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IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT, In the House of Lords, on Feb. 9, the Lord Chancellor, in laying some returrs on the table, called attention to the bankrupt y law-, and said that when the report of the com- mittee of the House of Commons considering the question had been presented he should apply himself to the task of amending the la Lord Hought< n moved for a return of the numbers of unions or parithe; that hive availed themselves of the Act on the 29th July, 1864. enabling them to receive from the Metropolitan Board of Works the sums of money expended in relief of the casual poor of the amount of money hitherto so expended, and of the unions where the guardians have provided new wards, or other places of reception for this class of poor, since the passing of the above-mentioned act. Earl Granville said there would be no objection to making the returns. Their Lordships then adjourned. In the House of Commons more than an hour was occu- pied In the delivery of the bills which have undergone the ordeal of a scrutiny before the examiners on standing orders. When they had b, en gone through. The Speaker said that Mr. Hugh Adair and Mr. Hassard having consented to act as referees In private bills, he had appointed those two gentlemen, with Mr. Jt ckards, his counsel, to act with th., Chairman of Ways and MeanL Mr. Forster pointed out many objections to the present number of gentlemen appointed to serve on private com- mittees, and proposed that each committee should consist of three members Instead of four. After some discussion the House divided on the question whether the number should be three or four, and the result was that Mr. Forster's proposal for three was negatived. Mr. Moffatt moved for the appointment of a Select Com- mittee to enquire Into tha working of the New Bankruptcy Act He prefaced his motion by observations upon the un- satisfactory operation of the Act, and upon the enormous, expenses attending It. He suggested either an entire change in our Bankruptcy Law, bringing it into more conformity with that of Scotland, or its abolition. The Attori ey-General did not object to the motion Mr. Roebuck referred to instances of harsh proceedings under the Act against officials. The motion was agreed to and the Commiti ea appointed. In a Committee of the whole House, Mr. HadfleM obtained leave to bring in a Bill to render it unnecessary to make and subscribe certain declarations as a qualification for offices and employments, and for other purposes. Lord R. Montagu obtained leave to bring: in a Bill to amend and better to administer the laws for the protection of waters in rivers and streams in England and a Bill for facilitating the more useful application of town sewage in Great Britain and Ireland. The House then adjourned. In the House of Lords the L^rd Chamberlain brought down her Majesty's answer to the Address of their lordship's house, in reply to the Speech from the Throne. The other business was of no puolic.interest. In the House of Commons, Mr. Barnes named the 21st instant as the day on which he should move his annual bill for the extension of the franchise. Sir G. Grey replied to questions on the subject of Govern- ment powder magazines, and the necessity of taking mea- sures to guard againtt accidents arising from fires in theatres and other public places of amusement. Mr Card well said it was intended to discontinue trans- portation to the Australian colonies within the space of three years. on the motion for supply, Sr J Walsh asked for infor- mation relative to the circumstances which have led to the notice given by the Government of the United States of North America to terminate the convention under which England and the United States mutually engaged not to fit on'j naval armaments upon the Canadian lakel; also re- specting the abrogation of the Treaty of Commerce between the provinces rf.British North America and the United States by the late Lord Elgin an <2 moved for the papers and correspondence connected with these subjects. He said he looked upon the notice to terminate these treaties as tantamount a'most to a declaration of war. Lord Palmerstnn deprecatedjthe discussion of these ques- tions as not conducive to the public interests at the present time. There were two arrangements between Great Britain and the United Stales. One was tbatof the year 1817, under which the two parties agreed to limit their naval force upon the Canadian lakes. Tn November last an intimation was received from the United States Government that they Intended to put an end, which they had a right to do, to that agreement; but the papers showed that the in- tantion was only t, mporary in Its nature, and was founded on certain transactions which had taken place on the rakes. The abrogation of th., arrangement was not con- sidered a final decision, but one that was open to revition The Housa was not justified, therefore, in looking upon it In the light in which Sir J. Walsh retarded it, namely, ai an indication of contemplated hostilities between the United S;ates and this coun'ry. It could not be denied that events had occurred on the lakes, which the United States had a right to complain of, and if the measures they had recourse to were simply -.Alculated, as they said they would be, for the protection of their citizens and commerce, he thought they were perfectly ju.tifled In adopting them. The motion for papers was withdrawn, and the house having gone into committee of supply, on the motion of L ^rd Palmerston Mr. Dodson was voted to the chlir as successor to Mr. Massey, amid cheers from the Ministerial henehe.. The other notices on the paper were then disposed of, and the house adjourned. In the Housa of Lords, on Feb. 13, Lord Houghton moved for a return of the number of unions or parishes that have availed themselves of the Act of July, 1864, enabling them to receive from the Metropol tan B)ard of Works the sums of money expended in the relief of the casual poor, of the amount of money hitherto so expended, and (f the unions where the guardians have provide i new wards or other places of reception for this class of poor since the passIng of the Act. The motion was agreed to, and their lordships adjourned In the House of Commons, Mr. Sheridan gave notice that on an early day he wuid move for leave to bring in a bill for the abolition of the duty fire insurances. Mr. Forster asked the Attorney-General whether, In pur- suance of his engagement of last session, be was prepared to introduce a bill, at an early period of the present session, to alter the law of forfeiture on conviction of f ;lony. The Attorney-General said it was his intention to intro- duce such a measure). Lord Stan'ey asked the Secretary of State for India whether he would lay papers on the table showing the present state of affairs in Bhootan, especially with reference to the recent acquisition of territory in that conntry. Sir C Wood was understood to say he had no objection to the production of sucn papers as he had. Mr. Lawson inquired whether the Home secretary had taken any further steps to stay the execution of Pelizzioni, the convict now under sentence of deatb. Sir G. Grey said he had giv In no directions on the subject and had received no applications. A memorial had been sent by the Italian Minister, which had been referred to the Judge. Mr. Bright inquired whether it would not be well to take action without any application, as another Italian had con- fessed the murder. Sir G. Grey said he was not aware that another Italian had confessed the murder. He did not think the discusslpn of such matters in the Home tended to the ends of justice. | JSir George Grey obtained leave to bring in a bill to con- solidate and amend the law relating to prisons. The object of the bill, he explained, was to etsure greater uniformity in the treatment of prisoners, and in the general discipline of prisons. The bill also contained clauses relating to the construction and maintenance of prisons. It would be printed for distribution in the course of a ftw days. In the event of the bill being read a second time he should suggest that it be referred to a select committee. Sir R. Peel obtained leave to bring in a bill to extend the powers now vested in Justices of the Peace, to grant licenses to deal in game, and the House adjourned.