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A GENTS WANTED to push first- class Machinery Oils. Liberal Commission, -Box 22, Post Office, Liverpool. COMPOUND Essence of Linseed, Anieeed, Seneg Tolu, &c., with Chlorodyne, 9Jd., 13Ad., &c. 1->RADEUEY & CO. (Established 1850) are open to appoint a ffrf additional Agents '°r the iSale of their Bofte Manures, &c. To farmers and others having a good Agricultural P^ftnection, a good commission will be paid. Works, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton. Patchwork Patchwork! Patchwork! A UENTS WANTED.—Ladj€s, Families & others to try ouig? PATCHWORK AtlCELS, containing 20J^ assorted pieces of e,*utiful Prints, suifeabl<y^or quilts Cushions, ^Prons, &c., One Parcel* fid.; Two 2<. 9d. *our 4.Si 9,J Carriage l «JU. Remnants, &c. •d°Yd & Co., 47, Yarburg Street, Manche>ter. Eminfint Medical Specialist who is a duly qualified Surgeon. ON SOCIAL PURITY AND THE IN- FIRMITIES 0 £ V MAN. Addressed specially to young meiyfwith advice on Health, aQd containing Heciafcs that will restore the and debilitated to the full power of M&nhood. Free l^rthe benefit of all who desire j* safe and s'p^eay cure, without the aid of Quacks. Send one stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. rPHE MATBIMONAL /HERALD AND .1 FAsHIONABLEMAjtKlAGE G nZEITE is the original and only rtfcognised Medium for High-class INTKODU^EITONS. The largest and most successful xti^trimonial ageucy iu the Price 3d.; in envelope. 4^d. — Address ^ditor. "40, Lamb's, Conduit-street, London, A Who suffer from NEBVOUS DEBILITY T)A/MIT LOST VIGOUK, EXHAUSTED VITALITY, JJLMLIXT KIDNET DISEASESA Treatise PI- plaining the renowned MABSTON treatment. fp0 ay local abitrptu/iir, the only positive cuie M'a 'wiji.it StofnadrJIedicines, will be sent in f* IV | plain .? ,v sealed for Three Hamps. I\1 HR "• !">7 "WBDJ Co., 249J, High Hol'-iorn, Ijondon. jyrONEY LENT WITHOBT BILL OF SALE—A Privat^Gentleman is fisirous of making advances upon Promissory ote alone, at 5 per cent. interest, t' male or lemale, without suretiae aiid strictb. private, or any term not excesdiifg 10 years. Apply or prospectus and scale of re-payments to »«>•• 2i'joh» si««' **»»«. Make" l° H-M tbe Horticultural Implements. GRi^ST^ATENT LAWN MO WEES, WITH iMPROVED SOLID LINK STEEL CHAINS. c have stood the test for upwards of twenty- ive years, and have carried off EVERY PRIZE "'ch has'been given in all eases <>f competition. They are in constant use in all the Koyal Gardens. Their superiority over those of all othci-^Makers 18 universally acknowledged. They will cut either short or long grass, bents, fcc., wet or dry. THESE ADVANTAGES NO OTHER LAWN MOWERS POSSESS. Jhey are the simplpst in construction, the easiest ^ork> the least liable to get out of order, make DTTR*110*80 when in use, and are the MOST UKABLE LAWN MOWERS EXTANT. EVKRY ONE SENT OUT IS GUAIIANTilED4 Q to give entire satisfaction, e*wise it may be returned at orrc Free of C ST >jn the Purchaser. ancPsp^? of all respectable Ironmongers eusmen in the United Kingdom or direct IJ jj from the Manufacturers, a 0 M A S GREEN & SONS, LI M IT E D, SMITHFIELD IRONWORKS, LEEDS, I surry WORKS BLACKFRIARS ROAD, Cftr LONDON, s.E. riage paid to all the principal Railway Stations j.. in the United Kingdom. HStrated Price List Free on Application. I D.d., Ill.. COM POUN D, B demulcent anodyne expectorant, 2s. 9d &c. Of all Chemists. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE J^eECHAM'S PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS, jgEECHAM'S PILLS, >o n «'^eJ8VJ'^ Emitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Stotna-vc. ^rvous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the ?ft«r M«.'i t. headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling: '°8s of H and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flush- Oe«8 c "ea*> Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Costive- anc^ Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, tiojjg Vu' Dreams, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensa- Thj.'• first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. P 18 Do fiction, for they have done it in countless cases sufferer is earnestly invited <o tiy one box of wj* "tils, and they will be acknowledged to be W"ORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. "^TORTH A GUINEA A BOX aBcs they are invaluable No female found ee w'thout them. There is not a medicine to be i'reKUl»T?» t0 'hen. for removing any obstruction 01 Jifection. °' t'le. system. If taken according to the l BUlea f £ 'ven with each box, they will soon restore "Sen urn* 5 u^es t0 80uncl an^ robust health. This has v. thousands who have tried them, and found ts which are ensured by their use. ..[) EECHAM;S PILLS. BEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM PILLS. Por aa Weak Stomach, Impaired. Digestion, and all Dis- ^»ilierv of the Liver, they act life magic, and a few doses or„ be found to work wonders on the most important B*ns ,n the human machine; They strengthen the whole bjcWu astern, restore the long lost complexion, bring the\ keen edge of appetite, and arouso into action with hntortte*eli«d of health the whole physical energy ot the N»«TOH« fraKle- These are FACTS testified continually by en# °f all classes of society, and one °p i68 t0 Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECH AM S »0rl4 avt <Ae largest Sale of any Patent Medicine tn the JJbechaM's MAGIC COUGH PILLS. JGEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial j S^PPrp.0-8' "OBrgeness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Th^y °f the Chest, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled* *p«edi|ve l^e best ever offered to the public, and wil. ^'••thin re,no.ve that sense of oppression and difficulty o, »J»y Which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Lei •HdtfifrS°n BEECHAM'8 COTJGH PlLLS a trial1 ^ost violent cough will in a short time be removed- Pr only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the •W bv if* THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, ^'uggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every- IN BOXBS, is. lid. AND f. M. BACH, A30 TM WI". lAø 0 .'1' vw. ri i PIS^"|^ HUDSC:f\FS SOAP is a pure Dry Boap in fine Powder-dissolves immediately-softens fl11 a foimin lathor and leaves no roIDell! H tH)SC) f'" S SOAP is excellent for washing Flannels and Woollen Underclothing, as well as Linen. Shirts, Collars, Sheets, Tablo Cloths, &c. HUDSON'S SOAP is Sold Everywhere in 1 lb., J-Ib., and lIb. packets. For Family use, in parcels containing 6 or 12 packets; also in 14 lb. and 28 lb. boxes. WORTH A POUND A PACKET! PRINTING OF ALL KINDS AT THE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE. MOST MODERATE CHARGES. ADDKESS CARDS. CLUM BOOKS. BUSINKSS CARDS. ACCOUNT BOOKS. CLUB CONTRIBUTION CARDS. CHEQUE BOOKS. CONCERT TICKETS. DELIVERY BOOKS. TEA T i CK ETS. S^AY E UV)NTS. ¡, PAY TICKETS. jfKMOIIANUUM FORMS. WAGGON TICKETS. CATALOGUE S. RAFFLE CARDS. PRICE LISTS. MOURNING CARDS. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, and BILLS BALL CARDS. of every description in Black or Coloured Inks. BALL PROGRAMMES. ART UNION TICKETS.. CIRCULARS. MACHINE RULING. I PROGRAMMES. BOOKBINDING. CONDITIONS OF SALE. ACCOUNT BOOKS of any pattern. PROSPECTUSES. NUMBERING ..J,W -101 P c&rs' So&p Fair white hancls^- .Bright clear complexion Soft healthful skin* STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOORSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, DESIRE to inform the PUBLIC that they Jiave in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY And FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Harmonicars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., &c. -:0:- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE LLYFRAU CYM REIG, Att WERTH GAN JON ES A 'I MAB, 31) CO M M K K C 1 A L-P LACE, A B E KDARE. Pris eyhoeddiedg. Pris cyuygedig £ s. d. £ s d Esboniad Burkit ar y Testament Newydd 1 11 6 1 ] 0 Eto, ynrhwym 1 10 o Esboniad y Parch. Christmas Evans ar Lyfr Dadghddiad 0 2 6 0 2 6 Geiriadur Duwinyddol ae Ysgrythyro\ gati y diweddar Parch J. T. Jones 0 6 0 0 6 0 Hanes y Nef a'r Ddaear, eto ». tt 0 13 0 0 13 Hanes y Nef a'r Ddaear, eto ». tt 0 13 0 0 13 Daearyddiaeth Ysgrythyrol, eto •' •• •• 0 13 Athioniaeth Trefn Iachawdwriaeth gan Walker, ynrhwym 0 1 6 o 1 CorffDuwinyddiaeth Brown, o Haddington 0 0 0 9 0 0 7 0 Eto, ya rhwyw • • '0" t) 9 0 n FOR COUGB.S, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR.-J. C0LLIS BROWNE'S ngSBmll CHLORODTIE 41-^ THE GREAT surpr^sfngly controllin V6 ^e^6886*1 itS § 148 jj S^'ECn'IC We have never used an/ other form of 2 this medicine than Collis Browne's, W o OHOLEBA, from a firm conviction that it is deci- I~VE. J. OOXiLIS BROWNE (lato TilABRHCEA, DYSENTERY. dedly the best, and also from a sense of J Armv Medical Staff) DIS- JJ GENKRAI/ BOARD of HEALTH, duty we owe to the profession and the COVERED a REMEDY to denote London, REPORT that it ACTS as a Pu,bI'P; we »re of which he coined the word CHLORO- CHARM, one dose generally sufficient. substitution of any otner than Colhs DYNE. Dr. Browne is the SOLE Dr. GIBBON, Army Medical Stal. Cat- Browne a is a deliberate breach of fath INVENTOR, and, as the composition cutta, states: "SDOSES COMPLETE- o11,"16 P»rtof the chemist topresenber of Chlorodyne cannot possibly be dis- LY CURED ME of DIARRHOEA." Patlent ^^™; We afe, Sir, fa>th- covered by Analysis (organic substances From SYMES & Co Pharmaceutical SYAPS & CO., 3/«m6er» 0/ defying elimination', and since the for- Chemists, Simla" Jan^m l £ e Society of Great Britain, Bit mula has never been published, it is evi- To J T DATSSHORT T nnH™ Jr' Excellency the Viceroy s Chemist*. SiR.~We coAgratul^j^u upon T|»- J- COLLIS BROWNE'S V',a D the widespread reputatjjjPthis justly. U CHLORODYNE is a liquid me- ^wf paiTHnn is esteemeji medicine hajJBrned for itself dicine which assuages PAIN of ffary' I?a,ny &l1 oveC the East. JUT a remedy of EVERY KIND, affords a calm, re- 5woS?ntat- £ vnI P asers by false general utility, jjg much question freshing sleep WITHOUT HEAD- I representations. whether a betLa^s imported, and we ACHE, and INVIGORATES the ner- 1R. J. OOLLIS BEOWWIJ'S shall be _gla»irto hear of its finding a voua system when exhausted. J CHLORODYNE. — Vice Ohan- place in every Anglo-Indian home. The j coiiLIS BKOWNlt'l cellor Sir W. PAGE WOOD stated other brands, we arc happy to say, are | f CHLORODYNE raDidlv cnta Dr- J- COLLIS EO" relegated to the native bazaars. short nll attacks ofp y nU UNDOUBTEDLYthe and, judging trom their sale, we fancy-pTT c-p A CVRA nr\TT« INVENTOR of CHLORODYNF that their sojourn there will be but evanes- SPASMS, COLIft the whole story of the defendFre°- cent. We could multiply instances ad JQi PALPITATION, HYSTERIA. regretted tolav ith^' KUltruu' and he onr "t't'' W^e's TMPORTANT CAUTION7.—The »«sr«s«2f!K V At.T.tAttttt TRUE general sedative, that have occurred j 11.3 q,; Qrj JlT.,5 iR gj "VTEUBALQIA, GOW nmrn™ under our personal observation during 1^1 TOOTKAOTTT? T?TTZlOANCEK, many years. In Choleraic Diarrhoea, SOLE MANUFACTURER, A' aSBPHATisM. and even in the more terrible forms J.T.DAVENPORT,33.Gt.Ru8seIlSt.W.C. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & DfflTMENT Are acknowledged by all to be THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of II and 4, or by letter. John E. Keir by, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF STEAM PACKING,! SWIM. SEAIi HAKWIR l, ¡ Ii 1 J 1 U. J if, 1\ l, úH!; It. Square Platted Elastic Steam Packing FOR PISTON HODS, PISTONS, P'jMPS, &c FRENCn CIIA L K PACKING, HYDltAULlC TACKING G LYCERIN^PACKING, RED LEAD ? K PACK] N Q or Man-Hclefl, Cyly>^r^overs> Joii) ts, & WIRE GAUZE SREAM PACKING RINGS, And every description of Pad:inu. ROUND, SQUARE, AND FLAT. Samples and Prices on Application Under the distinguished Patronage of Hi it isiti Admiralty. The Honourable Corporation of Trinity Housa London. ESTABLISHED 1864. CHLOIIO-LINSEED" COUGH LOZENGES, post free 7d. Of all Chemists. A LLAN L I D E il SHOETESX OCEAN PASSAGE To « £ S»ib AMERICA. Composed of Twenty First-class Royal Mail Steamers. SAILING DAys-From Liverpool, every Tuesday and Thursday, to Canada, and evety alternate Tuesday to Halifax and Baltimore, forwarding passengers on easy terms to parts of Canada nd the United States. j' Surgeon and Stewardess^f provided free for a classes of Passengers. J' Passengers who segjtfre their Tickets before leaving lurae are at the Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed Agent of the COmpav n who takes charge of them until they g0 0n borda the Steamer. The Canadian Government grants ASSISTED PASSAGES .by the ALLAN LINE" to Married Farm Labourers and i emale Dwnestc Servants. For Rates of Freight or Passage, apply to ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., Alexandra Buildings, James-street, Liverpool; or to JONES & SON' i ABBRDARN TIMES Office, Aberdare, THE MANCHESTER I Fire Assurance Company. ESTABLISHED 1824 Capital, £ 1,000,000. Annual Income (188) £2}9,000 HEAD Ofj^6e—Manchester. Midland and Sqjtith Walesjlrauch Office, 16, IJennett's Ijfll, Birmingham. This Compan./ AssurQ^*13uildings, Furniture HClit, Merchandise,foods, Farming Stock Shipping, &<y, in eat firitain, the Colonies and Foreig oun es. f It posse se in addition to the Paid-up Capital, (subscribed by a numerous and wealthy propeietary) large Reserve Funds, and thus offers to Insurers the most ample security. The Policies of this office extend to and cover osses by Fire occasioned by Lightning, and osses caused by explosion of gas occurring in he building insured without extra charge. AGENTS AT A BERDARE:- MR. CHARLES M. LEWIS,London and Provin- cial Bank. MR. GEORGE ABRAHAM, National Bank of Wales. MR. T. L. JONES, Aherdare Times Office. AT YSGOLION SABBATHOL. Newydd ei Gyhoeddi, Ail-argraffiad o EGWYDDORIG O'R IAITH GYMREIG, Yn cynwys GWERSI HAWDD O'R YSGRYTHYRAU DDYSGU DARLLEN A SILLEBU, Pris lc., neu y Ddwsin, i LYFRAU o footi math, yn Gymraeg a L Saesneg, at wasanaeth Ysgolion Sabbothol ar werth gan JOWES MAB, SWYDDFA'R "ABERDARE TIMES, all CgmaWMi i., < HARMONIUM FOR SALE, Cheap -LJL Suitable for Churchy or Chapel. Apply at the Office of this Pape, Messrs. Howell, Davies,& Co. Beg to announce that they have eommenoed business as AUCTI0NEER8&ARMAI8ER8, J* J And will be HAPPFFI^U) treat for SALE or JJ^LUATION Of Horses, Cattle, and other Farm- ing Stock, House Property, Furni- ture, &c. OFFICES LEWIS-STREET, ABERAMAN, and IRON BRIDGE, ABERDARE. "I CURE FITS B When I say cure, I do pot mean merely to stop them for a and then have them return again. I mean radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EMLKPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long staidr. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receiving a eura. Send at once for a Treatise and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy. Give Address in fnll. It costs you nothing for a trial and it will care. Addreø- Da. H. G. ROOT, 73, Farringdon Street, London." LINUM CATHARTICUM PILLS, » pleMaat uiriti, 9Jd,ls. IJd., 2s.9d Of »H Chemints. Electric Belt Free. To introduce it and obtain Apents we wUt for the Dlat Sixlf Dayi« pive swav, free of charpi*. in cael^Town in Great Britain, a limito I numl>er of our GERMAN CLECTRO GAtVAMIO SUSPENSORY BELTS, Price OHfe Tound; a powtire and linfailing cure for Kervous"lfehility. Vsricoeele, Kifhl Trouble. Loss of Energy, Set- £ 100 Reward paid if evety Ik'lt wf manufacture does not penerate a jr«nuta« electrM current. Adilresa at once KLKCX'RIC BELT AG £ IfCY( P.O. Box 178, BROOKLYN, N.Y., U.S.A. owl I SPECIALLY WRISTBANDS. SUITABLE FDR VH|SniRT FRONTS. _—— KA.Y'S TIC PILLS, a spsciflc in Jfeuraljia, Faeeache OVrt., and 13^d; postage ld.oi all Chemists. F. GRIFFEN, (Late Manager of the Aberdare Conservative Club) BEGS respectfully to inform his frienda that he has taken the NAG'S HEAD INN, AT THE MUMBLES, And hopes that visitors from Aberdare and neighbourhood will honottr him with their patronage. lie will alwav.gjjepjrfepared to cater for large or small Parties at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. All Articles supplied will be of best quality. READ" Tbe Law of Population," by Annie R, Besant. A work designed to induce married people to limit tbeiy family within the means of subsistence.^— Sprit Post Free by W. H. Reynolds, Publisher New Cross, London, S.E., on leceipt of Eight Penny Stamps. KAYS COM POUND.-Asthma 86d Bronchitis are im. mediately relieved by it. Of all Chtfmiste. rpHE MOST SENSIBLE MAN in this -L District, WILL CLEAR HIS NEXT WEEK'S EXPENSES, PUT jM BANK OF ENGLAND NOTE IN HIS POCKET, and assist any charit- able object wbieh may J&o at the moment appealing toJWa generous instincts. Sfee WEDNESDAY'S "TRADE, FINANQB and RECREA- TION," a wedj^r Newspaper for Everybody/-ML Newsagent# and Railway B^ojfeprftalls, Id,or post free ljd ne 35, Mark Lane, London, E.C. COAGULINE.—Cement for Broken Articles, 8d. sad 1 postage 2d. Sold everywhere. Cf all Chemists. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILUs is warranted to cure all discharges from the Urinary Organs; in either sex (acquired or constita- itonal), Gravel, and Em'ns in._J6fe Back. Guaran* teed free from M^jeury. ^Sold in Boxes, 4s 6d each, by all Chepusta^sifhd Patent Medicine Vendors thriWorld; or sent te any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, The Lincoln & Midland Counties' Drug Compaay, Lincoln. MADE WITH BOILING WATZB. E P PS S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING c O C O A MADE WITH BOILING MILE. "A NEW WELSH AUTHORESS." The Wreckers of Lg,?ernock, 'AN B Ne BY ANNIE JKXJFYNA In 8vo., Cloth, Py&Five Shillings. Published by FislferUnwin, Paternoster Square, E.C. IVlay be obtainedat the ABEBDARB XLKKS OflELce, Commercial Place, Aberdare. BOYS who wish to earn pocket money, on Fridays and Satordavs, by selling News- jgg^ergj should ftt tat Abtrfart Timn

THE EDINE Life Assurance
