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LUNEB^L REFORM.—The Bishop Lichfield <J6riseCratid: acCmetery.at Iioigttin, aind' sjfokfe stlronlly in favour of funeral reform, saying* ther<$*yfivot!i«ig. more out of place than ostentation, pomp, and cere- mony at the funeral of the dfead. A feelibg in faVqur of doing away with the unmeaning surraundings of ordinary funerals was growing in the country, and he urged Christiana to unite for the'purpose of conduct- ing interments at as little cost and with as little cete- mony as possible.. CgAGroiiHE.—The best cemeatfor Broken'ArticM. 4dl ik., 2a. Postage 2d. Kay Bros., 8to«kport. So<3We^&. FLOODING OF A OOLI/IKBY -T- TWO LIVES LOST. An accident, resulting in the death of two men and the narrow escape of four others, has occurred at the colliery of Messrs. Johnson, Livesey. and* Oo., Bradford, near Manchester. There were shortly be- fore ten n clock six men at work in the mine, one of whom in a party of four working at some distance from th^ir fellows fired a shot, which .it is Jbelievied was the immediate cause of the .idtosfe^. Imme- diately after* the shot" "was *firecl' ^&' rushing noise was heard, which led the men to suspect that gas had ignited, but they speedily found that it arose from an influx of water. Upon seeing this the men ran towards the pit shaft, which offered thqm the only means of escape, and took refuge in some scaffolding. The water rose rapidly. At that time the fireman, without knowing what had happened, began to descend for the purpose of making his usual inspection preparatory to the commencement of the night shift. He heard- shouting from the men below, and, upon learning from them that the. pit, was flooded, and that their lives were in peril, he lost no time in-rescuing them. He found themcliogibg to the scaffolding, with the water up to their necks. All four were taken safely to the bank. The other two men in the pit, however, were lost. The water continued to rise in the shaft, and any attempt to rescue them-at that time was 'impossible. Their names are—Stephen Amos, who leaves a widow and five children, and Joseph Hall, aged 18, single. Pumping was commenced, and has been continued unremittingly ever since. It is said that the water came from the shaft of an adjacent mine, now dis- used. CLEOPATRA'S NEEDLE, RAISED TIIIRTY: THREE HUN- DRED years ago by Thothmes at Heliopolis, is about to be erected in London. Every one pugbt to endea- vour to deserve a monument more enduring by doing his best to banish disease-that great barrier to all progress. Read a large illustrated sheet given with each bottle of Eno's i ruit Salt, prepared from sound ripe fruit. Its use is imperatively necessary to the enjoyment of perfect health, and the prolongation of life (you cannot overstate its value); and some' day it will be acknowledged by the whole world to be the greatest blessing bestowed upon man for the preven- tion of all disastrous diseases. Sold by all chemists. GALLANTRY OF THE LATE KING OF ITALY. -The late King of Italy was celebrated for his gal- lantry in both senses of the word. On one occasion a colonel of infantry, who imagined that his Majesty had been paying too much attention to his pretty wife, applied for an audience of the King, and requested leave to retire from the army. When pressed for his reasons, he made no secret of them. The King then said, I must not deprive the army of so good a soldier. I am willing to give you every satisfaction." Then, tvking two pistols from a case, be continued, The room is large enough for us to settle our dif- ferences like soldiers. Let us measure out ten paces." The colonel declined to fight, and elected to remain in the army, wherq he was shortly promoted to the rank of major-general. BERLIN WOOLS and GERMAN NEEDLEWORK.— The above are imported direct by M. LEADER, 9, NEW INK-YARD, SHOREDITCH, LONDON, B.C., from whorr price lists are sent, on application, of every descrip tion of fancy wools, canvas, filoselle. &c. THE DISTRESS IN SHEFFIELD.—The gentle- men who have been carrying out a tentative ar- rangement for the relief of sufferers by the distress in Sheffield met the mayor, Aldermaij Mappin, on Tuesday morning, to report the result of their labours. They stated that the distress was much deeper nnri more widely spread than was generally supposed, and that to properly grapple with it some- thing more extensive than private enterprise was needed. It was decided to form a committee in each parish, with the vicars as chairmen, assisted by the ministers of the various denominations and all deserving cases are to be relieved. Among families tickets for groceries and meat will be distributPd and an arrangement is being made by which dinners' will be given three days a week in halls in central places to poor children. The mayor has issued an appf al to the public for contributions, and on Saturday two sheets placed in prominent parts of the town realised j685 18s. 2fd. The mayor's fund in addition has already realised over S370. WBI»HT*B COAL TAB SOAP (Sapo Carbonw Det&rqtns), Antiseptic, Determent ^Disinfectant. The most healthful, agreeable, and refreshing Toilet Soap in the world. By its daily use, freedom from infectious diseases is secured the complexion improved; pimples, blotches and roughn et removed; and the akin made clear, smooth, and lustrous In our hands it has proved most effective in skin diseases. —The Lancet u Itis thoonly true antiseptic soap/' British Siedvcal Journal. In Tablets,6d. aodia. each of all Chemists. W, V. WEIGHT and Co.. Southwnrk-strect. London, ROUGH JUSTICE IN THE SOUTH SEAS. The gunboat Sandfly, which recently returned to Sydney after a cruise in the South Seas, brought particulars of an attack by natives of St. Christoval on the crew of the Marion Benny, a Fiji labour vessel. The depositions of the Government agent of the schooner on board the Sandfly are to the effect that the mate landed on the 21st of October with a boat's crew at Maroo Bay, St. Christoval, and procured some cocoa- nuts also that the agent sent some native immigrants ashore on that day and the next to bathe. Hearing screams in the bush on the after- noon of the 22nd he ran in the direction of the sounds, and met the mate running to the beach with a spear through bis back, pursued by natives. Two re- cruits were also badly wounded, but the whole party managed to reach the boats. The mate was also riddled with arrows, and was dying in great agony when the Sandfly sailed. The conclusion arrived at as the result of the inquiry was that the attack was provoked by the immigrants taking cocoanuts with- out previous payment. In reference to another South Sea affair, a letter from the Rev. Thomas Neilson, resident Presbyterian missionary at Tanna gives a further account of the execution of a Tanna youth for complicity in the murder of a man named Easterbrock at Sulphur Island. Easterbrock was shot, apparently, by a native named Tubmango for interference with his wife. Lieutenant Oaffen, of her Majesty's ship Beagle seized and held a number of natives as hostages pending the capture of the murderer. Eight natives were killed in trying to capture Tubmango, but he esjaped His younger brother, who took part in the outrage was seized, and after a full inquiry was hanged at the yardarm of the Beagle. At the suggestion of Mr. Neilson, Lieutenant Oaffen desisted from further attempts to take the murderer, considering the pro- bability of the natives pucishing the culprit them- selves. WHELPTOFS VEGETABLE PtTRrmsa PILLS VY during the last 40 years have proved their value in Diseases of the Head, Chest, Liver, Kidneys, and Digestive Organs. They are a direct Purifier of the Blood, and in all Skin Complaints one of the best Medicines known. Sold by G. WHELpTON & SON, 3, Orane court, Fleet-street, and may be had of Chemists and Medicine Vendors. Sent free to any part of the kingdom on receipt of 8. 14 c: 33 stamp j





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