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gales hU button- -05, LISBURNE TERRACE. NORTH ROAD IMPOETANT RALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. Ue, EDWARD KLLIS has been faToared with m- I I 'r°m OU Wed- J-Uoyd Ellis to Sell by P«W»° A"oti°& ° m the Siay, April 10th, 1895, at 2.30, and 6.80 p.m, the 0'HO\N3EHOLD FURNITURE, AC. further particulars in future issue. 6btccation. ^ERYSTWYTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL (FOUKDKD 1812). Headmaster B. A. POPE, M.A., i,,4.fterly Scholar of Sidney Sussex College, Cam- J*1' Boy ean enter from 7 years ofJge.. ^8 ABERYSTWYTH COMMERCIAL AND QB.AMMIAK. SCHOOL. Head MASTBtt THOMAS OWENS, C.M. 0 of the London University and late Senior hoolo; of the University College of Wales.) C There are a BOARDERS. tleryaa Moderate. Prospectus and Reports on plication to the Head Maater. MESSRS MURPHY AND ROWLEY SURGEON DENTISTS, ABERYSTWYTH, I Establishod 1857,] toRNIRR OF TERRACE ROAD AND CORPOBA TION STREET. Utt pnwi nr visits tb« following places twice a WM. ROWLANDS &. SON, ^^BINET MAKERS, UPHOLSTERERS POLISHERS AND UNDERTAKERS, liRSPEOTFULLY announce that the* REMOVED their Business from Bidge Stroefc the oommodioos premises adjoining the Victoria *°K in BAKER STREET, where they hope by %tt'ct attention to Business to merit a continuanoe tlit favoars hitherto bestowed upon them. rViK n > t OK 1 A -.Kill's it 41 PILLS w y to Lt .!• Hi-hanr« from tn» Unr.ary Organs •Milby the maker*. ft, u £ ta wEU* ««t{. »>*>•■ ud all fcb« WVleaaU Homos. £ £ » xwi GEO I. ItLOXSr ■S COAOHBILDERS ^*URBD PLAGE, ABERYSTWYTH W. H. TRU8COTT, WATCH AND CLOCK MAKER, LAPIDARY A OPTICIAN, 37, TERRACE ROAD, Opposite the Post Offioe. MR DAVID PHILLIPS, ^IVERY AND POSTING STABLES, TERRACE ROAD. ABERYSTWYTH. *0&8S8 A CARRIAGES FOR HIRE BY TH DAY OR HOUR. hftTATl ADDB]Ulø=-tiTEBRACE ROAD. TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT 18, PIER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. 8. DAVID JAMES, •f«iUltinRs, Coating". Trowaehntf", tn. in the best X? and fashion and at reasonable prioas. picketing, Cycling, and Boating Suits made to r on the shortest notice. ^°WLE'S P^NNYHOWL & STKKI, PILLS B. POE f'KMALKS. oorrect ali irronul .nt.«s, remote all ob. and relievo the dim nwMiiK symptoms w prevalent with the sex. » Boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9A., of all Chomista. aaywhore on receipt of 15 or 34 wraps the Maker E. T. Tow LB. Chemist, Nottingham, of Imitations injurious and worthies*. i > Hi jgAlGNEN'S *FOR Mf! TfVOr^ ABSOLUTELY pwRE water mn0w4Skam-285, Regent St., London, w & COUNTY STORES (Nett door but one to the London A Provincial Stores). J. R. JAMES, TEA, WINE, SPIRIT, MINERAL WATERS, AND PROVISION MERCHANT. DAVID JONES, PRACTICAL TAILOR BBJEECHES MAKER, ^ADIAS' RIDISTG HABITS & JACKETS LIVERY, &G,t TERRACE ABERYSTWYTH. I SUITS MADB TO ORDER FROM 50s. tiOOD W0BKHAK9HIP. NEWE8T RIU» 1)nhUc COUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION, 1895. TO THE ELECTORS OF WARD No 4, BOROUGH OF ABERYSTWYTH. LABIBS AND GENTLEMEN, I beg to return to you my most sincere ana heart- felt thanks for the great honour you have done me of returning me once more a* your representative on the County Connoil, and pspeoially do I thank you one and all for the splendid majority of 68, which you gave me over my opponent, notwithstanding the extraordinary combination of forces which were at work against me. It will be my earnest endeavour in the future as in the past to justify the confidence you have again so generously reposed in me, by regular attendance at Counoil and Committee Meetings, and by olose attention to the business transacted thereat, that being the only way by which the interests of the Ratepayers of the Borough and County can be best served. I also very gratefnlly thank those friends and support-re who worked so heartily to secure my return. I much regret that during the Election a state- ment was spread by my opponents to the effect that I was opposed to railing the wages of the Workmen employed by the Aberystwyth Corporation. Such a statement was ABSOLUTELY CNTKUK, and invited for the purpose of injuring my candidature with the Working Classes. The truth is that I was heartily in favour of in- creasing the wages of the Corporation Workmen, and I even now believe that many of them are still under- paid, and would be glad to see them getting more. In this connection I may be allowed to say that I have always done what I oould to further the welfare of the Working Classes of the Town, fully believing that the happiness and prosperity of the County depend to a large extent on those who have to bear the burden and heat of the day receiving Bach payment for their labour as will enable them to maintain their families comfortably and secure healthy houses to live in. The action that I have already taken in the Town Council in getting tke Courts and Alleys in various parts of the Town put into decent condition, in order to improve the health and increase the com- fort of the people who live in them. is alone sufficient evidence of the interest which I take in the welfare of the Working Classes of the Town, and the fact that they have again eleoted me with the splendid majority of 68 proves that they fully appreciated my services in their behalf, in spite of all the unfair mis- repreeentations made against me by my opponents. I remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, Yours faithfully, C. M. WILLIAMS. Pier Street, Aberyetwyth, March 12th, 1895. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF WALES MUSICAL SOCIETY. GRAND ANNUAL CONCERT FRIDAY, MARCH 22ND, 1895, IN THE COLLEGE HALL, .< i- r.rt* < Xiu.vttoiir «8MlhetiO ont" 'V. v.u..u. :!t" LAST JUDGMENT, AND VILLIERS STAN FORDS' REVENGE. ARTISTES:— SopMNo—Miss ANNIE NELSON. TCNoa-MR HERBERT BERREY, BASS—MK|H. VAUGHAN DAVIE8. CONDUCTOR—D. JENKINS, ESQ., Mus. BAC. (CANTAB). AcCOXPANIST-MRs A. J. HUGHES. SOLO VIOLIN-HB T. SHAW. C HORTJS —COLLEGE CHOIR. MB SHAW'S LIVERPOOL ORCHESTRA. Doors open at 7.30, to commence at 8. Admission—Reserved Seat?, 35 6d; Front Seats, 2s 6d Second seats, Is 6d. Tickets may be obtained from Messrs Wheatley and Sons, Terrace road, Mr E. Edwards, Great Dark. gate street, Misses Jenkins, North parade, and Mr R. Eiti", Terrace road, where a plan of tne room may be seen. Family Reserved Tiokets for 3 Seats, 9a. Cheap Return Tickets are issued from Machynlleth and intermediate stations to Aberystwyth. A Special Train will start from Aberystwyth at 11 p.m. NEW ZEALAND. Q REDUCED FARES To intending Settlers, by the NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S (138, Leadenhall Street London) earners. For further particulars and for all information regarding the Colony apply to the AGENT-GENERAL FOR NEW ZEALAND, 13, Victoria Street, London. WILLIAM PROBIN RELIANCE HOUSE, (Opposite the Meat Market, and 15, Pier-street) WORKING WATCHMAKER, LAPIDARY, AND JEWELLER. purchaser of Brilliants, Old 6 old and Silver, Modern and Antique Plate. READY-MADE CLOTHING OF FIRST- CLASS VALUE, AT DANIEL THOMAS', 22 & 24, LITTLE DABKGATE ST., ABIBTBTWTTH, MR. & MRS. DRAKE, 85, UPPER WALKER STREET, PRESTON, LANCASHL&B. Will give the highest Price for every description of LADIES AND GENTLEMEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Letters and Paroela receive prompt attention, CABWtAOt PA IP ON Allo PABCMLB KSCtlTSp, Easiness fl(rti«s. SPECIAL NOTICE. J. RICHARDS & Cc MERCHANT TAILORS, OUTFIIERS, HATTERS, HOSIERS, MENS' AND JUVENILE CLOTHIEF 3 SHILLINGS IN THE POUND DISCOUNT OFF ALL ORDE TAKEN DURING THE MONTH OF MARCH ONL from the largest stock in the County of Real Scotch, Irish, ish and Welsh Tweeds Suits, Made to Order from 40s. in good sand best of workmanship on the premises" prompt.' Also 4 Shillings in the Pound Discount off ready-made from S which is well assorted from the best Makers ONLY., ALL OUR GOODS ARE MARKED IN PLAIN FTES AS USUAL. ( SAMPLES SFNT ON APPLICATION. Ii 8 4, MARKET STREET, ABERYSTW YTB,1 (' G E O R G EMS PILE AND GRAVEL P JO S J A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. WHAT IT WILL DO? I "It is more than Gold to me,-it saved my Life." .1 K you suffer PAINB in the BACK and LOINS,"or between the SHOULDERS, this ren^l'eotnall T, £ 7r. trembled with Ibmtation ol th. 8opp»««oj grfw STON* OR GRAVEL, the ONLV SATE and effectual Remedy EVER OFMREB TO THB W^KOBO* U PiLKfand^GR^er Hiqh COLOTTRBD, THICK, and depositing maoh SEDIMENT, low eroou* r box of GEORGE'S PILLS, and yon will soon be RIGHT again. r>aTTUWj_ -rrT t If your KIDNEYS and LTVER are sluggish and out of order,jWs RwwKly will gt U^Tj these important organs, open np their CLOOOBD PASSAGES, and promote the secretion of i Y BI14 Wld IfhyOTVaMAA Jart^r^ INDIGESTION, BILIOUSNESS, and CONSTIPATION^ a SDKI ■"S&S 2S £ fr'om aiy1Rrnel disorder, such as PILES, CONSTIPATION, FLATU^JC, yo, H ey?n*suZrdyfryom are afraid that your HEART is affected! the. KUKay<^s"fftrf?om HEAJDACHE and GIDDINESS, George's Pills will remove thee,; ner th* All, any FMn'aFTER EATING, and feel DROWSY and LISTLESS, am diwe'e Pilk J branbles a tibing of the past. If von feel NERVOUS, EXCITABLE, and LOW SPIRITED a perfeot AWTIDOTB will be foond ta George ■ Pills. If you have a DISAGREEABLE TASTE in the mouth, a SINOLB Don of George's Pile and Gravel Pills at bed-time will clear the tongue before the dawn of another day. If SLEEP fails to give you REST Try George's Pills. They will make your bed easy, sleep refreshing, tnd REVIVE your STRENGTH. If yon feel unfit for EXERTION, WEAK, and LIMP, tMe Remedy win restore your Enemy aad STRENGTH, and will make labour and Exercise the ENJOYMENT of yonr fife. If you are troubled with NAUSEA and VOMITING at the thought of eating, a box of George's Hb will make your meat and drink both SATOOBY and PLEASANT. If your BLOOD is impure, it will keep open all the important outlets of the body, and thus give free exit to all GROSS HUMOURS, and no more BLOOD IMPURITIES will be seen bursting through the OWN in PIMPLKS, BLOTCHES, SORES, or BOILS. In thousands of cases it has removed from the Blood, root and branoh, RHEUMATIC, SCORBUTIC, fobd SCROFULOUS Taints that had defied all other Remedies. If you have a tendency to DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, this Remedy, by its action upon the KiDffvrt and SKIN, will soon bring relief. If you have DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING, this remedy will prove a friend to yon in the how of eeed. it wiTl change your oonstant ailing to freedom from pein. It will change the sallow complexion to the bloom of health. It will ohange vonr sickliness to vigour; yonr languor to activity; and yonr general debility te flrmneet ef sinew and muscle. It is APERIENT, and therefore will remove CONSTIPATION. It is ANTIBILIOUS, and wtt ^erefore oorrect all irregularities of the Liver. It is DIURETIC, and will, therefore, keep open the watt passages. It is TONIC, and will, therefore, give tone and vigour to the DISOBSTTVX OBOANS. It I BLOOD-PURIFYING and NERVE-STRENgWeIENING S it is, therefore, ALL YOU WANT. These World-renowned Pills are sold ererywhere, in Boxes Is l^d and 2s 9d esoh. A MAGISTRATE'S TESTIMONY-1 have looked over hundreds of original testimonials received hj Mr J. E. George, M.R.P.S., Hirwain, bearing upon the onrea effected by his Pile and Gravel Pill*. TI writera of these letters are unanimous-in their testimony to the marvellous remedial powers of Mr Otorff remedies. I look upon the bundle of testimonials placed before me AS satisfactory proof that he hae, I fcis discovery, been the means of alleviating the pains of a multitude of sufferers. D. E. WILLIAMS, J.P. for the Counties of Breeon .4 C,AVES HAND-LABOUR. 'W'7 ENU SOAPI VVASHES EVERYTH ING. 'I' S IN USE FROM THE YEAR db6. (i The Grand Old Remedy for Chest Diseases, 11 I CONGREVE'S BALSAMIC ELIXIR This splendid medicine should be in every household. On the i1 Appearance of the First Symptoms of a Cold a good dose of '^e BALSAMIC ELIXIR will, in nineteen out of twenty cases, carry it off before it becomes settled or merges into Influenza. At the first SUSPICION O* INFLUENZA talce it—as well as when the well-marked symptoms appear also take it for the SUBSEQUENT WEAKNESS of the LUNGS, and other direful effects of this alarming disease. Rer, F. E. HEArB, of Derby, in a recent letter to Mr. Congreve, says :— Vtur Mtdtcitu ahvayt puts my lHn £ S right, and drove out tht ttrriblt INFLUENZA latt May.' i1 In cases of Coughs, Recent or Chronic, and i1 Bronchial Affections Penew* with this med'cine, and you can hardly fail to get the Cough relieved, and the Bronchial symptoms to disappear. In that very distressing disease, so terrible, especially to the aged ASTHMA-Also BRONCHITIS- r»ONGREVE S BALSAMIC ELIXIR has been the means of wonderful relief. The reader it U referred to the case of LADY G. BROMLEY (No. XIII. in Mr. Congreve s book). Also note that this medicine should be kept in the house by all MINISTERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS. For HOARSENESS it b invaluable, and II Splendid for the Voice, and as a 9*" COLD to speakers going out in all weathers, WARM AND COMFORTING AND VERY PLEASANT taken on a small lump or two of sugar in th« way of a lozenge. CONGRB VES BALSAMIC ELIXIR way be had ofall At-Odicixe Venders, im BoltUi j get 19. 11.91., p. 64., and family bottles at rrs. and aas. JOHN LLOYD, TOWN ORIER, 18, SKINNER STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. BILLPOSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Permanent Stations in the best parts of the Town aoxTsActo KADI, = ICEYLON TEA STORES, 3 .:N O:R T H PARADE, ABEKYS TW\TH (Removed from 7, North Parade.) S. EVANS, TEA DEALER AND FAMILY GROCER, J LOUR & PROVISION DEALER^ BACON OF THE FINJBST qoAhi-rt. Huntley and Palmer's Biscuits, Crotae an is well's Goods. Keller s Marmalades and Jam. Tobacoo, Cigars, Ac. Ageut for the Tower Tea. Frflb Bread, Butver, aud Egga ViAlj, business Sfltic^s. T. H. JONES, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, TERMINUS HOTEL, MARY STREET (Opposite the Railway Station), ABERYSTWYTH. ALLSOPP's CELEBRATED ALES ANDITODTTON DRAUGHT AND IS BOTTLE. ALLSOPP'S STOUT Imperial Pint, aVp.p doz.. ». i. ^^nwAle „ Pints 3 0 Hajf-pmts 1 9 per dos » East India Pale Ale Pints 4 0 H.«lf-pints 1 fi Allsopp's Ales and Stout, in 9.^andJG gaUo'n casks at Wholesale Prices. 2 ° Martell's and Ilennesay'sBrandiea Mountain Dew and Old Irish Whiskeys, Rum, Gin, Wines, Ginge Brandy (Flying brand), Aerated Waters, &0., &0. SAMUEL ALLSOPP & SONS, LIMITED Beg to call attention to their SPECIAL STOUT, WHICH, as well as their EAST INDIA PALE and other Ale., can now be obtaine «ther in C«k or BotUe from M, Dealer; or Order, for «m. in CASK if „,t ,o their OFFICE— will RAIIjWAY TBBBACE, ABEEYSTWTTH, T. EYANS~&Tco~ COLONIAL STORES TERRACE ROAD. GROCERS, PROVISION AND GINSRAL MERCHANTS HAS A J VRGE ASSORTMENT OF EVEVY KIND OF BRUSHES FOB HOUSEHOLD USE &c, AT VERY lOW PRICES. AN INSPECIaGN IS SOLICITED T. E. SALMON, iISBURNE ARMS, NORTHGATE-STRFET, ABERYSTWYTH. WHOLESALE & RETAIL BOTTLING MERCHANT. 8. d. AM.SOPP-S EAST INDIA PALE ALE, Imperial Pint 4 0 per dozen 1- Do.' D1NNEB ALB 2 0 „ '■ L™,» » Half-Piot 16" nJ Pmt ••• 36 n" "Half.Pint 1 9 ;,W "tlTTj"UPPo» None but ALLOOPP's Alesi and Stout on or Bottle. 1 a MarteU's & Heneai;y's Brandy, & Winss and Spirit, of Beat Brand. t', I I UUOL'ILLICB' A JAMS, NORTHGATE STREET, ABERYSTWYTH. ROBERTS' CELEBRATED ALES. ONjDRAUGHT AND IN BOTTLE. A T t?«j Pine. Firks. Kils. 4i gallons. 9 gallons. 18 gallons. — Imp. Imp. XX is 6d 9s Od 18s Od Pints. Pint *AK 4s 6d 9s Od 18s Od Roberts' Pale Ale 3s 6d 2s Od. XXX 5s 6d 11s Od 218 Od Bass's „ 4s 3d 2s 6 *B 6s 3d 138 6d 27s Od Guinness's Stout 4s 3d 2s 6 K 6s 9d 13s 6d 27s Od f "Ales marked are specially recommended for household use. Markell and Hennessy's Brandies; Special Scotch ;-Roderick Dhu, Mountain Duw; and Dunville's Irish, etc. M. MORGAN, Proprietor HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT, ARE ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TO BE THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. MANUFACTURED eNLY AT 79. NEW ^FORD STItKET, LONDON I And Sold by all Medicine crv-luns throughout the World. Arldce Gratis at the above address, duilv, (>rwwt thu hours of 11 and 4. or by Irtrt-f BUYERS AND CONSUMERS OF FLOUR ARE CAUTIONED J J AGAINST |J ACCEPTING ANY OTHER MARK OF SO-CALLED REDTIE THAN THAT LABELLED IN RED PAPER- V. BAKEBS' REDTIE BACK, i or Ticketed SPILLEIRS AND BAKERS, LTD., REDTIE. This favourite Flour was originally introduced by WILLIAM BAKER & SONS, Bristol, and is still manufactured by SPILLERS & BA-KER8, Ltd., at their Bristol Mills, and is kept in stock by all the leading- Grocers and Floar Dealers in the district See that your Flour has on the Label or Ticket the words SPILLERI & BAILEE S, LD., Bristol, as well as REDTIE, and refuije to accept any other. I 4i £ !aiUf&,&e I « PREPAID AD ^ECTISEMENTSr I « PREPAID AD ^ECTISEMENTSr An^re? Wanted Basme«es to be Sol Apa.. tmeat8 to be let Partnerships Wauta ASSSSS? M„T^„,ED §SZV,?' £ A2S £ >wa r Za"0 Contract Misocllaneoua Wajjfa lVi. cellaueoaB .Sa!cs. &c. Words. One Three I Six inse'-L'on. Insertions. Insertions j.> 18 }*■ "j- j 24 }!■ ,s- «>d. -JA. :;J. 30 Is' o -s- Ud. o.s. M.i, s- 3d. 2s. (!ci. 3s. <M. <•) ■'3- 3S- 0d. I is. ti,i 4S I I9' Hd- 3»- 6«1- 5«. :id. ."7- 4s. <M. I 01. ,,NT F°I: -1TH0S'; UL'T~0t<, GOOD CLO THES Are offered to active GOOD LOIHHNGS and steady young AND MONEY TO Men ^ETV.UEU the SPEND EVEUY DAT J A?C OF AU'1 Ortico. be free a"> Pod Ottica. ANTKD. Furnished Cottagre, for G or 12 months and o sit t(nv" 1,1 Wul,.s, oint.ri:.imr 4 Bjd StLX Z\1 Bern »rd W A A n Genera! Servant; email family.— Bridffe,ui. J S IiVttas' p"s5 office, G.ifa<;hgo;jh, W ^nation as House Parlourmaid, 17 months reference asred *>n + .x11 I4 Lanadowne place. Clifton! pWu^HOUSES AND SHOPS TO~lit LET from vtt-arvi? ''ext. Nos. 28 & 25, Pier street, Abor- 1!T ',D occap«tion of Mr J. E. Lloyd Stationer.—-Apply Mus BOKSALL, Own,. J S FOK disposal. EVEKAL W e,' and Geo., Hock. Brakes, Doe \T w TT • For farther particulars ■vnnl« w> Mr W. H. WEMYSS, Auctioneer, fire. PPb Umees, Mary Street, Aberysrwvth. CJLU BS Au easyT way °f WATCH fee rrirSSf flNCOME, l-y ^tartinc iuil Jteliabls Ar.ielea at Mooai-at, f'rico^' GYDE'S STUDIO rHE STUDIO IS AGAIN OPENED FOR SITTERS. PIER STREET. ABJEK.Y STVVYTH~&~DIS IK ICT BILL POSTING CO. ARE IN A l'OSITION TO GIVE THI.: GRF,ATES'F POSSIBLE t)UliLICITY 0 ANY POSTERB PLACED IN TtiKIii YI ANI)S,.i Havinga Jitrjro nn.nber of Dew Hoardm.s i .at ™ a,1(1 A rt.. Borth, Llanfihan^el, ana ail goYrOYiTKiii.^ uit,ote. Seo list ot St ttion?, witb Dimtttsi m#. Expeditions Pelting on R^asotinble Tcrtns. Contract Work a speciality. ApPL y- HERR PAREEZER, Hill Crest, Llanbadarn R.iad, Aberypt.vyth, Manngirg Director. HUGH-C. RICHARDS, CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER & ANTIQUE CARVER, PORTLAN LANB RYSTWYTH. P.S.—Jobbing of all kinds done. Furniture Repaired and Polished. Old Oak Furniture altered and Carved. MTWT "a Thousands of Bed- A Im 1 steads ready for « ■ HS* M Instant delivery. JbA n II Pattern Books and J^S Price Lists free to Ja JR any furnishers on application. ffPcdsteads First Class Goods only. WW) NO CHEAP RUBBISH MADE. I jf j Insist on the Atlas make. Kf'K NAMF. OF NTAKI 'T^ Ar,-NT KEBTTSG TnEM re Atlis Works, Bilston on Allele Iron at h'ont ot Hcu&toad. WORTH A (T U L\ E: A MX. BEECHAS^'S FILLS !• OR ALL BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, SUCH AS Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, IMPAIRED DIGESTION, Constipation, Liver Complaint, AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. In Boxes, 9td., I3td., and 25. gd. each. BEKHAM&OTH PASTE. -EFFICACIOUS-ECONOMICAL.- THTi! TEETH— CLt- i'r,Kl-LT.VlES THE BREATH* In collapsible Tubes, One Shilling eaeh. Prepared only by the Proprietor, THO* BKKCHAU, St. Helen's Lanoftshire, and » EYerywbere.1