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AGENTS WANTED to push first class f Machinery Oils. Liberal Commission. Box 22, Post Office, Liverpool. 4 GENTS WANTED at ABERDARE, MOUNTAIN ASH,Vnd plS'i'RICT, lor First Class Insurance Co. Qooi-ferms and salary paid to suitable men. Superintendent. 27 Upper Twynroddyn, Mertbyr. B&ADBURY & CO. (Establish^ 1850) are open to appoint a lew addjlfonal Agents for the Sale of their Bone M^fiures, &c. 'lo Farmers and others having a -good Agricultural connection, a good commission will be paid. Works, Wednesfield, Wolverhampton. Patchwork! Patchwork 1 Patchwork! AGENTS WANTED.—Ladies, Families & others to try our PA'LULL WORK PARCELS, containing 200 zed pieces of beautiful Prints, suitable for quilts Cushions, Aprons, &c One Parcel Is. 6d.; Two 2-. 9d. Four 4s. 9d. Carriage Paid. Remnants, &c. BOYD & Co 47, Yarburg Street, Manchester. .H.>- A-T' Eminent Medical Specialist who is a duly qualified Surgeon. i /\N SOCIAL PUKITY AND XME IN- V/ FIRM1TIES OF M AN. Addressed specially to young men, with advice on Health, and containing Recipes that will restore the nervous and debilitated to the full power of Manhood. Free for the benefit of all who desire [ a safe and speedy cure, without the aid of Quacks Send one stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, ii- mingham. THE MATRIYIONAL HERALD AN!) < PA>HIONABLEMARRIAGE G \ZETTE is the original and only recognised Medium for High-class INTKODUCTIOWS. The largest and most successful matrimonial agency in the world. Price 3d.; in envelope. 4 £ d. Address 'Editor. "40, Lamb's, Conduit-street, London, W.C. A Who suffer from NERVOUS DRBILITY LOST VIGOUB, BSHAUSTKD VITALITY, "DAr\"VT KTDNBT te. A Treatise ex- .Dvy L/.1.1 i1 n" ('ie renowned MARSTON treatment, l>* local abeoppfion, the only p ositive em e TO without Stomach Medicines, will l>c si-nt in M.— pl»ia aea>d tor Thr<<> i,in| 5 P j\J »in 4Rm b SMEBY Co., 2194, 'gh • • • Hoioorn, Londoni MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE.-A Private Gentleman is desirous of making advances upon Promissory Note alone, at 5 per cent. interest, to male or female, without sureties and sfric-th private, for any term not exceeding 10 years. Apply for prospectus and scale of re-paynirnts to G. H. SHOVE, Esq., "21, John Street. Adrlphi, London, W.C. Appointed by Royal Warrant Makers to H.M the Q^een, and His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, he only Makers holding a Royal Warrant for Horticultural Implements. REENIS PATENT LAWN MOWERS, WITH IMPROVED SOLID LINK STEEL CHAINS. They have stood the test for upwards of twenty- five years, and have carried off EVERY PRIZE which has been given in all cases of competition. They are in constant use in all the Royal Gardens. Their superiority ever those of all other:Makers is universally acknowledged. They will cut either short or long grass, bents, kc., wet or dry. THESE ADVANTAGES NO OTHER LAWN ROWERS PjBfeSESS. t V They are the simplest iwtonstruction, the easiest to work, the lefest liable Jb get out of order, make little noise when in ,-mse, and are the MOST DURABLE LAWN^tfOWERS EXTANT. EVERY ONE SENT OUT IS GUARANTEED to give entire satisfaction, Otherwise it may be returned at once Free of COST the Purchaser. They can be had of all respectable Ironmongers and seedsmen in the United Kingdom or direct from the Manufacturers, THOMAS GREEN & SONS, LIMITED, SMITHFIELD IRONWORKS, LEEDS, AND SURRY WORKS BLACKFRIARS ROAD, LONDON, S.E. Carriage paid to all the principal Railway Stations in the United Kingdom. Illustrated Price List Free on Application. KAY'S COMPOUND, a demulcent anodyne expectorant, Bid., I3jd., 2s. 9d &c. Of all Chemists. A WONDERFUL MEDICINE B EECHAM'S PILLS, JJEECHAM'S PILLS, GEECHAM'S PILLS, Arp universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a Box for BiUons and Nervous Disorders, such as Wind find Pain in the Stomach, Sick Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling •fter Meals, Dizziness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flush. ings of Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath, Cos tive- NeM.Scarvyand Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams, aud all Nervous and Trembling Sensa- tMM,&c. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is no fiction, for tbey bave done it in countless cases Kvery sufferer is earnestly invited to tty one box of bese Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX PFor females of all ages they are invaluable No female should be without them. There is not a medicine to be found equal to then. for removing any obstruction 01 irregularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they will soon restore females of all ages to sound and robust health. This has been proved by thousands who have tried them, and found he benefits which are ensured by their use. BEECHAWS PILLS. JGEECHAM'S FLLLS. I .^I5epcham PILLS. for" Weak Stomac|>flmpaire0 Digestion, and all Dis. orders of the'Liver,$1% act like magic, and a few doses Will be found to work wonders on the most important organs in the hiurfan machine. They strengthen the whole musaular system, restore the long lost complexion, bring back the keatfpdge of appetite, and arouso into action ynth th^resebsrflof health the whole phy«cal energy of the hmwrtl frame. These are FACTS testified continually by members of all classes of society, and guarantees to the Nervous and Debilitated is, BERCHAM S PILLS have the Largest Sale of any Patent Medicine in the wtrld. B BECHAMS MAGIC COUGH PILLS. B EECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. JGEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, Bronchial Affections, Hoarseness, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression of the Chest, &c., these Pills stand unrivalled- They are the best ever offered to the public, and wilj speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. Le» •ny person give BEECHAM S COUGH PILLS a trial and the roost violent cough will in a short time be removed* Prepared only- and^ b.°.,eo?H.and Retail by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, Lancashire, and by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers every- where. IN BOXM, IS- lid. AND 3s. gd..ACB. Disaenovi AM TM WMtt IAO. aOr PRINTING OF ALL KINDS AT THE ABEEDAEE TIMES" MOST MODERATE CHARGES. ADDRESS CARDS. CLUB BOOKS. BUSINESS CARDS. ^€tfOUNT BOOKS. ff CLUB CONTRIBUTION CAIU)S. CHEQUE B-;0KS. CONCERT TICKETS. DKLIYEH Y BOOKS. TEA TICKETS. STATEMENTS. PAY TICKETS. MEMORANDUM FOKMS. WAG (i i »N TICK ETS. CATALOGUE. RAFFLE CARDS. P!;1CE LISTs. MOURNING CARDS. IL\\],HILl: Po<i'ij;s, ..n.iULLS BALL CARDS. of tVl'r.\ littiott ill Mack or Coloured i i ks. BALL PROGRAMMES. AJ{T UiX!uX 'i K Kl\ i> CIRCULARS. MACHINE Kl-j.lM;. PROGRAMMES. BOOK BIX DIN(i. ¡ CONDlITIONS OF SALE. ACCOUNT T^K .„y prffc.u. PROSPECTUSES. NU.\mE!:L\<; t HE MOST SENSIBLE MAN in this District. NILL CLEAR HIS NEXT WEEK'S EXPENSES, PUT X5 BANK OF ENOLAND NOTE IN His POCKET, and assist nnj' charit- able object which may be at tho moment appealing to lii, generous instinct*. See WED:\J.;S(J\ Y'S "TRADIS, FINANCE and HEOUEA TION," a W')i>klj' Newspaper lor Everyb'id- — Ml N«nvsageiit.s and Railway Bookst-iUs, or post free 2d. d'o, Miuk Eano, London, E.C. _u. Try D. JAMBS, 68, Yiiyslwyd Street, berdare, .f' FOR HAND-SEWN BESPOKE BOOTS &p ^HOH3 £ 3. Best Materials usod.. Prices Moderate. All measures kept. Repaihs promptly attended to. Patronised by most of the Gentry in town and neighbourhood. Our Shooting Boots a speciality. Established 1875. CHLOKO-LINSKED" COUGH LOZENGES, post free 7d. Of ail Chemists. D. R. THOMAS, Commission Agent, Accountant, Rent Collector, &c., 17, B RID G EST R E E T, ROBERTS TOWN, TRECYNON. All business entrusted to his care executed with promptitude and despatch. KAY'S COMPOUND.-Asthma and Bronchitis are im. mediately relieved by it. Of all Chemists. THE EDINBURGH Life Assurance Company. FOTTIXriDIEID 1823. Invested Funds £ 2,060,580. Annual Income £ 278,533. Moderate Premiums. Increasing Bonuses, Un doubted Security. HEAD OFFICE—Edinburgh. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bencet's Hill, Birmingham. Policy holders entering on the With Profit" scale enjoy from tlte outset the benefit of parti- cipation in the surplus funds to the extent of Nine-tenths of the profit realized from all sources, and at the same time they are entirely exempt from any of the risks of partnership or of mutual liability. The BONUS ADDITIONS amounted to £431,503 at the 8th division in 1885. The following arElSPECIMENS OF BONUSES on Policies which hive become claims during 1878-1885j ^el 8| £ a i&?5i §•- ogS S* «R h|-| r < ■- o f £ £ «■ £ 8. d, 53 75 5000 207T 1 7077 1 0 49 78 • 900 3 flNT 2 805 a 0 44 99 f 1000 2^0 17 3410 17 0 42 73 1000 19 1458 19 0 89 90 300 ?45i 3 752 3 0 37 04 ? 400 033 9 1023 9 0 34 82 | 2000 4 1932 10 3032 19 0 27 84 500 619 10 1119 16 0 24 69 ? 98tfcf 575 13 1574 13 0 53 75 5000 207T < 7077 2 0 49 78 • 900 3 flNT 2 805 a 0 44 99 f 1000 2^0 17 3410 17 0 42 73 1000 19 1458 19 0 89 90 300 ?45i 3 752 3 0 37 04 ? 400 033 9 1023 9 0 34 82 | 2000 4 1932 10 3032 19 0 27 84 500 619 10 1119 16 0 24 69 ? 98tfcf 575 13 1574 13 0 .-5? Claims Joe payaSe immediately on proof of death and title. The next division of profits will take place as on 31st Ma|«J^1892. All ordinary Policies have the benefit of the Company's Non FORFEITURE SYSTEM, whereby Policy-holders are secured against loss by non- payment of premium. Agents at Aberdare:— Mr. CHARLES M. LEWIS, London and Pro- vincial Bank. MR. GEORGE ABRAHAM, National Bank ox Wales. Mr. T L. JONES, Aberdare Times Office. Dn r- THR MOST m | STEEL» l|lS^l| I SPENNYROYAL» IpHS ■ &LDES&BITTER APPLE." | | rFniiiB^W HO OBSTRUCTION STANDSAGAlNSTTHEM, COATED, TASTELESS, and quite harmless to the INIST delioata oofcititution, bat MABRIED LADIES .0<»A adhere strictly to the directions. 1/1}, 3/9, and ,By N«i<ler oover, Id. extra, Of PIM^8T!,VOR,%ECT FROM THE UNIVERSAL CO., 19 AND AI, QUEEN VIOTOSIA 8TBEEC. BXL °U H?^??ENCE of Linseed, Aniseed, Seneg Squill, Tolu, &c., with Chlorodyne, 9jd., 13}d.f &c. A Large and Caiefally-Selected STOCK OF SCRAPS, Suitable for SCREENS, SCRAP ALBUMS, &c., is now on Sale a the Aberdare Times" Office, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. -T F. GRIFFEN, (Li»tf of (ho Aberdare Conservative Club) ? I'KJS rop<-Hfuliy II) inform bis friends that IK? ins l.ikmi tho J' NAG'S H [ £ /yD INN, A! THE MUftBLHS. Alii liop'vs )f).)t vijjfctrs from Aberdare and neighbourhood wiif honour him with Mieir patronag«. "e will hIwhv.s prepared to cater for l«rge or smull Pai ties !at the shortest- notice and on tho most reasonable tenn-i. Ml Articles supplied will be ,f best quality. t GENTS FOR KUBBI R ST \.MPS, &c., l\ WANTJ^D. Paying agency, terms sent post tree. Address AiYrWson & Co., 62, Priest- inan street, Itrndfotft, Vks. -,0- T OI3ETTE'3 System of Memory 'rraining is the ONlJX L one by which the NaturaMemory can be u, pnn/ improved until no Pfevice is needed. Mr. PROC1UI., author of "Old &;New Astronomy," and of Astronomy in the Encyclopedia lirit., says Pro^ LOISETTE'H Method RflPHf Anv ,lPP°a.rs mo pflmirable." Prospectus, If] t lYIlin I SaooS'J?81 £ Pi*ions of pupils who have ivii.iviuiii PASSED EXAMINATIONS, >nd ot aiembers of the Mcdical, Scholastic, A '• '• > x link 8llOI.ll CliAN PASSAGE TO A M K RICA. Composed oftwth). -class lloys.1 Ni .il Steatriprs. 'SAILING PAYS—I'roni Liver; ol, ••very and riinrsdiiy, to Canada, and '-very £ lu!ri:ai< Tuesday to Halifax and Baltimore, forwarding passengers on easy terms to all parts of Canada nd the Unitt-d States. burgeon and Stewardesses provided- free for a classes- of Passengers. Passengers who secure their Tickets before lefivitig li. me are nut at the Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed Agent of the Compaq,n who takes charge of them until they go on borda I Mie Sti jin er. "n The Canadjim GoveruWent grants ASSISTED PASSAGES; by the' ALLAN LINE" to Married Farrn La\|^Qrers and Female D»*('8to, i Servants. For Rfltes Freight or Passage, «v-f)ly to j ALLAN liiiorntHS & Co., Alexandra Buildings, Jiimes-street, Liverpool; or tolONES & SON, -VIN IUIAFIP TIMKS Office, Aberdare. READ THE WIFE'S HANDBOOK, by Dr. ALLBUTT, Leeds, jr work designed to induce married peopleJp limit their family within the means of subsistence. Sent post free by W. H. Reynol^T Publisher, New Cross, London, SE., dn receipt of eight penny stamps. THE MANCHESTER Fire Assurance Company. ESTABLISHED 1824 Papitftl, XI,000,000. Annual Income (188) £279,000 HEAD OFFICE—Manchester. Midland and South Wales Branch Office, 16, Bennett's Hill, Birmingham. This Company Assures Buildinge, Furniture Rent, Merchandise, Goods, Farming Stock Shipping, &c., in Great Britain, the Colonies and Foreign Countries. It possesses, in addition to the Paid-up Capital, (subscribed by a numerous and wealthy propeietarj) large Resetve Funds, and thus offers to Insurefs the most ample security. The Policies this office extend to and cover losses by Fire occasioned by Lightning, and losses caused by explosion of gas occurring in the building uunrred without extra charge. AGENTS AT A BERDARE:- MR. CHARLES M. LEWIS, London and Provin- cial Bank. MR. GEORGE ABRAHAM, National Bank of Wales. MR. T. L. JQNES, Afyrfare Times Office. John E. Eeirby, PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURER OF STEAM PACKING, SWIM, NEAR MANCHESTER. Square Platted Elastic Steam Packing FOR PISTON RODS, PISTONS, PUMPS, &o FRENCH CHALK PACKING, HYDRAULIC PACKING, GLYCERINE PACKING, RED LEAD ROPE PACKING or Man-Holes, CylinderCovers, Steam Joints. & WIRE GAUZE STEAM PACKING RINGS, And every description of Packing, ROUND, SQUARE, AND FLAT. Samples and Prices on Application. Under the distinguished Patronage of the British Admiralty. The Honourable Corporation of Trinity Ho%t» London. ESTABLISHED 1804, HBO pip.- I ETT U IT SYR 0 :"p S&C,0*13DIAL Lime-Fruit, Raspberry, Black Currant, Winterine, Gingerette, Peppermint, <^B. Delicious drinks Fi-eside N< tcs. Hj#e an established reputation."— Xoncon- °°HSrg 4'li8h, to and Mbwhiog." TmfvmH, 1^* Record. Fiwt-class beverage. The Grocer. Pleasant and invigorating."—Alliance New*. Imperial Pints, Is. 6d. A Sample Bottle, Ptgt Free, for 9 Stamps. F: ur'BottIes, 2s.!6d., Post Free CAUTION S"e thai the name Bir/c fts axel Trade AI" art on the Carmie »f each bottle. Mamijactur<r, W. BECKETT, IIfyho"). Mnncb-st^r. l,t>ndon Wholesale Merchants, Barclay & Sons. 95. Faiririu'ilnn-r-treot Sold bv Cii<»m:-ts, Groc-rs, ami eotfe.. ,['tan'rn Co.'s. FOR COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. DR..J. COLLIS BROWNE'S = Ml j lI lyB p XHK is of Cliolera^itseU, we have witnessed Its Wmm CHLORODYHE 2 > BPECmO other^'form of § y CHOLERA, from a firm conriction that is deci- dut^we o^8to*tli^rofeg«^n MKi'the which he ooinsd the word CHLOBO- CHARSt. one dose generally sapient. Browie> i?s » del^rate breach of fa th Dr" «IBBt°,N- 55th?Urt5r\heehemi .twSS&bS IKvENTOR, ana, as tne composition cutta, states: M2DOSBSC4»j;i^i^- and n^tient —W# sir taAtu aaajssassMtefssss: "■ dent that any stotement to the effect n, SIR-wr^oi^t^te yon upon J- COLLIS MOWHI'l that a compoundI JS identical with Dr. "'A* widesDre^ationthis juUlv- ±J CHLOEODVNE ia a liquid me- Browne's Cnlorodyne must be false. es^m^medU^^eMnedfor itself dlclne which assuavM PAIN of This Caution is necewary. as many orar thlJSl ^uVremedy of BVERT KIMD. afforta a calm, re- persons deceive purchasers by falae n^fT^we much miMtion freahin* sleep WITHOUT HKAD- IrepresenUtions. Ts ii^^L and we ACHE.and I&VIOORATE8 the net- "VR, J. OOLLIS BROWNE'S shiOJ be<*fad to hear of its finding a tom system when exhamsted. J CHLORODYNE. —Vice Chan- place inevery Anglo-Indian home. The ■ J. 00L.LI8 BXOWHI'I cellor Sir W. PAGE WOOD stated other brands, we are happy to say. are | f CHLORODYNE rapidly cuts 1 publicly in Court that Dr. J. COLLIS now relegated to the natire faaxaars, short all attacks of BROWNE was UNDOUBTEDLY the and, judging from their sale, we fancy -TTIPILKPHT SPASMS CQT.TO. BSTVENTOR of CHLORODYNE that their sojourn there will be but eranes- OOTTO the whole story of the defendant Free- cent, we could multiply instances ad -U rALrlTATIOH. zx IBTKRIA. d BSTVENTOR of CHLORODYNE that their sojourn there will be but eranes- OOTTO the whole story of the defendant Free- cent, we could multiply instances ad -U rALrlTATIOH. zx IBTKRIA. man was deliberatelv untrue, and he infinitum of the extraordinary efficacy t jgPORTAXT CAUTION.—Tho regretted to say it hail been sworn to.— of DR. COLLIS BBOwSl § 1 IMMENSE SALE of this RFMFDY DSefrhTTimc,: Jnlyjgth.A^. CHLORODYNE in Diarrhoea and riSe to^ma^%SCRUPU- R. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S m » LO"S IMITATIONS Be careful to °^ £ S^1nthe TRUE ^KURALGIA OOUT CANCEK. many YEAR^'T^^HOLC^IC'DIAN^CEA! SOL. MAKCFACTB««R, TOOTHACHE. RHEUMATISM. and even in the more terril)le forms J.T.DAVENPORT.SS.Qt.RnssellSt.W.C. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS & OINTMENT Are acknowledged by all to be THE BEST MEDICINES FOR FAMILY USE. Manufactured only at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And Sold by all Medicine Vendors throughout the World. Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hours of nand 4, or by letter. ..i. 11 u Pears' Soap III. Fair white hands. Brightclearcomplexiol1 Soft healthful skin. STATfOjSEHY & FANCY YVAKFIHHJSR "ABERDARE TIMES" OFFICE, 31, Commercial Place, Aberdare. JONES & SON, PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c, DESIUE to inform the PUBLIC that they have in stock a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY ami FANCY GOODS, suitable for PRESENTS &c., to which they invite attention, A large Stopk of Musical instrurnerits, including Concertinas, Flutes, Banjop, Tambourines, Drums flarinonlcars, Mouth Organs, &c. The largest and best selected Stock in Town of HOME and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dolls in great variety, Chess, Drafts, and Draftboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &c. Workboxes, Money Boxes, Fancy Boxes, Rimmel's Soap and Perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Cards, &c. Combs and Brushes of the best quality. Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &c., 4e. ——— :o: # OBSERVE THE ADDRE#- ABEKBAKE TIMES" OFFICE 31, COM M ERCIA L-PL A OK, AliEHDAliE

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