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-ra-."——11..—'•- - * CHURCH…


-ra- "——11.. —' • CHURCH NEWS. J 17th anniversary oi the dedication of B-B. Michael anil All Angel's, Church, Al*n>' ysfcwyth, WAS celebrated on Sunday last. -ftm i -day ksi'Ctl with a celebration of *ifie Koi/ 'Communion at ro., when a fair iiaaibe-r ■.attended, the celft jrant being the Rev J.&< 'Uojii, assisted by tike Bev J. T. Davies.^ A 'Second celebration followed at 8 o'clock, when iJill Rev B. L. Hope, oSieiated, assisted by the ¡ "^lear. Moi-niag Prayer was intoned by the ) SevJ. E. Lloydj the Vicar reading the lessons. 'The A»?bem "O give tbauks," &e4, was we'd Tendered by the choir, and -a most eloqueai j seniMwi was drfiretcd by the lie* B. L». Hope, wio chose for his- text the words Are they met ail c&ini&tering. Spirits, &.&" (faebrevRj. i. li). 11 J¡Y Communion again followed, th-&! celebrant baiug the Vicar, and be was assisted- by the liev>> H. L. Ilo|»e, J. E. Uoyd, aDd J, IT, Davies. In the- afternoon Mr Ho^«~ sdslressed the members of the Sunday school, *&ben in addition to the above there was it, Jarg-e attendanee-d? parents and others. 'Thes& i was a large eougregatiou present at evensong, •when Mr Hope again prcaehed a most earnest sermon, basing his j era-arks on the- wo?des wCoa» ye yourselves apart (Mark Ti. 3i: The choir gave a splendid rendering ol the- Anthem" I was. glad," (Psalm 122). ilit close of the service th ) Te Dearn was sung. stfl the IlalleluLi Chorus was playeion the orgs u by Mr Pa-nphen. The throughout the day were devotes.! to ils-e Church Completion Fund. ,011 Monday evening a largely si?-ended ¡ weting of the men members Ol B.. jiiebael » re"), Aberystwyth, v. as }Wi.1 ihe! X;ogüidy. The Rev B. L. Hope, who !>•.»» bad experience of the work of the Cn»»*eh of l&gland Men's Society in a Io)c)t;cAt miisb, ¡ gave an interesting address on iJu work 3';d objects of the C. -1-M S.. after vshioa it was ¡ E3ia«imously decided that a branch should fee *pene;l in the parish, and a further meeting j 1 6 a will be held at an early date for that puTposc. 'Harvest thuiks&iving services, will bo behi j &l Holy Trinity Church, Aberystwyth, on Friday, October IHh. There wiil be Holy ■C/OiiMsanioii at 8 a.m., morning prayer, Holy Communion and serai on at 11 a.m. by the Rev,. M.J. Stewart, B. A., Liangopweii. At 7 a.m. ifeere wili be evening prayer and sermon when ilie Rev 1> R Pugh, M.A.,ei' Towyn, will preach. OSsfings of fruit and flowers will be received t sit the Chnreb on Thursday, October 10th, I between 2 and 5 p.m. .For the annual harvest festival .C'U1t"cb had been tastefully decorated, aDI Alsaaks are dao t> the following ladies and j jgeeatkswnn for their elaborate gifts of Cowers* .ete. :—Mr Sharman, Mr W. T. Junea, Lsiwyu- reM; Miss us, Post C)fliee Miss Enid Jones, Mrs Williams, and Miss Hughes, 1'ant- j aoawr: Mr.< Hughes, CwrtycadQO; Mr Jones, 1J')'HCOC-d; Mr Morgan, TyuberHan Mr Kob- ¡ «xts, B'aengatler Mrs IJoyd, Vicarage; Mrs J?v«ns, T?nra!]t and Mr Kiultards, MeillloEen. J ;sT&e preachers for the day were the iiev W. li. j "*Thi>niP. s, Abersychan, and the Rev D. Wnytfeingb'ii, Llangeitho. Mr T. Jones, 3Ll"wyngr«io-v, jn-esi led at the organ and the 1; J5ov 8.) d lev Jor.es. intoned the service. | By 1 he death of tiie Bishop of Chichestor ( Bishop-of Manchester becomes entitled to I a seat in the llouse of Lords. The late "Bi.-lioj> of Newcastle would h ive been eniiileci t IV. *5iH the vacancy had he lived. The }«reai4?as mow wiihoot seats in the Hoase of arc I "the Bis'ops of Southwell, Carflble, "Vfo.-f-e-itcr, 431-tHtteester, Llandaff,. Moehe-sie-r, Ely, Trnyo, j JCewcastle, artd the su/i-ieism: to the late t ^ssl'op ry"ii?jer;"oi'oe at Cfiicteester. t The fo!lowing resolution, relative to Train- tag Colleges, was passed at the last meeting x-i the Ooi-ringham Deanery Chapter; "That I.' 3tliis Chapter strongly protests against many -;of the Regulations relating to Training J -Colleges, recently Issued by the Government, -as bef»g- hars& and1 unfair in f?ieir more especially as large sums, amounting to JE250.000, have been spent by the Church on 3feer Training Colleges, ditring the last twelve I jeara, uufer ihe encouragement of ¡ .^dwiiuistrations." Tin's is typical of msny ¡ ^dxRiUr resolutions which are being passed at »eeti«g-i of CharehtReu lbronghollt the 1 *oun £ ry, and iudieatestkesti &^sj feeling which xbjf asiti-ChBrcli bias of the present Govern- "j^eTit has excited. j It is apparcmt a groafc deal of activity isTtehsg shown ill the cau^e cIChuieh I>e5e £ «e So Wales at the present n;ne. On Tnessi&yi. a CiHoferenee of Seeretai Ses and others was held at Pontypool, :tt which aryimgejaeais -were discussetl for an active- campaign daring Ibe coining vriotor, and we ssmtferstan<3 that two similar Conferences are tÐ 00 belS 3'oiitypriUd during the week. In St. David's j 3>ioce«e a series of historical l*e-t»r@s are^ being given at certain centres, t '3- the pwrp«5M> of 1 s»j»w-stiiig local spc»lieir» is the pre-parataoii' of addrexses on ^ue^tioaa of special interest to j Cbcroh pei)i)le at the present time, with a ■view to their undertaking to address parova.lal jBseetiiigs far and wide during the- waiter aHXMths. Pro-n iliese and other steps which »ye heing taken, it is-elea;- that Chnrchprnplc in Wales do not uaeaa to kt their cause- gs- by aSefavilL A great deal of correspondence is appealing In the loading local papers in Wales rehgeeting ihe marriage with a iJece >sea Wif&"s Sistsey Art, fr m whieh it appears tlmt the naa|b»*i)y of the clergy, to whatever acfeeol ef thoisgbt thrj may belong, are in agret>nacn3 with &;ie excellent advice given by the Arcbbiahop 61 Canterbury. Txvo el &p$ciai in^rt'st ¡ are those of C'a ton Bocb, R.D., of' ChrcSiSj.smi of the Rev Talliot Rice, Yiear of S>wansea> ,wwJ 3i.D. the former points out that insumb- who refuses to soleianiae a isarr iage B^der| the Act is obeying the civil law ji2-.it as moue; ,;is the incumben, who »)lemc.ises sac-ii a »narriagc. The only difference is- Zrxiii I forraer not only obeys the civil law, bat tlie ¡ ^ecclesiastical law as. well. The new Act 1 (expressly allows him this freedom oi acti-on." "Vicar of Swansea writ.es>; We- are a?'iisisters of the Chureh of Chri.sfc, of wfeisit aur "dburch is, at lea-it, a very \m As such, the claim our Church is preefi&ineist.- "V tl are free to le. v her if we eaano-5 I lier. But so long a we ren aln w& obey all her d.rections thao a»*e eleaa. We Stave hitherto refused to mairv a laais 'jo his Stave hitherto refused to mairv a iaaia deceased wile's sister, because it wa» cwhrnsy- *o the rule of the Church and ih& law o!< tfce- 3i»nd. One reason for refusi i^ has gone; bet ihe other remains,, and every clergyiasm. ougiifc "to feel under a solemn oUligatioo Hot to-j ^isregard the rule of his Chureh."1 The Rev Gwilym Smith, S-vuti ea, La, Leen. avpoiutcll to the euass* ? of J Jfoly Trinity Church, Abery stwyib.. M?1 Suith has had four 3ears esperie ies- lis jki!ijis;erial work iu a large and popuSou. j asiib-


.-------------FUNERAL OF MISS…


_."ko_____.-.---,. BARDDONIAE…

33?—I, Y WAS8-







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