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Salt bg auction. n PORT MADOC. Sale of the Fast-Sailing Schooner ZOUAVE." ME. EDWARD ELLIS has been favoured with instructions to Sell by Public Auction, ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 17TH, 1890, At the News Room, Cornhill, Portmadoc, at two o'clock in the afternoon, subject to conditions then read, the Fast-Sailing SCHOONER ZOUAVE," of Aberystwyth. The Three-masted Schooner Zouave was built at Salcombe in 1855, of the best materials, and classed Al for 12 years. She has always been kept on the Al Class last survey at Aberystwyth in 1884, when she was continued for six years. Dimen- sions:—Length, 93-2; Main Breadth, 17-9; Depth, 10-7 Gross Registered Tonnage, 127, will carry dead weight about 200 Tons copper fastened and yellow metal sheathing is of light draught of water, and in every respect seaworthy. Hull, Boat8, Masts, Standing and Running Rig- ging, Sails, Chains, Anchors, &c., &c., with all faults as they now lie in the Port of Pertmadoc. The Auctioneer most respectfully solicits an early inspection of the Vessel, and can highly recommend the "Zouave" as well-built and a suitable Vessel for foreign and home trade. For further particulars apply to the Captain or Board, or to Mr Thomas H. Jones, 36, Great Dark gate-street, Aberystwyth. .t instilm ikesara. EDWARD EDWARDS, 13, GREAT DARKGATE ST., ABERYSTWYIff. BOOKSELLER., STATIONER, &c. PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS BY VALENTINE, ]BE YQ;D AND FRITH. -&t. BOOKS OF VIEWS, GUIDES BOOKS, &C. Back Numbers of Serial Works obtained. D. PHILLIPS, f CORNER OF NORTH PARADE, & 3, MART ST., ABERYSTWYTH, TEMPERANCE and Eating House. HOR^E'and CARRIAGES FOR HIRE by the day or Jour. Trips made to Devil's Bridge, Plynlimon, Llyinant Valley, Monk's Cave, and other places of interest in the neighbourhood. Good horses; steady driters and reasonable prices. NEW MUSIC BY W. K. WHEATLEY, (Composer of Pebble Polka, Turret Gavott), &e.) WALTZ, "SPEEDWELL," Dedicated to the Countess of Lisbqe. Copies forwarded postil free (now ready) for Stamps CAVENDISH LEMOl? ART CABINET MAKER, ARCHITECTURAL (ARVEE AND UNDERTAKER, COLLECTOR OF ANTIQUE OAK FUltflTURE Funerals conducted at moderate charges. 37, MOOR STREET, ABERTSTWXFH. -1H R .U S CL O .T. — PRACTICAL WATCH AND <tOCK MAKER, LAPIDARY AND OPTICIAN, TERRACE ROAD, ABERYSTWYTH, GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF DRAPERY AND FANCY fOODS, AT MISS U. DAVIEQ 33, TERRACE ROAD, ABtoTWYTH. — — >r- RuSSELL'S GOLD and SILiB WATCHES, their own pure English Majpfocture, with all Russell's latest patented imp%ements, range in price from X3 to XM. TH are handsome, strong, and perfect timekeep -g; represent the largest stock and best value i England, there being no intermediate profit t tween the manu- facturer and the wearer. Se> free everywhere at Russell's risk and cost o receipt of draft or post order. Illustrated Phamphlet sent free on application. ——— W ATCH REPAIRS PROMBC AND PEBFBCT, Estimates given and cost of triage taken. THE LARGEST STOCK OF DIAMOND, GEM, ENGAGEMENT AND WEEING RINGS. Finger-size Card sent free oj Application. T.B. RUSSELL, MAKER o.r(TÐË QUEEN, CATHEDRAL WORKS, 18, CHUR^-ST., LIVERPOOL. A. PERRt, PAINTER, PLUMBEB GLAZIER, AND GENERAL HOUSE IECORATOR, BREWER-STREET, AND 4$MOOR-STREET. Estimates Given. Chafes Moderate. PLEASE NOTE THg ADDRESS. 9, MARY STREET, AIERYSTWTTH. SADDLERY AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY JAMES WiTKINS (For many years foremanto 11& A. J. Grove) BEGS to inform the Nolflity, Clergy, and public generally, that he has <pened business as above, and trusts, by prompt attention to orders, moderate charges, and superior worlmanship, to receive a share of their kind support md patronage. Horses measured and carefully fitted. Only best materials used. Repairs of every description executed with neatness and despatch. A good variety and well-selected stock of best materials only kept. Portmanteaus made to order, or repaired on the hortest notice Workmanship guaranteed. COAL. OIL. BRICKS. LIME. For the best quality at Lowest price GO TO B. ROWLAND JONES, COLLIERY AGENT, Lewis Terrace Coal Yard, Corner of Brewer St- and Lewis Terrace, ^-ee Where the celebrated Holly Bush (y Cannock Chase, and Holly Lan" Newport), .44 Goal is 80] '1 *•{ /^AXLT^HO~COACH SAJLJET~ '1 «JAMES has been instructed by W. H. WEMYSS, ESQ., to Sell by Auction, at the 4T ICON ROYAL HOTEL YARD, ABERYSTWYTH, < -j I ON MONDAY, JANUARY 6TH, 1890, HOBSE^, HUNTERS, COBS, PONIES AND SPORTING PROPERTIES. 1. Bay Celding, 6 years old, quiet to ride and drive, good leader. Bay Selling, 7 years, 16 hands, quiet to ride and drive, a good hunter, has been driven at vfioel. gelding, 7 years old, 16 hands, quiet to ride and drive, well-known with Mr Pryses' hounds, SelcSng, 6 years old, quiet to ride and drive, carries a lady, and is Tery fast. LOTS 1,2, ? and 4 are a perfect match, and have been driven together as a team this season. 5. Browfe (Elding, 6 years old, a good mover in harness. 4eam" 0Wl1 -*are> 7 years old, 15 hands, carries a lady well to hounds, and is a good leader in a 7. Broifn Jtare, 5 years old, 15 hands, quiet to ride and drive, has been hunted by a lady this season. 8. Ray Mar;, 5 years old, 16 hands, quiet to ride and drive, has good action. in* WellBre Blaek Mare, 16"2 hands, quiet to ride and drive, in foal to a blood-horse. Ro*ui Gelding, 7 years old, 14 hands, quiet in harness, and a very fast trotter. ChssnutPony, 3 years old, 13-2 hands, a stout Pony with good action, a young lady's Pony. 12. Chejnut Pony, entire, 3 years old, 13'2 hands, has splendid action with good bone and power, with short legs. v THE PROPERTY OF MR. EVANS, RHOSCELLAN FAWR. 13. Iron Grey Gelding, 5 years old, 14 3 hands, broken to saddle and harness, and a grand stepper. SPORTING PROPERTIES. 14. A COA*H, in good condition, by Allen, London. Four-horse harness for same. 15. A CH-r'tt-A-BANC, to seat 12 persons, nearly new. 16. A GIG n pood Condition, very light. 17. PfcRl • SHOOTING CART, with mahogany paDels, very easy ridi 18. 10NP >N HANSOM CAB, in good condition, with Harness ccmpl 19. SCOTC I BOX CART, with harness, very good condition. 20. 2 JADES' SADDLES. 21. 3 GENTLEMEN'S SADDLES. 22. QNIBAI, FIRE HAMMER! E&S BIFICH-IOAT3FG (' UN, 12 23. QnT^AL FIRE HAMWIR GUN, lUfcoie, a Laic Litter. 24. A well-broken 2nd season POINTER DOG. 25. ROUGH TERRIER. 26. TAME FOX.' 27. 2 GAME COCKS.. 28. rOC FERRET. 29. FINE YOUNG PORKER. 30. NANNY GGAT, in full profit. 31. TAUDEM HARNESS. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 2.30 PROMPT. TERMS-3 Months on approved security §mum ~1- JOHN ROBERTS ¡' SPIRIT AND WINE MERCHANT, GOGERDDAN ARMS AND LION ROYAL HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH, V A:U L T S :-2, BRIDGE STREET, s d f5?Ln from I per bottle | SHERRY from 2 0 per bottle IRISH JWHiSKBY „ 3 0 „ PORT 2 6 „ SCOTCHd° „ 3 0 „ MARSALA 1 9 PALE B&AJJDY „ 4 0 „ CLARET 13 EUM „ 2 9 „ SOLE AGENT FOR WORTHINGTON'S CELEBRATED DINNER ALES, 3s. PER DOZEN IMP. PINTS, KATRINE SCOTCH WHISKEY. 3a 6D PER BOTTLB. COFFEE ROOM LUNCHEONS FROM 11 A.M. ro 2 P.M. DAILY. SS* Breaks for the Devil's Bridge leave the Hotel. HOLLOWAY'S P tL L S A N D OINTMENT 3$ i ARE ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TO BE I THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. frANUFCTURED ~ONLY AT 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON And Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Sratis at the above address, daily, between the hours of 11 and 4, or by letter SAMUEL ALLSOPP & SONS, LIMITED, Beg to call attention to their New Brand of I LIGHT BITTER BEER, w HlhH, as well as their EAST INDIA PALE and other Ales, can now be obtained a either "fa Cask or Bottle from any Dealer; or Orders for same in CASK if sent to their OFFICII- HAMPTON HOUSE, RAILWAY TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH, tyill receive immediate attention. A^uSiNTEE! B 0 U I L L 0 N IT L E E T BEARS A tABEL. «' GlAEiNlEED TO BE MADE FROM PURE BEEF ONLY," which w;i make BOUILLON FLEET TTMTBP, LIABLE TO PROSECUTION under the Adulteration Áct, if proved to be untrue." W. GORNALL, MR J D RORFRTS PLTWJBBS. GASFITTBES, PAINTEBS D' KOBBBTS» .1* PAPERHANGERS, MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF VETERINARY AND Q G^^jEfcAli HOUSE DECORATORS AH D- FRT>^ VETERINARY SURGEON, A."$ie8 of IRON and LEAD PIPES PAPTS, VARNISHES, BRUSHES, ,J.¡I O.N HOTEL, ABERYSTWYTH Provincial Veterinary Surgeon for the County of BARREN CLOSETS, FROM 2s 9d I Cardigan, to the Royal A gricnltural Society of SACS, 1 A LARGE Op 0 F ? A P E R P" T XT N E S0LI> THOTTGHOTJT THE WORLD. 1 H To select HANGINGS CURE FITS — from. If.ByP & w. G AND TO PROVE IT meit of have just rece'v •-ROTTUE of my Remedy for Nothing, T t ft have an opportunity^ ,.I. O TJ • state." F\M 0I ^WLLOXJS >or -a the Lai ■f°i 1 Id Ghent J public RECEPTION FUND FOR WELCOMING MR. AND MRS. VAUGHAN DVIEAS ON THE OCCASION OF THEIR HOME-COMING. The following Ladies and. Gentlemen have sub- scribed, in addition to those whose names appeared in the last week's issue of this paper ..Sad G. Williams, (Mayor) ••• 1 1 0 Dr Harries J J « Edward Jones, Jasper House 1 1 0 J. R. Rees, North & South Wales Bank 110 Morgan Morris, Piercefield 1 1 0 W. T. Jones, Melbourne 5 0 0 James Jones, Tyllwyd 1 1 0 D. Jones, Tanoastell 1 1 0 Morgans, Bachyrhew 1 1 0 J. Pany, Glanpaith — 1 0 0 Lewis Williams, Abermaide 1 0 0 Jenkyn Thomas. Bridge-street 0 15 0 J. Jones, Peubwlch, 0 15 0 E. Richards. Penro 0 15 0 C. K. Wheatley ° 10 6 Mrs Garner 0 10 6 Joseph Davies, solicitor 0 10 6 R. Saycell 0 10 6 J. H. Edwards. 5s, 586d 0 10 6 J. Purton 0 10 6 Mi-s A. de Say, Victoria Hotel 0 10 6 Meyrick Thomas 0 10 6 Morgan Richards, Gwarfelin 0 10 0 Morgan Davies, Rhydyfelin 0 10 0 A F'iend" 0 10 0 T Morgan, P n-fron Sclool 0 5 0 Dr JtCovvland, lnfirmary 0 5 0 R. Pryco 0 5 0 David Pierce, Penparkau 0 5 0 David Jones, tailor, Chalybeate-terrace 0 5 0 E. James, Cemetery 0 3 0 Rev. J. Rees, Capel Bangor 0 3 0 Rev. J. A. Morris 0 2 6 H. H. Davies 6 2 6 Rev T. E. Williams 0 2 6 T. E. Morgan, Cabinet-maker 0 2 6 E. Vaughan Rees, King-Btreet 0 2 6 Wm. Samuel 0 2 6 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1883. In Bankruptcy. R3 Jane Thomas and Martha Thomas, 31, Little Darkgate-street, Aberystwyth, Cardiganshire,grocers trading as Jane and Martha Thomas, of Aberystwyth No 12 of 1889. Receiving Order made December 10th, 1889. Date of Order for Sum- mary Administration December 16th, 1889. Date of Adjudication December 10th, 1889. (Jan. 16th, 1889, at 12.30 Date & place of first Meeting The Town Hall, Aber- (. ystwyth. f Jan. 16th, 1889, at 1.30 Date of Public Examination The Town Hall, Aber- (. ystwyth. THOS. THOMAS, Official Receiver, 11, Quay-street, Carmarthen. Dated, Dec. 28th, 1889. ART-UNION OF LONDON, 1890. FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR. 112, STRAND, W.C. Instituted 1837. Incorporated 1846. President.-THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF DERBY, K.G. Every Subscriber of ONE GUINEA is entitled to A SET OF EIGHT ETCHINGS, By Messrs W. W. Burgess, C. E. Holloway, A Morris, M. W. Ridley, Percy Robertson, and F. Slocombe. Or some other of the Society's Prints, or a Bronze Medal, or (by extra payment) a Bust of Vase, or Statuette, of which particulars are to be obtained from the office. REMARQUE ARTIST'S PROOFS ON JAPANESE VELLUM, CUT MOUNTS, AND FIVE CHANCES —FIVE GUINEAS OR WITH ONE CHANCE, THREE GUINEAS. PROOFS AFTER LETTERS, AND TWO CHANCES TWO GUINEAS. And, in addition to the above, Every Subscriber has a chance in the distribution of one of the various prizes, comprising The right to select a Valuable Work of Art from one of the Public Exhibitions, VASES IN REPOUSSE BRONZE, & DOULTON- WARE, & OTHER WORKS. Specimens of the work may now be seen on applica- tion to the Local Honorary Secretaries and Agents, who will receive Subscriptions and give every inform- ation. The subscription Lists close on the 31st March but (with a view to induce an early entry of names) the Etchings will be forwarded in December for every member whose subscription is remitted to the Office BEFORE THE END OF NOVEMBER through either of the following Secretaries and Agents, at- Aberystwyth- Mrs RICE WILLIAMS, Penbryn House. Bridgend-H. J. "Saunders, Esq., Rock Fawr, Tondu Builth-W. H. Jones, Esq., National Pro- vincial Bank; Cardiff-Mr W. R.Ferrier, The Hollies, 175, Richmond Road Carmarthen-H. F. Pritchard, Esq., National Provincial Bank; Merthyr—C. Harris, Esq., 88, High-street; Neath-Mr W. Whittington. EVERYBODY WHO CAN READ SHOULD BUT THE COLLEGE MAGAZINE CONTAINING Articles interesting to Old and Young, learned and ignorant alike. The Magazine comes out monthly, the cost being 4d. Subscription for the year (nine numbers) 3s or 3s 6d by post. All orders should be sent to J. H. Davies, 42, Marine Terrace, Aberyswyth. BORTH HYDROPATHIC BATHS. THE above Baths, are open daily for Ladies and Gentlemen from 8 till 8. Baths rooms kept at Summer .,Heat, and Prices Reduced for the Winter. Weekly patients, 8s 6d, two baths a day. Single baths Is each, or 12 for 7s 6d. Sunday [mornings 6d. All Baths personally administered by the exper- ienced hands of Mr and Mrs Laird, with 17 years practice. Every comfort can be depended upon. ^Patronage of the Medical Profession solicited. FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE" '-Clarke's world famed Blood Mixture is warranted to cleanse the blood from all impurities, from whatever cause arising. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, skin and blood diseases, and sores of all kinds, its effects are marvellous. Thousands of testimonials. In bottles. 2s 9d and 11s each, of all Chemists. Proprietors, Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Company, Lincoln. Ask for Clarke's Blood Mixture, nd do not be persuaded to take an imitation. OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is "Nootiarges from the Urinary Organs ,t,ir,nal). Gravel and Pains "Irv. Sold in ""Micine ASTMCATIMI. LLANDOVERY COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP. FORTY THREE SCHOLARSHIPS, of the total value of over .£600 ,ranging from .£50 to X8 8s., and graded into three Groups, according to age—A. boys over 16; B. Boys between 14 and 16; C. Boys under 14-will be offered for competition on Wednesday, January 15th, 1890.-For Syllabus apply to The WARDEN, College, Llandovery. THE CARMARTHEN HIGH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. FOUR ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS of .615 each, And TWO EXHIBITIONS of £ 15; 15s. each, Will be competed for ON JANUARY 22ND. 1890. For particulars apply to the PRINCIPAL. THEORY OF MUSIC. MR. A. W. PARSONS, ORGANIST, etc., of S. Michael's Parish Church, INTENDS holding classes for the study of the above subject. The special object of these classes will be to prepare for the Trinity College, Royal College, and the Royal Academy Local Examinations. They will be divided into 3 Grades. Grade I, to Intervals and Scales Grade II, Chords; Grade III, part Writing, etc. Fees, for term of 12 weeks, 10s 6d for any grade, payable in advance. Term commences January 15th, 1890. Apply, A. W. PARSONS, F.C.O. 29, Bridge Street. ABERYSTWYTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEADMASTER MR. EDWARD JONES, Intermediate B.A., London, (Honorary Science Teacher.) Assisted by Mr J. P. Martin, Queen's College, Oxford. French and German are taught by Dr Scholle, U.C.W., Aberystwyth. Classes have been opened for Drawing, Painting, and Shorthand. For list of successes, reports of Examiners, including those of the present Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, Professors Abrahall, Grimley, &c., apply to the Master, 7, Laura-place. School re-opens on Jan. 21st. when three Exhib- itions will be competed for, open to all beys (who have psssed the 7th standard in Elementary Schools.) NID BYD. BYD HEB WTBODAETH." LADIES' COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. PRINCIPAL Mrs RUSH. HEAD MASTER Mr RUSH, B.A. HEAD MISTRESS Miss RUSH, Holder of 1st class University Certificates. THIS School offers the best kind of Intermediate Education, in accordance with the Welsh Intermediate Education Act; and from this School were sent in for the late Cambridge Local Examina- ti ms a larger number of girls than from I any other School in the neighbourhood. Terms very moderate. CHRIST COLLEGE, !}RBCON. CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNING BODY THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. DAVID'S. HEAD-MASTER: REV. D. LEWIS LLOYD, M.A., Formerly Head-Master of Friars' School, Bangor. There are SEVEN DISTANT MASTERS, all Graduates i- iiign Honours of either Oxford or Cambridge. The College is beautifully situated in its own grounds on the banks of the Usk, and consists of Head-Master's House, with a fine Chapel, Large Schoolroom, Library, Six Class rooms, Chemical Laboratory, and Private Studies, &c., and near the main buildings are two Assistant Master's Houses, and a Hostel, which is to be opened in September. There is a large and well-laid Cricket and Football Field close to the Buildings, and a Gymnasium. The spot is famous for its healthiness and for the beauty of its surroundings, and the Buildings are unrivalled in the Principality. The following is the List of Honours and Distinc- tions won by Pupils of the College since its resuscita- tion, ten years ago, under the present Head-Master— 41 Scholarships and Exhibitions; of these 15 are Classical Scholarships of X80 a year. Eight First Classes. 20 Second Classes. 16 Third Classes. One Indian Civil Servioe (the only one from Wales.) One Admission into Woolwich (the only one from Wales.) Several Admissions into Sandhurst and Army. 74 Higher Certificates from the Oxford and Cam- bridge Schools Examination Board. Several London University Matriculations. Numerous Passes for Law, Medical, Preliminary Examinations, and for Engineering and Commercial Pursuits (Banking, &c.) During the last 18 months Nine Scholarships and Exhibitions have been gained, of which Five are Classical Scholarships of .£80 a year; one Science, the Powys Exhibition, Middlesex Hospital (. £ 100), &c. For terms and fuller particulars apply to the Head Master. CHRIST COLLEGE, BRECON. The HOSTEL—a New Boarding-house in the Ground, limited to 30 Boys-will be OPENED in SEPTEMBER NEXT. Fees—Board and Tuition, £ 36 10s a year. Apply to Head-Master. THE OLD BANK SCHOOL ABERYSTWYTH MASTER: D. SAMUEL, M.A., LATE FOUNDATION SCHOLAR AND PRIZEMAN OF CLARE COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, AND WRANGLER, 1879. RECEIVES BOARDERS. School re-opens Monday, January 27th, 1890. TERMS ON APPLICATION. CAERLEON HOUSE. PRINCIPAL.—MISS TRUBSHAW, Asisted by Masters, and Resident Foreign and English Governesses. Pupils prepared for the Oxford and Cambridge Local examinations. For Terms, &c., apply to the Principal. The School year consists of three terms, beginning respectively January 20, April 30, September 17; but pupils can be received at any time during the terms. THE ABERYSTWYTH COMMERCIAL & GRAMMAR SCHOOL. HEAD MASTER MR THOMAS OWEN, C.M. In Honours of the London University, and late Senior Scholar of the University College of Wales.) PUPILS are prepared for Commercial pursuits, the Civil Service, the Learned Professions, the Universities,and for the various Training and Theo- logical Colleges. A R D W Y NSCHOOL, ABERYSTWYTH. LONDON University Matriculation Examinations. Success June, 1888. One Honours, Five First Division, One Second Division. Over 25 boys have passed the Matriculation from this school. particulars and terms, apply Rev MA. r ? £ Untrti, tot. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. Prepaid Advertisements of the classes specified below will be charged according to the subjoined scale:— Apartments Wanted Businesses to be SoM Apartments to be Let Partnerships Wanted Situations Wanted Money Wanted Situations Vacant Articles Lost Houses to be Let Articles Found Sales by Private Contract Miscellaneous Waste Miscellaneous Sales, &c. Lines. Words. One Three Six Insertion. Insertions. Insertions 3 21 Is. Od. 2s. Od. 3s. M. 4 28 Is. 3d. 2s. 6d. 3a. 9d. 5 35 Is. 6d. 3s. Od. 4a. 6d. 6 42 Is. 9d. 3s. 6d. 5s. 3d. 7 49 2s. Od. 4s. 0d. 6s. Od. This scale applies only to consecutive insertions of PREPAID Advertisements. If not prepaid these Advertisements will be charged according to the Public Notioe Scale. G. WILKINSON WANTS to buy all kinds of Game and Rabbits, VT for which best Cash Prices will be given. ABERYSTWYTH CORPORATION FIRE BRIGADE. WANTED 2 Steady Men to fill vacancies in tke above.—Apply stating age and occupation to Captain Peake, 9, Ne » foundland-street, Aberystwyth. WANTED, in Aberystwyth, two large rooms in which to hold meetings of a Young Men's Christian Association. Apply, stating terms, to Mr T. Ellis, Terrace Road. FOR SALE, Secondhand Rudge BICYCLETTE; F Ball Bearings throughout, and Pt dais; cosfc .819 Os Od in good condition. Will take cash X9 9a. -Wheatley and Co., Cycle Agents, Aberystwyth. AGENTS wanted to push first-class Machinery Oi's. Liberal Commission. — Box 31, Post Office, Liverpool. BRIGHTON HOUSE, 7, VICTORIA TERRACE, ABERYSTWYTH. PRIVATE Apartments, Spacious Dining, Draw* ing, and Bedrooms, replete with every comfort and convenience fer visitors. Proprietress- Mrs OWEN OWENS. T IT ANTED to BUY all sort* of Game. Pheasants V V 5s to 5s 6d per brace; Rabbits. 2s per couple Turkeys, Hares, large, 3s to 3s 6d Partridges, 2s 6d perbrace. Note the Address E. P.Taylor, Radnor House Terrace Road, Aberystwyth. LLANBADARN. '"PO be LET or SOLD a Freehold Cottage, and JL Garden with fruit trees, Ac., near Independent Chapel. Llanbadarn Fawr..£5 rent. Apply T. H. JOSBS, Great Darkgate-Street, Aberystwyth. ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS. SCOTLAND HOUSE, GREAT HAMPTON bTRE T. BIRMINGHAM. PEAROE BROS., THE OLD ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF :f wit, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Spring, Hair and Wool Mattresses, Feather, liTotT and Wool BEDS, Carpet Factors and complete House Furnishers. Bedroom, Drawing Room and Dining Room Suites. Wood, Brass and Iron Bedsteads, in great variety. Smoke Rooms, Billiard Rooms and Offices furnished and fitted throughout. Special Terms Quoted, if necessary, to suit convea* ience of customers. Letters addressed to the Firm receive prompt attention. COALS COALd COALS s* RAILWAY STATION (Wharf and Office), Amm. YB^RRRTJR. JOHN JENKIN JONES, (Of the Cooper's Arms), COAL AND LIME MERCHANT, HAS always in stock the best selection of HOUSE COALS at the cheapest possible price.. Special terms made for Truck Loads and large quantities; also LIME supplied in truck loads at a very low rate. D. JENKINS, Mus. Bac. (Cantab) General and Fancy Stationer, Book and Music Seller, 4, NORTH PARADE. Choice selection of CHRISTMAS CARDS (all new this Season) and CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Agents for Windsor and Newton's Artists' Materials BEES REES. BILL-POSTER, Ac., LITTLE DARKGATE STREET, BEGS to inform the Public that he leases the most prominent Posting Stations in Aberystwyth. Orders for Town and Country strictly attended to. THE ALOFAS COM. PAN Y' Sr.: SAFE HERBAL SPECIALITIES. ALOFAS TINCTURE.—Sure Cure for Oonsumptic Bronchitis, Pleurisy, & all throat & chest diseases. ALOFAS POWDER.—Cures all Wasting Diseases, Night Sweats, Debility, Brain Flag, &c. ALOFAS PILLS, for indigestion, Constipation, and all Liver and Bowel Disorders. ALOFAS STOMACHIC.—Cures Flatulence, Heart- burn, Sour Eructations and all kidney and heart troubles. ALOFAS EMBROCATION.—A boon to Athletes, Cures Sprains, Rheumatism, Stiff Joints, &c. ALOFAS OINTMENT for Chaps, Chilblains, Cracks, Rough Skin, Ulcers, &c. ALOFAS RINGWORM OINTMENT.—A sure Cure. ALOFAS OINTMENT for Piles.-Most efficacious. The ALOFAS Remedies, price Is. ljd. per box or bottle; 1 arger sizes, 2B 9d and 4s 6a. Sold by all Chemists, or post free from THE ALOFAS COMPANY, 20, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.C. 9 ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS THOMAS & SON Watchmakers, Jewellers GREAT DARKGAT1 ABBEYS*