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AGENTS WANTED^to push first-class Machinery Oils. Liberal Commission. box 31, Post Office, Liverpool. „ Kays COMPOUND Essence of 8en<>g Tolu, &c., with Chlorodyne, »id., «e* BEADCUEY & CO. (Established 1860) are I open to appoint a few additional Agents for the Sale of their Bone Manures. &c. To Mariners and others baring g°°d connection, a good commission will DC pa • Works, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton. Patchwork! Patchwork! Patchwork! AGENTS WANTED.-Ladies, Families & i- ik others to try our PATCHWORK PARCELS, containing 200 assorted pieces of beautiful Prints, suitable for quilts Cushions, Aprons, &c., One Parcel la. 6d.; Two 2*. 9d.; |*0ur 4s. 9d. Carriage 1 "id Remnants, «c. Boyd & Co., 47, Yarburg Street, Manchester. !n Eminent Medical Specialist who is a duly qualified Surpeon. F\N SOCIAL AND THE IN- VJ PIRMITIES/ OW MAN. Addressed specially to young e with advice on Health, and containing's that will restore the nervous and debUifated to the full power of M anhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks. Send one stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Bir- mingham. RNTJE MATEIMONAL HERALD AND 1 FASHIONABLE MARRIAGE GAZETTE is the original and only recognised Medium for High-class INTRODUCTIONS. The largest and most Successful matrimonial agency in the world. Price 3d.; in envelope. 41d.-Addres8 1 Editor. 40, Lamb's. Conduit-street, London, W.c. A Who suffer from NRBVOU8 DEBILITY LOST VIOOVB, B*HA«B»» VitALitT, DAnAT KIDWBT DISBA«B» AC. A Treatise ei- JJUUIN plaining theirenowned MAM*OK treatment. by local absorption, the Only positiTe erne TO without Stomach MedJ«tnes, will be sent in Ml— plain a w M > 10 »eat*d for Three ?tMnP». p M Tan M, Mtit RnnnCo., MA|. High ™ • ftolborn, L ondon. MONEY LENT WITHOOT BILL OF SALE.-A Private it doiirouB of making advances Won Promissory Note alone, at 5 per cent, inpfrst, to female, without sureties rtrietly tor any term not/exceeding 10 years. Apply for prospectus. d e of re-payments 10 6. H. SHOVE, John Street, Adelphl, London, W.C. Appointed by Royal Warrant Makers to H.M the Queen, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. The only Makers holding a Royal Warrant for Horticultural Implements. GREEN'S PATENT LAWN MOWERS, WITH IMPROVED SOLID LINK STEEL CHAINS. They have stood the test for upwards of twenty- five years, and have carried off EVERY PRIZE which has been given in all cases of competition. They are in constant use in allthe Royal Gardens. Their superiority ever those of all other:Makers is universally acknowledged. They will cut either short or long grass, bentfc, &c., wet or dry. y THESE ADVANTAGES NO OTHER LAWN MOWERS POSSESS. They are the simplest in construction, the easiest to work, the least liable to get out of order, make little noise when in Use, and are the MOST DURABLE LAWN LOWERS EXTANT. EVERY ONE SENT OUT IS GUARANTEED to' give entire satisfaction, Otherwise it may be returned at once Free of C ST the Purchaser. They can be had of all respectable Ironmongers and seedsmen in the United Kingdom or atree from the Manufacturers, THOMAS GREEN & SONS, LIMITED, SMITHFIELD IRONWORKS, LEEDS, AND SURRY WORKS BLACKFBIARS ROAD, LONDON, S.E. Carriage paid to all the principal Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. Illustrated Price List Free on Application. KAY'S COMPOUND, b demnlceft anodyne expectorant, Did., I aid" 28 9d. &c. Of all Chamists. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE B EECHAM'S PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS, JgEECHAM'S PILLS, Are universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swethng after Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flush. •Pgii of Heat, {jots of Appetite, Shortness of H reath, tlostiTe- ness. Srqrvy apd Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreapis, and all Nervous and Trembling Sensa- tions, &c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it in countless oases Every sufferer is earnestly invited to tiy one box of hese Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GTJINEA A BOX. TORTH A GUINEA A BOX ■Forf emales of all ages they are invaluable No female should be without them. There is not medicine to be found equal to then. for removing any obstruction Of irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will 11808 restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried thto*, *)*< found he benefits which are ensured by their use. JgEECHAM'S PILLS. JgEECHAM'S P1LU0? TV|#HAM PILLS. For a Weak /Stomach, Impaig^ Digestion, and all Dis. orders of the V»ver. they BcU/Fp magic, and a fe* doses oraers oi r work woipers on the moft important *ill te fourf tci wor^ Tbey rtrength^n the whoie organs in twf b ]0Dg lost complexion, bring muscular Mfctein, r BD(j arouno into action with back the ° he whole physical energy of the the resebjjRl of the testified continually by human trainare d one 0f tj,e beBt members ^Tc^asses J^rlfbSitmted is, BBKCHAM'S guarantees to the Nervous andPeDun Medicine in the PILLS have the Largest Sale of any rat world. B BECHAMS MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B EECHAIM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B FECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness aid Oppression of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand unrivaiJeu' They are the best ever offered to the public, and will speedily retaeve that sense of oppression and difficulty Gf breath in e which jiightly deprive the patient of test. Wi Ly person give BEECHAM'S COUGH PlfcJJS M™*1 and the roost violent cough will in a short time berefnoyed* Prpnared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the PrWetor THOMAS B EEC HAM, St. HeTens, Upc.ri.ir., *ndby all Druggists and Patent Medicine Pealer* every- whotp. IN BOXM, Is- lid. AlrD IS- M. Mtea. B5. FULL DIR*MIO*S ABB # TI* WI". ue E if #4 !L ro 79 HUDSON'S SOAP » HUDSON'S SOAP IE EXMUE,1\F0R 7NB^LK«tt. Fcrramilyuse, in uarcels coutalniug 6 or 12 packets; also in 14 lb. and 28 lb. boxes. PRINTINC OF ALL. KINDS AT THE "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE. MOST MODERATE CHARGES. .r.¥. ADDRESS CARDS. BUSINESS CARDS. i? CLUB CONTRIBUTION CARDS. CONCERT TICKETS. TEA TICKETS. PAY TICKETS. WAGGON TICKETS. L'; RAFFLE CARDS. MOURNING CARDS. BALL CARDS. BALL PROGRAMMES. CIRCULARS. PROGRAMMES. CONDITIONS OF SALE. PROSPECTUSES. CLUB BOOKS. ACCOUNT BOOKS. CHEQUE BOOKS, DELIVERY BOOKS. STATEMENTS. MEMORANDUM FORMS. CATALOGUES. PRICE LISTS. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, and BILLS of every description in Black or Coloured Inks. ART UNION TICKETS. MACHINE RULING. BOOKBINDING. ACCOUNT BOOKS of any pattern. NUMBERING THE EDINBURGH Life Assurance Company. FOUNDED 1823. Invested Funds £ 2,060,580. Annual Income £ 278,533. Moderate Premiums, Increasing Bonuses, Un doubted Security. HEAD OFFICE-Edinburgh. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bennet's Hill, Birmingham. Policy holders entering on the With Profit" scale enjoy from tlte outset the benefit of parti- cipation in the surplus funds to the extent of Nine-tenths of the profit realized from all sources, and at the same time they are entirely exempt from any of the risks of partnership or of mutual liability. The BONUS ADDITIONS amounted to £431,603 at the 8th division in 1886. The following are SPECIMENS OF BONUSES on Policies which have become claims during 1878-1885 Jst S.|f • 0 a *5f O O 5* 'c« s <22 <2 s"5 a <pa <a 5 «<o.o £ r £ 8 £ B. d. 63 75 3000 2077 » 7077 i 0 4St 78 900 305 2 8«5 2 0 44 00 1000 2410 17 3410 17 0 U 73 100% 458 19 1458 19 0 39 90 9(t 458 3 752 3 ui m «93 9 1023 9 0 gl 82 S000 1932 19 3932 19 0 jy 84 500 819 16 1H9 U 69 909 575 13 1974 13 0 Claims are payable immediately on proof of death and fitlp. The next division of profits will take place as on 31st March, 1892. All ordinary Policies have the benefit of the Company's NoN FORFEITURE SYSTEM, whereby Policy-holders are secured against loss by non- payment of premium. Agents at Aberdare: Mr. CHARLES M. LEWIS, London and Pro- „_ vincial Bank. MB. GEORGE ABRAHAM, National Bank OJ: Wales. Mr. T L. JONES, Aberdare Timet Office. CHLORO-LIN SEED" COUGH LOZENGES, post free 7d. Of all Chemists. A Large and Carefully-Selected STOCK OF SCRAPS, Suitable for SCREENS, SCRAP ALBUMS, &c., is now on Sale at the" Aberdare Times" Office, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. THE MANCHESTER Fire Assurance Company. ESTABLISHED 1824 Capital, £ 1,000,000. Annual Income (188) jE279,000 HEAD OFFICE—Manchester. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham. This Company Assures Buildings, Garniture Rent, Merchandise, Goods, Earning Stock Shipping, &c., in Qfeat Britait^iho Colonies and Foreign Countries. It possesses, in additiosf^to the Paid-up Capital, (subscribed by a gjSlherous and wealthy propeietarj) large Bessie Funds, and thus offers to Insurers the rifest ample security. The Policies of th^ offico extend to and cover osses by Fire^jjotilasioned by Lightning, and osses caused by explosion of gas occurring in he building insured without extra charge. AGENTS AT ABERDARE:— MR. CHA liLES M. LEWIS, London and Provin- cial Bank. ldR. GEORGE ABRAHAM, National Bank of Wales. MB. T. L. JONES, Aberdare Timet Office. John E, Keirby, PAnNTgf, AND MANUFACTURER OF STEAM PACKING, SWINTON, NEAR MApiSTER. r Square Platted Elasticateam Packing FOR PISTON RODS, PI83P6NS, PUMPS, &c FRENCH CHA^f PACKING, BYDRAULl# PACKING, GLYCERIC PACKING, RED LEA D (It 0 PEP A C KIN G or Man-Holes, CylinderCovers, Steam Jointa, & WIRE GAUZE STEAM PACKING RINGS, dad epery description of Paching, ROUND, SQUARE, AND FLAT. Samples and Prices on Application. Under the distinguished Patronage of the Biitish Admiralty. The Honourable Corporation of Trinity How London. SSSASUSHSD 1904. IliE-PlOtiEER,.TEMPERANCE BEVERACES- T I W K ET T I? FR Lime-Fruit, Raspberr Black Currapf, Winterine, Gingerette, I Peppermirxfe^&c. stabli-.4hed reputation. Noncon- ave an Delicious driuks "—Fireside Ncjs. J^^aV8 ™ established reputation."—AWo»- Our young folks delight in theB|—Hand „ Pa £ tTble and refreshing." Temperance Heart. i Record. "Firet-class beverage."—The Grocer. Pleasant and invigorating.Alliance News. Imperial Pints, Is. 6d. A Sample Bottle, Post Free, for 9 Stamps. Four^ottles, 2s. 6d., Post Free CAUT.ION.-See that the name BecJcetts and Trade Mark are on the Capsule of each bottle. Manufacturer, W. BECKETT, Heyhood, Manchester. London Wholesale Merchants, Barclay & Sons, 95, Farri ngdon- street. Sold by Chemists, Grocers, and Coffee Tavern Co.'s. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR..J. COLLIS BROWNE'S „ jKggll CJLORODYHB is itself, we L THE GREAT a ingly controuing I us SPBCMO er w 1. ney ed any ot FOR icine than 18 m B. ed !iiC FOR 18 medicine than Colli8 B. •w-v-o t nn-r-w*~ — tvtimtt/oi ^<nr»mn«i^ dedly the and also from»HIH of nTl l.? (late T\ IA H Ol A. dut we owe to the profeaaion utd th« ^^ical Staff) DIS- JkJ G^ERAL BOARD or public, a* we we of opinion that th« COVEKKD a _BEMEDY to denote Londjrh._REPQBT that substitution of any other than ColUa which ha coined the word CHLOBO- e Browne's is a deliberate breach of faith wn/-Sr' BrOTO« is the SOLE Dr. GIBBON. A-n^ Medj» Staff. Ca on the part of the chemist tojfre«cribe» :*and*M the composition A *nd patient alike.—We are, Sir. faith- Chlorodyne^ cannot possibly be dis- I*T CURED MK^jjpDlARBHCLA.. fully TOUTS. SYMES k CO., Membtrttf COTere4 by Analysis (organic substances STKES & JPT, Pharmaceutical the Pnarm. Society of Great Brilmm, Hit defying elimination), and since the for- Chemist^0KU&. Jan. 5.1880. Excellency the Victroift Chemist». 5*^vfPublished, it is evi-jft J.T. X>K^po«t, London. TPfcn .T nor T T« «nn««l'l tiffany statement to the effect f)BAB Si^rWecongratulate you upon I |». J. COLLI8 BKO W*B» I^at a compound is identical with Dfc thejgpftpread reputation this justly- 3J>' CHLOBODYNKI U a liquid ■». ^yne must be falte. esfpmied medicine has earned for itself vvSwvifTwn & r £ \Jn M. Tins Caution is necessary, as nafcy ^f^ver the East. As a remedy, of BVERY KIND^flto^ a catan. w. persons deceiTe purchasers by fSgg e^general utility, we much question Meshing sleep WITHOUT HEAD* Brepresentations. Whether a better is imported, and we ACHE, and INVIQOBATE8 the a» B. J. COLLI s BD.nwwK'8 ghaU be glad to hear of its nndinga TOU« system when exhausted. CHLOBODYNE place in every Anglo-Indian home. The T|B. >. COLMS BEOWfl'l cellor Sir W. PAGE WOOD stat^ other brands, we are happy to say, are \J CHLOBODVNE rapidly caM publicly in Court that Dr J POLLB now relegated to the banara. short aU attacks of BBOWkK ^as UNDOUBTEDLY the «" judging from their »|e, wefancy -rnpxUEPST. BP ASMS, OOUta INVENTOR of CHLORODYNE. that thel.r sokiurn there will PAXPITATIOK, HTBTSXIA. the whole story of the defendant i'ree- cent. We could multiply instances w —— man was deUberately untroe and he infinitum of the extraor^Mry efficacy upoitTAHI CAUTIOK.-The r^Tetted to say it had beensworn to — °' DB- COLLI 8 BBOWHJ'4 I IMMENSE BALE of this RKKEDT See The Timet, July lsth is^T CHLORODYNE in Diarrhoea and ^en ri8e to many UNSCRUPU. 'gVs J COLLIg~Bpfimimia Dysentery.Spasms,Cramps,Neuralgia, XyOtJS IMITATIONS. Be careful »• Ti^'CHLOBODYW^i ?vWSml the VomItinK of Pregnancy, and as a obserre Trade Mark. Of all ChemM* J-* PALLIAT?VTf ithe TB,TJK general sedative, that have occurred lg. l|d., 8s. 9d^ and «d. —nATrSm- under our personal observation during 8mm Vi<r»mrtu. P^TOOXgAOHE. BHuVrnr A Sfd ev^n 7n the mo^eterribk "qtos J.T.DAVKNPORT.C.Ot.RM»eU8t.W.O., HOLLOWAYS I PILLS & OINTMENT Are acknowledged by all to be THE BEST MEDICI S FOR FAMILY USE. Manufactured «nly at 7FIFWEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And Sold by Gll Medicine Vendors throughout the World, Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of II and 4, or by letter. 0 p Pears' Soap Fair white hatids. Briglitclea^ complexion Soft healtlifal skin. STATIONERY & FANCY WAREHOUSE "ABERDARE TlfiES" OFFICE, 31, Commereiaj/Plaee, Aberdare. JON^ & SON, PEIHTERS, BeimSELLEES, STATI05EES, &C, DESIJRE to inform the PUBLIC that they have in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY and FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &e., to which they invite attention. j HARMONIUM PQ^' SALE, CHEAP Suitable for Chtf^lh or Chapel. Apply at the Office of this Paper. Messrs. Howell, Davies,& Co. Beg to announce that they have commenced business as AUCTION EERS&APPRAISERS, I And will be bg|^iy to treat for SALEyfALUATION Of Horses, Cattle, and other Farm- ing Stock, House Property, Furni- ture, &c. OFFICES LEWIS-STREET, ABERAMAN, and IRON BRIDGE, ABERDARE. "T CURE FITS 1 When I say cure, I do not mean merely to stop them for a time and then have them return again. I mean a radiqatcure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILjjjf'SY or FALLING SICKNESS a life-long stuchp^TBecause others have failed is no reason for B^ir now receiving a cure. Send at once for a Trpgttie and a Free Bottle of my infallible remedy, jffive Address in full. It costs you nothing fer trial and it will cure. Address- Da. H. G. ROOT, 6, Plum Tree Court, Farringdon Street, London." LINUM CATHARTICUM 1MLL9, a pleasant aporient ejd, b. Hd 2s. 9d Of all Chrmi*t^. Electric Belt Free. To lntrodnee it and obtain A*cntsi^ewill for the next Sixty Dayn pive svaT, free of «kare«, io-iAch Town in Great «limited number of ott QEHflAN ELECTRO GALVANIC 8USPENSORY BELTS, ftice One Found; a poaitire and nnfailinr cure for KeflrWts Debility, Varicocele, Nipht Trouble*, Loss of Energy, tee. £ 100 Reward paid il ewy Belt we manufactiiTe does not generate a penuine «ecm« eurrt-nt. Address at once ELECTRIC BELT AGENCT, P.O. Box 178, BROOKLYN, N.Y., U.S.A. IRS SPECI AMY WRISTBAt4DS, SVU ITAB SlilRT FROXIS. COLLARS. ———————— KAY'S TIC PILLS, a spscifle in Neuralgia, Faceaehe gid.t and 134d; postage Id. of all Chemists. F. GRIFFEN, (Late Mauager of the Aberdare Conservative ch^5 t ) EGS respectfulls^fo inform his friends that I ) he has takoif xhe NAG'S HEAD INN, AT THE MUMBLES, And hopes that visitors from Abordaro and neighbourhood will honour him with thoir patronnpo. He will nlwavs be prepared to cater for large or small Parties at the shortest notice and on the inoit reaaonaMo terms. All Articles snpplie-1 will be of best quality. i j EAD 44 Hie Law of Populuti^i. by Annie A work to induce n«atiied p.pln to limit family within tlir „IO;I< « of sub<istoncp. Post Froo bv W. H. I\C;} nul,¡". PablisH^r. New Cross, London, S.E on leceipt of filight Penny Stamps. KAY'S rOMrOlTND.—A«ttiin*oini Bronchitis uro om nieilinttfly relieved by it. Of all CJÍcmi8ts. rpiJE MOST SENSIBLE MAN in this 1 District. WILL CLEAR HIS NEXT WEEK'S EXPENSES, PUT £ o BANK OF ENGLAND N0TE IN HIS POCKET, and assi^y charit- able object which Hj&y be at the moment appealing jJw his generous instincts. See ^nVEDNESDAY'S '•TRADE, F!N#WCE and KE0RBA- TION," a W- ekly New-paper for Everybody. — All Nowsagonts a i Kailwny Bookstalls. Id,or post freo l^d 35, Mark Lane. London, E.C. COAOULISE.-Comont *or ftrok^n Artu-U'?, ^d. uml I9 j p-ist!Lge %d. Sold evcrywliore. Ct nil Chrmists v ON K BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 is warranted to cure all discharges from tin Urinary Oriraus, in either sex (acqnifro or constin.- itonal) Gravel, and Pains in t^eT.aek. Gu.uan teed free from Merpury. S.?M inBoxes. 4s 6d each, by all Chcr44sti Patent Medicine Vendors thrrughoutf th^^frorld; or sent to any address for sixty s&B^ps by the Makers, The Lincoln & Midland Counties' Drug Company, Lincoln. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA MADE WITH BOILING MILX. A NEW WELSH AUTHORESS." The Wreckers of Lavernock, By AWNIJpf&NKYNS In 8vo., Cloth^'Price Five Shillings. Published by Fisher Unwin, Paternoster Square, E.C. May be obtainedat the ABEBDABE TIMES Office, Commercial Place, Aberdare. j BOYS who Wish to Wn pocket money, on j Fridays and Saturdays, by selling News pagers, should apply *t Aberdare Timet t AT YSGOLION SABBATHOL, Sewydd ei Gyhoeddi, Ail-atyraffiad o EGWYDDORI(I O'R Ikim CTYMRMG, Yn cy nwyC GWERSI HAWDD OUT YSGRYTHYRAU DDYSqU DARUCEX A SILLEBU, PrM 1c., a •&u Or. 1/ Ddwsin. LLYFRAU jiT bob math, yn Gymraeg a Saesnegj at \v;isanaeth Ysgolion Sabbothol ar werth gan ;:¡ 0 N E:; A-'J IvI ^13, SWYDDF A'I: "A BgRDARE TIMES, 31, (Jomtnercial Place, Abordare. REGISTERED XtY TRADE V g MARK. V #' AMERICAN LINSEED CAKE. This choice brand is uniform in shape, in quality, and in weight of package. Each bag contains 283 lbs. nett., so that eight bags weigh exactly 4 20 cwt. HENRY COX & CO., 3, Rumford Street, LIVERPOOL, Sole Importing Agents. ijvV ALLAN LINE SHORTEST OCEAN PA8SAGB TO Vi AMERICA. Composed of Twenty First-class Royal Mail vSt earners. ? SAILIKO DAYS—From Liverpool, ev^y Tuesday and Thursday, to Canada, and alternate Tuesday to Halifax and Baltim^e, forwarding passengers on easy terms to ^parta of Canada nd the United States. jF Surgeon and Stewardesse^f)rovided free for a classes of Passengers. Jr Pacsongers who see their Tickets before leaving It- me are methe Railway Station in Liverpool by an a^Wted Agent of theCompay,n who takes charge of them until they go on borda tile Steamer. The Canadian Government grants ASSISTED PASSAGES by the "ALLAN LINE" to Married Farm Labourers and Female De-ieste, Servants. For Rates of Freight or Passage, ap^ly to ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., Alexandra BuildingR, James-street, Livtrpool; or to JONES & SON, 4HERDAKK TIMKS Office, Aberdare. LOISETTE'S System of MomTy Training is the ONLiX L one by which the NaturfJ-Memory cftnb« improve.! until no is needed. Mr. PROCTOR, author of Old Astronomy," and of in the Encyclopedia Brit., says Hrfl?. LOISETTE'H Method IIPIIAAUappears tq^Bo ndmirable." Prospectus, ML MI 111 V ccntnimai^opinions of pupils who have ITlLlilUn I IK&AEF EXAMINATIONS, AND ot rnalffoers of the Medical, Scholastio, Clerical, etc., professions, post free from PLOTMSOT LOISETTE. 87, NEW OXFORD STRKKT, IJONDO» tyons Sk y\ WRITING: MB B! Ink Sold by all Stationers, L_ — I SA.PO LtNl," or LiiKCo l S.j:j, okerishes the cuti?ie,6d I post free. K'\y Bro's. Ld Stockport. Free by post on receipt of Two Stamps to postage, 214 Pages. DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS OF THE GENERATIVE AN n NRRV' US SYSTEM, CURED BY THJ.' j'1":¡TIVE HF- M DIRS. THE HOOK OF POSITIVE .{E- MDIES. THE NAMES. X\Ti*!IK. \NTD U>B F ALL THE POSITIVE MF-DI CP- K > <V H T M WERE USED BY DR. SMITH FOR TtliHI'* VEARS ARE NOW PUBLISH KF .N "TH i' oOOK OF POSITIVE M) DICINHs."