muddy field, and with a strong wind blowing. Mr A. Phillpot, Shrewsbury, had charge of the same. I and before a fair gate the teams lined up as fol- lows: Welshpool: Jones; Trevor Davies and H. I Hamer; W. Davies, A. Jarman, and J. Evans; Simpson, Hughes, Owen, E. Evans, and Brush Evans. Crewe Churchill; W Henshall and J Davies Moss, Hawkins, and Clark; Knifton, Bailey, Smith, A. Marshall, and Roberts. Welshpool were again lucky in the spin of the coin, and set their opponents to face a strong wind. In spite of this, Crewe at once pressed, and a long shot was sent in which Jones cleared well. Welshpool got down, and Hughes put in a nice bit of play, but finished up by shooting weakly, and Churchill easily cleared. Simpson got awav and put in a fine centre; E. Evans met it and put in a ground shot which W. Henshall kicked a way. The ball was returned and was f nearly rushed through, but Churchill kicked out. Pool were awarded a penalty, but E. Evans failed to convert, much to the disappointment of the home supporters, his shot skimming the bar. Pool were now pressing, the forwards playing splendidly together, and soon afterwards their efforts were rewarded, E. Evans convert- ing after pretty play between him and Owen, visitors at oiiCM attacked, Ilamer and J. Evans showing up prominently by some strong kicking. Hughes again showed some smart dribbling tactics, but shot behind. After a brief visit to the other end by Crewe, E. Evans gave to his brother, whose shot from the corner flag went just over the cross-bar. Crewe now j attacked in earnest, and Knifton sent a swift shot over the bar. The same player in the next minute got in an accurate centre, but Jones was iit his best form between the sticks, and he again cleared well when harassed by Smith, and in the next minute he came out and cleared when four of the Crewe forwards had the ball in dangerous proximity to the home citadel. Jack Evans came to the rescue in front of goal, and the home left wing got down and forced a corner which Brush Evans kicked behind. Moss obtained and sent a long hard shot across the goal mouth, but none of the forwards were there and the ball went behind. Crewe were now pressing, and Jones was cheered for a really splendid save and clearance from a tremendous drive by Smith, and a minute after Hamer was applauded for a strong clearance. Pool for- ward's suddenly changed the venue, but a foul given against them returned the ball. Crewe now equalised, Trevor Davies missing his kick, let in Henshall, who scored from a few yards' range, making the scores equal. Crewe"a^ain came up from the kick-off and forced a corner, which was headed behind. The home men were itcompensed for tills reverse a few minutes later as tiiiibh tisuns finished a fine ran by passing to iiis brotner, who ,iúdh<J0liS!Y gave to Hughes, and the latter made no mistake this time but hanged the leather into the net. Roberts ob- lained from a throw-in, and shot for the corner ot the net, Jones falling and saving at the ex- pense of a corner. Hughes was prominent by parsing nicely to Simpson several times with hh head, and a run down by these two players seemed likely to bring profitable results, but the backs cleared. Brush Evans again ran down the wing and gave to Hughes, who tricked Davie* and scored again, just before the whis- tle blew for half-time, when Pool were leading by o goals to 1. Soon after the re-start. E. Evans got away and passed a couple of men, but instead of passing inside, lie passed out! and the opportunity was lost. Hughes next made the good attempt from a pass by Simp- son, but his effort was frustrated. Except on one or two occasions, the visiting team pressed from now to the finish. They were kept out un- til twenty minutes from time, but in the last twenty minutes scored four times, ultimately winning by 5 goals to 3. OSWESTRY-8 FRUITFUL OUTING. 0-westrv journejed to Birkenhead on Sat- urday to meet tke representatives of the Mer- r a side town x'n the return engagement. There a nKv8gre attendance, the game between Tranin.°iC Rovers, andi Druids affecting the gate. The weather cleared up before the game started b,f, recent rains had turned the ground into a veritable quagmire. Teams:- ve Birkenhead Chapman London and Bauton Swanchatt, Walsh, and Eaden; Edwards, Thomas, Jones, Stewart, and Clotton. Oswestry: F. Williams; E. Evans and J. Williams; G. Richards? (captain), Roberts, and Groves; Jones, Wynne, W. Williams, E. Will- iams, and Newbound. Referee, Mr Hall, Chester. J. H. Jones re-appeared in the United rank, and J. Williams was included at left back, vice S. Lewis. Oswestry won the toss, and started up the slope, with the assistance of a slight wind. Birkenhead were however, the first to press, and for a few minutes had all the play. Stewart got through the defence, but missed a grand chance through dallying. Evans cleared, but London returned, and on J. Williams at- tempting to clear, the ball rebounded off Thomas to Edwards who had hard luck, hitting the post with F. Williams well beaten. Rieh- ards cleared and Oswestry took up the running, Newbound having a shot which just missed. Os- westry now improved considerably, and were evidently settling down. W. Williams shaved the cross-bar. Keeping up the pressure, Wynne sent in a good shot, but Chapman saved well. Jones raced down the centre for Birkenhead, but J. Williams dispossessed him and gave to Newbound who centred well, but the chance was missed. Mid-field play followed and then Evans cleared a big rush by Birkenhead. Oswestry now exerted hard pressure and after Chapman Had saved from W. Williams and E. Williams, Wynne netted after twenty minutes play. This roused Birkenhead but Evans and J. Williams were very safe, and kept their goal intact, F. Williams not often being called upon. Play slackened down considerably, the players being affected by the state of the ground. Evans gave a corner during a rush by Birkenhead, but Clotton put behind. Wynne transferred to the other half, but Jones spoiled by handling, and from a pass by W. Williams the same play- er put behind. Oswestry continued to press, and Jones gained a corner, from which Roberts hit the post. Newbound returned the goal- kick, but Chapman cleared. E. Williams ran through, but Chapman was- very safe. Oswestry were now having all the play, the Birkenhead backs being not nearly so nippy as the Oswestry forwards, and a lot of work was thrown on Chapman, who came through the ordeal with flying colours. He saved in quick succession from W. Williams, Newbound, and "Wynne. Birkenhead improved, and Edwards beat J, Williams, but Roberts cleared. A big scuffle oc- curred in the Oswestry penalty area, but Wynne cleared and passed to W. Williams, who beat London. Bunton dispossessed him, however and gave to Clotton, who tested F. Williams. but the custodian cleared well. Eaden fouled Roberts, and Oswestry pressed, Newbound gain- ing a corner which Roberts headed outside. Bir- kenhead tried hard to equalise, Stewart and Clotton shooting well, but F. Williams kept a good goal and half-time arrived with Oswestry leading by one goal to nothing. Oswestry, with the aatvaiitagc, of the steep slope, at once as- sumed the aggressive on resuming, and Chap- man was immediately called upon by E. Wil- liams and Wynne. Birkenhead attacked, but J. Williams cleared, and gave to Newbound, who shot hard. Chapman dropped the ball in clear- ing, and W. Williarwi dashed in and scored the second goal five minutes from the restart. Bir- kenhead attacked, and after a good run by Clot- ton gained a corner from which Stewart headed oehind. Birkenhead continued to press, but J. Williams cleared and Oswestry again began to threaten Chapman's charge, and for a time the homo men were outplayed. The game was not so exciting as in the first half, but the Oswestry forwards were reve'ling in the mud, and the Bir- 1.1 ull alixiotis, time. The homesters at length took up the attack, and Jones heading in F. Williams kicked clear to Newbound, who centred well, and Wynne sent in a beautiful shot, which Chapman "fumbled lie recovered in time and cleared. Newbound again dribbled through and centred, but the ball was sent out. Jones, the Birkenhead centre 1 an through, but with an open goal shot straight at F. Williams, who cleared easily. Bir- kennead had now more of the plav and although Pressure was relieved- through Walsh foulin* Yv. Williams they were at last rewarded with a grand goal by Stewart after 25 minutes' second half play. Play after this was much brisker, and W. Williams, after a grand dribble, al- though hampered by both backs, scored a good f0it.J:. 4„, e klek was given against Wynne for fouling Lliomas, and- Birkenhead began to press. Oswestry, however, kept their goal intact. G. Wynne made ;1, good run and put across goal mouth, where E. Williams was just too late, the ball running along the goal line. Oswestry were the better team, and looked like adding to their score, Newbound, although injured, phy- ing exceedingly well. Jones and Stewart im- proved matters for Birkenhead, but Wvnne at last. cleared. Oswestry rushed down and Groves snooting from at least 40 yards' range scored the ball going between London's legs into the net. Osw-estry now eased up, and F. Williams was called upon by Clatton and Stewart. Ed- wards was offside close to the Oswestry goal- line. From this the United got away, and New- bou.1,fl Pl,t jn another grand centre, but this was spoiled by handling. Two or three minutes only remained for play when Stewart was injured and had to be carried off. On tinle Oswestrv neaHy increased their lead, Wynne scraping the he*d 1 0?westlX 4 goals; Birken- FOOTBALL FIXTURES. II DECEMBER. < 21 Chirk v. Welshpool (c.) 26—Oswestry United v. Chirk (c.). Oswestry United v. Chester ('cO. 28.-Na,ntwich v. Welshpool (c.).

MACHYNLLETH. Por-icic CASK—William Simpson was brought nn at tie I.ju-e Station or: Thursday' mori.inff and r arged y tl e VVoikhouse Master with loTusim' to I'Sif, rm his thsk of work whilst a onsnai pauper Hi the Worxhouse. Tbe prisoner was sent to prism) fpl 14 days. Dr W. K. Williams was the tri ssgigf rt»te. it; OBITUARY. The dt' took place on Wednesday morning after a lonjr iilncss, of Mr J. Vau^han Owen, a no Had place. Tha deceased had been tor 35 years passenger guard ,m the Coast section of the Combnan Baiiwaye. IIo was a rremb!ir of the Fresbvteri.MU church, of which lie wKa also a dencen. The funeral wj;| take place today GF S.-A meeting of th>, GhV Fiiendly Society was held at Ill" Vai.e H.)) ell Thursday eveuini wlen Mr.. IVilhVns, the Rectory, presided over a' lar^re attendance. MONTHLY JlKSTiSG.-The monthly meet in., ef Culvmi-tic Methodists < f Upper" Mnr.^m" rv Phre commenced at the Maengwy.. Chapel on Wednesday evening, when sermons were delivered by the Tb? Phillip Jones, Llanelly, and John Htiwheg, M A., L>v rpool On Thursday mornina a society meeting was held at which a large num" ber of del. gates attended. A preaching service was held at 10 o'clock when the Revs Elias Jones, Newtown, ar d J. Hughes, Liverpool, preached. In the arte!noon sermons were delivered by the Revs r.. Mojdaf Pierce, Llanidloes, and Phillip Jone-n ) he chapel during the evening servico was crowded when serm^nR were delivered by the Revs Philiin Jones and J. Haghes.

WELSH LEAD MINING TRAN- SACTION. Before Mr Ju t:ce Coleridge, without a jury, in the King's Bench Division, on Monday ilx, IiIcti m of the Van Mines, Limited, v. the Puringa Mines, Limited, was tried, i'ne plaintiff company sought to recover poss.'s.don of 3 1'0 £ 1 shaies "in their company which were d -p^ited wi h the defendants its e dia-eral security fos- a 1 an. II Plaintiffs' came wai that in 190. a Mr Slobbs and a Air agreed t.» purchase a lead mice at L'anidl .-68, N01 th Wales, then the pio erty of I' the late Marchioi.e.-s of Lond. n ierry, wbi h'wHg being offered for sale un ler all oider tf th* court, lbete was considerMb'e delay in completing the purchase, but, that occurred in Ju'y, 19J2. The lefendant company advanced £ 3,103 c.r-h B hich was n quired to complete thornier, ami iQ September 1902, II e Van Mine, was formed to take over the property. They gare the d, fend, n! company a moi!Ma^e to .-ecure repayment of the ±-J,1C0 advanced, and also issuacl 3 10J i-harts as collateral sscanty. The money not rowed had since b en tep tid 10 the Paring* Min^, and the plain-iffs now sought to lecover back the share-. Defendant company refused- to return the s-hares' alleging that trey were given as bonus cr com- mission for the advance. Mr G re Br w„e K.C aed Mr K-rly appeared for the plaintiff. aVdVr Hohler, K.C and Mr z>ns Hardy for the defen- dants. After bearing tha evidence of Mr S'obbs and Mr Ifoscoe, his Lordship, w.tbout cal iog on cour.s.-l ,,r defendants, gave judgment in tliair favour, lie said it was clear from the evidence ihit the 01 iginal arrallgement was that thene nharoj should be transferred cut and out an a bonus to the defendant company, and although tVr« was some id..a afterwards of ttturning the shares uudei arrangement the original agreement »as never var ed I here must, therefore, bo j ,dg neat for tho defendants w1 h cts s

TOWYN, GtXAT MRNHATIOM GoOHfi THS-JW-. AWAY.— Anyone looking ,-t 'he windo* <.{ Mn1--1 ti»r vvill b,, ii<a If red during the VVint r i M. t *dt h* now note nla"" gtve<; vis:, ■■ nd. t'hcwite ur* »ac- £ -d -,t >i"= alt- room for new winter > 1 nd* I., • ivt OF Wohk. On SU s fj ssfu! -iil -.f work W!4H elo i,i be ffere-n) ft.ail«, beii.g iv.MJ j <, ;I no; rn-saicnm' ar- ic! s. Re y -v (vit-o t, n i t.imnks -t; «ub- a',tihI '-Lrn(1Ur-lt WdS .aii ;i. '< to 'r: D s'iet. Nur«- (»•• FUNKRAL, The; fni!8^d r nrsdii 1 It J- 11 S, S<t»'dil'ii.dM e r U!'in> tit 1) <■ ts -mpiov d >ii tin-. Ti> MO i 1 « HI' n"à!(l"í" Q!.t"r: i Tee „ > o mducted b t-he RF-VH i R d. ilhams, M A., and at ,0 j > r v t 1.1 Jones and Ee* R. R. J o-' g. A very large uamiinr of frie cq n « > tei ded. FOOTBALL Th t win >.> j .j, p s r t,h, second r-und W^lsh Am+tenr Cu >z\ ■ mia: >s «s follows: L.lot'tv,- K 'rv- W ."o, ?.,m •b-nes; Lloyd Wii-dam*, 1) IJ » d Tom W-. nn-s U«rry H'dwards, 0. C. D, 1 W, W IJ .fo.!<aa!]dH.O.R.))"i< Rn«»rJoh-: F»anci- and- Q«o. Davie". Ir in « h |, tiiat t,be o'l (Glnd^to-e) in nrn.lils ,Uv rv-v K- r =tvrioU'i iH(:apacit?, I in- ,c-wn o- ih-. tor.Tnr u e i • also wt-akened bv t.» an e eo > < i. l'. oie Jo-.<<-#? DKBATINO SOCITFT? A t (i b --I t e. t p! t! o,,i t: I" llfthir, The -iiKje. f ( jv-R f'Iei -,br dut: of tlv Ch:nch"jIj to t;'gnn'H; r,:cn;"t:1 (.;t the people ?" Ei c lo «' nfte re^.J on rbe posifive and n«.-at,iv: i rv > t e Rev It R. li 'ber'-s, L.D., car?.-», E. f) -liemis', 1 especlively.;y ibe evptiiug (l-.e Rev R, U, Wiri«m<i, on b ha'f of the eoetVty. tendered their d.^e sytopati y to Mr Hughes on '■nc dr-ai.h of his fat er, th; Rev G ilfitb Uiubos, P«-llbeli, and also thanked him for having read t: paper under these oirenmriamwsi. Tr-e snb- -.equent speakeis were Mrs !low< 11 Jonee, Mim H. G. I)aviep, B A., Ili, It. J. J Getifro; ydu Jon-s, and IT D.vies. Tf:emB-' iny hy a large majority y..t.ed it to be the du-.v t.f ti e churches to t»k* an active p-,rt m this matte-. DISTRICT SCHOOL MANAGERS. A meeting of the Mana^erB was IrJ on Thnrs. day artert 00c at ti.e County Schoo1. The lt»y R R. Williams, M.A (K-up:e-i the chair, and there were also present J. Maethlon James, Pfonlke-* J one* Willi-im Jones, Edwa-'d E owlind, I. P.. Jones, Morris 1 In mas, John Rob- rls. William Jones (R.O.), John Kvan», Thoniai Jones, B.Se, f). Ifor Jone,j (clerk) and H LI. Jones (att.endaooe- oflioer).—The report of the Attendance Commi'tfti- bowed t he records as follows Lhvnfgryn, 9 65, P.-nnal 9527. Towyn tnix'id 94'32, Pantpertho« 93 86. F'.rstClas-: Abergyuol wyn, 88 78; Aberdovey N!on Provided, 855; To-»vn Non Provided. 36 4; S-coti-i Rhosbfain. 81 8; A'-enU-vey Com»ei:, 806 Not classed Corris Non-Provided, 73 7; C.>riia Coan- eil, 71' Tow; n 1: f ij.ts, 65 4. Mr Wi'liam Jones, who presented the report, explained th?< bid attendance riming the la t month was csu»ed by ■ he preat amount of i!lne;s *>hich pre\ai ed, the total number of attendances haing d> creased to he extent, of 1 767 -nil! Ill'! recommendation of the Committee, the Attendance Officer WKB in- struoted to see Owen Owens, Glygvrog DJu, AbfrdoTpy, fts t,) his children's irregularity. In t he ease of Ely, ibeth J onee, of Upp'-r Corris, she explained that her children hud 110 clotht-s or boots, and were thus unable to go to eci wo'. —The Clerk was naked to wiite to 'he Relieving Officer, and the Guardians aski.-g h-ni to supply nvmo.— On the recommendation of the Finance, it was d< cided to w:iie to the responsible persona at Aliergyto'vv3-i,, citllirilz their atten- tion to the Ip.rge qmnii y of coal consumed.— The quarterly bill* Hn qu-.iter salary forms weie pasKKtl. — Miss IS. Margaret la M<>> g.m, Talcal i), Den- bighshire (formerly of Towjn) was recommended to the port of assistant teacher at Brynciug Schools.—No application had been received for a similar posr.ion r.t, A'.erllefr-ni,i. — It waa decided that the Christmas holiu.jyfs sh 'tild extend fiom D -cetnber 17. h to January 6 h. DOLGBLLSV UiiBAX DISTRICT COUNCIL The ordiliay meeting of rh., Ð,g!IIey U. b!\n District Cou cit wa^ be!«i on Friday evoning, when there were present Counci.'l vrs Jatnes Lowi- (ohainnan), Dr J din Jones, E. Willia'H", J. E. Fox, L. Hicbardp, D. M-re.lit.h, llu rh Williams, G. t)«en, K. K. Jones, D. G. Wake Williams, Mr Richard Barnett, cleik Nlz-lt P ',wai(lo, surrey(,r; and Dr. Iltigh J,,nes, medital officer. VOTE OF CONDOLENCE. Prior to the reading of the niiuntes Dr John Jones iTopcsed ,4 rote ,,f (! vudoler.CM wit 1 Ali- and Mrs Lloyd-George tn tiiair recent, bereavement i his was seconded by Mr L. Richer Is, supported by Mr J. K. Fcx, and c»r;ied iu silence. ISOLATION HOSPITAL. The Cleik read the icport ( f the General Pur- poses Committee. Th»-y recommend d tlat an acre of land ba d ou side the council boundary and a modest building be constructed. Mr J. E. Fox. ehaiiman of the committee, pro- posed that the lurthyr consideration of the matter be deferred, un il ithrr arrangements bad been mule. Mr E. Williains: I presume jou mean .ine die Mr Fox No. 'j'.ii, matter is continually post- p ned, but we now mean to take ddhiLe etyps. Mr Richard* Pieare do not introduo foreign phrases. Tl-.e majority of us only m d rstand Welsh and English (laughter). Mr D. G. Wake Wd iams ) he t are not in favour of having an i-olu i>n ho^prial. They complain already tint the rates are too high 1 piopos 1 the eft-re 11 a* h» ra'cpaydrs beranv saed We will then know for ctjlain tneir gmeral Mr Fox It would < n'y nn ail or ;,1 extra rale. 1 he Cleik Of course theie weuld 1 nve to b.3 a LOCAI Government Hoard inquiry iu o.der to got permission kr n. loan. .1 '.Y' Mr rex 1 es, tl a^ :s o 1», bowt ver, the L^cal Governuieut Board ascertain we art* n >t making h atlway they may compel us to build «n isolati-,11 hospital, which w< 111 i b^: more fxpees va than that at present coutempla ed. Mr Kieharc's What about Aberystwyth ? They have no isolation ho [ theie. At this stage -hented di cuasio'is to »k place, several members talkinsr >imulri>neotu-l r. Mr Hugh Wi linms: V 011 huve done aw«y with the slaughter house, su;d now you require a bice for the slant, lr ei ing of children. Mr Fi n NODS'-use No fui tber ucti »n was tak 11 in the matter. SURVEYOR'S R13 PORT, The Surveyor reported that only. (HH contract I was received for the kerbing of T3 IIT coed road and Ariau toad.—It was decided to leave 1 he cen'rnct open for another fo tnight. —The taiVdyor was authorised to procure tix new gratinu'S. THE UXEM PLOYED. Mr L Eiclmrds diew u'tentiou to tie fact tlmt, oviing to the stoupafe in (he gold uiines, there were several men nn«mpl»y-*d. lis contended ».h*t the CounciUhou:d provi i« wo; k, particularly to the heads oí ffftnttB. f )r a few week- Mr F..x agreed and said that illol k, if possible, should be found for fit. p?r«on*>, man i< tl or single, who were unemployed. The h ason of joy and gladness was now elos* at hui-d. JfH,.a,n-ia)a!d < however, we| noi forthcoming many would, owing to »leckuess now preraiiintr, be hard pieesed. i The Survtyor s-u'd there was sufficient broken atone to last ti l March. i The Chairman said that the roads soon required picking prior to i he steam roller being engaged. This would afford work for many. ( Mr D. Meredith suggested that a* there was only one contractor for the kerbing, the work ts under- uak»n by the Council.— Mr E. Williams eoucniie Ultimately it was decided t » -,it o the surveyor a t free haud in the matter, l.e to find workman as lie 3 needed.

FINANCE COMMITTEE. Councillor Hercomb submitted the report of the Finance Committee which met on the 7th. inst. as follows:—Borough rate collected during month, £ 142 lis. water rate, £ 8 2s. 6d. pre- viously collected, £ 380 7s. 5d. total, £ 531 Os. lid. The tolls collected during the month amounted to £ 1 10s., and the credit balance with the treasurer was 8s. Bills amounting to £ 199 Os. 4d. were examined and recommended for payment, out of which the Eastbourne Cor- poration received repayment of loan— £ 130 8s. 3d. principal, and £ 47 13s. 7d.; total, £ 1/8 Is. IM._On the motion of Alderman Bowen, sec- onded b- Councillor Owen the report was adopt- ed. SANITARY COMMITTEE. This report was read by Councillor John Jones Meredith as follows :—Aiderman Bowen was ap- pointed chairman and Councillor J. Kinsey Jones secretary. Your committee's attention be- ing called to the dangerous state of the party wall between China street chapel house and Mrs Evans' garden, they recommend that the atten- tion of the parties be called to the matter at once. Your committee visited the site of the proposed tip at Cwmdu, and they consider the place very suitable indeed if arrangements can be made with the owners. Afield gat-e would be required opening to the tip from the road, and it would be necessary to lay pipes not less than 2ft. 6in. in diameter. These would cost £ 130. 3ft. pipes would cost Y-150. The total length is about 100 yards, 15 yards by 5, or 6 yards deep, takfng from 9,000 to 10,000 cubic yards. Thus at the present rate of cartage of about 5,000 loads per year would provide accommodation for about 20 years, and no doubt with the decaying and sinking of the refuse another five or ten years might be added. The committee visited the site of the side of the river where the refuse is tipped at present. The Medical Officer con- siders that considerable improvement is being made in this quarter, and still more improve- ment may be effected by continuing to fill up as the top has been done. This will take about 12 months, and will give time to get the other place ready. The committee visited the Dyf- nant road, and they recommend that the water and sewer should be laid up the roads leading to Dyfnant terrace and there build a manhole, so that the properties could be brought into iL The distance would be about 340 yards. It was proposed that the water and the sewer should be taken up in the same cut. The committee considered the advisability of metalling Smith- field street and other places 400 tons have been ordered, :200 tons to be delivered at once and 200 tons next week. The steam roller has been sent for. The committee made a general inspection of the town and found it in a very satisfactory state as far as cleanliness was concerned. The place requiring immediate attention is Idloes terrace. Portions have been cut up dreadfully by the heavy rains that have recently fallen. Alderman Davies stated it was a very work- manlike report, and proposed that the Councit sanction it. The Mayor considered it a very exhausive re- port, and hoped the recommendations would be carried out.—The report was adopted. ENCROACHMENT AND IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE. Councillor Tamer submitted this committee** report. The scavengers reported to the com- mittee that the levelling up of the road at the entrance to the Welsh We.slevan Chapel and at the entrance to the Elephant inn, and the re- pair to the manhole cover in Long Bridge street had all been attended to; also that the seats had been stored for the winter. The Sanitary Inspector reported on the town improvement, work, and the committee considered that the Council should press for the grating in front of Mrs Dakin's house to be altered without further notice; that the owner of Mr S. P. Davies' pre- mises be impressed with the urgency of the mat-, ter requiring attention, and that the owners of gutter pipes crossing the pavement be notified to la them without further delay. The committee recommended the Council to call upon M rJ. If. Jones, Long Bridge street, to repair the road and gutter opposite hie door and to refrain from emptying waste water there for the future. Thf dangerous passage in Penygraig street-which is open to the river without protection was visited by the committee, and the Council is recom- mended to urge the owners of the property to fence the place without further delay. The committee observe that the posts which it was arranged to erect, to prevent the use of the road from the Short Bridge to the Pig Market as a. public way for carts have not yet been erected, and the Council is recommended to carry out the work immediately. The Council was re- com.mend.ed to give notice to those persons who have erected a pigsty end a large post on the Gro to remove tlieose encroachments forthwith. The committee recommended the Council to apply to the County Council for the formation of a pathway of kerb and chippings to be laid from the Long Bridge to the bottom of Wood- lands road. The committee received a letter from Mr David Morgan, Short bridge street, re- lative to his encroachment 011 the public way in Short Bridge street. It was decided to ask*the' Council to consider this in committee. The committee^ desired to point out in this connec- tion that the rockeries ordered to be removed before the building operations commenced arc not entirely cleared, one part remaining un- touched. 0 Councillor Meredith stated a report had been given with regard to the fence several times. The Mayor considered that if something was not done in that direction it would mean a of drowning. Aiderman Bowen The landlords will defy you to go 011 the property. Alderman Davies suggested that notices be served again. ^Alderman George moved that a man be em- ployed to remove the rookeries, which was car- ried. Councillor Rees considered some remedy should be procured, for the continuous complaints about the things passed at the Council and not car- ried out. He thought some undersianding should be arrived at. Surely they did not eX- poct the Town Clerk to carry out the v-arioti^ reeornrnendnt ions. Alderman Bowen said he would like to know what was not carried out. Councillor Lees said that if Alderman Bowen did not hear the complaints, he did, and several things were not carried out. Alderman Ash ton stated there was no diffi- ntity in knowing who was to carry out the work. the chairman of each committee was to see to t. 1 The Sanitary Inspector informed the Council -bat Mr S. P. Davies had stated to him that Mr J. Jones Meredith had been given instructions o carry out the work, but he had afterwards ido°ptedr€d lfc was so. — The report was h ARMING AND MARKETS COMMITTEE. It wa.s decided that the tenancy agreement of he sewerage farm be approved, and that the ilayor should sign the same. Also that the? .hnetmas markets be advertised as usual.