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'1- WANTED to push first cU»ss 'T'^os; **a^rifiery Oilg. Liberal Commission. "• Oliice.yTjiverpool. W^HfcED at AUERDARJ3, Ok i AlN ASH'and district,- ToJP ito J*V"r3-arance Co. Good terms end salary ^wynroddv jjmeU' ;uPer^^rq^en^' 27 .ii?or^r,?EY$CQ (Established 1850) are a -low additional Agents Manures, &€. lo > 33 having a good Agricultural ,1 com mission will be paid. « >4 Wol^^tewopton^- ??. Patchwork! i. '■"■ \T~. ..? &EIX-M<»,7 Eiwnites & ?V..UD' t???? tr- AUr PATCHWORK iii^fr1^ assorted pieces of -■pmtlfraitabie for quilts\ Cushions, &c., One ParcQi, i8. gd.; Two 2s. 9d.: U«Ur \a' Can ^gv, pafd. Kemn&gts, &C. uoyj* # Co 47, Yaiouife? street, MancJ^ter., T~ 7 :—~—7?—: '^T, j. "Bminftnt Medical Specially ^ho is a duly qualified Surp^on. • v^- ON SOCIAL PUHIT'S3 AND THE IN- FIRMITIES OF MAN Addressed !> ly *> y°ur,g men, w*th advice no Health, and containing Recipes %at will restore the nervous apa^ejb^fe«r i-, the full power of M anhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks Send one stamps to prepav postage. i Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy. lir- nungham. i .?' !{', ?- 'iniE MATRIMONAL WERALD AND 1 V ■< HI ON ABLE MARRIAGE G >ZE ITE the original^»id dniy recoefiis63 Medium f'oi* nigh .class -INTRODUCTION The largest u most suQjsesaful matrimonial agency in the °"d. Price 3d.; in envelope 4^. Address itor. 40, Lamb's, Oondrtit-street, Loudon, a — ■ Jr. -————— WORTH A GTJINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX S^orfemalea of all ages they are invaluable No female bold be withou' them. There is not a medicine to be found equal to then, for removing any obstruction 01 ^regularity of the system. If taken according to tlie Mrtetions given with each box, they will soon restore of all ages to sound and robust health. This has jwcved by thousands who have tried them, and found be belief}t« which are ensured l»y their use. JjEECHAM'S PILLS, ?p c gEECHAM'0 PILLS. /JJEECHAM PILLS., For a Weak Stomach, I impaired Digestion, and' all Dig- orders oi the Liver, they act like magic, and a few doses Will be found to work wonders on the most important Qrgans in the hutnan machine. Tbey Btrecgtheo thewhote muscular system, restojte the long lost complexion, bring back the keen edge of,appetite, and arouso into action with the resebttd of health the whole pby»ical energy of the human frame. Theee are FMTft tinned continually by toeinbeTs of. all classes of sOOiWjrt-and one of the best KUtrantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BEECHAM'S PILLS have the largest Sale of aw Patent Medicine in the *>o rid. JgEKCHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. JJEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B B EECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy fcr CouSbp in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness, of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand upnyaiJe They are the be3t ever offered to the public, and ^will speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty or breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Let *py person give BEECHAMS COUGH PlLLS a trial and the most violent cough will in a short time be removed" Prepared only, and Sold Wholesale and Retail by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every- where. IN BoxW is* lid. AND 2s. 9d. juob. Pbli. Di«i$ojr» AM • Wit* MACK o^. '?- Cluisi-mas and New Year's Stationery. JOKES & SOIM, ABERD A RE- TIMES" OFFICE, ^^41 ji •? 1, Commercial Place, Aberdare, |\l Q"7" I p p M Beg to Mnnounce thot they have now on Sale a Large and JgHffikgl I VERY pHOCE SELECTION OF W===S5== I ChristiMs & New Tear's Stationery K £ A Di x From tho Best Maiere, including the IB THIS I LATK«T NOVELTIES Christmas & Sew Year's ■ -"T'Witb n|>iw)'mtrt.yf(»w and Mottoes. GIFT BOOKS IN CHOICE AND ELEGANT BINDINGS, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Bon-Bons, &o. AN EXTENSIVE AND WELL-SELECTED STOCK OF FANOY GO j Suitable for Presents, together with a great variety of TOYS of Home and Foreign Manufacture. ? .åb- .1 PRINTING OF ALL KINDSi AT i UK .ABEEDAEE^$IttfiSOFFICE. — /•• MO SI MODEEATE^CHASGES. ,I)L)jtES8 CAlilW. cpfo jjc'lps; 4 ;KSIN«S- CARDS. ^CCOUNT:jfi.«>KS. f l-B CONTRIBUTION CARDS. /jl|^CHLQUg:' BuoKS ;||CERTyiCrMk "OiaiVERY Buo^ '»* TICKETS. ^TA^K^ES^S. ■ TICKETS. MKJWmAvNDUM FOlTMS. ^jSfe^ls -? ggLGGON TICKETS. CATATuGITI S. ._AVFFLE CAlTDS. PiilCE USTS.. gbuWING CARi)Sy HANT)BILLS, P()8TKHS, Invested Funds X2,060,580 Annual Income £ 278,533. Moderate Pr^toiums, Increasing Bonuses, Un doubted Security. HEAD OFFIct-Edinburgh. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Ben net's Hill, Birmingham. Policy holders entering on the With Profit" scale enjoy from the outset the benefit of parti- cipation in the surplus funds to the extent of Nine-tenths of the profit realized from all sources, and at the same time they are entirely exempt from any of the risks of partnership or of mutual liability. The BONUS ADDITIONS amounted to L431,503 at the 8th division in 1885. t The following are Specimens OF Bonuses on Policies which have become claims during 1878-1885: ° a—.—^ a—.—^ as-fl'' S *S ■" 2§ ,2 fl £ flO 88 rt 03 &B &.s.f .g"gg/ §S -So^ft <» <t* ,§x| g f ■/ < Q t JE 1 £ a jE s. d. 53 73 5000 2077 2 7077 2 0 49 38 500 305 2 805 2 0 44 09 1000 2410 17 3410 17 0 42 73 1000 458 19 1458 19 0 50 .CO 300 452 3 752 3 0 37 94, 400 623 9 1023 9 0 34 82 2000 1932 19 3932 19 0 27 84 500 619 16 1119 16 0 24 69 999 575 13 1574 13 0 Claims are payable immediately on proof of death and title. The next division of profits will take place as on 31st March, 1892. All ordinary Policies have the,, benefit of the Company's NoN FORFEITURE System, whereby Policy-holders are secured against loss by non- payment of premium. Agents at Aberd are Mr. CHABLHS M. LEWIS, London and. Pro- vincial Bank. MR. GEORGE ABRAHAM, National Bank or Wales. F Mr. T L. JONES, Aberdare Times Office. r ———! — Dm the most — « « sROrvW STEEL, wKStfllK I PENNYROYAL, B^il ■ LOIS&BITTER APPUE." | g T iftV m OBSTRUCTION STANDS AGAI NST THEM. COATED, TASTELESS, and quite harmless to the Host delicate constitution, bat MARRIED LADIES s vald adhere strictly to the directions. 1/1 J, 2/9, and ;,v v?r b,or* By post, nndar oover, Id. extra, Of q;l, Ci-.emtsts, or direct from the UNIVERSAL '-utjr CO., 19 aad 21, Queen Viotobia Btbski, ELQ KAYS COMPOUND Essence of linseed, Aniseed, Sene g cquill, Tolu, &c., with Chlorodyne, 9Jd.; 13jrd„ &c. r A Large and Carefully-Selected STOCK OF SCRAPS, Suitable for SCREENS, SCRAP ALBUMS, &e., oow.on Sale a the it Aberdare Times" Office, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. READ The Law of Population," by Annie < JL\ Besant. A work designed to induce married people to lioiit thoir family within the means of subsistence. — ^nt Post Free by W. H. Reynolds, PuQtishet, New Cross, London, S.E., on receipt of Eight Penny Stamps. THE MANCHESTER Fire Assurance Company. ESTABLISHED 1824 f Capital, j £ 1,000,000. Annual Income (188) ,> £ 276,000 HEAD OFFICE- Manchester. Midland and SQuth Wales Branch Office, 16, Bfenjiett's Hill, Birmingham. This Company Assures Buildings, Furniture Rent, Merchandise, G-oods, Farming Stock Shipping, &c., in Grear Britain, the Colonies and Foreign Countries. It possesses, in addition to the Paid-up Capital, (Subscribed by a numerous and wealthy propeietary) large Reserve Funds, and thus ,offers to Insurers theanost ample security. The Policies of this office extend to, and cover osses by Fire occasioned by Lightning, and osses.daijsed by explosion of gas occurring in he building insured without extra charge. 4GENTS AT ABERDARE: MR. CHARLES M. LEWIS,London and Provin- oial Bank. Mn; GEQBGE ABRAHAM, National Bank of r; < Wales. MR. T. L. JONES, Aberdare Times Office. -?-?_ John. E. Keirby, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF STEAM PACKING, Slim NEAR MANCHESTER. Square Platted Elastic Steam Packing FOR PISTON RODS, PISTONS, PUMPS, &c FRENCH CHALiK PACKING, H YDRAULIC PAGKi NG, GLYCERINE PACKING, RED LEAD ROPF, P or Man-Holes, CylinderCovers, Steam Joints, & WIRE GAUZE STEAM PACKING RINGS, And every description of Packino, ROUND, SQUARE, AND FLAT. Samples and Prioes on Application. Under the distinguished Patronage of the Biitiah Admiralty. The Honourable Corporation of Trinity Howa London .ESTABLISHED 18(34, -? -?-?, ?- ur I. M 1||r_-J T li E: -IR 7? PlOiqEt ?EM -P P iiwzl;kli TIM 4,! W; E?7?- BEC ET-T, ,FRU?l T?-S Y ?UD 0' 'RD A? LS Lime-t l-uit, b'aspberr^( blaclyCurrant, Winteiine, Gingerette, Peppermint, &c. Delicious drinks "—F{:, eiide Netbs, "Have an established reputation."— Noncon- •• Our young folks delight in Vazi.fund «nd T Heart. • 1. alatable and refreshing. Temperance Fii>t-class beverage.'?! Grocer. ^ReC°rf' • • f -r- • "i r>- V•"nj: \7, — sum iiiVi«ornting.—flr»ce Xem^- imnv < bfmple Bottle'Post Free'for 9 stamP3- ^Four'Bottles, 2s.j6d., Post Free the "am,: Bech tts and Trad,' Mark are on the Cansu/e of each bottle Manufacturer, W. BECKETT, Heyhood. Manch,ste, London Wholesal MeJlZs BaLy & J,0U8, Kamn«don-stre°t- Sold by Chemists, Grocers, and Coffe* Tavern Co.'s FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. PR J. COLLIS BROWNE'S 'Mg C|L0H0BYNE O OHOLRRA, from a firm conviction that ^TS^TlI-%RKH<BA» DYSKWTERY. and also from a sense of "*nOV^^» ^RPMSDYto -M GfiNEKAI, BOARD of HEALTH. to the profession and the (THT nloX London, REPORT that it ACTS as a we are of opinion that the r. CiiARM. one dose generally sufficient. of any other than ColUs xj xjn js» Dr. BtoW»6 is ])r CrTRROv irmw staff r"Al- Urowiie s is a deliberate breachof fa^th «utta, states:SOOSES COMPLETE- on the part of the chemist to prescriber OtCh^odvne ean^poMibly be d^j • LY CURED ME of DIARRHCEA." and patient^ke.—We are. Sir. faith- oovered-byAnalysis Vrom Sjhk Tin Pharm^uti^al f!lU^°nrs. SYMES ft CO.. Members of defying efimiiiaWon), «ld sixlCethofor-^ <*■. ^rliannaceuucai u,* Fharm. Society of Great Britain. B\» mtuanaanetarbeenpttwigaed. it isevi- T ^h«msts. Simla Jan. S, 1880. Excellent# the Viceroys Chmisi* dent tiiat any steteroeSft to the effect r\L V, Davknpobt, Ixmdoti. ^— that Mtoompenndi« i^fctic«l witSW. We congrataUate you upon OOLLIB BKOWNJ'I Brofl^^ CWorodylie must befatse. the widespread reputation this justly- CHLgjHftPTKE is a liquid me- ThW'Caution la noc^ssary, aa many esteemedmodietne hasearaedfor itself Jffle ratt assuages PAIN of pwMtlHi deceive purolSwrs by fatae 5Lov",r An a mmedy of EV^BY KPTD.jjjfords a calm, re- repriSwotatioM. ?«ae?al mAflEiption fre^te^ Bleep_WITHOUT HeJaD- T ~Fn T T T« Ttnn-grnr ■*> a 2xhl5i¥r wHhI^H we Mid INVIGORATES the ner- D CHU)ROD|f'B-pUce TVPT^IVW1 oeUor Sir W, PAGE _WOOE>^ftt|d Other T^* K O W WB' 8 PflMicly in Court that Pr- J- CCTLMS now ren^HKftzaats ™Pldly cuts BloWNft tor TJNt>OWOTET>LYtt3 short all attacks of n^SimjRof CHLOlbDYNK, that Wr sSSSBHEHPl^lt7vaTeX T/*WI,EPSY- SPASMS. COLIC. t%who1e ;tory <rf the drfapdap^ftee. sent, We^ould mtiltiply hatanoeaad XLi PAiPITATION. HY8TBBIA. 18th, Mfti. CHL080DYWH in rtuuriwna -*TIMMENSE SALE of this REMEDY TW J. c6 £ fl~a^ £ 0WSW& ^nte^.Spasms.CraiSSa1^, ^iSTOTMITATTOVsy ^NSCRFf?- JuF^CHLOSODYTra is the TRXJB ^oY°,nrftli5K.0f Pregnancy, rfnd as a ^S?°^r?S.ySA,B?, <^refp.1 P° >*T.T.TATTVTi!in peneral^edative, that have occurred »ShL <L Clienasta, TVTSStTRALOIA. GOUT, CANCEJO, personal observation durin? 1«-1*0., 8?. 8d., and 4r. 6d. *f*wvirpr AfrFTP^ 1ft7TS!TTlffATT81W ^earf5' In .Choleraic Diarrhrcai* Sols MAKUFAcrnaEB, JhTTrVT?AOH:E: K.nau^x —and even m tbe more terrible form*; J.T.PAV £ yPORT.ii.t ftt. Ruit^ng^w.q ?'h ???2"? ,?.? #" AG|ulwnR &c„ c payj»»jfagepcy, term9 s^ut post free. Add res* Aptforson & Co., 62 Priest- »:»:» S»n*ct, Vks ?- .# Messrs. Howell, Davies;& Co. 'I Hoy to announce that they have commenced busines* as. I DO I. AUCTIONS E R8 & APPR AlSEftS, I And will be happy to t9"t for 9ALE or VAJitTATION Of Horses, Cattl^ and other Farm- ing Stock, Hoyi«e Property, Furni- ture, &c. Offices Lewis-street, Aberaman, and IRON I BRIDGE, Aberdare. i 'I "T CURE FITS JB When I say care, I do to stop them for a f "ave an them return again. Itnean^raS|PI^^ I have made the disease of F>ETS, SHLEPSYor FALLING sy SICKNESS a ]ifcBecause others have failed is no reasqftjjjrriot now receiving a cure. Send at onoe for j^eatise and a Free Bottle of ifty infallible remedy. Give Address in full. It costs you nothing for a trial and it will cure. Address- DR. II. G. ROOT, 5, Plum Tree Court, Farrinc-don Street, London." ?-?- LItfUM CATI1ABT1CUX PII.LS, a 'easant aDe.ioi fljd.l, llrt., 2s.!M prjH5hc«iii,ts. P I vxT«rr v\r v rtr> 4 Ojn i iOni *v .'VfS' I 4 Ojn i iOni *v .'VfS V.-A by a Scottish I^ifev^\>surance Company, to art as Agent fdF jftbfrdare and District.. Libera! terms and given. -\nplv by letter to <« B., 26, (^en Park, 15«th. STATIONERY & FANCY WAREIIOUhR "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, i m SI, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PHISTEES,. BOOKSSLLEPS, STATIONERS, &c, UliSlUE to inform the PUBLIC that they luivt in stoci a^large and varied assortment of I J? PLAIN and FANCY STATION KUY ana tANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention. A large Stock of-Musical Instruments, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjos, Tambourines, Drums Harmonicars, Mouth Organs,-Mp. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS, Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Werkboies, Money Bores, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &0M &c. -:0:- <: OBSERVE THE ADDRESS- ABEKDAKE Tll!Ek>" OFFICE 31, COMMEHCIAL-PLACK, ABEIUUKK ,j LLYFiUU CYMHiiiG/^ r AKWERTM GAN f JONES A 1 ftl A S3 I CO M ME R C 1 V*L-P LAC E>^A UJJEDA l £ ^E. /•' -v: j; P Pris cyboeddiedg. Pris cynjgedig £ 8. d. £ 8 d Esbomad BurkH ar y Testament Newydd 1 II 6 1 1 0 Eto, yn rhwym .r. l 10 0 1 Eshoniad y Parch^.Christmas t.vans ar Lytr Dadgud<iiad .026 0 26i Geiriadur Duwinyddol ae isgrythyrol gan v diweddar Farcii J. T.Jones t< 0 6 0 0 6 0 1 Hanes y Kef a'r Ddaear, eto 0 13 0 0 13 0 Daearyddiaeth Ysgrythyrol, eto ..0 13 0 0.13 0 Athioniaeth Trefn Iadiawdwriaeth gan talker, yn rhwyin .016 0 Corff Duwioyddiaeth Brown, o Haddington .090 (T 7 0 Eto, yn rhwym t <■) 9 0 Gwyndydion sef Awdlau, Cywydd' i, Traethodau, &c., Eisteddfod Llan erchymed .026 016 Hanes Bvwyd a Chyngorlon Meddygo H. Jenkins,yr hwn a fu byw 169 o flynyJdoedd •• > 0 t 0 0 1 0 Eto, yn Saesneg- Ni ddyJai neb fod heb hwn .010 010 Traethawd ar y gan Dr- .010 0 1 0 Hanea Alfred Fawr,«&c., eto u 1 ) 0,0 0 2 0 Eto, y Parch. ^^yceiBiaid, ieto •• ..0 3 0 0 2 0 HaneysBwyd Due Wellington 0 2 6 0 2 0 Or atoria M or Tiberias t- jj* -• •• •• ..080 080 Drvch i Blentyn> ga.n y diweddar D. Eyaxis, Penygraig, y dwBin 0 1 0 0 0 9 Rhodd Mam, y dwsin 0 1 0 0 0 9 Ty Tad yr Ieen, neu olygiadau a r j N^f, yu rhwym V< 0 2 6 0 2 0 Udgorn Sion, (Llyfrau Tonau) 0 2 6 0 2 0 Cloriany Cysegr B ■ *• .0 4 0 0 3 0 Traethawd ar Swyddogaeth Barji, a Darfelydd, gan Parch. W. Jones, Nefyn „ ..016 016 Eos Ceirioe, sef casgltad 0 Ber Ganiadau yi enwog Fardd Huw Alorris; gan y Parch. Walter Davies, Manafon, 2 gyirol 0 12 0 0 6 0 Sylwadau P. Williams ar y Blbl 0 6 6 0 3 6 Eto, yn rhwym >t 0 6 6 Geiriadur ArfonWfson-, awdwr Trysorfayr Athrawon, at wasanaeth y Ys^ol Sabbathol 0 1 6 0 10 Aoi»uvddiaeth6cfyttfe ddyfodolDr.I^ck 0 3 6 030 UofianVy Parch, W. Hayard .010 0 1 0 iiesee Kinefeh,ynrhwym 0 6 0 0 6 0 t»a?tad Miewn Gras, eto 0 0 6 0 1 6] TPaddodiadau yr Hynafiaid,gan CaledfrynS .» •• •. 0 0 6 0 0 6 Newyddioa, gan J. Wilson 0, •• •* 0 0 6 0 0 3( Ever introduced to the English Market. MANUFACTURED- uY TKR ghits geMng 5achine S°- At CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. ? Ii = 8 i '?? It = :¡ I [ p = & e See a WHITE" before Purchasing. Warranted by Legal Guarrantee for Five Years. Uso the*"PEERLESS" Hand Machine. Agents and Wholesale Dealers Wanted. Send for Circulars to the White Sewing Machine COtl, 19, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. co A G ULIN E.-Cewent for Brokeu Articles, 6d. and la ostage 3d. Sold everywhere. Cf all Chemists. ONE BOX OF CLARKE'S B 41 PILLS is warranted to cure all discharges from the Jrinary Organs, in either sex (acquired or constitu- tional), Gravel, and Pains in the Back. Guaran- teed free from Mereury. Sold inBoxes, 4s 6d 3ach, by all Chemists -and Patent Medicine Vendors thrrughout World; or sent to any address for sixty stamps by the Makers, The Lincoln & Midland Counties' Drug Company, Lincoln. MADE WITH BOILING WATER. E P P S S GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. COCOA made WITH BOILING MILK. "A NEW WELSH AUTHORESS." The Wreckers of Lavernock, By AwnieJenkyns In 8vo., Cloth, Price Five Shillings Published by Fisher Unwin, Paternoster Square, E.C. May be obtainedat the Abebdake Iimbs Office, Commercial Place, Aberdare. .?- ??:? BOYS who wish to earn pocket woney, on Fridays and Saturdays, byselhng News- MSB,, should apply .t ti. At*rir> Tm„ kip Omoe. AT YSGOLION SAHIiATIIOJU. ri GyhoedJi, .4il-argraffiad-o' EG¥YDJK)m Cil IAITH" oYMESf), v Xll •CV1IWJ8 (i \V K lis I IIAVVDO O'P. YSGRYTHYRAD ?" '.1f l»l)VSGU A SrLLEBtT, l r., i/ctt f)r. y Ddxcjjin. 1 bob rnatj^yn tGymraeg a i > Saesii^g, at \v;.sana^t!fnfsgolion*Sabbothol »r werth ^an T MAB, ,?:?. SWYDDFA'K ABERDARE TIlCES, ? 31,0-mm orcial Place, Aberd are. For Hunting and Rough Wear. BENSON'S SPECIALLY-MADE. WATCH, THB SILVEB. "FIELD" p| 00 ? ,:a. ø e ? o .@ :¡j .j-Z; ? ;;? ? ?o = .¡ ?5 ..øS, ? ?3, j4'1 ? ? 7 é 'tj??\ g ? 1I? ?,,? KEYLE II.,ft- 7 HAL RONQM.VTE R -OL 3ENSO FIELD WATCH. The flaofing ofThe Fjelb rays:— j^iean confide:itiy'roeommend Meam. r^n^on's hmitlne iMfe&s ouc that, can be depended oTi/'— Field, Manli »!p- .> ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET FREE I. W*81NS0li, feiOLE MAKER STBAr M(^BX LUDGATE HILL; 28^ ROYAL -EXCHANGE- t& OU) .BOND STJ^ET, rr JAMIsS "BCWB^ y rSf.-W)BTEU AJ; 1. Jr, ?" ????a???.r? ) r j r WRtTMC l-l^k by all St^T S APO-IjINI," or Ljmccd %nap, cherishes the cat.ivlc, ov post fres. Kay Bro's. Ld., 8tockport. ?MM?MEBSB? Free by post on receipt of Two Stamps to postage, 244 Pages. r\EBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS ^TI,^ THE GENERATIVE AND NERVOUS M nr%< BY THE POSITIVE RE- *'i IJII^ IHr^i prtsTTTVl? MDIES. THE NAMES, .VlL,1" J F ALL THE POSITIVE MEDIC. WERE USED BY DR. JsMITH 1 YEARS ARE NOW PUBLISHE oOOK OF POSITIVE MEDJCINEh. <' This Rook is invaluable 'iff the NEHVOtJS ana .DYSPE1' to, those whose Constitution!* have becomc Debilitated from Irregularities -of Life. Intemprance. Climate, Over-taxed or Abused Energies, Late Hours, City Life, Wotry. Brain Ton, Old Age or Disease. GIVES THE NAAIfc IN ENGLISH OF ALL THE MEDICINES fc^ be cure of all Diseases of the Nervous 8v tem, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the i.eatfand Ear?, Indecision, Impaired Sight, and .Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Bacif Constipation, Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self. distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, iluscular Relaxation, Loss of Sleep. Knuty Nutrition, Loss of Flesh, Weakness, i>iur, Diffident#, Loss of Nerve Ppweiv^ &c. GIVES TIIHT NAMES 0<f THE PO. MEDICINES/FOR THJ^ CURE OF DISEASE. J? SHORT,/siMPLjT-AND PRACTICAL IN STRUCTIwNS Fflft THE CURE OF ALL DISEASE BYJ^E POSITIVE UifiVEUUCS. In thif fiPUlDE-BOOK OF POSITIVE T.E- MEDIEjyl^ will be found a LI^T OF Ai.L DISEASES, anr1 ev»rv*M;>g thaf H ^n1' r ) Invalid should now, fur htiLP-T:! A < Bent direct from he Pnbliasher, H sMlvn & Co. ? ?I ".? '? Positiv 'ionx'dy Lw# v 26 Sduthara: Ho«, Lon i«in Y!?NJ s"t. ri "MI" I ) AFE A FO'1 v ITT I I i I viliic1. Fen) des ;1, of '••pirit/Sicknecc si- Backache, and ai t» soiia''ges. After using the^ t •: ?, t,Ur boti\ to Health and "Vigcor k-id iL He's for the Cure) priee ?• ijj M h PropHfore on receijji.. tK;n>- poatto any address. H. SMITH & Retef > > 26,8oat K«w, in«a ?: