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-,-¡'-., ,'.-..;1 LONDasr…


1 LONDasr CdRRESPOroEWJE.! thfc day when Parliament opened there vL'A W&Jmnch anxiety shown to learn, at the j earliest rjpasxWe moment, the contents of the, Qaedci a Speech. A year or two through | newapwer enterprise, the Royal Meaaa^e was • often in the hands of the public, before it w^sread in the House of Lorda; but titU irregular 1 »y was drawn attention tointhe Home of Commons, apd the Speech appears in print a lit*letter now than it formerly did. The people who flock to Palace- yard, in the expectation that the nearer tliey get to the Houses <rt Pariiametit :the better chancer hare they 6l becoming early informed of the chief poiots in theMesaage, are fiot so likely to gam the ^fid- they have at heart as those who wait for the first* rnah of the news- boys from the o'fncea iu"Fleet-street, and, other atroata. The excitement which the vendbrs dia- play oo.suca occasion, when they expect to, make larger sales thauuvaal, seeaas to have a contagious influence evt-n on the most stolid passers-by, and induces them to invest a penny or halfpenny in a newspaper. 1 [ The only thing in the Qtteen's' Speech which 89emei to justify the alarming war v^moars that had previously prevailed wa3 the passagem which reference was made to the necessity of being prepared for possible contingencies, and to the .confidence felt; that Parliament would display its uaual liberality in voting the needed supplies* Bat even this passage was tooed. down satisfactory statement made by Sir StallOrel Northcote, who explained that no proposal for supplies would be made until the ^demands an conditions of Russia were found to be exorbitant and inadmissible It ia true that a similar state- ment was not uttered by the fepfyfng to criticisms qn the K^l Messfge in m Upper House; but the express.' declaration of the; Chancellor of. fhe Exchequerwas s anciently authprltative, «apeciaily wh«Q take'A ip connection with" the fact, tfiat Lord Beaeonsfie& while de- fending wi&h Ms customary rhetorical, skill the I (SoverwaMifc policy^ denied that there was any diversity of opinion or purpose m_the Labinet. -To the coadtry at large it could hardly fail to be rcoararing and cheering to hear, from the lips of tHe Premier Himself, that he and Lord Carnarvon and Lord Salisbary and the other members ofahe Cabinet were acting in perfect aacord. If Parliament, had been summoned to meet oa Christmas Day it could not have listened to more gladsome tidings. In the House of Commons, on the first and second days of the session, there was, instead of the expected great battle between Turcophiles and Russophiles, a brilliant charge of the Irish Brigade, led on by Mr. Mitchell Henry, who pro- posed an amendment on the Address to the Crown, setting forth the desirability of the claims of the Home Rulers receiving special recognition from Government and Parliament. Irish mem- bers should really try and get united among them- aelvea before foisting themselves to the very outset of the session. Mr. Plunfcet, in a speech he made in the course of the debate, accused the Nationalist members of masquerading as Home Rulers, and Mr. A. M. Sullivan, who imme- diately started to his feet, expressed the astonish- ment he felt at seeing the grandson of the great orator Plunket masquerading as an Eog- lishman. These gladiatorial displays are no doubt exciting enough for those who be present in the House of Commons; but they waste much valuable time, and the specimens already given of the debates make it only too apparent that there is every probability of the present session bearing, in its worst feature, a cldse resemblance to the last. • e The Illustrated London News, in a series of viewsj has made poor old Temple Bar look,more plotureique when in the act of being demolished than it ever seemed before it was subjected to the destroyiog strokes of the pickaxe. The sug- gestion has been made that Queen Anne's statue in St. Paul's Church-yard should be removed at the same time as the Bar, because, though not an obstruction to traffic, it appears in a a pitiable condition to the public eye. It is quite true that what was once a statue can no longer be called one. The sceptre held in the hand of the central figure was snapped in half long ago, and it is further noted that all the minor soi. disant ornamental figures have undergone mati- lations—faces being oracked and noses and fingers conspicuous by their absence. The contrast be- tween the grand cathedral and the decaying statue is certainly very marked, even to an unartistic eye, and nobody would shed tears if the atone image of Queen Anne should share the fate of Temple Bar. When Mr. Justin McCarthy's fine creation, Miss Misanthrope, came up to London from the quiet country town called Dukes-Keeton. she resolved on fixing her abode in the British Museum quarter, in order to be near that great national institu- tion. Fac those who are led by the nature of their studies, whether in literature, soiecce, or art, to make frequent, even daily, visita to the museum, it is certainly desirable that they should live as close to Bloomsbury as they possibly can, otherwise they may find the hours they are enabled to spend within its walla too short for getting through a comfortable amount of work. There are no lights in the great rotunda read- ing-room, where shadows settle down early in the gloomy afternoons of winter, and the museum closes for the day at four o'clock. The museum is, therefore, practically useless for all who might wish to spend part of the evening there in study after their ordinary hours of work are over. The danger of the building, with its invaluable treasures, being destroyed by fire, is alleged to be the reason why its gates are closed at night. It is satisfactory to observe that a correspondence has arisen on the subject of the desirability of lighting the museum, and it is to be hoped that it will be discussed and agitated until the directors, who do not seem to give the interest of the public sufficient consideration, are induced to move in the matter. Mr. A. Vassard, writing from Old Vicarage House, Greenwich, advises the use for the British Museum of the" electric cindies" as used in Paris. He recommends to the attention of the conservators of to at estab- lishment a luminous ceiling, similar to what exists In ona,of the basements of the Magasins du Louvre, or the adoption of M. Menier's system at Noiaiel, whose chocolate works are entirely lighted by electricity. By reflectors, diverting the focuses of light, the British Museum could be illuminated from the outside, and the risk from fire would thus be much the same as when the building is involved in Cimmerian gloom. Mr. Archibald Forbes-who found that his attack of illness in autumn had unfitted him for withstanding the rigours of a Bulgarian winter- has returned home again, and commenced a lecturing campaign. On Saturday he was at Brighton, and this week he appears in St. James's Hail. It is not very cheering to an audience to hear a lecturer make a prelusive apology for loss of voice; but, owing to the Crlebrity be has attained as war correspondent, Mr. Forbes is likely to attract good audiences, whether there is the prospect of hearing what he has to say or otherwise. It is something to see a lion, even if you cannot hear him roar. D. G.

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