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-q ^ENTS WANTED to push first-class .fc ^chinory Oils. Liberal Commission. Post Office, Liverpool. fcilL t^°MPOUND Essence of Linseed, Aniseed, Seneg u' *c., with Chlorodyne, SJd., 13Jd., &c. BllADnURY & CO. (Established 1850) are t i\. °Pen to appoint a few additional Agents *rm feale of their Bone Manures, &c. To a°d others having a good Agricultural forL. 25' a good commission will be paid. • Wednesfield, Wolverhampton. itchwork! Patchwork! Patchwork! I ^fiNTS WANTED.—Ladies, Families & ^HCPT^61"8 to try our PATCHWORK *Utif i containing 200 assorted pieces of bfo,, Prints, suitable for quilts Cushions, 6^ » One Parcel la. 6d Two 2s. 9d.; Otu I8' 9d Carriage Paid .emnants, &c. Co., 47, Yarburg Street, Manchester. Eminent Medical Specialist who is a duly L qualified Surgeon. S°CIAL PURITY AND THE IN- Ieci FIRMITIES OF MAN. Addressed ig *Jy to young men, with advice on Health, jfv_ staining Recipes that will restore the debilitated to the full power of o°d. pree for the benefit of all who desire U Wid speedy cure, without the aid of I}!J8 Send one stamp to prepay postage, utess Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- MATRIMONAL HERALD AND tK ^HI0NABLEMAERI4GE GaZETTE J original and only recognfeed Medium for jen-class INTRODUCTIONS. The largest Dtla*08^ 8?ccea8ful matrin^onial agency in the taj." Price 3d.; in envelope. 4 £ d.—Address f q tor* 40, Lamb's, Conduit-street, London, A Who suffer from NERVOUS DEBILITY kAA>T 1,081 VlOOUB, EXHAUSTED VlTAiITT, *'UU I\L Kidnbt DISEASES &C. A Treatise ex- plaining thcrenownedJtfABSTOH treatment, To By local abiorption, the only positive cuie I ijl Stomach Medicines, will be sect in Ifi C' IV I piaiu sealed for Three stamps. 1 ^IM, THB HBMBDT Co., 249J, High Holborn, ijondon. IfONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL fl0l» OP SALE.—A Private Gentleman is Sou1!8 0f makin8 advances upon Promissory fcm«Li -e' a* Per cent- interest, to male or for*' yithout sureties an**strictly private, f0r y term not exceeding- 10 years. Apply Q JPr°8pectus and, of re-payments to Undo^Vc E8q"' 2X3ohn Street' Adelphi' by.E°yal Warrant Makers to H.M the onlt, iL i^8 Highness the Prince of WaJes. I y Makers holding a Royal Warrant for Horticultural Implements.. Jr^wS8 PATENT LAWN MOWERS, "1TH IMPROVED SOLID LINK STEEL CHAINS. th jfn have stood the test for upwards of twenty- ijjj vej*rs» and have carried off EVERY PRIZE u has been given in all cases of competition. ey are in constant use in all the Royal Gardens, rheil Superiority over those of all other ^Makers niversally acknowledged. They will cut either short or long grass, bents, Wet or dry. IT"FJSF, ADVANTAGES NO OTHER LAWN MOWERS POSSESS. k are the simplest in construction, the easiest Itt],? the least liable to get out of order, make brj./oise when in use, and are the MOST *ABLE LAWN MOWERS EXTANT. *^SRY ONE SENT OUT IS GUARANTEED tyjj to give entire satisfaction, erwise it may be returned at once Free of C ST the Purchaser. ha<i of all respectable Ironmongers smen in the United Kingdom or direct (b. from the Manufacturers, "MAS GREEN & SONS, LIMITED, SMITHFIELD IRONWORKS, LEEDS, S^RRY WORKS BLACKFRIARS ROAD, LONDON, S.E. 8e paid to all the principal Railway Stations jiv in the United Kingdom. "Btrated Price List Free on Application. KA Yp« •ta., i3r,c?MPouND, a demulcent anodyne expectorant, 2a. 9d 4C. of all Chemists. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE )AEECHAMIS PILLS, BEECHAM'S PILLS, B BECHAMIS PILLS, 'Jilio'"y admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for '"Hir! c- mo°" Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the M i Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling Jj»g( 0f T, » fisainess and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flush- r_ 8t' I'Oss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Oostive- 'figjjlf H'jy Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, and all Nervous and Trembling Senna- | Thli' The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. g- "• fiction, for they have done it in countless oases W p? 'Hfftrer is earnestly invited to tiy one box of r,H«, and they will be acknowledged to be W'ORTH A GUINEA A BOX- WORTH A GTJINEA A BOX. 01' WORTH A GUINEA A BOX of aHagell they are invaluable No female without them. There is not a medicine to be *° lhen> for removing any obstruction oi f'^etion, •of ^e system. If taken according to the L'to*le« V ^,1Ten w>th each box, they will soon restore 5 *?e8 t0 sound and robust health. This has kt bjarii, by thousands who have tried them, and found b which are ensured by their use. J^EEcHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEEgftAM PILLS. «M0,|Weik Stomach, Impaired ^^estion, and all Dis- Mlw of Liver, they act like.jfiagic, and a few doses Or.. be found to work wonder»*on the most important in the human machine- #>ey strengthen the whole restore the *Bg lost complexion,Jbring keen edge of appetite, and arouso into action with IhjJ^ehttd of health th^ whole physical energy of the ^SS.Jra,5e- These Facts te8tlfi.ed C°nn? the best 6W?8 of »» classes of society, and one of thesbest PILLS^*8 to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BBECHAM h kav* Largft Sale of any Patent Medicxntm the j ^8ECHAM,S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. IAF-ECHAWS MAGIC COUGH PILLS. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS Remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Hoarseness, Shortness- of Breath, Tightness and Mion of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled* l^e hest ever offered to the public, and wilj by. remove that sense of oppression and difficulty Of »HV ■og which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Le, j *hd tf?Tton BEECHAM'S COUGH PiLLS a trial1 r, i|»e jnost violent cough will in a short time be remoyed- 3 only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the K1 ETOR» THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, 1111 Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every- IN BOXBS, is. ljd. AHt) So. 9d. BACH. ¡ IPILL Ditionojrs'm • TI* ,,1ft. I T W ir n* t a! B B /t ver ect th .4 HUDSON'S SOAP is a pure Dry Soap in fine Powder-dissolves immediately-softens all waters-makes a foaming lather and leaves no smell! HUDSON'S SOAP is excellent for washing Flannels and Woollen Underclothing, as well as Linen, Shirts, Collars, Sheets, Table Cloths, &c. HUDSON'S SOAP iB Sold Everywhere in 1 lb., i-lb., and lb. packets. For Family use, in parcels containing 6 or 12 packets; also in 14 lb. and 28 lb. boxes. WORTH A POUND A PACKET! PRINTING OF ALL KINDS AT THE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE. MOST MODERATE CHARGES. I ADDRESS CAltDS. .If BUSINESS CARDS. f CLUB CONTRIBUTION CARDS.. y CONCERT TICKETS. Ae TEA TICKETS. PAY TICKETS. WAGGON TICKETS. RAFFLE CARDS. MOURNING CARDS. BALL CARDS. BALL PROGRAMMES. CIRCULARS. PROGRAMMES. CONDITIONS OF SALE. PROSPECTUSES. # £ UB BOOKS. ACCOUNT BOOKS. CHLQUE BOOKS. DELIVERY BOOKS. STATEMENTS. MEMORANDUM FORMS. CATALOGUI.S. PRICE LISTS. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, and BILLS of every description in Black or Coloured Inks. ART UNION TICKETS. MACHINE RULING. BOOKBINDING. ACCOUNT BOOKS of any pattern. NUMBERING

THE EDINBURGH ; Life Assurance…


