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lilSTSjSWft^LOZENGES, solidified linseed (p»rla*ative nd Kay Brgs/sHfcfockport, and 1 Chemiiits. KA Y'S COMPODNDCfor ColdsTn^wj^s. Sold through the World, isl^d, 2sgd. so Iqw Ac"m"" THZ A u DRY P ES. iq ated Price List, 6d. NtT PRICES. EVERY REQUIS Address: Manager, Photogranhic Artists' Tttores 48, CHAETERHO LTJE SQUARE, E.C. Free by post on receipt of Two Stamps to pay postage, 244 Pages. DEBILITIES AND DERANGEMENTS] OF THE GENERATIVE AND NERVOUS 1 SYSTEM. CURED BY THE POSITIVE RE. M DIES. THE BOOK OF POSITIVE RE- MDIES. THE NAMES. NATURE, AND USE I F ALL THE POSITIVE MEDICINES WHICH WERE USED BY DR. SMITH FOR THIRTY VEARS ARE NOW PUBLISHED IN "THE oOOK OF POSITIVE MKDICINES." This Book is invaluable to the NERVOUS and DYSPEPTIC, and to those whose Constitutions have become Debilitated from Jrregularities of Life, Intemprance, Climate, Over-taxed or Abused Energies, Late Hours, City Life, Worry, Brain Toil, Old Age or Disease. GIVES THE NAME IN ENGLISH OF ALL THE MEDICINES for the cure of all Diseases of the Nervous System, Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heart, Noises in the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight, and Memory, Indigestion, Loss of Energy, Pains in the Back' Constipation. Blushing, Hysteria, Timidity, Self. distrust, Dizziness, Love of Solitude, Groundless Fears, Muscular Relaxation, LOBs of Sleep, Faulty Nutrition, Loss of Flesh, Weakness, Pimples, Diffidence, Loss of Nerve Power, &c., &c. GIVES THE NAMES OF THE POSITIVE MEDICINES FOR THE CURE OF EACH DISEASE. SHORT, SIMPLE, AND PRACTICAL IN- STRUCTIONS FOR 4'HE CURE OF ALL DISEASES BY THE POSITIVE REMEDIES. In this GUIDE-BOOK OF POSITIVE RE- MEDIES « will be/found a LIST OF ALL DISEASES, and /everything that a Country Invalid should kiow for SELF-TREATMENT. Sent direct frOm-die Publisher, H. SMITH & Co., Positive Remedy Laboratory 26 Southampton Row, Londop, W.C. JFEOTAI/E IP DR SMITH'S FEMALE PILLS ARE A POSITIVE REMEDY IN ALL OBSTRUCTIONS AND IRREGULARITIES to which Females are subject—Headache, Depression of Spirit, Sickness, Sallowness, of the Skin Pimples, Backache, and all Discharges. After using these Pills, the body and nerves are restored to Health and Vigour. Sold in Boxes (containing sufficient for the Cure) priee 2s. 9d. May be had direct from the Proprietors on receipt of Thirty-four Stamps. Sent by poet to any address. H. SMITH & Co.'s Positive Remedy Laboratory, 26,Southlimpton How, London, W.C. ST 0 c K STOCKS OB SHARES BQ0BHT 9R SObti AT MARKET PRICES SPECULATIVE ACCOUKTS OPENED FBOM £ 1 PER CENT. COrEB. OPTIONS AT MARKET PRICBBt OMENTS GIVIHJ0F REFERENCES ABE MOT Rl^OTBED JfO PAZ ANY COVER IN VANCE. SPECT AND INVESTMENT Om RWARDED BY PROPRIETORS. (/STOCK AND SHARE BROKERS. r CK AND SHARE BROKERS.

THE EDINBURGH Life Assurance…

The Aberdare Burial Board…
