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Uniform with the Popular Edition of "CASSELL'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND." Just Commenced, WEEKLY, price 6d. Our Own Country. An Illustrated Geographical and Historical Description of the Chief Places of Interest in Great Britain and Ireland. WITH ABOUT 1,200 Original Illustrations. Each Part contains 96 Quarto Pages; (To be completed in 22 Weekly Parts.) New and Enlarged Edition. PART l ready SEPT. 8, price 6d. The Queen's London (Dedicated by permission to Her Majesty the Queen), with nearly 500 Full-Page Pictures artistically reproduced from beautiful Photographs. j." This celebrated work will be enlarged by the addition of Three Parts, in order that it may be fully representative of London and its Environs in the piaoion-i Jubilee Year, and thus possess a permanent interest tor all time. Part I of the New Issue will be exclusively devoted to portraying the scenes of Diamond Jubilee Day (June 22), so that a pictorial and descriptive record of this unique event may be placed within reach of all. (To be completed in 15 Weekly Parts. Entirely New and Important Work. In Monthly Parts, price 6d. Sacred Art: The Bible Story Pictured by Eminent Modern Painters. The Work is edited by A. G. TEMPLE, F.S.A., the Director of the Art Gallery of the Corporation of London. Part 1 ready SEPT. 27. OHEAP SERIAL ISSUE In Monthly Parts, price 6d. Cathedrals, Abbeys, AND Churches of England and Wales. Jksrriptiiie, Historical, pictorial. Edited by Prof. T. G. BONNEY, D.Sc., LLD., F.R.S. With about 400 ILLUSTRATIONS. PART 1 ready SEPT. 27.. This Work, hitherto published in 30 Parts at 7d., will now be placed within reach of the public in 14 Parts at 6d. JUST COMMENCED. WEEKLY, Id. The World of Adventure. Profusely Illustrated. The First Monthly Part of this work will contain 128 Pages, Large Tinted Presentation Plate, and Striking Coloured Plate as Frontispiece, and will be issued on Sept. 27, price 6d. JUST COMMENCED, WEEKLY, 6d. Familiar Garden Flowers. By SHIRLEY HIBBERD. With 200 Beautiful Coloured Plates By F. E. HULME, F.L.S., F.S.A. Headlong into the Ravine: a Scene at Waterloo," is the thrilling subject of the Large Pre- sentation Plate given with the First Number of the New Volume of CHUMS (viz. No. 259, price 1(1.). Amongst the SpeCial AttractioltS of this Numler are .— The Commencement of Two Stirring New Serials of extraordinary interest—viz., CLUTTERBUCK'S TREASURE: Neck and Neck for .C700,000. By FRED WHISHAW, Author of "Boris the Bear-Hunter," &c. Illus- trated by PAUL HARDY. UNK UPON LINK: The Following-Up of a Chain of Mystery. By ROBLRT OVER- TON, Author of "Friend or Fortune," &c. With Illustrations by A. MONRO. As well as A Big List of Money and other Prizes, including a Pneumatic Tired Safety, offered in very simple Competitions, Open to All. And The First of a New Series, entzthd- Up and Down Show-Land: Circus and Pair-Life of To-Day. With Special Photographic Illustrations. On and Off the Battle-Field: A Chat with General Sir ARCHIBALD ALISON, Bart., G.C.B. (With Portrait.) Three Complete Stories, Humorous and Adventurous. Should Fagging be Abolished ? Letters written by Celebrities to Chums." Large and Small Humorous Illustra- tions. Articles, Notes about Well-known People, Anecdotes, Jokes, &c. "Was She Justified?" A Neiv Thrilling Serial Story of Present-Day Life. By FRANK BARRETT, • Author of "An Angel in Black," "Fettered for Life," &c. &c., will commence in iVo. 729 of Cassell's Saturday Journal, Published on Wednesday, September 15, 1897, Forming the FIRST NUMBER of a NEW VOLUME. A COLOURED PLATE Is now given in each Monthly Part of WORK. The Illustrated Journal for Mechanics. Price 6r!. *Also published WEEKLY, price Id. WEEKLY, 1d.; MONTHLY, fid. BUILDING WORLD. Illustrated Journal for the Building Trades. A COLOURED PLATE is given in each Monthly Part. "The wonder is that such a paper can be given for a penny." TIle SUll. ==- OHEAP ISSUE. Complete in FIVE VOLS., price 3s. 6d each. Familiar Wild Flowers. By F. E. HULME, F.L.S., F.S.A. With beautifully Coloured Plates. A sounder work, of a popular description, on its subject could not easily be found, nor a pleasanter to read either for students of bo any or for mere lovers nf traditional lore. The coloured illustrations are excellent." -Guardian. cassell's Classified Catalogue, containing particulars of upwards of ONB THOUSAND VOLUMES published by Messrs. CASSF.LL & COMPANY, ranging in price from Threepence to Fifty Guineas, will be sent on request, post free, to any address. CASSELL & COMPANY, LIMITED, Ludgate Hill, London, 1 TWO GOOD THINGS HONE BETTER* j I Hotnocea I TOUCHES C £ THE SPOT I > AND SOOTHES THE ACHING PART ? V OF ALL AFFLICTED WITH CUTS, RINGWORM, BRUISES, J ECZEMA, NEURALGIA, SORES, J ? BURNS, TOOTHACHE, BOILS, J r AND WHEREVER PAIN IS PREOFNT. 3 3 Best remedy in the world for PILES. A Sold by all dealers, and at the London Depot, 98, Strand, at 111% and 2/9 per box. Free by post for KT value in stamps from Homocea Works, Birkenhead, w ;■ Hotnocea ? J (THE 8TR0NC FORM Absolutely the best thing of Its kind in ? EijMM of HOMOCEA.) "» «">»• 5 MMl pa, op CoUap* r,ot m<« b° V C PSS§B« ,11,1, Tubu. returned to purohaaor. B X Prioe 7Ud St 18 Free by post for value in ttamps from 2 C Biiii Per Tube.' The HOMOCEA WORKS, BIRKENHEAD. 3 I ■ Embrocation I V Cures Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pains In 3 t Chest or Back, Pneumonia and Pleurisy in their ABBESSBBH early stages, Stiff Joints, Strains and Sprains* C Handy for Cyclists and Sportsmen. No glass to break, no waste or leakage. fL 5 Price, 7 Md. and 1/IJf per Tube from 9$fcEAWOiRKS 5 |r „ dealers everywhere. Free by Post for value in stamps from nUMULaA WUKKS, Jf Reduced Facsimile aeaiers everywntn. BIRKE}jfjEAD. K J of Tube. J of Tube. v Ye "Wise Men came from Ye East, But Ye Wise Woman goes to the Yeast, And the Yeast she will have is the teed pure. It makes nice sweetbread, buns, HB tea-cakes) etc., appearance and tempting flavour. fleiWjlel |Hrjr Send for Booklet of Instructions to the Sole Hanufac- fl ■fanlKr turers, who will send It Post Free. The DISTILLERS Co., Ltd., EDINBURGH. NV Don't fopgot to Ask for O.O.L. WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. CA PILLS FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDERS SUCH AS. Sick Headache. Constipation. Weak Stomach. Impaired Digestion. Disordered Liver. AND Female Ailments. Annual Sale i SIX MILLION BOXES. In Boxes, 9 £ d., lllk, and 2/9 each, with full directions. The 1/11 box contains 56 pills. Prepared only by the Proprietor:- THOMAS BEECH AM, St. Helens, Lancashire ¡;r- BEECHAM'S TOOTH PASTE. Efficacious. Economical. Cleanses the Teeth. Perfumes the Breath In collapsible Tubes, of all Druggists, or from the Proprietor, for Is., post paid. BOOKBINDING Neatly Executed at the OFFICE OF THIS PAPER. ROBINSON*CLEAVER| I N t Shirt & Collar Makers, BEUFAST, B REFIT OLD SHIRTS I With Fine Linen Neckbands, Fronts, and Cuffs for B 14-8. per half dozen. H Write tor Price Lists, Linen, Handkerchiefs, ■ Collars, Sc., Post Free. ■ —3 VIINNYPOYAL raR FEMALE ii, QUICKLY COEEECT ALL tBBMPLABmM, BEKOTB AU. t OBSTRUCTIONS, and relieve the distressing 8ymptoms so J prevalent with the sex. Boxes, l/l$&2/9 (contains three times the quantity), of all Chemists. Sent anywhere on receipt of 16 or 34 stamps» by E. T. TOWLE X Co-> Manufacturers, Dryden St., Nottingham. YOUNG & MIDDLE-AGED MEN BEFORE YOU MARRY read How to Obtain and Preserve Health and Happiness a Treatise addressed to Youth, Manhood, and Mature Age on ervous Decay, Debility, etc. its Causes, Symptoms and Consequences, with cases cured by a new method of treatment, by Messrs. LONGEST <t Co., 42 Pembroke Place. Liverpool. New Medical Book containing numerous Recipes for Self-treatment will be forwarded gratis to every applicant on receipt of stamped directed envelope. Consul- tation daily, personally or by letter. Zstablislied 32 years' Name this Paper. JjlADE'S QOUT & J)HEUMATIC piLLS. Suffered Agony for Thirty Years. EADE'S DILLS. "30, Randall-street, Bridge- Y* road, Battersea, S.W., • January '27, 1892. EADE'S PILLS. Dear Sir.-I feel it my duty E to write and give you great EADE'S TklLLS praise for introducing such a vaiuable medicine as your Gout X Pills. Having Suffered untold Agony for 30 Years, I can truly say I have never had GOTTT anything to relieve my pain so quickly as your Pills. I used to lay in bed for two or three RHEUMATISM months at a time, but now I not only get relief in a few /"N OTTT hours, but am able to get to 1UU1 work in less than a week My VJ complaint is the worst of all Rheumatism Gouts, caned haikGout. Yours truly, „„ „ "W.LITTEJOHN. "Mr G. Eade. E ADE'S GOUT & RHEUMATIC piLLS. Prepared only by GEORGE EADE, 72, Goswell- road, London, E.C. and Sold by all Chemists in Bottles, Is lid and 2s 9d. jgADE'S g<OUT & J) HEUMATIC piLLS. The Best Medicine for Bile, The Best Medicine for Wind, The Best Medicine for Indigestion, is E ADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. These excellent Pills promote a due and health +• of BILE, restore the tone of the STOMACH jretlon healthy action of the LIVER and BOWELS Produce a E ADE's A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. Quickly remove the irritation and feverish state of th feTOMACH. correct and morbid condition of the iwJ ™i- the system of all impurities, which, by circulatin'o- blood, injuriously affect the action of the KIDX. YS ?,^ ° removing the causes of so much discomfort rnsVn™ V vital energies of body and mind. restore the E ADE'S A NTIBILIOUS pILLS. Sold by all Chemists, in Boxes, Is lid and 2s 9d, or mailed free on receipt of remittance to GEORGE EADE, 72, Goswell-road, London, E.C. E ADE'S ANTIBILIOUS pILLS. us MANS won SKIN DISEASES Roberts, M.D.) is an unfailing CTCTTVF "nTQT? A QT?C! remedy for wounds of every de- J 111,1 scriptions Scorbutic Erup- tions, burns, Inflamed Eyes, SKIN DISEASES ROBBETS, SKIN DISEASES ALTERATIVE PILLS For the Blood and Skin, are CT^TV "nTQI? A QT?cj very effectual in the cure of L-'loxjii.O-EiO that form of skin disease which shows itself in painful CT-TTXT "TlTQT? A Cjtci cracks in the skin, and scaly -L'-lOXiiAO-EJO diseases generally. Sold at Is ltd, 2s 9d, by the Pro- SKIN DISEASES EYIci»MSIDPORT,D X SPECIAL TO YOUNG MEN, W Just Published, a Medical Work. ENTITLED "HOW TO ENSURE HEALTH." ^\roh^^cWSi LIFE- and the CAUSES, lil and TREATMENT of all diseases depending on Exhauston of Nervous Vitality, such as Nervous Debility. Mental and Physical Depression, Palpitation of the Heai% Noises m the Head and Ears, Indecision, Impaired Sight and Memory, Indigestion, Prostration, Lassitude, Depression of Spirits, Loss of Energy and Apetite, Pains in the Back, Etc. Sent post free for 2 stamps); or by letter post, 3 stamps. T he Females' Friend and Adviser Will be sent to any address on receipt of 2 stamps. Address-Messrs. BARNES and Co., 48, Lonsdale-square, I Barnsbury, London, N. qp SOA C £ £ A/flJAf £ SS USE ONLr B M NIXETS/LEAD PRINTING! Handbills, tXf PRINTING!! PRINTING! Billheads, Executed on the Shortest Notice, at the "OBSERVER" OFFICE, — 1, EBE^'s LANE, — CiviJDIGAN. tonb gelation of Memorial (Earbs KEPT IN STOCK. Estimates given for all kinds of Printing TUT A T> HI T "VT » Q Prepared especially for J-lii O People of Weak digestion. DIGESTIVE RECOMMENDED BY THE IT1 "Tl A FACULTY. A -t-J • FACULTY.. The injurious action of the tannin completely neutralised. Sold in Tins—9d., Is. 6d., and 3s., post free. JOHN A. MARTIN & Co., 76, London Rd., London, S.E. c r< £ 502 15s. Od. f I N P R I Z E s. | j HOMOCEA, LIMITED, have decided to offer the above sum for Homocea Soap > j wrappers: i 1st Prlze.-£2 a week for a year. 2nd Prize.— £ 110s- a week for a year. 3rd Prize.— £ 1 a week for a year. < Cash Prizes varying from &40 down, i and 25 Waltham Watches, valued from jM 10s. to A5 58. > 1 Full particulars forwarded with a sman sample cake of 4d. and ad. Soap on receipt of a penny > | stamp, addressed to Homocea Works, Birkenhead, f ANCHOR TEA Best Value money can buy." everywhere. For Agencies apply Anchor Tea Co., 40 & 41, Great Tower Street. London, E.C. IRON ROOFS & BUILDINGS AND VVIHE NETTING. DUTCH BARNS, forty yards by nine yards, 50s. per lineal yard, fixed complete. Estimates for every description cf Farm Buildings, Iron Roofs and all kinds of Iron Fencing, Hurdles, Wire Netting. Stock of slightly defective sheets, practically as good as new, 5ft. by ait., at led. each; other sizes in proportion. WALKER BROS., LLTllTED, Staffordshire GauvanigW Works, WALSALL. The New and Successful Aid to —1S\ Digestion. A j Of all Grocers, —' Chemists & Stores, in is. bottles. Works—Epsom, Surrey. A GENTS WANTED to push FIRST-CLASS MAC HiINjERY OILS. Liberal Commission. —Box 31, Post Office, Liverpool. TO BUSINESS MEN.—Memorandums, Bill- heads, &c., printed on the shortest notice, at moderate charges, at the Observer Printing Office.

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Family Notices