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-.¡¡¡ TRECYBOS ABEEDARE DOUBLE ( PRIZE DRAWING, JN aid of Mr. William Jama^f (son of the late Abraham James,) 57, Hfrwain-road, Tre- •jrnon, Aberdare, who haayoeea disabled for the last three years, will place at the Gadlys Baptist Chapel Vestry (kindly lent for the oc- casion), on Monday, December 1st 1884. FIRST PRIZfi, £ 10 IN CASH. T&fcpts may be Xatl of the Secretary, Mr. D. Griffith!, 62, Gr/Wlyi-street, Aberdare, of the Treasurer, Mr/S. Jones, 103, Cemetery-road, Trecynon, Aberdare, and at the Aberdare Time* Office. 1 j All coimwparts to be returnd on or before November$2nd, 1884. SCIENCE IN PENS. Writing made easy bytj»^tt&e of BATES WAD^lND CO.'S SCIENTIFIC TRBK/E-GUOUND PENS. AS SUP »LIED TG^HER MAJESTY'S FORCBS DUR- ING>HE EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN. To be obtjpfned of JONES & SON, Aberdare f- li I -,P, Aa &A U: AL4;604000 pawl or DRATH & TITU WOBJESO XZPSSAPBUILOB • psa OXIiX. O» na nf OOMX. DNTE: M, IUPAM BTBXXT, I X.A I lOytTl jriyTEP WHEM OT RB TZD. TAEF VALE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, 26, CARDIFF STRBET DARE. EVENINJGK" CLASSES. < NSTRU N is given in Reading, Writing Arithmetic, Grammar, Bookkeeping, &c. &c., to suit the requirements of pupils. Conducted b) the EEv. J. JOSEPH GEORGE ATTENDANTS FOUR NIGHTS PER WEEK, Further particulars on Application. WELSH LITERATUIlE. BOOKS PUBLISHED BY T. QEE & SON, Banntr 4' Times of IVai" Office, I DENBIGH. r P GEE AitD SON will ba glad to forward, 1 • free by post, a copy of their last Cata- logue, which has just been issued, and contains particulars of a new and enlarged edition of The Myvyrian Archaology of/Wales, and several of the best Welsh-English and English- Welsh Dictionaries, &o., &c/—Together with a large number of the most important Works which have been published in the Welsh Language. NMEDICINE & ADVICE EBE^OMSABGE. JERYOUS Debilitya^rtf'other kindred com- <1 plaints. All suiK>rers from these diseases can obtain advice am medicine gratis by send- ing all particul^jreof thoir case to the Medical Secretary, Jkr Sand mere Gardens, Sandmere Eoadiw^ham, S.W. BRANOI OY. ONCtIj lmp:OFCMD A N 1) 11 LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE. THE Manchester Guardian, June 9th, 18^, Mys—" At one of the windows looking on the wtfod land ways, with clumps of rhododendrons and nea masses of May blessoms. there was an intereatiD? group It included one who had been a cotton spinner. but was now so paralysed that he could only bear to lie i- a re. elininj position.* This refers to my case at the Home for Indbrables. t was first attacked twelre years ago with locomotbr ataxy —a paralytic disease of nerre fibre rarely evef cared— and was for several years b.«rely able to get about, and for the last five years notable to attend to my business as cotton agent, although many things have beah done for me, the laat experiment being nerve-stretching, two vears ago. I was voted into the Home for Incnrabteo, Mauldeth Hall, Heaton Mersey, near Manchester, in May, 1982, a home that ought to be more widely known; where poor afflicted ones have every suitable comfort and attentioa. I am no advocate for anything in the sfyapc of patent medicine, and made many objections to AT dear wife's coutant urging to try Hop Bitters, but finally, to pacify her, consented. I had not quite finished the first bottle when I felt a change come over me. This/was Saturday, November 3. On Sunday morning, in dressing, I felt so strong on my legs, I said to my bedroom? companions OIL was sure I could walk so started across the floor and baok. I hardly knew how to contain myself I was all over the house. After finigSin.: the fjirst bottle, I had fou" day., to wait for the second, and by the time it came I had fallen baok considerably Two diys alter I began to take the second ray walking camerback, and now as the Home are finding the Hitters for me I am gaining ttrength each day, and can walk quite!safe without stick or any other support I am now at my own bouse, and hope soon to earn my own livintr agatn. I have been a member of the Manchester Royal Ekchaoge lor nearly thirty years, and was most he:trtily, congratulated on going into the room on Thursday la^t.—Very gratefully yours. JdR. BLACXBVBIW. 99, Teneriffe-atreet, Higher D rough tot. Manchester, December 24, 1343. To Hop Bitters Company, London. P.8.-You will gather much respecting my case from the enclosed card. T f (Copy of Card.Jf nCOlfD (unto. KOBTHERK COUNTIES HOSfPITAL for INCUR ABLES. i. May Election, l(is2. Yonr votes and invests are |re.pectfully solicited on JOHN BLACKBURN, aged 47 years, who for eleven* has been afflicted with ataxy, ana for |ne last three years quite unable to attend to business. This case is recommended by Benj. Armitage, Esq., M.I*. The Rev. C. E. Stewart, Kedorof St, James's, Higher Broughton. John Loweoek, Esq., J.P. Mr JohnHeywood. Publisher, jbc, Manchester. Mrs William Mather, Park Leo, Higher Broughton. Mrs Winser, Woodland terracaj Higher Bronjrhton. Henry Simpson, Esq., M.D., Lond, Physician to Man. chestta Royal Infirmary James Ross. Esq, M.D., M.R^C.P., Assistant Physician to the Royal Infirmary. Alex. Hodgkinson, Esq, M, B., 28, King-street, Man- chester. The above testimonial jls from among thousand received. Hop fitters cure dyspeisis, indigestion, kidney com- pUin':s.Nder»ngement of prions kinds, and as a general lamiy ihedii.'ine none hfve met with such genuine ap- preciation*. Hop Kitteri Introduced into this country bftt a c«ife>ftr:<tively sh«t time since, they have rapidly inrreascd Ik favour until they are without question the bftt a c«ife>ftr:<tively sh«t time since, they have rapidly inrreascd Ik favour until they are without question the most popular and valuable medicine known. Composed f simp lit material, it is a marvel of deli- cate iind sucbaasAn combination Every ingredient goes straight to the mark at which it is aimed, and never fails. Pleasant to the palate, agreeable to the stem <ch and thoroughly effective as a cure, it has won lori elfthe confidence of alt. H p Bitters are used in six of the large London hoe. nitalj and similar institutions throughout the worl.r, are the purest and best medicine ever made. EMIST9 AND MEDICINE i, V EN DORS. DIRECT FROM LONDON. Temperance Hall, Aberdare. Positively for 12 Nights only. Commencing Monday, ffoYember 17th, 1884. Every evening at 8 o'clock, Doors open at 7.30 SPECIAL MORNING PERFORMANCES. On Saturdays at 3, Doors opeft at 2.30. POOLEi'S Latest, Greatest, and most Successful Enter- prise, a grand and entirely New Mastodon Diorama, entitled TRIPS AMOAD To all the most interestin parts of the Globe; a great Myornu of the j EGYPTIAN CAMPAIGN < From the Bombardme of Alexandria to the Royal Review; and jmst added, a series of grand, realistio and stirang Tableux, illustrating The Soiman War I Including the great/British Victories at TEB and TAM ASI, Gen, (Jordon atKartoum, &c. &c. Supported iw Pooles' Excelsior CONCERT! COMPANY. 1 The whole accompanied by Pooles' Splendid Bands. C NCER COMPANY. 1 The whole accompanied by Pooles' Splendid Bands. admission is, 2s., 1 g, and 6 d. Half price at 9 ojplock to all parts, Back Seats excepted. Specittl arrangemeots tnade for schools and family parties. ChildreA, under 2 yeare of age and schools half- pric Back seats excepted. Doors opeh a 7.30, to commence at 8. Day Exhibitio open at 2 30, to commence at 3. Merthyr Tydfil Union. MALE INDUSTRIAL TRAINER. THE GUARDIANS of this Union will at JL their meeting to be held on Saturday, the 29th day of November, 1884, proceed election of a duly qualified peuaff^Eo fill the ce of MALE INDUSTEJMTTRAINER at their Training School, Aberdare. Ihe person appointed must be a oema will be required to plake an^mend^snoes, and {^teach the boys that tradopjtiid assist in their general supervision'^ Salary £ 6 on annum, with board, lodging, and washing- Applications, stating age and previous em- ployment, with copies of testimonials (not ex- ceeding three), to be sent to me on or before THURSDAY, the 27th November, 1884. (By order), FRANK JAMES, Clerk. 134, High-street, Merthyr Tydfil, 8th November, 1884. -+- NERVOUS DEBILITY, DEAFNESS, Noises in the Ears, affections of the eyes, and other bodily ailments. Sufferers should send for the REV. E. J. SILVERTON'S WOHK on these complaints (275th Thousand), contain- ing valuable information. Post free for six Penny Stamps. None should despair. Note the Address, REV. E. J. SILVERTON, 16 to 19, IMPERIAL BUILDINGS, LUDGATE CIRCUS, LONDON, E.C. GEORGEGKIFFIT^S-JONES. Registrar oLMarriages. OFFICES ,1 CANON STREET, -A- DARE. Persons giving notice at this Office may marry either at tho Register Office, Morthyr, or in any licensed chapel in Aberdare or Merthyr. +- Aberdare Mineral and Aerated WATER WORKS. J. W. McEWEN, Wholesale Agent and Licensee jor ZOEDOL^E' In Mineral Water Bottles at Lemonade prices, sold at Hotels, Inns, and other Licensed Houses. Highly recommended by Tbb British Medical Journal," Medical Times,/ Norman Kerr, Esq, M.D., II. A. Allbutt, E&q., M.R.C.P., and other eminent authorities. ZOEDONE IN SPLITS. Ask for McEWEN'S celebrated and fine flavoured^fchoice GINGEFI ALE. MCBWEN'RF AERATED HOREHOUND BEER, Invigorating Tonjp and Nerve Restorer. McEWEN'S Full flavoured and Delicious Orange Champagne and Champagne Cyder. McEWEN'S MAXODONE, Excellent Nervp and Brain Restorative. Asyfor McEWEN'S II O fr TOM, So much in denwnd and appreciated during last Wintw. Own special make. V Ask for McEWEN'S SPlRKLMG GINGER BEER, Lemonape, and Soda Water. All made wira Special Care and Best Materials. C] Wo Clifton Street, Aberdare. IRON PYRITES wan^Mrom 3,000 to 6,000 Tons, gopd, gjBit'jree from Arsenic.—Ad- dress, "6,000^/W. Porteois and Co., Glasgow. I« nnriTi.'U4 Isr JainKt'^uAtnltir^Sonitmn', lanMH'. Ml ImtMn' om! ttnm4lttiigiilb. 1* ytm InaaMnr to f*joa «m 141m wo»V«io»m» a oaf. BtmranMs Mtaltea a* Tmm BsUMHdk, jMrul Brooma VsdaL London IstomtioMl *tttMM—. UM%4QBII a MOttTaomEht, -um o* )tttn«t" Wm. Bm "Wim, Plain, tirtihii tttt'tN. >10, tmial I Freemason's Tavern, Aberdare. CHARLES ROSS BEGS to thank his numerous Fritfds and the Public generally for theyCxtensive I patronage and support so liberalUr bestowed upon him during the last twelveyjears at the Three Generals, and also begs to* inform them that he has opened business at the above premises (so Successfully condwted by the late Mr. Noah J&txyes), where he is^repared to sup- ply ALLSOPPV; MILD and/BUKTON ALES and BASS'S BITTER BEEB/n Good Conditit n; also GUINNESVs EXTR/y DUBLIN STOUT, for the BOTTLING of hich he has made special arrangements wit Messrs. A. Guinness, Son, and Co Private amilies and the Trade supplied in Bottlesand ks at the most reason. able terms. Good accommodation for Three or Four Friendly Societies, there being two commodious Club Rooms on the premises. AGENT WANTED, Cbtfying or commission) foKA.berdare a>»a District by a Brewery producing first cla^Ales. A good opportunity to anyoniimjosspsdiDg a store and the means of delivery. TtSterences required. Apply by letter to W.A., The Brewery, Monmouth,

[No title]

Family Notices

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