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public B'otia. E. G. PRICE & CO., brokers, Accountants, Auctioneers, Commission Agents, Valutas, House Sf Estate Agents, $C; &C.t A RE prepared to undertake any business en- "• trusted to them*, and carry out the same "With promptitude and fidelity. Oflices:-Aberdare. N.B. Money to any amount, either in large or "mall sums, lent on good Leasehold and Freehold 8ecurit TO BE LET, TI^HE BRITANNIA Gloucester-street, J. Aberdare. Apply to Messrs. Peauce and ^hapton, 3, Victoria-street, Merthyr. M R. EDWARD JLAWKANCE, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC (CONSEKVATORIUJI OF MUSIC, LEIPZIG) AND OP^ANIST Of &T. DAVID'S CHUKCH, MERTHYR, TwitiS ABEliDARE Professionally Twice every ;week. Terms for Pianoforte, Singing, Harmony, Har- monium les;;oys, may be known on application at 2, Courtland-terrace, Merthyr, where Pianofortes and Harmoniums, by the best makers, may be had on highly advantageous terms. .$4,^ f 1 ■ NEW 'SMITH'S SHOP. 1 M ASON'S ARMS YARD, HIGH STREET, ABERDARE. JOHNV THOMAS BEGS to inform the Public generally that he has commeneed business at the above place, and is now prepared to execute all kinds of Smith Work entrusted to his ;,elke, at most moderate • charges, and with dispatch. "Jobbing and Shoeing carefully attended to. COLLEGIATE SCHOOL, AISEKDMiE. PRINCIPAL, MR. PENLEY. a^llE course of instruction comprises a First Class Commercial Education, with the advan- tages of Latin, French, Portuguese, and Drawing. Terms (payable in advance), including all sub- jects, t2 2s. per quarter. Junior pupils, and those not requiring the extra subjects, 11 Us. tid. per quarter. • N .B:- Private residence, 7, Station-street. At home i-very day from 1 to 2, and on Saturdays tiMn 10 to 6. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION ,if TO THE ELECTORS OT ABERDASE. '1: j Ladies an d Gentlemen,— SEEING that a contest could not be avoided, I have allowed my name to rmiahi on the list of Candtdttes. The powers given to'compel attendance, and to apply the rates to the/Public Elementary Schools, have introduced saillfficulty respecting religions instruction. As a "Jvoncorifuimist, I should not ob- ject to have the itfble read; provided tins could be done «i(h PERFECT religious equality. No parent should be foe^L-d to seek the protection yf a c< n- Rcirnce clause. Public money should not be asfd to promote sectarian religious instruction. The nforat training in the schools should prepare tht ctiildr«i1 to "become good und usetut tm-mbbrs of s. ciety. The iMcornpulsory powers" must be 'applied with ere and moderation, and coupled with an -equitable remission of tees. Efficient and thorough euucation must be given, and economy must govern the expenditure of public money. I shall, if elected, be happy to promote, the above principles, and to remain, Yours obedh ntly, 1 • D. PRICE DA VIES. Ypysftryd House. 11 TO THE Hectors and Ratepayers of Aberdare. LADJF8 AKD C?ENTL I.MEM,— HAVING been requested to become a Candi- date for a seat at the School Board for Aberdare, about to be established under "The Elementary Educational Act, 1870," I beg n- spectfully to intimate my intention to comply with such rt quest. J Having re»ided several 3'eiirs in this place, I am familiar with it £ moral and social condition. I, hare long been connected with various efforts to reduce the amotion of ignorance in several localities, and have'been for, many years enganeo us a British, School Master, and also a Family Tu- tor, and am acquainted with the means that have ) een etnpioyed in the past for that purpose. I may tlnrefore, perhaps, be deemed not alto • gether unqualified to assist on the Board. 1 regard a practical education, embracing the rndiments of all useful knowledge, as the birth- right of every English child. This should be combined with religious training, but so as net to force the will or violate the conscience of the parents and to this end the Bible should contri- bute to the instruction of the scholars whtise parents or guardians oH. r no ohj, ction. If elected as one of your representatives, I shall endiavour to carry out the otjecls of the Act, with unremitting regard at once to the three great principles—perfi ct efficiency, due iccnomy, complete liberty of conscience.—I am, lcidiea and gentlemen, yours faithfully, DAVID It EES DAVIES (Delia), 5, Cardiff-street, Aberdare, March 21,' 1871. SOUTH EASTERN RAILWAY. Locomotive Engine Coal Wanted. i- ■ rpHE Directors of the South Eastern Railway Jl Company are prepared'to receive TEN 1) MRS f<f:'the supply of 10,0^ TONS OF SOUTH WjyLES COAL, sniiable for use in Locomotive Engines, to be dt li^/ed into die South Eastern Railway Company's Trucks at their Station at Reading. The deliveries to commence on the 1st. May next, and to be at the rate of "iOO tons p, r week, free of all charges. Tenders to be sent in to the undersigned, on or before Wednesday, the 29th instant, endorsed Tender for Coul." JOHN SIIAW, Secretary. London Bridge Station, 18th March, 1871. f ui TO TAILORS. Two COOD\h £ NDS WANTED, at j H A Ellis's, Tjrflor and Draper, Cwmaman, pear Aberdare. Abeidare "Log" is paid. J TO BE LET, with immediate possession, the ROSE AND CROjfVN, Mill Street, Aber- dare. For particulark/apply to Mr J. Jokes, Golden Lion, Mill Street, Trecynon. rpO BE LET. with imipediate possession, the BLACK HORSE ,Xituate half' way between Aberdare and Hirwiaip- with piece of land at- tached.. Apply to Mr J. JONES, .Golden Lion, Milt Street, Trecynon. I. EVAN THOMAS, & 8 IRONMONGER, 9 I SAFETY LAMP/MANUFACTUEEB, J9L 7, CAR DI1 %-ijl REE2, ABERDAIIE, "g)EGS most respectfully to call the attention of Colliery Proprietors and JSjSrL:| J) Colliers to the superior make and great advantages in purchasing bis LAMPS, over other makers, as any part of the'LAMP can, in case of breakage, • 1^TipS' be repaired at a small cost, 011 the shortest notice. Clany Lamps SPECIAL QUOTATIONS FOR LARGE QUANTITIES. 58"Jd' 1 Tough h md- ma Glasses properly ground to fit CLANY LAMPS, od.each. Patronised by the Gentry, Clerqy, and leading Tradesmen of g| South Wales. S EVAN ^ETJTV I D Souse, Sign, and Ornamental Painter & Glazier,' gm. ft PAPER-HANGER, &c., W Lof HIGII STREET, ABERDA II E f m Wholesale iJealer in Bristol Patent Plate and Ornamental Window Glass, Railwat/ Signal Lights,$c. — 0 E c o Experienced Workmen:sent to all parts of the Country. THOMAS WHITSUN JONES, AU C T ION E E R, House AND COMMISSION AGENT, 35, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. Auction Rooms and Second-hand Furniture Stores. SAND! SAND! SAND! '■ OF THE BEST QUALITY, FOR CEMENT WORK London and other Ccmeiiis*MLJ$lDGJi. \ind supplied in large and smull quantities. _iJL I •Ton N Si A VIES. BOLDER, 10, S E V M O U R s T R E E T A B E IT D A U E THE CHEAPEST HOUSE FOR GOOD fiOUSEHOLO FURNITURE -:0: L E W 1ST HaM AS, C 11 'I N T ill A K [I, It (A A D. I 1" 11 O L S T E II E II, r 4 C ANON-SI'BEET, ABERDARE, CARPETS, LINOLEUM. FLOOR CLOTHS, & MATTINGS" OF THE~BEST QUALITIES. ALL OIWERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO ar- SEEDS! SEE DS SEED S SEEDS DIRECT FROM THE G ROWER! NEW AND UNMIXED FARM, GARDEN, AND FLOWER SEEDS, PHOSPIlO GUANO, GOULDING'S PLANT FOOD IN CANISTERS, &o., AT G E 0 R G E S. I V E Y S 2 7, CANON S T R E E T A B E"R DARE, Opposite tho Temperance Hall. Vines and other Fruit Trees, Bedding and other Plants, direct from the Nurseries. r A Good Selection of Seed Potatoes, true to name. I"J' 7, CATALOGUES ON APPLICATION. ESTABLISHED 1861. GREAT SALE OF DRAPEBY. CLEARING OUT OF THE WINTER STOCK, TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE SPRING GOODS. ,t r: l' T DYKE Wr ISIIFS the Public to take particular notice of the W'JOLLKN CLOTHS, BLANKETS, .QUILTS, COUNTERPANE^, SHEETING, WINCEYS, FANCY DRESSES, SHAWLS, and SHIRTINGS. THE SALE WILL COMMENCE ON SATURDAY NEXT, And must be cleared in 21 Days. • h. NO CREDIT DURING THE SAfK' AddressTHOMAS DYKE, 20, Commercial Place, Aberdare. South Wales Funeral Establishment, 24 g' 2.% Seymour 8t' aberdare. "T ISAAC TH 0i^AS,/UNLERTAKER, ^^ONDliCJ S L1 in tho iriost c»ir'i ful V_ iind decent inhnner at the lowest rate of charges. First and 'Second Clnss Hearses, Couches, &c. A New Mourning ( arrive of a very snperior class, not to be i quail-d in the Principality. MR. RICHARD B. BOULTON, SURGEON lWî\TIST, 1, CHARLES-STREET, CARDIFF. TEETH, ,the best that can be obtained, from 4 £ to S5 Guineas the complete set. Twenty-two years'" experience. Established 1S52. Recommended by the principal Physicians and Surgeons in Cardiff and neighbourhood. No eharge for consultation. Attelldallce dally, from Ten till Four. Between Cardiff at,! Aberdare four trains run daily each wav. J. ROBERTS, P I A N 0 F 0 R T E T U N E R, 8, Bute-street, Aberdare. -L- Pianofortes and Hartnoniums tuned and repairfd. j EDUCATION. ABERDARE i I COMMERCIAL AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CONDUCTKH BY rnt REV. J. JOSEPH GEORGE. ri^HE course of instruction includes the usual JL branches of a thoroughly sound and prac- tical Commercial Education. Pupils prepared r for the preliminary and University local exami- nations. Terms on application. WANTED, a Situation l>y a Younc Girl of 14, as UNDER NURsE or GENERAL ^SERVANT. iA^dre^s tcyMrs.. Phillips, grotcr, ^Newtown, Mountain A^ Just I'uhlinliuil lor Two Stamps. TO THE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED. I) BAD TH K SECRET FU I KN I> l>y I>R- BAI1NKS ■ who li€*s tor yfarii given Ins exclusive attei»ti(Ji» to the trewtnifnt of Mobility, "tal "UlI pl"slcal depres- sio". p^l|ji.tutii»n of thu lwart, ttot-es in the hCiltI and ears ¡I,declsioll, illJpaired si"ht am) memory, indi: t^ti<m, p os- tratiou, Ins^itude, drpn*nsiiin ,ot' spirits, los.s ot energy und appetite, pains in tlur ij.ick and limlis. timidity, soli-distrust, dizzitirhs, love of ^«lit»i<ie, ^ioondless ttja.irf, aitd i^any other ailments, which, il Aeylected, brmj: the swtlereis to an early death." V This vahrjihle woilcy TH K SECKKT Fl! I EN I> is illus- trated Wftù and te>timouials, and not onl gives the c<it.?e bur tlie mean** of erne. Ilunoreds Id cass which had been tboimirt hoj eless have Im en t perfect health and vigour after all other lI.ldn,¡ liad failed Sent post nee Oil receipt of two stamps. Address, Dr K A UN ES> 30,Thovu hili CLv^w.v-it, Caledonian Road, j^ondou, N. Important to Country Patients. DU. UAKNvl^ may be oiiMilted persenally or by letter in ail- private and confidential discs; and. tor the heJHdit of nervous oulfeiers who cannot vi:lt hilll, Le wlh, o U ie<eivin^ a desi.liptioti ol tJieii* ca^e, enclosii)^ a stan-ped envelope^ lor reply, be ready to jiivj bis opinion upon tlie nature of the case, and tlie principles of treatment neu.ssaiy to ettect <» periei t cure. Address, I)r Bariifca,' 30, '1'hcrfth U ciWeent Coled ian" Uoad, Loiidon, N. ABERDARE BRITISH SCHOOLS. V)Jl!ii. n-, ART N I C! IIT C LA S S E S. Chairman of the Committee .MJt. PAKOOE. Hon. Secretary.Rkv D. M. JENKINS, F.H.S.L. Teach e MH. W A LT It H O G t i. rpHE 2nd Giade Art Exjjuiinations will be held *■ at the above behoofs, as shown below. I SU15JI CTS. 1st May (Monda^V—- Freehand Dr;i\vin £ from 7.15 to 8.15 p.m. Alodel Drawinv from 8 30 to 9.30 p.m. U 2nd May (Tuesday).— Practical Geometry from 7.15 to 8.15 p.m. Perspective from 8.30 to 0.30 p.m. Candidates who wish to be examined, and who do not belong to any regularly constituted Art Night Class, should apply io the Teaeher, as above, Stating the sublets in which they wish to be examined. This application must be made before the 30th of March. 1871. Aberdare British Schools, March 23, 1871. GREAT SALE OF SILKS THIS DAY! TO CONTINUE FOR 14 DAYS. -———————————— A Lot of Silks, Is. ll^d.; Worth 2s. 6d. 1,000 Yards Striped Silks, 2s. 6^d. Worth 3s. Gd. Clearing Out Shawls, Jackets, Over-skirts, Stays, Furs, &c. Great Reduction in Horroekses>t Long Cloths, and Washed Calicoes, 4s. 9d., 5s. 9d., 6s. 6cl,/7s. 9d., 8s. 9d., 9s. 9d. Bargains in White Counterpanes and Blankets n A Lot of Men's Silk Umbrellas, 10s. 6d.; Worth 15s. 6d. AT H E N \i Y L E WIS'S, 11, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, ABERDARE. ■■k LEWIS H. EVAN House, 8ign, Ot naineutal Painter and Glazier, I Paper. Hunger, &c., 58, CARDIFF ST. (CARDIFF CASTLE HOTEL.), ABERDARE Orders punctually utiemkd to. .l ARTIFICIAL TEE T II: H. W. SRIFFITHS, SURGEON DENTIST, .('lA.nd Assistant for a considerable period to VI r. T. It hs,) i RES PEC rFljiLLY informs the Puh.li3.of .\leritiyr, Aberdare, and Neighbourhood, that he mav R be consulted professionally, from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily at ^a, Victoria street, Alerthyr. Ail operations in Dentistry carefully and skilfully performed. Artificial Teeth,guaranteed to answer all the purposes of Naturat Teeth, supplied at Moderate- Chargp. Children's Teeth Regulated. Con- sultations Free. The most careful attention paid to .ill,orders. Charges strictly Moderate. ADDIŒtS,)A. VICTOldA-SrUEET. '\óJI:ifi," STATIONERY. & FANCY WA H Ell O USE "ABERDAIIE TIMES "OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, AEEilU.EE. J. T. JONES "& SON PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, STATIOSEUS, &c., DES[UE to inform the PL HLIC th«t. they have just received a large and varied assortment of PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY a^d FANCY GOO OS, suitable for PRESENTS, &c., to which they invite attention. lie I A large Stock ot Musical Instruments, including Concertinas Flutes, Banjo?, Tambourine, Drums, fiarmonicartis, Mouth Organs, ive. Tiie iatgest and best selected Stock in Town of HO.YIE and FOREIGN MADE TOYS. Dulls in giv;tt'y-triety, Chess, Drafts, and Drafiboards, Dominoes, Roulette Games, &e. \V,) r k b o x atiev Box's, Mimmei's Soap and perfumery, Ink and Inkstands, Conversation Card-, &c. Combs and Brushes u1 the best quality Pipes and Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Cases. Ladies' Bags, Purses, Albums, &e., &c. -:0;- OBSERVE THE ADDRESS— "ABEKDAUE TnfES" OFFICE, 31, COMMERCIAL-PLACE, A HERD A RE.

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